
The Era Of Unborn Cannibal ~humans are not God~

An orphan girl lives with her parent's friends who died in a car accident living their son behind. 'Drake' and 'Janice' started living together in the countryside and fall in love with each other. Drake started working in his father's company, who was a scientist, 1 year before his death. While working on a project, he also started working on its antidote with another scientist 'Carl'. A mere tiny mistake puts Drake in a terrible upcoming future leaving Janice in Carl's hands. Fortunately, Janice falls in love with Carl but in-denial she was lost between her feelings. Scientists, in order to control the world, spread the virus in the world thats when The Era Of Born Cannibal starts.

Sally_R8 · Ciencia y ficción
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10 Chs

The Secret

The institute was located deep into the forest. It was far from countryside and it took 4 hours to reach there. Janice was almost lost until she saw

"TIS institute"

With the sign showing, It's that way 👉🏻

When Janice arrived.

[It was clear that they saw me coming. A bunch of security guards with face oxygen mask, behind them 4 scientists wearing white coat were running towards me] (Janice thinking)

The guards surrounded her, snatched her bag and grabbed her by arm.

"Excuse me, I-" -Janice

"Let her talk. Release h-"-scientist # 1

A voice interrupted the scientist.

"This has nothing to do with her, release her."

It was Drake.

"Drake, I-" -Janice

"Please release her, I beg you." -drake

[He was sweating and trembling. I

don't know what's happening but

Drake is worried about

something] (Janice thinking)

"After what have you done, what do you think I'll do. This is an opportunity I don't want to lose.

After all, we are short of experiments here." -scientist # 2

"No no no don't, take me instead." -Drake

"What are you doing?" -scientist #1

"It's ok. It's ok." -Drake

Grabbing Janice's hand.

"Everything will be ok." -Drake

"What's happening, Drake? Where are you going?" -Janice

Walking towards the scientist #1.

"Please take care of her, will you." -Drake

"You don't have to do this." -scientist #1

"Thanks." -Drake

"Well then, let's go. What are we waiting for? We have some work to do." -scientist #2

[I was asking the same thing the

whole time.

"What's happening?"] (Janice thinking)