
The end of our Lovestory

xukShiro · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

The wind blew through her hair as she walked down the dimly lit alley, completely oblivious to the danger lurking around her. The sounds of the city filled her ears, the smell of the night air filling her nostrils. Fiona was living her life to the fullest, not realizing that this would be the night that would change everything.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps behind her, faster and louder than before. She turned around, but it was too late - before she could react, a hand was covering her mouth and dragging her into the shadows.

"Be quiet" a deep, sinister voice whispered in her ear.

And that was it - she couldn't scream, couldn't move, couldn't do anything but watch as the male lead Izek, stood over her, his eyes filled with a sense of malice.

"I never loved you" he muttered, lowering a weapon towards her chest.

"Please," Fiona begged, tears streaming down her face. "Don't do this."

Fiona closed her eyes, hoping against hope that this was just a nightmare - that she would wake up and everything would be fine. But the sound of the weapon firing filled her ears, and she knew it was real. The last thing she remembered was the sound of her own heartbeat, racing faster and faster, until it finally stopped.

And then, everything went black.

The next thing she knew, she was standing in the middle of a dark room, the sound of her own heartbeat filling her ears. She was surrounded by shadows, unable to move or speak or do anything but watch as a faint light appeared in the distance.

"I-.. im not dead..? Where is this place.."

She started to walk towards the light, feeling as though it was calling her - as though it was the only thing she knew. And then, she saw it - a small, glowing orb in the middle of the room.

"What is this..?"

Fiona's curious grew as she reached out, her hand grazing the surface of the orb - and then, she was thrown backwards, the walls of the room changing before her eyes. She watched in amazement as the walls of the dark room transformed into a stunning garden, the light filling every inch of the space.

And before she knew it She woke up in a luxurious room, surrounded by opulent furnishings and a sense of luxury that she had never experienced before. The room was filled with sunlight, and for a moment, she felt truly at peace.

As she looked around the room, she noticed a mirror on the bedside table, and for the first time, she saw herself - or rather, the body that she was inhabiting. She was a girl, with long hair and piercing blue eyes, and a sense of confidence that seemed to radiate from her.

"I-i dont understand..? How could this be..?

She sat down on the bed, her mind racing with questions. Where was she, and how had she gotten here? And most importantly, whose body was she inhabiting?

The door to the room opened, and a woman entered - She studied her for a moment, noting the sense of confusion on her face.

"My daughter," she said, with a warm smile. "You are finally awake dear.."

Her mother's words hung in the air, heavy with meaning, as she realized that she had been given a second chance - a chance to make things right.


She muttered As she looked in the mirror again, she felt a sense of disorientation. Who was this person staring back at her? She knew that she had been given a second chance, but she also knew that it would not be easy.

As she stood in the room, looking at her reflection in the mirror, she couldn't believe how different she looked. The girl staring back at her was tall and slender, with long hair that fell in waves down her back. Her eyes were a vivid blue, and her face was heart-shaped with a turned-up nose. She could see that there was a scar on her forehead, faint but still visible.

She knew that this was her second chance, that she had been given a new life, but she still couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had been gnawing at her ever since she woke up. She knew that she should be grateful for being alive again, but she couldn't help but wonder who she had been before, and how she had ended up in this body.

She was not the same person who had died all those years ago, and she knew that it would take time for her to adjust to this new world. But she was determined to make the most of her second chance, to learn from her past mistakes and to become a better person.

The Progress of the story Might be pretty fast.

xukShirocreators' thoughts