
The Engineer

Noah is a normal guy who got traversed to an another world. And he was stuck underground. Read, how he got to the surface. And what mechanical wonders he made along the way. And his only help was a system that is only capable transerfer knowledge! [English is not my main language, so sorry about the grammar. Thanks for the reading!]

Bendzsi · Fantasía
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10 Chs

The new task!

Noah after getting dressed walked to the handwasher. There were three boxes beside the tube. Noah oppened the first and the second inside the first box were fine black powder and in the second box were twigs with an end that looked like a brush. Noah grabbed on twig and a handful of charcoal and started to brush his teeth carefully. After a minute or so he spited out the charcoal and washed his mouth. He burned the twig with magic and and closed the first two boxes. He opened the last box, inside box were mint leafs. He grabbed a few and closed the box. He put the leafs in his mouth. And started to chew on the while walking out of the bathroom.

Opening the door bathroom door he arrived at the same corridor where he came from. But now he didn't go into his room. But instead he turned left. After walking a few meter he arrived at a junction. Infront of him and at his right there were two closed doors. But on his right there was a small room with a window. There was nothin in the room other than the trapdoor.Noah walked straight to the door in front of him and opened it.

"Oh shit, I totally forgot this!"

Opening the door Noah was a stuned a little bit at first. Instead of every day sight of his workshop with shelfs with tools and materials, orderly arranged on shelfs Noah was greeted by a big mess. Shelfs broken everything on the floor some things broke. The room looked like a bomb had exploded. And maybe that's exactly what happened. Looking at the big hole on the wall.


"I have to clean this up!"

"But at first a good morning coffe!".

Noah wasn't a coffee drinker in his last life and he prefered the cocoa milk. But he didn't have milk or cocoa bean but somehow he found coffe pretty early. So he got used to coffe.

Noah walked to the door on the left of the workshop. It was a storage room.

"Luckily everything is stayed safe here!"

Opening the door Noah saw the organized raws of shelfs and he felt relifed. He wanted to practice his magic control so he decided to make a coffee with out useing his hands. So he concentrated and started to levitate items needed for coffe brewing in the room.

#15-Minutes Later#

Underground, in a mysterious forrest beside a strange lake, on top of multiple trees there was a big tree house. There was a wall on the tree house that was quite strange because there was a big hole on it. And the inhabitant of the tree house was sitting in the hole. He was a young man around 18 years old.

He was sitting on the floor. He waved his legs back and forth outside. He was drinking steaming hot black coffe but he wasn't paying attention ro his coffe gazing down into the nothingness with a dreamy look.

The young man was Noah. He was distracted because he was just reading the new task isued by the system. He could have received it sooner but he totally forgot it in his excitement about magic. But now he got some peacefull moment so he rememberd to recive the new tas.

[Name: The King Of The Cave]


You adopted the new world and already can do magic. But you still escapeing into the trees. And you are still hiding from the predators. But now there is no more hiding or running it is time for you to be crowned as the king of the cave!]

[Task: Explore the whole cave and beat the old ruler of the cave]


- New system option: the Map

- {High} Acient Runes Guide

- 15000 points]


[The host unlocked the Map option. The Host got restricted.]


[The host recived the empty map of the Magical Underground Cave. The Host has to fill in the empty map and finish the task. To raise up the restrictions.]

Noah frowned a little. He knows the best how strong the beasts were in this cave. Beacuse he could see them sometimes fighting each other when they come out of the forrest to drink from the lake. And they can cause big commissions when they are fighting because a lot of beasts can use magic! Don't even talk about the supposed ruler of them. Noahs only advantage is the fire because beasts lived there whole life underground so they never saw fire.

So the task is very dangerous. And for him to explore the whole cave is could take him months. And the rewardes were a little lukewarm. But before he starts complaining he first checked the only reward he didn't know the value of.

"System, please open the {High} Ancient Runes Guide in the system store for me!"

[Yes Host!]

[Name: Acient Runes Guide]

[Rarity: {High}]

[Description: Acient runes are runes used by an acient civilization. The runes are degraded version of the acient runes. The acient runes can be used for more advanced task like creating artificial intelligence.]

[Price: 50000 points]


"Holly smokes, I hit the Jackpot!"

Noah almost spat out the coffee he was drinking while reading. One of his big dream was the artificial intelligence in the pat life and his enthusiasm didn't died down after coming to the new world. No, it just got stronger because with the help of the sytem he belives he can make it by himself.

So he decided, no matter what or who is in his way he will defeats them all. And completes his task.

Noah stood up and started enthusiasticly shout into the nothingness like a madman.

"I don't know who you are! But I will look for you! I will find you! And I will kill You!"


In a big dark cave. There was a big transparent chrystal. The chrystal was emiting faint white soothing light. Lighting up the cave floor around the chrystal. Because the cave was so big that the chrystal looked like a last light in the dark abyss.

Suddenly the shadows churned around the chrystal. And a giantic beast stepped out os the abyss like darkness. But the beast was so big that the chrystal couldn't illuminate the whole body of the beast.

The beast looked down on the glowing crystal. It bringed down his head and opened his mouth. The crystal as if seeing what is about to come, dimmed a little. But it couldn't do anything. And in the and the beast swallowed the crystal in a whole.

Immediately the whole cave went dark. But beast didn't care. It started to move again as if nothing happened.

But it suddenly halted its movement. Because he felt like a cold running down on his spine. He looked around confused. For the first time in his life he felt threatened.

But soon enough it ignored it. Why care?! He is the ruler of the caves! Its home is the underground! Nothing can threaten him as long as he stayes underground.

At least he tought so!


Hello author here! Holly cow, I just thanked the 1500 views and it already hit 2000. So I wanted to thank all of you again for reading the novel❤️. And I hope you enjoyed it.

Ps.: And still sorry about the grammar.