
The Erotic Misadventures of an Alien's Slave!

I was the ruler of galaxies, and now some alien race had transformed me into a poor, helpless slave. This is a kinky, no holds barred, love story!

Neil_H · Ciencia y ficción
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41 Chs

Dull as Fuck.

And so began probably the worst period up to that point as my time as a prisoner. You wouldn't think it so would you? I mean, okay, yes, they'd chopped my arms and legs off sure, but hey, I knew they'd be grown back at some point. In the meantime I wasn't getting dragged out of my cell and fucked and beaten and abused halfway to Sunday every day.

But the thing is, I could handle that. As I've alluded to already, it's not that I haven't done my fair share of raping and pillaging over the centuries, sometimes on a grand scale. I remember the invasion of the Ynder system, one of my earlier conquests, way back in my first galactic campaign. The Ynder race was visually similar to my own, except they were almost all slim and attractive to the max. Well, they put up a real fight let me tell you, millions of my own forces were killed or destroyed before I finally reached their homeworld and put their ruling family down. Well, I went on a bender, let me tell you. Whole cities were brutally tortured, just for my entertainment.

Yes, I hear you now: "You monster!" Maybe so, but a guy has to have his hobbies right? Plus I needed to unwind, and let's be fair here, I didn't keep all the fun to myself. I allowed my troops to have their turn as well. The morale of your army is important, remember that in your next campaign.

Anyway, I'm getting off topic, reminiscing about the good times will do that.

The point is, laying there with tubes stuck in me was boring. Being the despotic ruler of billions of worlds keeps one busy you know? Always something to do. It was one reason I'd stayed alive for so long. Do you know what the leading cause of death for anyone over about a thousand is? Boredom. People do everything and they sit back and go, 'fuck this', and blow their brains out, or fly into a sun or something.

So I'd kept busy. Even in this fucking place things had been happening to me on a regular basis. Now all I could do was lay there and scheme.

Of course I tried conjuring my powers, but nothing. All I could do was seethe and look at the image on the holoscreen as my belly began to grow.

Oh, didn't I say? The reason I was here was because I was pregnant. It was probably why my sex aura had stopped.

I guessed Gol was the father, being another Elf and all that. Probably happened the day when I found my power. That was some intense shit all round.

So I was in some kind of pregnancy chamber. Out of the corner of my eye I could just about see another girl. She was facing away from me, which meant I had a good view of her ass, complete with the tubes shoved up it that sucked the shit out of her. Her belly was pretty swollen, and her tits were massive. Every now and then the tubes attached to her nips would activate and pump milk out of them.

The boredom was only slightly broken by the drugs that were obviously mixed in the mush that was delivered to me thrice a day via the feeding tube jammed down my throat. Yeah, fine dining it wasn't.

Anyway, for an hour or so after each delivery I went a bit woozy in the head. I also noticed that my little tits seemed to be growing very quickly, which I assumed must have been brought on my some kind of hormones in the food too. I doubt they would get so big so quickly naturally.

Anyway, the upshot of all this was that I was bored as fuck.

Oddly enough, the only bright spots in this time came about because of Horny. He actually kept his promise and sneaked in a few times to give me a quick fuck. He thought he was causing me distress, stupid bastard, whilst r#ping me and giving me what he assumed was verbal abuse. It was actually nice just have a some kind of contact. Plus the drugs in my system seemed to enhance the experience. I actually came a couple of times.

So time went by slowly. Apparently the gestation time of an Elf was six months, maybe sped up by the drugs, because my belly grew fast, as did my tits. It wasn't long before the tubes attached to my nipples began collecting milk several times a day.

I was like a fucking legless bovine, being milked.

My belly grew alarmingly large, and the baby, or possibly babies, started kicking. I was fed more often now, and began to spend most of my time in a partial state of delirium, so that was going for me at least.

At some point some guards came in and took the other girl away, presumably to give birth, which left me totally alone, not that she'd been a scintillation companion or anything.

Until the day came when the door finally opened and footsteps approached.

A guard walked around to my front and pulled out my feeding tube, not gently either, which made me choke and throw up on his shoes, which earned me a smack around the head.

"Hey, wait until after," another guard said, yanking out the tubes from my rear end. My ass was stretched so wide I think I shit all over the floor, which made the first guard laugh. Glad they were having fun.

My tit-tubes were also removed and I was manhandled onto some kind of hovering stretcher, placed on my side, and floated after the guards as they made their way out of the room.

I was still high from my last feeding, but even so, I felt a euphoria that I was finally going somewhere!

They made their way to another room, where several doc-bots were waiting. I was placed on a bed, on my back this time, where I could only look on as the bots dropped down towards my belly.

With the guards watching with interest, the bot extended a robotic arm with a scalpel on the end and, with no hesitation, cut my belly open like I was a pig at market.

I screamed with shock, but it ignored me and pulled back skin and muscle. The second bot swooped in then and pulled out a tiny figure by its feet. It was a baby elf!

Wailing, the baby was deposited in an incubator of some kind, and with me helplessly watching and bleeding profusely, pulled another and another and another out of my belly.

It seemed that Elves gave birth to litters.

I was beginning to get weak from blood loss by the time the last one was pulled out.

"Is that it?" one of the guards asked.

The bot beeped in affirmative.

"Good." So saying the guard stepped forward, pulled a knife out from somewhere and proceeded, slowly and maliciously, to cut my throat.

I gargled a complaint as blood spurted from my neck. And then I died. Again.

So much for the miracle of childbirth.

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