
The Enchanted Orchard

It is a short fantasy novel

Soumaditya_Roy · Fantasía
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1 Chs

"The Enchanted Orchard"

In the kingdom of Verdantia, there was an enchanted orchard. Every fruit it bore granted a unique power. But to harvest a fruit, one must first give something personal in return.

Renna, a young woman with fiery red hair and insatiable curiosity, had heard tales of the orchard all her life. Upon her eighteenth birthday, she decided to find it. Her first sacrifice? A locket holding the only picture of her parents, who had vanished when she was a child.

When she placed the locket at the orchard's entrance, a path revealed itself. The trees were magnificent, each gleaming with fruits of colors she had never seen.

Drawn to a silver fruit sparkling on a distant tree, Renna approached. Legends said this was the Fruit of Truth. Eating it would reveal one profound truth to the person.

As she reached out, the tree whispered, "What will you offer?"

Without hesitation, she whispered, "My most cherished memory."

The tree obliged. As Renna took a bite, her world spun. She was transported back in time, to the night her parents disappeared. They were powerful mages, and she witnessed them casting a spell to seal away a dark force threatening Verdantia. The cost of the spell was their presence in the present realm, but they did it willingly, to save the kingdom and their daughter.

Tears filled Renna's eyes. She was proud, but the revelation also meant they might never return.

Shaken but determined to find a way to bring them back, she approached a tree bearing golden fruits, known as the Fruit of Time.

Again, a sacrifice was needed. This time, Renna offered her voice. The fruit granted her the ability to traverse time for a single day.

With no voice to guide her and a burning determination, Renna returned to that fateful night. Using her own budding magical abilities, she aided her parents, altering the spell slightly so they wouldn't vanish entirely. The dark force was sealed away, and Renna's parents remained in Verdantia, but with no memory of their sacrifice or their daughter.

Back in her time, Renna found herself in a slightly altered reality. Her parents were there, but they didn't recognize her. Heartbroken but understanding the cost of her choices, Renna returned to the orchard one last time, approaching a tree with luminescent blue fruits - the Fruit of Forgotten Memories.

The tree, sensing her sorrow, whispered, "What will you give up to forget?"

"My newfound ability to wield magic," she replied.

As Renna consumed the fruit, her memories of the quest faded, as did her magical abilities. She found herself at the edge of an ordinary orchard, feeling a strange sense of peace.

Walking home, she was greeted by two familiar faces. "Where have you been, dear?" her mother asked with a warm smile, her father wrapping an arm around her. The locket with their picture hung securely around Renna's neck.

Though the tales of the enchanted orchard remained in Verdantia's folklore, Renna never ventured there again. She had her family, and that was magic enough for her.

The End.