

The great human civilization has been passed down and developed a splendid culture since the start. However, this universe was not created for humans, and human civilization is doomed to face one challenge after another, as well as crisis after crisis. Asteroid impacts, gamma-ray bursts, encounters with malicious alien civilizations, and changes in Earth's orbit caused by other stars' gravitational disturbances... There are numerous challenges that may be encountered, and... as long as humans exist, these things will undoubtedly be encountered. On an ordinary day, without any warning, people noticed that the sun had dimmed... Human civilization is about to face its first major challenge since the dawn of civilization.

KingofMortals · Ciencia y ficción
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Three days after the sun returned to its normal temperature and speed of light, a solar storm so large that it was almost indescribable reached Earth. The aurora appears again at the Earth's South and North Pole, obscuring nearly the entire sky.


Because a strong solar storm was long expected to strike, human beings on Earth have long been prepared to meet the solar storm. Above the earth, all electronic instruments that can be shut down are shut down, the power grid network is placed in safe mode, satellites are temporarily shut down and go to sleep, and almost all household appliances, computers, mobile phones and other equipment are also shut down.


More than a dozen astronauts working in the Skylab have returned to Earth, and the Skylab has also adopted a safe mode, shutting down most of the instruments, leaving only the most heavily protected core instruments still running at the lowest power run.
