

The great human civilization has been passed down and developed a splendid culture since the start. However, this universe was not created for humans, and human civilization is doomed to face one challenge after another, as well as crisis after crisis. Asteroid impacts, gamma-ray bursts, encounters with malicious alien civilizations, and changes in Earth's orbit caused by other stars' gravitational disturbances... There are numerous challenges that may be encountered, and... as long as humans exist, these things will undoubtedly be encountered. On an ordinary day, without any warning, people noticed that the sun had dimmed... Human civilization is about to face its first major challenge since the dawn of civilization.

KingofMortals · Ciencia y ficción
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196 Chs

Secret project

At around seven in the morning, Alex came to the Institute of Stellar Physics, which he was very familiar with. Alex once spent three years here. There are many people and things that Alex is familiar with, but at this moment, it all seems a little unfamiliar.

Almost all my colleagues are here. As the main institution for the study of stellar physics, everyone in this institute bears a heavy responsibility. Obviously, they have been working from yesterday to today.

The atmosphere in the research institute was a bit heavy and depressing. Alex greeted a few people hastily, and took Virat to another building.

This building looks very tall, but it is hollow inside. There is a huge machine installed inside, which Alex has personally used.

That is a set of equipment that Director Brad applied for construction about two years ago. Its main function is to simulate the physical operation mechanism inside the sun. Since it was built, there have been many breakthroughs in research topics.

But one of the instruments in the set is special. No one has used it except Brad, and no data has been obtained from it. At the beginning of the institute, it was rumored that Brad was working on a big project. For the sake of confidentiality, other people were prohibited from contacting here. I don't know if this is true.

But now Alex intends to verify this problem. Alex wanted to know what Brad had been busy with in the past period of time. Perhaps this matter has something to do with the obscure words left by Alex.

There are still many people going in and out, and everyone seems very busy. Alex knows that a lot of data is being generated at the moment, and then entangled in the minds of these researchers, analysis, they are doing their best to try to find any clues from these data.

If there is no relic of Brad, Alex is probably busy here at the moment, trying to find out what happened above the sun.

With a little emotion in his heart, Alex came to Brad's office. As expected by Alex, several personnel from the Lian Security Department stopped Alex and told Alex that the place had been blocked and was temporarily not allowed to enter.

Virat took out what seemed to be a certificate and handed it to the few people to look at it. They looked at each other, and each silently stepped aside.

Alex walked into this office only to find that it is better to say that it is an operating room rather than an office. There is a computer in the middle of the room, and a huge screen is mounted on the wall above the computer. The picture on the screen is a larger hall. There are many instruments installed around the hall, and many cables are crisscrossed in the hall. In the center of the hall is a machine that Alex cannot name.

In the center of the machine is a thick pillar, on which a circular machine is installed like a tire. This column just passed through the center of the tire-shaped ring machine.

There are some researchers who Alex does not know are busy here and in the hall on the screen. After those people were busy for a while and reported something to here, everyone evacuated the hall. Then there were some strange air fluctuations in the hall, which could even be seen with the naked eye. Alex knew that the air extractor was working, and those fluctuations were caused by the disturbance of the light caused by the rapid flow of air.

"What are they doing by vacuuming this hall?" Alex had a little doubt in his heart. But Alex did not ask any questions, but still stood quietly watching. Virat stood beside Alex and said nothing. No one else in the room paid attention to them, as if the two did not exist.

The air extractor stopped working for a while. After another researcher confirmed the air content reading in the hall, he tapped something on the computer in the room, and Alex saw that on the screen, the ring on top of the pillar began to appear. turn. It turned faster and faster, to the point where it was even too fast to be seen clearly by the naked eye.

"I'm afraid this speed is faster than the helicopter's propeller speed?" Alex asked.

Virat said indifferently: "The speed of the helicopter's propeller is generally about 600 revolutions per minute. Now the speed of this machine is at least 1,000 revolutions per second."

"One thousand revolutions per second!" Alex was a little shocked. Even if he doesn't know much about material science, Alex also knows what a huge centrifugal force the ring-shaped structure has to bear at such a high speed. And how tough does it need to be for a material that can withstand such a huge centrifugal force and still remain intact?

"What exactly is Director Brad using this machine to study?" Another question popped up in Alex's mind.

As the huge ring began to rotate rapidly, changes also appeared on the huge screen in the operating room. A new picture appeared on the screen, Alex just glanced at it, and his heart was shocked.