
Chapter 1 : The beginning

The sun was was going setting down, casting a long, eerie shadows across the village of Eldenwood. Young Kael sat on the wooden fence, his bare feet dangling as he watched the forest darken. The villagers were closing up their homes, preparing for the night. Eldenwood, though small and isolated, was known for its peaceful and simple life.

Kael's father, Thom, a stern but loving man, called out to him. "Kael, come inside. It's getting late." Kael slid off the fence, casting one last glance at the forest. He felt a strange unease, as if the woods themselves were watching him. Shaking off the feeling, he ran to their small cottage, the scent of his mother's stew wafting through the open door.

Dinner was a quiet affair, filled with the usual chatter about the day's work. Kael's younger sister, Lila, giggled as their mother, Elara, told a story about a mischievous fox. After dinner, Kael struggled to sleep. He tossed and turned, haunted by nightmares of dark figures and glowing eyes. Just as he began to drift off, a distant, bone-chilling howl pierced the silence. He sat bolt upright, heart pounding. The howl was followed by another, closer this time, then many more in a terrifying chorus.

Kael jumped out of bed and rushed to the window. What he saw made his blood run cold. Hulking shapes moved in the darkness, eyes glowing with a malevolent light. They were unlike any creatures Kael had ever seen, monstrous and grotesque, with twisted limbs and gnarled claws.

Screams erupted from the village as the monsters descended upon Eldenwood. Kael's father burst into his room, face pale with fear. "Kael, take Lila and run! Don't look back!"

Trembling, Kael grabbed his sister's hand and fled from their home. The village was in chaos; fires blazed, casting a hellish light over the destruction. Villagers fought bravely but were quickly overwhelmed by the monstrous onslaught. Kael saw friends and neighbors cut down, their cries echoing in his ears.

He and Lila ran towards the forest, the only place that offered a chance of escape. As they reached the edge of the woods, Kael dared to look back. He saw his parents standing side by side, fighting off the creatures with whatever they could find. Thom's eyes met Kael's for a fleeting moment, a silent plea for him to keep running.

The forest enveloped Kael and Lila, its ancient trees standing like silent sentinels. They stumbled through the underbrush, branches scratching at their skin and roots threatening to trip them at every step. Kael's heart pounded, a relentless drumbeat driving them deeper into the unknown.

Lila clung to Kael, her small hand trembling in his. "Kael, where are we going?" she whispered, her voice breaking.

"Somewhere safe," Kael replied, though he wasn't sure where that was. The forest was a maze of shadows and unfamiliar paths. They had played at its edges but never ventured this far.

They pressed on, the sounds of the village massacre fading into an eerie silence. The forest, usually full of life, seemed unnaturally still. Kael kept glancing back, expecting to see the monstrous figures pursuing them. But they were alone, for now.

Hours passed, and fatigue began to set in. Lila stumbled, and Kael caught her just in time. "We need to rest," he said, guiding her to a fallen log. She sat down, her face pale and eyes wide with fear.

"Do you think they're still out there?" Lila asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Kael didn't want to lie. "I don't know, Lila. But we have to keep moving. We need to find help."

Lila nodded, tears brimming in her eyes. Kael pulled her close, trying to provide what little comfort he could. They sat in silence, the forest's oppressive stillness pressing down on them.

Suddenly, a rustling sound broke the silence. Kael tensed, pulling Lila behind him. He scanned the undergrowth, his eyes straining to see through the gloom. The rustling grew louder, and Kael's heart raced. Were the monsters tracking them?

Out of the shadows emerged a figure, but it wasn't one of the creatures. It was an old woman, her hair a tangled mess of white strands, her clothes ragged and dirt-stained. She leaned heavily on a gnarled staff, her eyes sharp and piercing.

"You shouldn't be here," she said, her voice a gravelly whisper. "The forest is no place for children."

Kael stepped forward, still keeping Lila behind him. "Please, we need help. Our village was attacked by monsters. We don't know where to go."

The old woman studied them for a moment, then nodded. "Follow me. Quickly, now."

Kael hesitated, but they had no other option. He helped Lila up, and they followed the woman deeper into the forest. She moved with surprising speed for someone her age, leading them through twisting paths and dense underbrush.

As they walked, the forest seemed to grow darker, the trees closing in around them. Kael felt a growing sense of unease, but he pushed it aside. They had to trust her. There was no other choice.

After what felt like hours, they reached a small clearing. In its center stood a hut, old and weathered but still standing. The woman led them inside, lighting a small fire in the hearth. The flickering light cast strange shadows on the walls.

"You'll be safe here for now," she said, handing them a piece of bread each. "Rest. You'll need your strength."

Kael took the bread, giving half to Lila. "Thank you," he said. "Who are you?"

The woman sat by the fire, her eyes reflecting the flames. "Names don't matter out here. Just know that I've lived in this forest long enough to know its secrets."

Kael nodded, too tired to press further. He and Lila ate the bread, the first food they'd had since fleeing the village. Exhaustion pulled at him, and he lay down on the rough floor, pulling Lila close.

"Sleep," the woman said. "I'll keep watch."

Kael wanted to stay awake, to make sure they were truly safe. But sleep overcame him, dragging him into a restless slumber filled with dark dreams.

Hours passed, and Kael awoke with a start. The fire had died down, casting the hut into near darkness. He sat up, his heart pounding. Lila was gone.

Panic surged through him. He looked around frantically, but there was no sign of his sister. The old woman was gone too, and the door to the hut was open, the forest beyond it a dark, impenetrable wall.

Kael stumbled outside, calling out for Lila. His voice echoed through the trees, but there was no response. The forest seemed to swallow his cries, leaving him in a crushing silence.