
The Eternal Conquest: Shadows Of The Self

In the secluded village of Talia, at the edge of the mysterious Ash Crown Forest, Rynathar—or Ryn—was born under extraordinary circumstances. Saved by an ancient magic from the forest's core, Ryn's life is forever intertwined with its secrets. Designated as the Guardian of the Realm, he inherits a legacy of power and responsibility far beyond his years. Ryn's early life is marked by rigorous training under his father's guidance, preparing him for the challenges ahead. However, an enigmatic fragment of data from higher realms corrupts his guiding Entity, turning it into a relentless adversary within his own mind. As Ryn battles this internal foe, he must also navigate the trials of growing up, from mastering swordsmanship to leading an elite army unit by the age of 18. When forces from his own bloodline betray his family, Ryn's quest for justice pushes him to the brink. His journey takes him across war-torn lands and into the depths of the demon realm, where his power and resolve are tested like never before. As the balance of realms hangs in the balance, Ryn must confront the darkness within and around him, forging his destiny as the true Guardian of the Ash Crown.

SamMG · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Beyond Limits

As Ryn and the shadow entity charged at each other, a palpable tension filled the air. The mind realm seemed to hold its breath, aware of the imminent clash that would determine the course of their ongoing struggle.

Ryn's eyes locked onto the dark figure mirroring his own form, studying every detail of its appearance. 

The shadow entity's physicality was an unsettling sight, a perfect replica of Ryn himself, but devoid of light and life. 

Its pitch-black silhouette seemed to absorb the surrounding essence, emanating an aura of malevolence.

With a flicker of movement, the shadow entity closed the gap swiftly, launching the battle into motion. 

Ryn's reflexes kicked in, his body moving with practiced agility. He swiftly evaded the entity's initial strike, sidestepping the shadowy fist that whizzed past him, barely missing its mark.

In response, Ryn retaliated with a powerful combination of punches and kicks, each blow infused with his remaining energy. 

His movements were a testament to his relentless determination, each strike delivered with precision and intent. 

The impact reverberated through the mind realm, shattering the eerie stillness that had pervaded the space.

The shadow entity, however, proved to be an adversary of formidable skill. It skillfully dodged and parried Ryn's attacks, countering with its own relentless assault. 

Its movements were fluid and uncanny, showcasing an otherworldly grace. Shadows twisted and contorted around its form, lending an ethereal quality to its motions.

With each exchange, Ryn could feel his strength waning, his muscles protesting against the strain. Yet, his resolve remained unyielding. 

He summoned the depths of his inner fortitude, drawing upon a reserve of determination that he hadn't known existed. 

It fueled him, pushing him to push beyond the limits of his body and mind.

As the battle raged on, the mind realm transformed into a realm of swirling chaos. 

The clash of light and darkness created a mesmerizing dance, casting eerie shadows upon the ethereal landscape. 

Ryn's breath grew labored, his body aching, but he refused to succumb to the fatigue that threatened to engulf him.

In a moment of fleeting vulnerability, the shadow entity exploited an opening, landing a solid blow against Ryn's side. 

Pain coursed through his body, but it only intensified his resolve. He channeled the pain into a fury of renewed determination, refusing to let it be his downfall.

With a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins, Ryn committed himself to one final onslaught. 

He gathered every ounce of his remaining strength, unleashing a barrage of strikes upon the shadow entity. 

Blow after blow landed with devastating impact, causing cracks to spider web across its dark exterior. 

Victory was within reach, all Ryn needed was one last hit to shatter the entity for good.

Swiftly sidestepping the entity's feeble counter jab, Ryn seized the opportunity.

He put his entire being into that last strike, aiming to deliver a devastating blow to its vulnerable side. 

The hit's force reverberated with a resounding bang, forcefully causing both Ryn and the entity to separate. 

Ryn's body tumbled ten steps away, rolling on the ground before finally coming to a halt with his hands and one knee on the ground. 

The entity, on the other hand, swirled through the air before gracefully landing on its feet, though its left side faltered and brought it to one knee. 

It slid across the ground, leaving marks but not as pronounced as Ryn's.

Despite his exhaustion, Ryn mustered the strength to assess the aftermath of his final, desperate effort. 

Struggling to remain on his knee, he observed the entity's attempts to stand. 

Disheartened, he thought that perhaps his strike hadn't been enough. However, his disappointment was short-lived as the sound of glass cracks widening reached his ears. 

A small smile graced his lips as he witnessed the cracks connecting and spreading across the entity's body, on the verge of shattering. 

This sight infused Ryn with a glimmer of hope and a sense of relief, signaling that the battle was nearing its end. He no longer cared if the entity would return; he simply yearned for victory at the moment.

Yet, on this day of strange occurrences, another twist unfolded before Ryn's eyes. 

The cracks that had covered the entity's body, the cracks he had hoped would shatter it like fragile glass, abruptly halted just before connecting on its forehead.

Helpless, Ryn could only smile as he met the entity's gaze. Then, in a bewildering turn, the entity's arms morphed and transformed into dagger-like small swords. 

Ryn's surprise grew as he watched the entity sprint toward him, blades glinting ominously. 

In all their previous encounters, the entity had never wielded any physical weapons. 

Ryn attempted to defend himself, but his body refused to respond. "I suppose my eyes and mouth are the only things still functioning," he mused.

The shadow entity closed in on him, and time seemed to slow down. Ryn's gaze fixated on the gleaming blades that threatened to claim his life. 

And in that moment, he noticed something peculiar; the entity left trails of itself, remnants of its almost shattered body, as it traversed the path toward him. 

As the blades came perilously close to his neck, Ryn's final vision was that of the entity's fragmented form and the unsettling smile etched upon its face. 

Darkness enveloped him, consuming his senses.

Ryn's eyes fluttered open, and he quickly scanned his surroundings, ensuring he was alone beneath the sheltering tree. 

"Ah!" His hands shot to his neck, instinctively checking if it was still intact. 

Relief washed over him as he confirmed its presence. Only then did the weight of his defeat truly sink in. "I lost!" The realization hit him with a jolt. It was unlike anything he had experienced before. "I never imagined I would have to face such trials." 

Ryn pondered the countless encounters he had with the relentless shadow entity, each battle taking its toll on his body and spirit. 

The memory of his head being severed and being expelled from the mind realm replayed in his mind. 

As if in response to his thoughts, a sharp pain sliced through his neck, followed by an overwhelming wave of fatigue and the aftermath of the fight. 

The techniques employed by the entity and the instinctive moves Ryn had used to evade its attacks, the strikes he endured, and the exhaustion he had pushed through, solely fueled by his sheer willpower, all of it surged through every fiber and muscle of his being.

"AAH... GHH!" Ryn couldn't help but scream as the pain flooded his body, bursting forth like an unleashed dam. 

He clenched his teeth and covered his mouth, determined not to wake Elly or raise any alarm among the neighbors. 

Especially Retta, since he wasn't sure if she was at home or away. 

Realizing the pain was intensifying, he grabbed a nearby twig and bit down on it, writhing on the ground with every ounce of strength, desperately trying to endure silently. The ordeal felt like an eternity to Ryn, the torment pushing him to his limits.

After what seemed like an eternity, the pain gradually receded, having reached the threshold of his consciousness. 

Every muscle, organ, and fiber had felt as if they were subjected to a torturous process, like being stabbed by scorching hot needles, then stretched, then pierced by icy ones, before being compressed. 

Ryn teetered on the brink of losing consciousness, but suddenly, the pain gave way, granting him a brief respite to catch his breath, although the ache still lingered. 

Then, as if a rope had been coiled around his neck, slowly tightening its grip, the memory of his beheading in the mind realm flashed before him. 


Ryn groaned, biting down harder on the twig, determined to endure the agony. 

If the pain of losing his head in the mind realm had been swift and devoid of sensation, this was entirely different, an unbearable torment that pushed him to his limits. 

His eyes rolled back, and he succumbed to unconsciousness, momentarily escaping the relentless pain.

Ryn's consciousness seamlessly transitioned into the mind realm, a realm suspended between reality and dreams. 

The searing pain that had tormented him moments ago dissipated, leaving behind a lingering recollection of the torment. 

"Here again," Ryn muttered, his weary eyes scanning the ethereal landscape in search of the enigmatic presence that always materialized punctually.

As time stretched on without any sign of the shadow entity, mental exhaustion began to catch up with Ryn.

"Ah, I wish I was back in my room," he sighed, yearning for the comfort of his own bed. 

As if granting his unspoken wish, an exact replica of his bed materialized before him. Without a moment's hesitation, Ryn collapsed onto the familiar mattress, seeking solace in the embrace of rest.

Suddenly, a sound emanated from the right side of the bed, piquing Ryn's curiosity. 

Tilting his head in that direction without stirring from his prone position, he discovered a majestic, oversized mirror standing near his bedside, a mirror that hadn't been there before. 

Intrigued, Ryn sat up, his gaze fixed upon the reflection staring back at him from within the mirror. It was the upper body of the shadow entity, its presence palpable despite being confined to the looking glass.

"Are you here to claim my body?" Ryn inquired, his voice tinged with a mix of resignation and intrigue.

"Yes, I am"

"Okay" Ryn sighed, "but before that, I have a question," and continued, sensing a rare opportunity for dialogue. "What is happening to my physical body outside?"