
The Erotic Trials of a Royal Slave

Good Princess Annabell is in line for the throne, and others want her hand in marriage. Actually, not just her hand... A WiP - Your ideas and suggestions welcome!

Neil_H · LGBT+
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6 Chs

Notice, Foreword and Prologue.


Firstly: This is a Work in Progress (WiP). I've written parts of it, but there's no guarantee I will finish it. That said, feedback (constructive please), suggestions and ideas for what you would like to see in the story always encourage me to write more, so, if you like, please let me know! 

Secondly: It is an erotic story. Which means there will naughty words, naught deeds and, well, naughty stuff. You get it. I'm not sure *how* naughty it will get, but quite naughty is my guess. No, there won't be any underage stuff, cos that's frowned upon, but pretty much anything else is possible.

If you would like to read naughty, and merely kinky, try my: "The Erotic Misadventures of Black Alice - Space Pirate Queen" - on here and my website. If you want something more extreme, then you can read my: "The Erotic Misadventures of an Alien's Slave" also on here and my website. (NeilHartleyBooks.com) 

So, enough from me, let's hand over to the main character for a word, shall we?

Character's Foreword.

 What is Good? What is Evil? 

People will answer in various ways, but, like other things, good and evil are subjective. One man's meat and all that...

How about cannibalism? Evil, right? What about if four people can only survive if one is sacrificed? And if that one is willing to do that, because they are 'good'? 

Anyway, I'm not going to get into a debate. I'm here to tell you my story, which is a story of, in a way, Good and Evil. 

It's also a love story of course, because I'm a romantic at heart.

On the other hand, it's also a hot sex story, because I'm also a horny bitch.

So, let's get on with it...


 She stood there, dressed in black leather armour that must have been designed by some lecherous pervert on drugs.

I have to admit, it did look good.

More than good.


Smoking hot.

"Oh my," I said, breathing a little harder. "Who the dickens are you?"

"My name is Ryan. I've been sent to End you." She pulled out a wicked looking dagger from somewhere.

"Are you going to overwhelm me with how hot you are?"

"No, I'm going to... Wait. What?"

"I mean, the leather armour alone. Oh my word." I could actually feel my pussy getting wet. Juices were dribbling down my thigh.

"You're supposed to be some kind of Good princess!"

"Kiss me before you kill me, please," I panted. My knees were going weak. I waved at my face, trying to fan myself.

"Stop it! This is some kind of trick, right?"

"Oh by the Heavens!" I said, and slipped my hand between my legs.

"You aren't just... You..." Ryan's eyes widened as I started playing with myself.

"Are you going to keep gawking, or join in?" I gasped.

"Well..." She hesitated and then sheathed her knife. "You are hot. But if this is some kind of trick..."

"Get your bot bod over here!" I wailed.

After only a moment more hesitation, she complied. I took my hand out of my snatch and pulled her in close to me. She was taller than I was, and I had to both pull her head down and stand on my tiptoes to kiss her, but I did, once she stopped resisting. She tasted of lust and evil, which is a little like blueberry mixed with cheese, in my opinion.

"You're quite the horny one aren't you?" she asked, as we both came up for air.

"You're so hot," I simply replied.

She slid her hand down, and I felt a finger push up inside me, and moaned.

"Oh my shit, you're as wet as fuck," she said, adding another digit, which made my knees give way. Ryan held me as I collapsed to the floor, following me down, kissing me passionately whilst playing with my area, sending waves of ecstasy through my body.

"Oooohhh!" I moaned, as she worked her other hand inside my clothing, squeezing a breast. 

It was too much. I came. I came in a shuddering, massive, screaming orgasm, which lasted a good minute.

Finally, it passed, and my body slumped back, still shivering. 

"Wow, you really go for it don't you?" my new acquaintance said, licking her fingers. 

Her eyes were an amazing lilac colour, I noticed. "I like your eyes, they're pretty."

"Thank you." She smiled, and then frowned, and stood up. I suddenly felt very much alone. "Anyway, as fun as that was, I still have a job to do." She pulled her knife out again.

"Oh dear," I sighed.

"Aren't you going to stand up at least?" she asked.

"For why?" I replied. "I'll only fall down again when you stab me to death."

"Yes, that is what usually happens." She stood there and looked down at me.

"So? I'd rather not bother," I shrugged, remaining where I was. "At least I went out satisfied."

"Thank you, I think. Very well then, I really don't want to do this." She knelt down by me, and moved her knife towards my throat. "I'll try and make it so it doesn't hurt much, for long anyway."

"Appreciate it." I smiled up at her. She really was very pretty. "Could you hold my hand? I don't want to feel all alone."

She frowned. "This isn't how it's supposed to go you know."

"Still, no harm, eh? You surely only need one hand for the gruesome neck slicing, yes?"

"I... well, when you put it like that, maybe. It's just unconventional."

In way of reply, I held my hand up.

"Fine." She sighed, and adjusted her grip on the knife as she took my palm in hers. 

It felt lovely and soft, and a feeling of contentment flooded me. This might have seemed very cavalier of me, but I knew what I was doing.

Ryan looked at me with those amazing eyes. "Very well then. So, this is it. It's been nice knowing you. Sorry it couldn't have been for longer." 

She brought her knife up to my neck. I felt the cold metal of the blade touch against my skin, and closed my eyes.

"Wait!" I said, suddenly.

"What now?"

"I think I can hear something."

"You're just trying to..." She paused. "Oh, yes. What is that?"

"It's probably some thugs trying to capture me."

"Really? You must have a lot enemies," she muttered. The cool kiss of metal moved away from my neck, and I opened my eyes again.

"Oh shit," she said.