
Gem Master Alexander! VI

Her voice carried a terrifying authority that riled up the power of the Asmodeus Lord in front of them, but this being cautiously remained silent too!

Alexander paid no attention to all this as countless thoughts crossed his mind, until finally…

"Ah…" His eyes lit up as if he had an epiphany.

His mind held many things, but at this moment, he went back to the time before he Awakened.

Even when he ascended up the mountain while all the others were nervous about what Gem Sockets they would awaken, he was relaxed.

He was lazy in nature.

As he had walked beside Claire up that mountain to awaken what others thought was a Defective Life Socket, he was smiling without worry!

Why did he try to change himself after he Awakened? 

Why did he try to become some serious, brooding machine? 

Yes, his mother was gone. It was painful when it happened, and it was still painful now.