
The Endless Portal

Jin is a scavenger living on the fringes of society until he discovers a mysterious system that allows him to travel through dimensions. With the ability to access other worlds, Jin begins buying and selling valuable items, quickly amassing a fortune. But as he delves deeper into the workings of the system, he realizes that he may have stumbled upon a dangerous secret.

zJinnn · Fantasía
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28 Chs

Back to the Solarium

"Let's set the controls to auto-pilot before we check our loot," I said. "Ymir, set auto-pilot to Solarium Station."

Ymir was an artificial intelligence system designed to assist pilots in managing their spacecraft, allowing me to travel anywhere in the solar system. Through the internet, I was also able to access many functions of the Vtube.

[ Auto-pilot to Solarium Station ]

Execution successful...

Estimated time of arrival: 1 day, 26 hours, 36 seconds."

"Now, let's check our loot!" I said with a gleam in my eye. "Open inventory!"

The inventory was just one of the many functions of the system. It displayed a list of items inside the inventory:

[ Inventory ]

Small Magic Crystal: 6,360x

High Magic Crystal: 234x

Space Lizard Scales: 156x

Goblin Skins: 105x

Slime Core: 102x

Mechanical Parts: 30x

Broken Dagger: 5x

Long Sword: 10x

Laser Blaster 1x

Dimensional Pocket: 6x

Magic Space Suit: 6x


"So many monster materials, and I didn't even hunt that many monsters. Look at all these crystals! These bandits must have been rich. Do I even need to sell these materials? I could make more money hunting bandits, and all these monster materials could be food for Zephyr for a while."

"I think I'll only sell the other items that Zephyr can't eat. Hey, Zephyr, here's some lizard skins for you to eat," I said.

"Squish, squish!" Zephyr replied.

I remember examining the mysterious metal I found in Saturn's Ring. I pulled out the metal and appraised it.

Item: Aurorium [R]

Description: A shiny metal that is famous for its ability to soak up and store magical energy, making it extremely valuable to magic users.

"Wow, what a discovery! Let's see how much it's worth on the market." I exclaimed and searched for Aurorium in the marketplace.


Aurorium 1x- Price 900 High Magic crystal

"Amazing, it's worth 900 High Magic crystals in the market. I'll go to Mr. Harold's place to have it appraised before I sell it there. If it's worth more there, I'll sell it there, if not, I'll sell it in the marketplace." I thought to myself and checked my status.

[Status Window]

Name: Jin

Lv: 35

Race: Human [Transcended]

Class: Scavenger[C] , Tamer[R], Warrior [C]

Titles: First person to tamed a Rare Slime , First Dimensional Purchase, Against All Odds.

Str 53(+15)

Agi: 43(+10)

Vit: 43(+5)

Vig: 38

Int: 35(20)

Endu: 45

Dex: 35

Unused Stat Points: 35

Dimensional Points: 1365

Ability: Aura Mastery

Unique Skills: Appraisal, Merchant Network

"Has the interface changed or is it just me? Anyway, I'm now at level 35 with 35 unused points. And why do I have three classes? I even have a Tamer class! Can I tame a dragon in the future? But dragons are mythical creatures, according to history they only appear less than three times during invasions and destroyed numerous human sanctuaries, killing millions of humans. Currently, Earth's population is only five billion and the total human population is twenty billion. Some are living on other planets, artificial planets, and spaceships exploring the galaxy. I'm one of those people, homeless in outer space."

Jin shook his head and chuckled at his own thoughts. "Taming a dragon? Who am I kidding?" he said to himself.

He then decided to check out the exclusive shop in the system, but was left in shock when he saw the prices of the items, even the ones with just a rare grade were too expensive for him to afford.

"What's with this daylight robbery system!?" he exclaimed, but then realized his mistake. "Oh wait, there's no daylight here because I'm in outer space," he corrected himself with a laugh.

"The Item's in the Exclusive shop is good but I can't afford them for now, and there's even a good skills and weapons, Can I even call them good? Or God like? Even the Rare weapon is 100x better on my aura blade, that's why it's so expensive it's feels like the system don't want me to buy them." He exclaimed.

Jin couldn't help but feel frustrated after browsing through the exclusive shop's items. Although they were good, he simply couldn't afford them right now.

The skills and weapons available were top-notch, almost god-like compared to his aura blade. It was clear that the rare weapons were priced so high that the system seemed to discourage players from buying them.

After ensuring that the ship was in good condition, Jin spent some time browsing the internet. Time flew by quickly and before he knew it, he asked Ymir about their estimated arrival time at Solarium station.

Ymir's response came swiftly, "Estimated arrival time: 0h 18h 30m 50s."

With 18 hours to go, Jin decided to take a nap and ordered Ymir to wake him up in 16 hours, unless any issues or monster attacks arose during their journey.

As Jin slept, Ymir piloted the spacecraft smoothly and encountered only minor and small monsters, which were easily dealt with. After what felt like a deep and rejuvenating sleep, Ymir finally woke Jin from his slumber as they neared their destination.

"Whoa! This is the first time I've slept this long. It feels like all the stress I've accumulated in the last 5 years is gone. Could this be the turning point of my life? I hope so. Look at our cute zephyr sleeping my lucky charm... I've gained so much in the wasteland - experience, treasure, and this system!" Jin exclaimed with a smile.

"There's only 2 hours left until we arrive at Solarium. I should start preparing by collecting the items I plan to sell and storing them in my dimensional pocket to avoid arousing suspicion.

I also need to register as an Aura User in SEA and do some combat training. System, enter System Territory. Can you change the background? This pure white is so dull," Jin muttered to himself.

[Yes, Host can change and customize the Territory on their own will.]

"Can I change the time ratio inside the Territory to 1:2?" Jin asked the system.

[Yes, the host can manipulate the time and space inside the System Territory.]

"In that case, change the territory into a training room and set the time ratio to 1:2," Jin commanded.

[Changing the layout of the territory into a training room... Success...]

[Adjusting the time 1:2 Ratio... Success...]

"Wow, this place looks like a high-end training room! The time inside here is one hour, while one day passes in reality. I still have 30 minutes before arriving in Solarium after this training, so I have enough time to train," Jin thought to himself.

Jin trained excessively inside the System Territory. He practiced swordsmanship, aura manipulation, marksmanship, and physical fitness. Although he had not yet learned anything related to magic, he planned to focus on mastering those skills before diverting his attention to magic.

After an excessive training inside the System Territory Jin made his way back to the cockpit after his intense training session inside the system territory.

"Wow, I don't feel hungry at all in the territory, but I am feeling quite exhausted from all that training. However, it was all worth it. I feel more comfortable using my power now," he exclaimed to himself.

"Finally, we're back in Solarium! Zephyr, wake up." He said to the cute little slime. "Squish, Squish!"

"Can I see your ID, sir?" asked the Solarium guard.

"Here," Jin handed over his ID.

"Cleared. You may now pay the entrance fee," said the guard.

After paying the entrance fee, Jin docked his ship and checked the items he needed to purchase for his next journey.

"Finally, we're back and rich! I can buy all the food I want and enjoy myself. Zephyr, let's make the most of our day!" Jin exclaimed as he left the ship. "Squish squish," Zephyr said, following him.