
The End of The World is Violet?

Kai tries to survive in a world that went crazy after the day sky turned purple.

AuthorGopher · Fantasía
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29 Chs

The priest

Now that Kai took a closer look, there were a lot of corpses littered around the priest monster. They were all kinds of mutated animals: dogs, cats, rats, squirrels, hamsters and birds. Every single one of them had a scorched hole going all the way through their body.

This only worsened the bad feeling Kai had. He looked back at the monster smiling at him. It was standing still for now, but Kai knew it would make a move soon.

Kai was slightly nervous, but took an offensive stance nevertheless. He was ready to fight.

"Let's go you f*cking... b*stard... ARGH!" Kai didn't even finish his sentence, before he felt tremendous pain coming from his chest.

He looked down at it and saw a spike, that looked like it was made of light, piercing him. He couldn't even see the moment he was hit.

Kai used his tentacles to remove the light thorn, but even though he succeeded, the tentacles were burnt in the process. However, Kai didn't care about that one bit. He stared at the hole in his chest. It was the same scorched kind of wound the corpses lying next to the priest have.

The pain was immense. Kai experienced a lot of pain so far. His side was torn, his organs were shattered, his bones broken, he was also burnt by Brad but it couldn't even compare to the suffering he was going through now. Kai was short on breath, and tears formed in his eyes. He was desperately trying hold back a scream.

He tried to close the wound with his blood, but it was so burnt no blood could come out. It seemed like he would not be able to heal the injuries he got from this monster. At the very least, the hole was not too deep thanks to his strengthened body.

'F*ck, if only I had armor or something... Wait, I can make an armor!' After thinking that Kai immediately surrounded his body in blood and made a thick protective suit out of it.

At the very beginning Kai couldn't use too much of his blood, before he felt anemic. Making a sword was his limit. That's way he never tried to make an armor. But now he had more than enough of blood to make one. It was thanks to all the monsters and people Kai had consumed so far. Every time he ate one, his blood condensed further and further. Right now the amount of blood he had inside of him was monstrous.

The armor, his evolved, sturdy body and his hardened muscles made an amazing defensive combination. Even those light spikes shouldn't be able to pierce through easily now.

After getting ready once again, Kai looked back at the priest. It was still smiling, while waiting for Kai to finish. It was playing with him.

'It doesn't take me seriously? I will f*cking show it!' Kai didn't feel relived that his enemy taking him lightly. Even though that might've saved him, he felt extremely irritated.

Kai grabbed his two swords tightly and created two more tentacles, then rushed at the monster before him. He reached it in a second with his amazing speed and swung his weapon at it, while trying to grab it with the tentacles. But the priest just jumped into the air and dodged all of Kai's attacks.

Kai got ready to strike it the moment it fell back down, but that moment never came. The monster was standing in the air.

It looked down at Kai with its annoying smile. It was still playing around.

At that moment, Kai felt a pain in his right shoulder. There was another spike stuck in him. Once again, he didn't even see it coming. But this time his armor protected him, as it only pierced it and didn't touch his shoulder directly. Some skin and flesh still got burnt though.

Kai tried to reach it with his tentacles, but the monster slightly backed off and cut them off with its dazzling spears.

Kai jumped to reach the monster, but this freak didn't even look at him as another spike hit Kai and forced him down to ground.

Kai created new tentacles to take out the light thorns, but these ones were also burnt in the process and were unusable now. While Kai had a lot of blood to use, he couldn't afford to make new tentacles over and over again, so he didn't create them anymore.

Since he couldn't reach this flying monster, he threw his swords at it and quickly created tomahawks and threw them as well.

The priest dodged the swords and one of the axes, but the other one hit its leg. Its smile slightly wavered, but it went back to how it was. It looked a bit annoyed now.

Kai felt a shiver and immediately after he was hit with five more spikes. But Kai didn't care about them and kept throwing weapons at it. While most of them missed, some of them managed to hit. The monster was striking Kai with more and more spears of light in the meantime.

Seeing that Kai wasn't taking much damage from its attacks, it suddenly stopped midair and started praying.

"OH... GOD... PLEASE... SACRIFICES..." Its voice was extremely twisted and unpleasant to hear. Kai felt his brain hurting just from hearing it.

The monster took all the attacks flying at it, but it didn't even show any reaction. It was intensely focused.


Kai heard some movement behind him and looked back. To his horror the corpses lying on the pedestal were now moving. They all rushed in his direction.

He quickly created a sword and a tentacle and started cutting them down, but they were like zombies. No matter how much he cut them, they kept on moving. Even piercing they heart or crushing their brains didn't stop them.

While he was fighting the moving bodies, the priest resumed its attacks with its spears of light. They hit Kai in the back, while the zombies were biting and scratching at him.

Kai was in a very bad position right now.