
The epic of the idiots!

The reality... It is often portrayed as something sad and meaningless, something you can't expect anything from unless you are a ''blessed'' person either with talent or beauty. This group has seen it all, being themselves part of the excluded people (Or at least most of them are). Who would have thought they would end up that way?. Out of so many people, they, simple Fanfiction authors and translators, would end up in one. - Get back to work, you bunch of useless people with little brains! - ...great adventure Being enslaved and locked in the bodies of the characters of their stories, Kira and the group of imbeciles she has as friends will have to embark on a journey full of courage, honor... And senseless stupidity! A true epic that not even fucking Gilgamesh would want to avoid being part of! An epic... of idiots! I don't own the anime/manga/and more mentioned in this fic besides my MC and some OCs. This is a non-Harem story I always welcome those who see and warn me of typos or any other mistakes I leave out there in the chapters. Thank you very much for reading Warning, this story contains some pretty silly humor that might offend some people as many jokes are xenophobic, racist, classist or about sexual diversity.

KiraWolf · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
24 Chs

Chapter 09: The bastard died!

Berserker was too fast, Kira couldn't even dream of surpassing him in that field and if you were talking about brute strength.... Is it even worth mentioning?

He had barely managed to avoid being sent flying by a blow that almost touched him, if that's how powerful he was in a not fully conscious state, he really didn't even want to imagine what the Heracles would be like without Mad Enchant.

[He can probably beat you to a pulp with his pinky] Sakura said, Kira could somehow imagine her eating popcorn and watching everything like it was a movie.

- 'Sakura you're not helping!' -

[I was just saying...]

Kira knew she couldn't even scratch him, God Hand gave Heracles such a tough skin that only an NP from B or A rank could cause him serious damage.... Or so he remembered

- 'I only have one chance' - Looking down at his hands covered in a blackish substance Kira smiled in a hopeful manner.

Although from the sweat running down his face and the blood dripping from his mouth it definitely made him look like a half crazy or mentally ill guy

Maybe this was the side effect he was getting from his new body, he was being influenced by the personality of the original owner....


Back with Mr. Blindness and his entourage of assholes.

- Are you all set? - Carplex asked as he put on a backpack loaded with items that he thought would be useful in trapping his "prey".

- Ready, did you put the bananas for Kira? - Ryu asked as he finished arranging his outfit... which looked suspiciously like Vergil's clothing.

- Unbelievable, her edgy level is over nine thousand.... - Guren muttered, though he quickly became depressed when he saw that no one was paying attention to him - After all, he didn't even want the reference to continue -

- It's time to hunt down a gay furro... - Edu said while holding a submachine gun in one hand and his sword in the other.

Several gave him a strange look because of the Venezuelan's attempt to imitate a kind of Russian accent.

- What? I just wanted to add to the epicness - The boy didn't seem the least bit embarrassed.

The power of being based did not allow him to feel such a thing, as someone who had beaten thousands of assholes in debates, his basades is at the level of the gods.

- Epicness? Don't aspire to get so high skeleton, even if you were me - Curious said while preparing an undead chimera to use as a mount.


- AGH - With a pained groan Kira almost felt like screaming... whether it was out of pain or joy only he would know.

His hands clutched at Heracles' muscular back, who knew how many times he had already come close to snapping him in half? He stopped counting after the eleventh.

He was sure he looked pretty pathetic now, but it didn't matter much.

This was nothing compared to his main target, he could already feel it

The heat began to assail his body as if it was starting to boil inside.

Steam rose from his figure, generating a small mist around him

His skin reddened to a crimson hue, her breathing became slow and choppy

The smile on his face was gaining more and more a tinge of madness to the point that it would not be strange for him to start laughing at any moment.

Her eyes had a happy, manic gleam in them.


- 'What is he doing?!' - Illya thought as she sensed Berserker's uneasiness, she would never have believed that there could be anything that could make her servant feel some sort of panic... however slight it might be - Berserker! Get that bug off your back! -

Berserker roared and threw himself backwards to the ground making Kira test how tough the streets of Fuyuki were.

- Uangh... - With a strange sound the furry felt the same sensation as that time when an overweight guy had fallen on top of him

The Servant was annoyed to see that the boy was still clinging to his back. No. Did he even seem to be clinging even tighter?

Shaking himself off Berserker tried to throw Kira, who at this point was so attached to his body that it wouldn't be strange to think that his own flesh had fused with that of the Servant.


Repressing the scream that wanted to escape from her mouth, Kira was glad that her arms could still cling to the Servant's flesh, otherwise she would no longer be able to hold on.

His survival depended entirely on him holding on... just a little longer would be enough.

A broken arm was nothing!


Most of his clothes had been turned into nothing more than rags that did little to cover him up.

What was it that compelled him to stay attached to Berserker?

For Shiro and Rin it was quite shocking to see the boy's back covered in wounds, with stones, shards of glass and other things that had unfortunately been lying in the street, embedded in his flesh from the moment Berserker had fallen backwards.

- 'Archer why aren't you being supportive!' - Rin asked as she tried to stop the redhead from doing something crazy.


In the distance Arash was moving as he continued to fire arrow after arrow at his attacker.

A bitter smile appeared on his face as he heard the furious shout of his Master.

If he was supporting them, who would support him?

He thought as he dodged the daggers with chains that the Servant had in front of him.

She was a beautiful woman with a curvaceous and tempting body, her clothes didn't leave much to the imagination either, her hair was a beautiful violet, her eyes were hidden by a blindfold.

Arash felt as if he was slowly falling wrapped in the middle of a snake.

...It wasn't really comfortable


- So... This is Kira's Fuyuki? - Ryu said as he looked around - It's not as impressive as I thought it was -

- It's Kira, not everything is what it seems, remember that asshole always plays innocent at the beginning... but the more you get to know him the more you notice he's a degenerate with a stalker complex - Edu said while looking for the way to Fuyuki's church.

If he wasn't mistaken, Kira should already be there with Berserker.

He definitely didn't want to miss the live show of Kira getting the beating of the century.

Ryu moved a little closer to Carplex and whispered to him rather puzzled.

- Why does Edu have such a crazy smile? -

- Like that? That's his happy smile - said Carplex being a bit puzzled by the question.

- ...Right, you're crazy too," Ryu uttered, not even approaching Guren.

He had already lost hope with the Venezuelans and their bewildering distorted perception of reality.

Was this a side effect of being born and raised in the third world version of hell?

(KW: Venezuela XD)



Berserker had finally finished his job...

Kira's body had been thrown against a building and finally left on the street, her entire body seemed to have been remodeled by blows, she was covered from head to toe in her own blood.

It was puzzling how she could have a big smile on her semi-disfigured face

- Finish it! -

Listening to the order of his little Master Berserker he advanced with his giant stone axe-sword.

The sound of the sparks generated as they grazed the pavement was loud and somehow sounded rather creepy.

...Or at least Shiro and Rin thought so, with Saber seeming to be on the verge of death, there was no longer any chance to escape.


With a sickening sound the large piece of slab fell and the upper half of Kira was crushed into pulp.

Silence reigned the place for a few small moments.

Illya blinked in confusion at what her eyes caught.

Isn't it supposed that when a Servant is killed it fades away?

Why wasn't that happening now?


[Who knew, you did it! Well done Kira!] said Sakura animated mind.

[God Hand (False) C+]

[Description: Grants the user 3 lives, due to it being a fake version of Heracles' NP its rank has dropped to C+ and it has lost the feature of making its wearer immune to whatever killed it before, lives will recharge in a period of 7 days]

- 'Guh... It hurt a lot more than I thought' - Kira replied as his flesh began to remold - 'But it was worth it' -

The sight on the outside was even more disgusting than when it had been made into pulp.

The flesh was moving and coming together and falling into place.

Bones and joints strengthened as they were repaired

Hair, teeth and lost organs were regenerated and strengthened in the process.

His muscles felt lighter, his skin was rebuilt.

Before the shocked eyes of the three girls and the furious Berserker, Kira finally looked as good as new.... Or he would have been if it wasn't for the fact that his clothes hadn't regenerated with him, causing him to be wearing the rags of a pair of jeans and nothing else....

- What the hell?! - Now it was Illya's turn to scream in surprise at the return that should be impossible for the Servant, unless it was someone like Achilles or his own servant.

He could feel Berserker's immense anger boiling as his eyes focused on the now recovered boy.

[Don't push your luck, it's already a miracle you managed to get three lives] Sakura said noticing that her host might try to repeat the insanity he had done before.

- 'Tsk. That would be two, I just spent one' - Kira replied, he really wanted to jump in and try to get the missing ones but he knew it was impossible for the Berserker to let him get close enough to repeat the absorption process.

So there was no other option...

It was time to use his secret weapon!

- Look at a child molester! - he shouted as he pointed at Kirei Kotomine, who looked bewildered at being pointed at all of a sudden.

- ...And how long have you been there? - Rin asked with a raised eyebrow

- Oh Rin, I see that your talent is limited to magecraft and not thinking - Under the priest's words the girl let out an annoyed groan as she seemed to want to hit him, which amused Kirei - I'm always watching -

Illya also looked at the priest with a bit of confusion, why did she suddenly point him out?

A little annoyed, he returned his gaze to where the Servant was standing.

And to her surprise... He was gone?!

She quickly turned to where Rin and Shiro had been and the sight surprised her....

- NIGERUNDAYOOOO! - With that strange cry Saber quickly ran away while carrying Shiro and Rin like two sacks of potatoes....

The loli stared blankly at the servant as her eyebrows trembled and her expression hardened.

What the fuck just happened?

For a few moments she thought about sending Berserker after them, but in the end she opted not to.

Tonight had been too strange for his own liking, plus that strange servant had ruined his fun.

For now he would let him roam free, but later....

He would make sure he had no way of getting back, cockroaches like him had to be stepped on with great force.


Arash smiled reassuringly that his Master had finally escaped.

Now there was no reason to stay here and stop this Servant.

The Archer shot a few arrows as a distraction and quickly fled as he turned back to his astral form.



Hearing that sound, the assholes saw a huge cloud of dust pass by them.

That was... Kira!

Finally their prey was in their hands!

- We found it! - shouted Carplex and Guren as they high-fived each other.

Edu thought it was annoying to have to be following him almost blindly because he didn't know the damn place.

Ryu on the other hand was silent as he looked at the redhead Kira was carrying.

- 'Did that son of a bitch turn Shirou into a Waifu!!!' -

Definitely now the edgy one had more than enough reason to torture the furro before killing him.

Yep, just as I'm uploading this I'm writing chapter 13 Isn't it fabulous what you can do with a little free time?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

KiraWolfcreators' thoughts