
In the beginning..

Once, there was a time when I actually cared of what people thought of me. Then after I lost many important people and life as I know it gets destroyed, I gave up trying to be that picture perfect girl in that picture perfect world. The sad truth is and you may know this but no one is perfect so there is no need to try and be something I'm not. I'm Ava and this is my story.

Before I get into this sad soppy story, I want to make one thing clear you are one hundred percent stronger when you allow yourself to be dont let anyone tell you different.

I was born on May 20, 3010 in LA. If your wondering yes LA is still a thing I dont know why people back then thought this world would be gone and down in the dumps by now. Not even five minutes after I was born my dad abandoned me and my mom. He said it was because he wanted to follow his dream of being a comedian which in my world is I dont want a kid so I'mma skedaddle. My mom did a wonderful job of taking care of me and my newly adopted brother Kai. Even though she worked two jobs she still made time for us. We had the most perfect life

Or so I thought..

Around the time I turned ten, my mom had a falling out and lost both of her jobs. After that, all of her extra energy and time that was saved up for us was spent trying to get a job and pay the bills. My mom is..well was a healthy well put together woman. She never let anything get under her skin and if it did she never showed it. But all of that seemed to fade as she stressed more and more on paying the bills and finding a job that will help her do that.

Around five years later