
The epic of the idiots!

The reality... It is often portrayed as something sad and meaningless, something you can't expect anything from unless you are a ''blessed'' person either with talent or beauty. This group has seen it all, being themselves part of the excluded people (Or at least most of them are). Who would have thought they would end up that way?. Out of so many people, they, simple Fanfiction authors and translators, would end up in one. - Get back to work, you bunch of useless people with little brains! - ...great adventure Being enslaved and locked in the bodies of the characters of their stories, Kira and the group of imbeciles she has as friends will have to embark on a journey full of courage, honor... And senseless stupidity! A true epic that not even fucking Gilgamesh would want to avoid being part of! An epic... of idiots! I don't own the anime/manga/and more mentioned in this fic besides my MC and some OCs. This is a non-Harem story I always welcome those who see and warn me of typos or any other mistakes I leave out there in the chapters. Thank you very much for reading Warning, this story contains some pretty silly humor that might offend some people as many jokes are xenophobic, racist, classist or about sexual diversity.

KiraWolf · Cómic
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24 Chs

Chapter 06: Kill Kira, I beg of you

Pulling out the object he had obtained from the axe, Kira smiled ghoulishly as he looked at Yun Che who was still writhing on the ground in great pain.

It could be seen at a glance that the effect caused by the femboy's merciless blow would not go away soon.

- ...What the fuck do you have there Kira? - Feeling a shiver run through his body the local edgy guy glanced at the strange pistol in the hands of the hand fetishist.

- It's my baby. The amazing shape-shifting gun, gender changing included! - shouted the furry with a maniacal expression as he lifted the weapon in a manner identical to the way Link would lift the master sword.

...It even seemed to be illuminated by a mysterious light along with some nice music in the background.


Guren slowly approached Edu's side as he looked over with a lingering fear in his eyes.

- Should we take it away from him as soon as it's over? -

- Indeed, Kira must be killed - Edu said while drawing his sword.

- ...Isn't that a bit extreme? - Carplex asked while thinking that maybe it was better to just steal it and go, maybe throw it into the sea.

- Do you want to become a waifu? - I asked while raising an eyebrow

- No, definitely not - Without a hint of hesitation the blind man backed away while denying with all his might, he definitely prefers to remain a hairy-chested, silverback male.

It wasn't in his plans for Carplex junior to disappear!

- There's your answer. Kira is dangerous, once he starts turning men into waifus he will lose his mind (If he had it in the first place) and then it will go on and on until everything is waifus.... -

- What's wrong with that? - Zek asked while thinking that it wasn't so bad that there were more waifus, after all it increased his chances of getting a good girlfriend.

It even increased his chances of making his own harem!

- And who assures you that Kira won't try to turn us into waifus? -

The Venezuelan's cold answer was like a bucket of cold water dumped on the Mexican's head.

- H-He wouldn't do that, would he? - At his question everyone just gave him flat stares - ...Right? -

(KW: Carplex XD)

- Kira must be killed -


- Consider yourself waifu-ficado! - Kira shouted as a bright pink beam shot out from his gun and hit Yun Che.

With a big white flash everyone's eyes were blocked for a few short seconds.

To say that the assholes were surprised was an understatement!

Yun Che now possessed a body and charm that would put even a waifu on the level of Hasegawa Chisato to shame!

- Perfect, phase 1 is complete - Kira said as the smile on her face continued to grow to a creepy point.

- Catch! - Necro threw a bottle of pills at him and the boy without a hint of gentleness grabbed Yun Che and opened his mouth forcing the pills into it.

- W-What the hell? - Surprised by everything that had happened from the sudden disappearance of the pain in his family jewels to his gender change, Yun Che looked at Ryu and Kira in horror.

Tanya's laughter was for lack of words a terrifying melody in his ears and her words the beginning of his new torment.

- Your turn Ryu -

Without hesitating a bit Ryukides let out a small chuckle as a sword fragment appeared in his hand

This was Ryu's reward!

A Yamato fragment!

Using his Dark Energy, Kira temporarily fused the fragment with Ryu's Kansho.

The sword soon deformed and changed its appearance to one similar to Yamato.

The fusion was unstable and would last a few seconds at most, but it was more than enough for what they needed to do.

- Now! -

With the shout of his partner Ryu channeled all his energy into a single swing.


A cut was made and as if it were a torn cloth in space a hole was made big enough for two people to cross it without problems.

Instead of it you could see a semi-lit cave with lots of ugly, green, lard-eared dwarves.


Yun Che paled at that very moment, you had to know that goblins were the most cruel and disgusting types... especially in the treatment of women who fell into their clutches, it was not a joke to say that it was preferable to be eaten alive or suicide than to end up in the hands of those little demons.

Even someone as perverted as he was wouldn't want to get involved with those gangbang-loving little monsters!

But alas, just like Carplex in the group.... He had no decision here, with his power nullified and trapped in that weak female form.

There was no way he could save himself from this situation, his eyes were filled with despair and he began to struggle.

But every effort was useless

Soon Kira lifted his body in the air and threw him through the hole produced by the cut.

In his last moments the Chinese man thought

Was this his punishment for trying to live a free and unfettered life?

- AHHHHHHHHHH - With a scream so powerful that he wouldn't lose to a banshee Yun Che's body sank completely into a sea of little green men.

The furry and the edgy high-fived as they watched it all unfold until the hole began to close.

Tanya meanwhile, took advantage of everyone's distraction to steal the artifacts that had fallen in the middle of the battle.

You never knew when they might come in handy and of course it would be better to leave them in the hands of a beautiful, responsible, honest and good-natured person.... That is him of course


[Mission accomplished, congratulations A-team!]

[You have successfully defended the world!]

The mechanical voice was soon heard, they didn't know if it was an illusion but the voice seemed particularly happy about their overwhelming victory and the way they had dealt with the Chinese.

[For the moment there are no accessible missions for you since your power level is still considered inefficient for the current threats, the headquarters sent a communiqué from the big boss, informing that you will have two full weeks to go to your home worlds and improve yourselves to continue hunting targets.]

[Users are advised to rest and take advantage of this opportunity to improve their strength, as it is quite possible that it will not be repeated in the future]

[Taking into account the previous request of 003, you will be given the corpse of the target of this mission].


With a splashing sound, Yun Che's body, which was covered from head to toe with a white sticky substance, fell in front of Curious to his great discomfort.

Edu, Kira, Guren and Zek didn't measure up one bit as they burst out in gleeful glee.

The most disgusting thing was definitely the fact that some of his clothes had been splashed.

Now she should burn them and get new clothes.

- Damn it, now I'm going to have to clean it up, fucking Kira Can't you do a better job? - said Curious

- Hey but this was Ryu's idea! -

- Same thing, it's your fault bitch -


10 minutes later...

- Hand it over Kira and no one will get hurt.... - Said Edu as his sword started to take on a light blue glow - Not much at least -

- W-We can negotiate this, yes? - Kira backed up step by step as he was flanked by his companions - I thought we were friends! -

- We are but I don't want to be a waifu! - Guren said as he began to put the minigun's ammunition in place.

- They'll never stop waifu-fication! I'll make the gender-bender great again! - Kira shouted before disappearing as a barrage of attacks landed where he used to be.

- Hahahahahahahahahaha! - His maniacal laughter echoed as everyone felt the multiverse would face a new threat.

An asshole with a fetish for turning everything into waifus....


OMAKE 04: The day Ryu destroyed China part 02

Kira made use of a secret channel to contact an ally.

They knew perfectly well that their plan was unattainable and the funding was needed.

As he thought about it, a certain person appeared in his mind.... A guy as random and unhinged as them or even worse (depending on the time of day), a guy that what he didn't have in charm he had in cringe and filthy rich mind....

The man screamed... Also known as VGrexus or Edu's slave...

- What do you need Kira... - Instead of the phone there was the din of music and the screams of.... Little girls?

- Fuck, you're too much of a pedophile - Kira answered without a hint of hesitation.

- They are legal lolis! - Said Grexus without even making an effort to deny the furro's accusations.

- Whatever... Hey I've got a crazy plan you might like -


Several hours later...

The assholes were having a final meeting to discuss the plan.

It was unfortunate that Guren had dizziness and had to stay in the bathroom for a while.

But as expected, cargo planes and their turbulence are not for everyone.

- Very well this is the plan, Kira and Grexus will be in charge of spreading the bombs in the strategic places - Ryu said with a smile of intense joy seeing how he was every second closer to the Chinese plan 0 becoming a reality - We must not let anyone escape, therefore both will carry bombs on their bodies and in case the people deactivate the planted ones, they themselves will trigger the ones on their bodies -

- Won't we die if we do that? - Kira asked uneasily while swallowing saliva.

- It's a sacrifice I'm willing to accept," said Ryu while ignoring Kira.

I'll upload something while I go to have breakfast

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

KiraWolfcreators' thoughts