
The Enlightened One (Senju!SI)

Man is self inserted into the body of an orphan in Konohagakure. Come to find out he's secretly a Senju with quite the lineage. Join my Discord Server: https://discord.gg/7UqqJ6Nf9h Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Kakukami

Kakukami · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
56 Chs

Chapter 40


She didn't know life could ever feel this bland, this disconnected. A longing sigh left her soft lips as she looked up to the sky.

It had been a little over a few days since the closest people in her life had gone on their mission, and she couldn't begin to describe how much she missed them.

They had spent every single day together for years, and now they were gone. It felt like part of her was gone along with them, and she couldn't wait to hold them tight once more.

As she lay in the garden of the Hyuga Main House, she couldn't help but feel at peace. It was her mother's favorite place in the world and in time it became a place very close to Hinata's heart. Here, she felt the closest to her mother, so she tended to it in her free time.

She couldn't be with Lei, Naruko, or Satsuki, so she would be with her little sister and her mother. A small smile worked its way onto her face as she watched Hanabi humming and watering plants.

Her little sister was precious to her, her own life was insignificant when it was compared to her dear sisters. She'd ensure Hanabi was happy, even if it killed her. No matter what it took.

Hinata laid back and closed her eyes. The others would return in time, and then her heart could truly be at peace.


She heard a cracky voice call. She opened her eyes to see a bird made of wood hovering just above her.

"Lei?" She asked immediately. No one else could control wood constructs to this level, not even Tenzo.

"Hinata, we're in deep shit right now, Orochimaru's got us pinned!"

Hinata's eyes widened and her world froze. She didn't waste a single moment, dropping her seals, grabbing the bird, and blasting off toward the Hokage's mansion. She knew what it meant to be separated from her loved ones, and she would not sit by and let it be permanent.

She ran in, slapping her hands on the secretary's desk. "I need to see Lord Hokage immediately!"

- Hiruzen -

Day after day, the paperwork never got easier.

Well, that was a lie. This amount of paperwork doesn't even hold a candle to the amount he would have to deal with during times of war and the aftermath.

That didn't even include the words of condolences he would have to give at funerals and the lies he would spew about them dying for the sake of peace.

There was no peace to be born from those deaths, only more deaths and hate.

He sat back in his chair, letting out a sigh so deep that for a moment in time, he thought it was his soul leaving his body. What a day that would be, the day when he breathed his last.

He shook his head, it definitely wouldn't be like this. A man who has lived for war, who has thrived in it in his younger days. No, the day of his death would be one where he sees his blood flow crimson, one where he gave it his all, for the sake of the village he loved and ruled for decades.

Until that day, he stood firm as Konoha's beacon of fire. An unmoving obstacle for anyone wishing to harm his beloved home.


Three knocks hit his door at a quick pace, such haste put him on edge.


The door flew open and Hinata stepped in, quickly, but not so fast as to be deemed a threat.

"Lord Hokage, Team 7 is in danger!"

Hiruzen stilled a reaction. "Explain."

"Orochimaru is attacking them!" She continued.

He couldn't hold down a reaction to the young girl's words this time. His former student was attacking his current one, emotions swirled in his mind, but he fought them down. Now was not the time for weakness.


The Boar masked anbu shinobi dropped down from the ceiling where he was perched and awaited orders.

"Summon Might Gai, I expect both of you here in less than two minutes. Go!"

"Yes, Lord Hokage." Boar body flickered away to do his Hokage's bidding.

Hiruzen's eyes locked on the wooden bird that Hinata held against her chest as if it was Lei himself.

"Tell me everything."


Orochimaru had escaped, but more importantly, we were alive. The moment Orochimaru had shown up, I had thought at least one of us would die, but we got lucky, very lucky.

The snake sannin had decided to hold back and play with his food and for a good reason realistically. We had no chance of winning and if not for Itachi deciding to poke his head in, Orochimaru would have gotten everything he desired.

Speaking of Itachi. Why had he shown up? Luckily he had left instead of escalating. No one amongst us seemed to know who interfered in the battle. Itachi's mangekyo sharingan abilities weren't common knowledge, otherwise, they would have known.

Which means Satsuki didn't know, and thank God above for that! I don't even know what dumb shit she would have done if Itachi had shown himself this early.

"All traces of that bastard are gone, kid. Get that worried look off your face." Anko slapped my shoulder, albeit softer than she usually would.

"That's not what I'm worried about." I looked at her, my face radiating seriousness.

"We don't know who it was, let's just thank our lucky stars we're alive." Anko frowned as she stepped into Tazuna's house. She was just as curious as me, for different reasons. She was wondering who, and I was wondering why.

I followed her into the house and sat down at the table. Kakashi-sensei, Yamato-sensei, and Tazuna were all upstairs being tended to by Dr. Jin, Satsuki, and her clones.

We didn't have the anti-venom for Yamato-sensei so he'd have to stay as he was until reinforcements arrived-


Oh my fucking god not again.

Anko and I shot up, running outside to see dust clearing. I deadpanned as I saw a familiar face, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.


"Damn it, Gai!" Anko shouted, rubbing her temples. "Couldn't have toned that dramatic entrance down a couple of levels?"

"Afraid not! Lord Hokage sent me here to help!" Gai stepped forward, clasping my shoulders with both hands. "Lei, your youthful bird was very informative, I'm impressed!" He gave me a thumbs up and his signature smile, his teeth sparkled as my deadpan deepened.

I liked and respected Gai-sensei, more than most do and I can usually handle his antics…but not right now.

"Thanks, Gai-sensei. Even if you came a bit late it'll be good to have you with us." I said through a forced smile.

"Of course! Leave it to Konoha's BlueBeast!" Gai grinned, stepping past me. "Now where is Kakashi!"

Anko didn't answer, instead turning around and heading back into the house. Both Gai and I followed her up the stairs, and I couldn't help but notice the extra sway in her hips as she went up. I couldn't tear my eyes from the sight, as much as I knew I should. I looked up and my eyes met hers, a confident smirk tugging at her lips.

This woman…

We walked into the room where Kakashi-sensei and Yamato-sensei were resting.

"Kakashi!" Gai waved, walking over to the shirtless Kakashi who sat up, rubbing his temples. Gai's eyes locked onto Kakashi's bandaged arm and torso, his gaze hardening a bit.

"Gai…good to see you. I didn't think you would come."

"Of course I would, Kakashi. Whenever you're in trouble, I, your youthful rival, will come to your aid."

Kakashi's mask crinkled, the same way it always does when he smiles. "You're right, thank you, Gai."

Gai grinned, his eyes going towards the other wood release user. "Tenzo, glad to see you alive."

"Yamato." He corrected. "Orochimaru caught me off guard, this poison is making it hard for me to move." As if to prove his point, he raised his hand with a great deal of effort.

"Yet you're alive, that speaks tales of your youth!"

Yamato-sensei couldn't help but smile at Gai's words and remained quiet.

"We're heading back tomorrow," Kakashi said after several moments of silence. "Ensure you all get enough rest."

"Finally." Naruko groaned, walking into the room, trailed by Satsuki. "This whole mission was way harder than it should have been."

"Harder?" Anko asked incredulously. "It was impossible. I'd be surprised if Lord Hokage doesn't bump this mission up to S-Rank."

"Agreed." Kakashi nodded. "The appearance of the snake sannin guaranteed it."

"That's pretty cool!" Naruko cheered. "Our first real mission was an S-Rank!"

"Fitting," Satsuki smirked, although the relief on her face told me she cared more about heading back home.

Naruko and Gai spent a great deal of time talking with one another about different training methods while Kakashi and Yamato rested. Anko, Satsuki, and I spent our day listening to Naruko yap and Gai enthusiastically listened and provided suggestions where he could. I was happy to see her so determined about getting stronger, physically. She's a chakra beast, but relying on just that wouldn't keep her alive against the true dangers in this world.

Eventually, night came, all day Tazuna hadn't woken up, but he wasn't in danger anymore, thanks to Satsuki. He would live, but he'd have a serious scar. Chances are, he wouldn't wake up until way after we left, but I was going to leave a clone anyway.

The next day came, and we decided to leave first thing in the morning. Gai carried Yamato on his back, while Anko carried the scroll with the sealed and unconscious Tayuya.

There wasn't a drawn-out goodbye with Inari and Tsunami, perhaps it was the fear of the event that just took place. They said their goodbyes and we left.

None of us spoke as we ran, everyone left to their minds. My golem followed behind with loud stomps, which was the only thing that kept our run from being filled with silence.

I for one was thinking of many things, none of them good. First of all, the primary concern:

Danzo had alerted Orochimaru of where we were and sold me out.

That was the main thing to take away from this entire mission, more important than our newly formed ties with the Mist Rebels. Danzo, one of Konoha's elders, committed such a crime against Hiruzen's unofficial successor…

I could use that.

My secondary concern was Itachi and Kisame. I had many guesses as to why they'd show up, and none of them can be set in stone, but my most likely conclusion is Itachi wants to protect Satsuki.

Though this is an alternate universe, I can't even be sure if Itachi loves Satsuki like he did in the original. Too many unknown factors to truly place real merit in that explanation.

My tertiary concern involved the rebels. My clone was still with them and sending me updates now and then. It seems they were gearing up for an attack on one of the Mist village's stations set up along the border of the Land of Water. The battle was very important for the civil war. If the Rebels gained that station, then they owned Kiri's main pathway to and from the Land of Water to other villages. They could completely cut off the main village's forces from entering or leaving the land. On top of that, it wasn't very far from the main village, a few miles at most.

It was a point that they would need to attain and hold with their lives.

I felt a hand grab mine, my eyes met blue orbs of worry. I gave her a reassuring smile, only to feel another hand wrap around mine. My other girlfriend's eyes filled with confidence and pride that she always exuded. I intertwined my fingers with both of them as we ran. I had a lot of shit to think about, but that was a problem for future Lei.

Lei's Clone (w/Kiri Rebels)

"This is the plan of attack, we need everyone to mobilize tomorrow!"

""Yes ma'am!""

Mangetsu and Chojuro walked out of the room, leaving myself and Mei who rubbed her temples tiredly.

"This seems tough," I admitted, walking behind her to rub her shoulders, it looked like she could use a massage. She let out a breathy sigh and relaxed her body as I kneaded the tension out of her shoulders.

"It is." She smiled, her eyes looking up to meet mine, "Thank you, I never knew how much I needed this."

"Just doing my-"

I paused, my eyes growing shaky as I processed the information the original just sent me.

"Is everything alright?"

Orochimaru had shown up to attack the boss along with everyone else present, it was a seriously bad situation. He might need help…but I couldn't do anything.

Mei was needed here. Her Rebels were gearing up for an essential attack that required her coordination and leadership. No one could fill in for her, not for something this big. It seems the boss agreed with my thoughts when I sent them to him.

"Lei?" She asked again, her face filled with concern.

"Everything's fine. Boss and I were communicating."

Mei was skeptically, visibly so, but she didn't attempt to dig deeper.

Boss would be okay, even if his bird didn't get anyone in time, he wasn't a sitting duck. He had attacks that could hold Orochimaru off, or even kill him, even if it would cost him his vitality.

Let's hope it doesn't come to that though.


We made it back to the village, and immediately Anko, and Gai who was still carrying Yamato, went their separate ways. Anko had to deliver Tayuya to Ibiki, and Gai had to take Yamato to the hospital for the anti-venom.

The rest of us were left behind but we knew what we needed to do. Kakashi led the way over to the Hokage's mansion.

"Team 7." We were greeted by Hiruzen's secretary, a reserved smile tugging at her lips.

"We're here to see Lord Hokage, the Waves Mission has been completed," Kakashi announced, ready to head up the stairs.

"I'm afraid I've been given specific orders regarding your current situation." The secretary answered, earning raised eyebrows from all of us. "All of you are free to move about outside of here. Kakashi Hatake, Lord Hokage requests you finish a detailed report of the events as soon as possible." She paused, her eyes locking onto mine. "Lei Senju, Lord Hokage is expecting you, alone."

The seriousness in her words was enough to get Kakashi to give a nod and a shallow bow.

"Has our pay been prepared?" Our jonin-sensei asked.

"Yes, the mission details entail that of a C-Rank mission so that is what you will receive…for now, Lord Hokage has informed me that a rank promotion is inevitable, so fully expect an increase."

"Thank you." Kakashi maintained his bow for a few more seconds before walking away. "Come, Naruko, Satsuki."

Both girls looked towards me, and I waved them off nonchalantly.

"I'm not gonna get tortured or something, I'll see you, girls, later, maybe we can grab some ramen?"

That seemed to cheer them up a bit if only a little.

"Then we'll go on ahead." Satsuki smiled.

"Ramen's on you, you owe us. Believe it!" My knucklehead grinned.

"Of course."

I watched as they all walked down the hall towards the mission room to receive their pay.

"If you'll follow me." The secretary got up and started walking, not even looking back to see if I was following.

I walked behind her, all the while mentally preparing myself for this deep conversation I was about to be tossed head-first into. We reached the door and the secretary bowed before walking back towards her desk.

I stared at the door for a few moments, gathering myself.

I opened the door to the old Hokage's office and instead of seeing his normal greeting smile, it was instead the face of an old man who spent his entire life-fighting.

There was no cheer, no room for bullshit as I closed the door. Hiruzen's chakra leaked off of him as he stared into my eyes, no into my soul.

"...We have a lot to talk about, my boy."