
The Empress's Vengeance...!

an_ding · Historia
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2 Chs

The Imperial Drama...!

Jinzi Li Hua:-

What did you do...why are you doing this... I sacrificed everything for you...just for you...!*Kneeling down*

Jinzi Haoyu:-

You don't get it...do you...as expected from a naive woman...I was just using you...!

Li Hua:-

What...y...you...How could you...we were so in love with each other...


Being an Empress your duty is to satisfy me whenever I want...I'm the Emperor here...and yes I've the power to destroy anyone I dislike...!

Li Hua:-

But I gave you the power...you are nothing without me...!


You pest... I'll make you disappear from this world...!

Li Hua:-

Y..you never loved me right...not even for a second...all the hugs and kisses were all a complete play...right...


Sister...don't be upset...His highness is a great man...*hugging and kissing him*

Li Hua:-

You are in this too...*shocked*


Why can't I be...it was the perfect opportunity to get rid of the trash family...!

Li Hua:-

Huaile...you are a witch...you shouldn't have been ungrateful...you'll be cursed...no one will forgive you...!


Well...the dead can't come back to life...or can they..

Your Majesty... I'm so scared...

Li Hua:-

Stop being a white lotus...you'll never get what you want...never...

Huaile:-Oh... I already have everything...even that crown on your head... everything is mine...!