
Change! II

The Alfanian, Thasana, kept his valiant demeanor as he spoke out in a deep voice- his voice being tinged with a bit of authority from Ryanara to ensure that he could be understood.

"After our bodies were teleported into these lands, we found ourselves surrounded by the gray mist that isolates your vision and hearing tightly. There were dozens of us- dozens! But we appeared in the same place as Beasts who attacked with wild abandon soon after. It was too chaotic- only half of us managed to survive. But from that half…"

His face turned sour.

He looked at the bloodied remnants of those who followed him as he continued.

"Our remaining forces were further scattered when suddenly, the space around became turbulent with spatial Energeia, massive rifts forming that instantly swept up many others towards a different location. That is all that is currently out there- darkness, beasts, and massive rifts that can sweep you away at any moment!"
