
III: Línghún Lìshǐ

Jun Jie was sitting in front of the bronze mirror, closely examining his heterochromia eyes. The physician Master Xi stood next to him. 


"I can't be sure what has caused this sudden change of eye color. Your parents asked about it too, they didn't want to mention it in front of you, so as not to worry you. I assured them it wasn't harmful, but it's still unknown to me what it means." 


"Thank you, Master Xi. You have done the best you could. 


His eyes fell to his thin arms, skinny body and sunken in face. 


"My god, I really need to go to the gym." 


"I'm sorry what?" The physician was visibly confused. 


"I mean I need to strengthen my body." 


Master Xi raised an eyebrow as he glanced at Jun Jie's frail form. 


"Ah, yes, strengthening your body is indeed necessary for your recovery," he replied, examining Jun Jie's skinny body. 


"But you need to relearn all the spiritual knowledge too" 


The spiritual energy. He was finally getting back to it. He had still no idea what it was. 


"What is spiritual energy anyways?" 


Master Xi smiled and held both his hands at his chest with his palms facing to ground. 


"This is what it is." 


He closed his eyes slowly and started moving his hands down, causing a change in the room's air, and Jun Jie could feel heavy pressure pushing down on him. 


Some kind of black fog was being emitted by Mater Xi's whole being and although Jun Jie didn't understand any of it, he could feel that Master Xi had an incredible amount of power. 


"Wow that is soo cool. Can I do that too?" 


"Yes, you can. We have within us a special core, other than our heart, that sustains our life, which makes us different from normal humans. We aren't rare but it's a 50 percent chance you are born with or without it, if one of your parents doesn't have the core. However, if both parents have the core, it is unlikely the offspring will be born without it. Also, our powers are different, I cultivate the power of Xuan Wu, the black turtle, while yours is from Bai Hu, the White Tiger. The element you have is passed down from your parents. With this spiritual energy, one can embark on the cultivation path, where you can create magic spells and fight with spiritual weapons which are more powerful than regular ones. There are many cultivation paths to choose from." 


Jun Jie listened with astonishment. 


"What path of cultivation did you choose?" 


"Some cultivators like me, decide to take up the position of a healer. We are able to use our spiritual energy to heal those with injuries or sustain their life forces, like what I did with you. Although your heart failed, by sustaining your spiritual core, I was able to keep you alive. It was only your own will that enabled you to be pulled out of death. Of course, had you remained in a coma for longer than 3 years, even the spiritual core wouldn't have been able to sustain you any longer." 


Master Xi led Jun Jie out of his room. Over the three days staying here, he had found out that this house was his family's countryside house and Master Xi, and his 2 assistants came from the nearby village. While they were treating Jun Jie, the assistants lived in the house. However, Master Xi had to often go back to the village to treat others, so he didn't stay overnight. 

Master Xi opened a door to a small room, revealing a cozy library with a few woven red pillows in the corner. The walls were lined with shelves filled with ancient tomes and scrolls, their faded spines bearing the weight of centuries of wisdom and knowledge. A small window at the far end of the room allowed a sliver of sunlight to filter through, casting a warm glow over the rows of books. 

As Jun Jie stepped into the room, a hushed silence enveloped him, punctuated only by the faint rustle of parchment and the soft creak of old wood. Dust particles danced in the golden light, swirling like ethereal spirits amidst the tranquil silence. 

Master Xi reached out and plucked a book from the shelf, its weathered cover bearing the title "灵魂历史" (Línghún Lìshǐ). He handed it to Jun Jie with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. 

"This book will tell you anything you need to know about spiritual energy," Master Xi explained. "Within its pages, you will find the stories of the founding mythological creatures, the origins of their powers, and the paths of cultivation that lead to enlightenment." 

With a nod of understanding, Jun Jie accepted the book, almost dropping it, not expecting it to be so heavy. As Master Xi turned to leave him in the library, Jun Jie settled into a comfortable chair and turned the first page. 

*Línghún Lìshǐ - "History of the Soul" or "Spiritual History" 



Legend says, in ancient times, the Chinese people had given the four corners of the skies of Hua Xia to the protection of four divine creatures. The Azure Dragon. White Tiger. Red Phoenix. And Black Tortoise. 

Each of the divine creatures represented a unique aspect of the natural world and embodied the essence of the elements they protected. 

The Azure Dragon, known as Qing Long, soared through the skies with elegance and power. It was always known as a wise and benevolent creature who could change shape and control the rain and wind, amongst other things. Representing the element of Wood, it was believed that the Azure Dragon guarded the eastern corner of the skies, where the sun rose, and its presence brought prosperity and growth to the lands below. 

The White Tiger, Bai Hu, known as the King of Beasts due to the 王 (wáng) shaped symbol on its forehead which means 'King', stands strong and fierce in the western corner of the skies. Representing the element of Metal, the White Tiger embodied and was a symbol of courage, war and protection, the White Tiger was believed to safeguard against malevolent forces and bring harmony to the regions it watched over. 

In the southern corner of the skies, the Red Phoenix, Feng Huang, soared majestically with its fiery wings. Representing the element of Fire, the Red Phoenix was linked to transformation and renewal, upholding virtues of grace and prosperity. 

The Black Tortoise, Xuán Wǔ, was a stoic and ancient guardian that resided in the northern corner of the skies. Representing the element of Water, the Black Tortoise was revered for its fortitude and endurance, offering protection and wisdom during times of adversity and turmoil. 

As time passed, the four divine creatures became more than just legends; they were the foundation of the prestigious Sects that upheld the balance between good and evil. Each Sect was dedicated to harnessing the power of their respective divine creature's element, using it to combat the malevolent beings that threatened the world's peace. 

If one were to rank the sects in terms of their prestigiousness, it would undoubtedly be the Azure Dragon Sect Its name revered across the lands for its ancient lineage and formidable power. The spiritual energy of the Azure Dragon started within the royal family, and which is why today most of its disciples belong to the royal lineage. They have reigned over the other Sects for hundreds of years and continue to do so. 

How to awaken the Spiritual Core. 

Jun Jie was excited to start this chapter and immediately followed the instructions. 

He focused all his energy within his right chest trying to locate the spiritual core. All it took was a split second for the core to be awakened and his veins filled with spiritual energy. He felt completely vitalized and his body felt lighter. The book stated that spiritual energy would collect in whatever body part he concentrated on, so he tried to concentrate the spiritual energy in his hand. After a few seconds a bright silver ball of aura formed in his palm. The Metal element, the remanence of Bai Hu the White Tiger. 

So, this is my element. Seeing how it didn't take him long to master this skill, it's clear that the skills and power Jun Jie had before the accident did not disappear. 

He flipped to the page on the Metal element and Bai Hu Sect. 

The Bai Hu Sect, cultivators of the metal element, under the White Tiger. They are known for manipulating their spiritual energy into metalic weapons as well as their powerful war strategies and formations. 

A cultivator of any element, at the age of eighteen, can cultivate to become either a Warrior, Mage, Assassin or a Healer. 

A Warrior cultivates physical strength and martial prowess, specializing in close combat and wielding powerful weapons or martial arts techniques. They excel in raw power, endurance and can withstand fierce attacks while dealing devastating blows to their opponents. 

Mages harness the elemental energies to cast spells and manipulate arcane forces. They possess vast knowledge of ancient spells and rituals, wielding magic to control the elements, heal allies, or unleash destructive forces upon their foes. 

Assassins are masters of stealth, agility, and precision, relying on speed and cunning to outmaneuver their enemies and strike with lethal accuracy. They excel in ambush tactics, infiltration, and quick, decisive strikes, often employing poisons or hidden weapons to swiftly dispatch their targets. 

Healers are skilled in the arts of restoration and rejuvenation, channeling their elemental affinity to mend wounds, cure ailments, and bolster the vitality of their allies. They provide essential support in battles, ensuring the survival and well-being of their comrades through their healing abilities and protective spells. Each path offers unique strengths and abilities, shaping the cultivator's role on the battlefield and contributing to the harmony and balance of their martial sect. 

As Jun Jie delved deeper into the pages a sense of awe and wonder enveloped him. The intricate descriptions of elemental cultivation and the diverse paths available to cultivators sparked a fire of curiosity within him. I couldn't wait to start his cultivation journey and become more and more powerful. 

Jun Jie closed the book with a resolute nod. He understood that a solid foundation was essential for any endeavor, and his current frail physique posed a significant obstacle to his aspirations. He needed to improve his physical strength and current condition. Only then would he be able to skillfully carry out his cultivation path. 

Strength of body breeds strength of mind; in the art of cultivation, a fit body is the cornerstone of spiritual ascendancy.