As I lay there surprised by what just happened whisps of light begin emanating from their bodies and into mine and I started seeing fragments of their life.
Apparently these two are seaman currently serving under a Kovir iron merchant sailing towards Skellige to sell his wears. They had previously set sail to Novigrad and would've been heading to their next destination in Ard Skellig.
If not for the fact that about two hours ago a massive storm appeared out of nowhere and sunk their ship. Most of the crew died but these two miraculously survived as they were the best swimmers of the group.
They had fortunately been near Faroe Isle... the island were I currently stand.
They realized that if they were to head back home they would need coin which they didn't have and luckily or more like unluckily they stumbled on my sleeping figure.
One had the sudden "brilliant" realization to act like a common pirate. He then decided it was a good idea to kill and rob the "savage nordling" mysteriously sleeping in the middle of the woods and proceeded to stab me in my sleep.
Then as you know were promptly disposed off upon my sudden awakening.
As the shock of my current situation begins to wear off I finally have enough peace of mind and breathing room to take in my current predicament.
Now, even if I were to be truly daft in the head I would've already noticed where exactly I was and what has happened to me. The memories currently swirling around in my head wether it be mine, those of this body I currently inhabit or of the two idiots dead before me tell me all I'd need to know.
"I've been transmigrated in the body of my last skyrim RP character into the witcher universe," I say to myself. "I hope it's at least the game version not the books or god forbid the netflix adaptation. I don't know much of how the plot of the books go, even less so that shitty live action remake." I finish while releasing a sigh.
Though at the end of the day the current situation doesn't bother me that much.
I have almost zero attachments to my previous life. My life revolved around my job, working out and gaming when I had spare time. I'm also shockingly(...not) one of the many across the world who don't really have a close relationship with their immediate family due to the common tragedy of having shit parents.
If you couldn't tell by now due to my blase attitude in regards to my current situation you won't find me shedding tears over not seeing them again. All that to say that I don't really have anyone that I will particularly miss going forward. If anything, like many others I've dreamt of a situation like this my entire life.
'Anyways, if I remember correctly I should be able to reach harviken if I head westward of where I'm at currently. Although I have plenty of experience trekking through forests, mountainous trails and the like I don't have a map or compass at the moment and I could realistically be heading anywhere,' I thought to myself. "I guess I'm going to have to resort to casting clairvoyance if I don't want to get lost for a couple of hours."
I begin to gather magicka in a rehearsed manner that shows an experienced ease of having casted the spell an infinite number of times before. Almost instantly the casting is completed without the need of chanting or even a focus.
As the spell activates I start to see many things. The path towards my current destination being the least important one of them. I begin to see fragments of the past, present and future of The continent.
I see things I might or might not do and the ever changing ripples these actions of mine could theoretically cause. It seems that this spell that would've otherwise been useless gameplay wise has way more depth and worth to it outside of the confines of my gaming console.
"Interesting." I whisper as I slowly begin to walk towards my destination lost in thought.
I eventually reach the town of Harviken.
Unsurprisingly I wasn't really impeded by any manner of ghoul or specter I encountered on the road.
In the mean time I was able to discover many fascinating details about my current circumstances.
Not that it really matters but all of the items that were previously in my inventory now reside within a pocket dimension that I can access at will.(A/N: He gets to keep his ever growing collection of sweet rolls.)
Most important of all I've found out that the body I currently reside in is nothing but an avatar connected to my main body. Which is currently in/also my own independent plane of oblivion that's seemingly at the moment anchored to the witcher universe.
This body I'm currently inhabiting is extremely helpful as it seems like this realm refuses to welcome my very existence.
If I really wanted to I could easily cross over completely but I have a feeling that this realm would crumble under the full weight of an extremely powerful daedric lord who on top of that has reached the state of Amaranth.
So pulling any extreme godly shenanigans will have to take a light touch and even more moderate amounts of consideration. Still, I'm able to use and exert the strength of a werewolf/vampire lord hybrid who is also a fucking dragonborn and that's definitely enough to sweep the floor with any being that crosses my path here.
Inside my plane of oblivion at the very center of it I see a castle eerily similar to a lovechild between the Lothric and Drangleic castles from DS with details seemingly directly taken from each of their respective franchises.
Inside I can see what seems to be a retinue of at least a hundred female vampires on the level of a Nightlord.
All otherworldly beautiful like an apex predator that feasts upon the blood of mortals luring them in the night should be. They are all scantily dressed in revealing attire similar to a more liberal version of the outfit worn by the vampire brides from a certain anime. I recognize it from a particular lewd mod I had installed. They're going about their day peacefully tending to the castle at neck breaking speeds.
It all seemed pointlessly hedonistic and extravagant yet catered to all of a man's deepest and darkest desires.
As for the land itself, It seemed as if the perpetual visage of a beautiful starry night graced the skies.
Black blades of grass gently swaying on a serene breeze. Three moons peacefully floating like pearls in the sky all of differing sizes and an aurora borealis giving of waves of energy accompanying them undisturbed.
I also noticed that the fauna and flora seems identical to those commonly spread throughout the lands of skyrim alongside some unique examples and variations.
A world wholly and truly untouched by the filth addled hands of man.
But all of that is something to deal with another day.
My current aim is to catch my bearings and to decide my future course of action. I already pretty much know the where and even the when I am in relation to the witcher universe. I was able to figure out the current timeline of where I'm at thanks to my liberal use of clairvoyance. I'm currently in the game universe a year before the start of the third installment of the game series.
All I have planned at the moment is to head towards Novigrad after getting a proper rest. As for what to do after that I merely think to go with the flow for the most part. Nothing in this world really seems to pose a threat to me even while taking Gaunter O'Dimm into consideration. Hell, I would probably have a hard time naming even handful of universes that would be dangerous for me to be in. So I will probably stay here for as long as I'm able to find amusement in it.
That being said I want to take it slow for the most part. I'm new to the whole godly business ordeal and it wouldn't do me much good to throw all caution to the wind and get humbled or worse slayed due to some foolish display of divine level arrogance just because I felt I'm a bigger fish than this little pond can handle.
Like it or not, mortals, no matter what world you're in will always be ingenious little bastards and they're not the only beings I would be dealing with in a world like this. As a true and tested fantasy nerd I've read plenty of stories where people face beings they had no business fighting in the first place and yet somehow still come out on top.
(A/N: *cough* Jojo's *cough*)
For now though my only consern is to find a place to rest. I doubt the local inn at Harviken is willing to take my septims without me having to humor a fair amount of human interaction(deception) I don't feel like doing right now.
I have the option of entering my plane of oblivion and resting in my castle but omniscience apparently stifles the need for sleep if not outright making it nearly impossible.
Unless I force myself into something more akin to a temporarily induced magical coma which seems a bit counterintuitive seeing what I'm trying to achieve. One of the things I will never compromise on is a good nights sleep, godhood or not.
Luckily I have an extremely convoluted yet amusing RPG quest like plan in mind. This is Skellige and you can achieve practically anything as long as your fist is heavier than the next man. Which brings me towards my next move.
Step(s) number one: Approach, initiate fight and beat the mark.
"Hello there! Are you by any chance Gundar?" I say while smiling after approaching a man sitting by the small towns makeshift fighting ring.
"Aye, what for?" The man shortly replies.
"I've been traveling throughout skellige trying to find worthy opponents capable enough to challenge my mettle and I've hear you're one of the finest drengrs in the Faroe isle." I say while trying to cajole him into action,"I'm even willing to make up for wasting your time by paying you, should you best me."
"How much would ye be willing to part with?" He says a small grin washing over his face as he looks me up and down and notices the fine clothes and expensive jewelry across my body.
I proceeded to untie the coin pouch at my side and lightly toss it in place so as to signify the entirety of it.
"I agree." He says while standing from the bench he's sitting on and unsheathing his sword.
By this point everyone around had noticed my entry/discussion setting their eyes on us. They then started merrily making way for us while placing bets.
We face each other and I begin to unsheathe a legendary tier steel sword I had taken out of my inventory in preparation for this. Bit of an over kill for the current situation but really I don't have any swords below that tier.
After a short stare down he makes the first move. He swings a straightforward yet predictable overhead vertical strike placing most of his weight behind it.
I calmly dodged by stepping into it and let the swing pass by me.
I could've finished it at that point as I was already fully within his immediate range but I opted to just make space between us.
Norse men really are the same regardless of what universe you find yourself in. They are always direct and to the point. Nine out of ten duels always start the exact same way. Which can make for a boring and predictable duel. After his initial move we began our official exchange of blows.
Well, while I say "exchange of blows" it was mostly me parrying or dodging all of his swings trying to tire him out.
A little while after that I start to get bored and thought of a entertaining way to wrap up this duel.
I silently cast {Call to arms} on him just in case to prevent the bones in his arm from shattering due my next blow and to make sure it all goes according to plan. I wait for the most opportune time when he is trying to attempt another over head blow and then I strike. I go from a one handed grip to a two handed one and do a precise upward strike faster than the eye can register meant to shatter his blade.
Instantly the fighting ring is bathed in shards of iron. The spectating crowd immediately begins to cheer at the display of strength and skill. I grin and raise my sword for all of the men and women around to see.
Now for step(s) number two: Challenge and defeat the iron maiden.
[A/N: Unlike the first chapter I do somewhat like how this one turned out. Feel free to share your thoughts or just vibe.]