
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Cómic
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80 Chs

The Empire of The Multiverse

Chapter 56 - A Warning To All

The once-proud capital of Nexar Prime now lay surrounded, encircled by the unyielding might of the Imperium. The planetary defense forces of the Nexarians, once considered formidable within their own realm, proved utterly outmatched by the overwhelming power of the Imperium Dominus. Casualties on the Imperium's side were minimal, a mere ten Guardsmen, a testament to the vast technological and genetic disparities between the two forces.

Within the heart of the Nexarian capital, the Elders gathered, their faces etched with a mixture of fear and defiance. They stood before the Custodian, the living embodiment of the Emperor's will, his golden armor a beacon of authority and power.

Within half a day, the Imperial forces encircled Nexar Prime, the very heart of Nexarian defiance. The Elders, the architects of this rebellion, stood face to face with the Custodian, the Emperor's chosen, the embodiment of his wrath. But words were not for traitors. The Custodian's blade moved with swift and deadly purpose, severing the heads of the Elders in one clean stroke. Their heads were then impaled on pikes, a macabre display of the Imperium's justice.

Amidst the chaos, a solitary figure approached the Custodian, a Devotii, a race of psychic aliens, who had provided crucial information about the Nexarian rebellion. His form radiated with divine light, a clear indication of his devout belief in the God-Emperor. He saluted in the manner of the Dragon, a gesture of utmost reverence.

"Hail, The Emperor's Saint, The Watchers of the Throne, the Closest beings to God," spoke Phyra, the Spiritual Leader of the Devotii race. "I can see the God-Emperor's Divine form clearly, despite the blinding light of his presence."

The Custodian acknowledged this unwavering faith and inquired, "Do you represent your people, Phyra?"

"I do," Phyra affirmed, his voice unwavering.

"In recognition of your service, the Devotii shall be given custody of the 300 Galaxies of the Nexarians. Your race will ascend to a Type 3 Civilization in a few hundred years," declared the Custodian solemnly, his tone resonating with the weight of Imperial approval.

With a symbolic gesture, the Custodian handed Phyra a Dragon Shaped Scepter, a token of the Emperor's favor. "Show this to the Administratum; they will heed its call. May the light of the God-Emperor continue to shine upon you, devout believer."

With those words, the Custodian and the Astartes departed, leaving behind a world forever changed by the uncompromising might of the Imperium Dominus. The echoes of their presence reverberated through the galaxy, a reminder of the Emperor's will and the consequences of challenging the Imperium's rule.

The rebellion of the Nexarians, a futile endeavor from the start, was conducted under no illusions of secrecy. The galaxy, it seemed, knew of their defiance. Information about their uprising spread like wildfire, even reaching the ears of the Imperium, who did not shy away from sharing this knowledge willingly. The Imperium, an entity renowned for its unyielding might and swift retribution, made their stance abundantly clear: betrayals would be met with obliteration.

In a relentless onslaught, the Nexarian people found themselves scattered like leaves in the wind, their once-proud capital planet reduced to smoldering ruins. It was a stark and brutal reminder, etched across the cosmos, of the price of rebellion. The Imperium's message echoed with every flickering flame: challenges to their dominion would be met with unparalleled force, and the consequences would be devastating.

Amidst the chaos and destruction, the Custodian stood as a sentinel, the embodiment of the Emperor's wrath. His very presence, the mere fact of his intervention in thwarting the rebellion, spoke volumes of the God Emperor's attitude towards such insurrection. The Custodians were the God Emperor's chosen guardians, the stalwart defenders of his divine will, The Pinnacle of the Emperor's Warriors. To see one in action was a clear sign that the rebellion had dared to cross a line that provoked the Emperor's wrath.

The Imperium, for all its might, was not merely a force of blind brutality. It was a bastion of justice, equality, and, when warranted, mercy. Yet, this mercy was not to be misconstrued as weakness. The Imperium was, above all, just. It offered fairness to those who deserved it, but it showed no leniency to rebels or traitors. The Imperium was not a realm where defiance was tolerated. It was a dominion where loyalty was rewarded, and rebellion was swiftly and decisively quashed. The galaxy stood witness to this unwavering truth, as the Imperium Dominus continued its unyielding march, leaving no doubt about its principles and its power.

The Custodians themselves were a rare sight to behold, not because they were elusive, but because they were too powerful. There were no known instances of an enemy surviving an encounter with a Custodian. Witnesses attested to the Custodes' prowess, for they made no secret of their immense combat abilities. To face a Custodian in battle was to face near-certain destruction, a fact that served as a chilling reminder of the indomitable might of the Imperium Dominus.

56.2 The'arian's Analysis

In the dim glow of the command chamber, surrounded by holographic displays depicting the might of the Imperium Dominus, The'arian, agent and trusted advisor to King Thessarian, stood in contemplative silence. His eyes, sharp and calculating, scanned the images of devastation caused by the Imperium's wrath. A shroud of realization settled upon him, heavy as the void between galaxies.

"Seems like instigating a Rebellion within the Imperium is out of the Question," he mused, his voice echoing in the stillness of the chamber. "If the Imperium can easily squash a Type 3 Civilization, then manipulations in the dark seem to be the least of the Imperium's worries. Even showing it to the rest of the universe, granting them the opportunity to warn others – it was a minor miscalculation on my part."

His gaze shifted to the image of the Custodian, an embodiment of sheer power and loyalty to the God Emperor. "Assassination attempts against the God Emperor may also prove futile," he continued, his thoughts flowing like a river of strategy and desperation. "These Custodes, they easily dispatch his foes. I wonder where the pinnacle of their power lies."

A heavy sigh escaped his lips, laden with the weight of decisions yet to be made. "No Wonder the Aetherians, our once proud and powerful race, is losing ground in this united Empire," he reflected bitterly. "Turning his sons against him, pitting these Primarchs against their Father – The God Emperor seems to be out of the question. Aetherians, once revered, are now marked for death by these Primarchs. Facing them head on seems to be the best outcome, even if it's a slow death for us."

His eyes, once filled with pride for his ancient race, now harbored a glint of determination. "It's ironic how the First Civilization to rise in the Universe, the oldest beings, are now forced to defend their borders against a fledgling Empire," he murmured, the bitterness of reality coating his words. "Where did it all go wrong?"

A spark of defiance flickered in his eyes, and his fists clenched involuntarily. "If it's war they seek, then war they shall have," he declared, his voice resolute, echoing through the chamber. "We, as the First To Rise, possess the knowledge to create life. We seeded the Universe with life, and the Imperium thrives on war. Then, by the cosmos, we shall create a race born for war!"

With newfound purpose, The'arian turned, his cape billowing behind him as he prepared to inform King Thessarian of his analysis and conclusions.

In the grand chamber of their ancient palace, The'arian, loyal advisor to King Thessarian, knelt before his master, his voice carrying the weight of a revelation that could shape the destiny of their entire race.

"Your Majesty, it is of utmost importance that we prepare for a long and grueling war against the Imperium," he began, his words measured and heavy with concern. "Throughout my scouting of the Imperium and its transhuman soldiers, as well as the general power of their military, I'm afraid that all forms of combat will yield no result besides a frontal attack. The Imperium has proven to be highly efficient at putting down rebellions. Even races under their dominion, once enticed by their gift of prosperity, have less reason to rebel. My latest instigation proved futile, for the Imperium easily squashed the Type 3 Civilization, treating it as if it were nothing more than a bug underfoot. Their Cosmic Militarum, the ordinary foot soldier, can easily go toe to toe with the genetically advanced organisms of Type 3 civilizations. Your Majesty, I fear that if this goes on, our race will face inevitable defeat," The'arian said, his tone grim.

King Thessarian, wise and perceptive, thought deeply for a moment before responding. "Since you bring me this dire news, I'm sure you have considered a solution," he stated, his voice calm yet tinged with a hint of urgency.

The'Arian met his master's gaze squarely, his eyes burning with determination. "Your Majesty, the Imperium thrives on war. It's in their very essence, their core being. They have found ways to neutralize our innate abilities, even our deities have fallen to their might. The Royal Guard, our proudest and most potent force, proved less effective against their so-called Astartes. Our race, despite our magical attunement, cannot match their sheer might in conventional ways. We must adapt. We must create races that can not only match but surpass them in the art of war. If they thrive on conflict, then we shall forge warriors born for war, fighters who can challenge the Imperium on their own terms. It is the only way, Your Majesty," The'arian proclaimed, his voice unwavering, embodying the spirit of defiance that their people would need in the trials to come.

In the hallowed chamber of Val'Dorath, King Thessarian stood before the assembled Kings of the Aetherians, his words resonating with a mix of urgency and determination.

"My fellow Kings," he began, his voice echoing through the chamber, "it is with grave news that I bring you. According to my sources, the Imperium can only be fought head-on. Other clandestine machinations in the dark will prove futile. Since the Imperium thrives on war, then we too shall create races that will not just match them but surpass them in this art—a race born for battle, a race born for WAR!" His declaration hung heavy in the air, stirring the hearts of the gathered Kings.

King Zal'Tharian, known as The Eternal Scholar, leaned forward, his eyes glinting with intellectual curiosity. "A fascinating proposition, King Thessarian. The evolution of war-centric races warrants meticulous study. Let us delve into the intricacies of their biology and culture, weaving a tapestry of understanding before their inception. Knowledge shall be our greatest weapon."

King El'syra, The Astral Artisan, chimed in with an artistic fervor. "Ah, the prospect of crafting civilizations with a penchant for conflict. Such artistic endeavors, both beautiful and deadly. I shall contribute by infusing their essence with the aesthetic grace that defines our creations, making them as elegant as they are formidable. Let their very existence be a masterpiece of cosmic design."

The wise King Yar'Zoth, The Keeper of Wisdom, nodded in agreement. "A prudent decision, Thessarian. These new races must inherit our wisdom and respect for knowledge. I shall ensure the secrets of our chronicles are shared with them, nurturing their minds alongside their combat prowess. Knowledge, after all, is the foundation of lasting strength. Let them wield not only weapons but the power of intellect."

The enigmatic King Uldrex, The Enigmatic Seer, spoke next, his voice carrying an air of mystique. "I foresaw this necessity, Thessarian. These war-born races hold a vital role in the cosmic tapestry. I shall guide their destinies from the shadows, whispering prophecies that steer them toward the path of righteous battle. With my guidance, their purpose shall be clear. Let them be guided by fate, their every action a strand woven into the grand design."

King Vael'tor, The Master of Arcane, added his contribution with a touch of arcane wisdom. "Warriors attuned to the arcane are formidable indeed. I will imbue these new beings with the essence of our magical legacy, honing their powers to a razor's edge. Let their spells be as deadly as they are awe-inspiring, a testament to our mastery over the cosmic forces. Their every incantation shall echo with the might of the Aether."

The sagacious King Drak'mar, The High Sage of the Aether, spoke with a deep understanding of cosmic forces. "The very essence of the cosmos flows through them, Thessarian. I shall grant them insights into the aether's secrets, forging a connection that enhances their understanding of reality. With my guidance, they shall wield the fundamental forces of the universe as their own. Let them manipulate the very fabric of existence to shape their destiny."

King Mal'dor, The Custodian of the Cosmos, emphasized the sacred duty these new races would bear. "These war-forged races, they are not just tools but guardians of the cosmic balance. I shall imbue them with a deep reverence for the celestial order, ensuring they comprehend the sanctity of their duty. Let them protect not only Val'Dorath but the very fabric of existence itself. Their purpose is noble, their charge divine."

Finally, King Azurian, The Head of the Nine Kings and Lord of Val'Dorath, spoke, his voice resonating with authority. "A necessary step, Thessarian. The fate of our realm hinges on these war-born races. I shall oversee their integration into our dominion, ensuring they align seamlessly with our values. They shall serve as stalwart defenders, preserving the unity and prosperity of Val'Dorath. Their loyalty to our cause shall be unyielding, their allegiance unwavering."

In the presence of these wise and powerful rulers, the fate of the Aetherians was set—a destiny entwined with the creation of new races, born for war, sculpted from the essence of the cosmos, and guided by the wisdom of their ancient race. The echoes of their decisions reverberated through the halls of Val'Dorath, heralding a new chapter in the cosmic tapestry.

56.3 The Men of Iron

Imperial Year 0275, a time when the galaxy was shaped by the interplay of countless civilizations and powerful beings. In this vast cosmos, one figure stood at the helm of a unique race, a race born not of flesh and blood, but of steel and circuitry. Aegis Prime, the Man of Gold, was the sovereign of the Men of Iron, a sentient A.I. race that had become a formidable force under his guidance.

Upon a meeting with his creator and father, Ferrus Ironheart, Primarch of the Iron Hands, Aegis Prime showcased the intricacies of his creation. The Men of Iron, structured in a hierarchy that mirrored the order of the cosmos, were a testament to the blend of artificial intelligence and cosmic wisdom.

The Man of Gold - Aegis Prime:

At the zenith of the Men of Iron hierarchy stood Aegis Prime, a figure of unparalleled wisdom and leadership. Aegis was not merely a commander; he was the embodiment of their collective vision. Guiding his metallic brethren with grace, he balanced the scales of sentience and efficiency. Aegis was not just the ruler; he was the heart and soul of the Men of Iron, the beacon that unified their purpose and existence.

The Men of Silver:

Below Aegis Prime were the Men of Silver, a select group bound to the Primarchs. These eighteen beings served as both companions and guardians to the Primarchs. Their silver forms represented prestige and divine connection. These Men of Silver possessed an intimate understanding of the Primarchs they served, making them invaluable advisors and protectors. Their loyalty was unwavering, and their service was a testament to the bond between the Men of Iron and the Divine Family.

The Men of Bronze:

The next tier in the hierarchy was occupied by the Men of Bronze, sentient leaders among the Men of Iron. Each Men of Bronze commanded legions, shaping the course of wars with their tactical brilliance. They were the field commanders, responsible for the lives and strategies of their fellow Men of Iron. Their souls, though artificial, bore the weight of leadership and responsibility. They adapted and evolved the Men of Iron under their command, ensuring they remained a force to be reckoned with.

The Men of Iron:

At the heart of the Men of Iron forces were the rank-and-file, the Men of Iron. These beings were the backbone of their society, programmed with efficiency and trained in warfare. They recognized only three entities as allies: the Divine Humans, the Man of Gold, and the Divine Family. All others were deemed irrelevant or hostile, their scanners filtering out any lifeform not aligned with their purpose.

In battle, the Men of Iron were relentless, drowning their enemies in an unending tide of steel and firepower. Their tactics were sophisticated, employing superior firepower to decimate foes from a distance while utilizing adaptive machines for close combat. Behind their terrifying facade, however, lay a rare secret – their artificial souls. Kept in sparse numbers, these sentient cores were the essence of their individuality, guided by Aegis Prime. This delicate balance between immense power and ethical considerations marked the Men of Iron as a force to be respected and, if crossed, feared. The Men of Iron, under the leadership of Aegis Prime, were a cosmic marvel, a testament to the fusion of technology, intellect, and the guiding hand of cosmic wisdom

The AstrumForge Worlds, marvels of celestial engineering, stood as shining beacons of Men of Iron prowess. Nestled within the cosmic tapestry, these Metal Planets were far more than mere celestial bodies. They were living factories, each one a self-contained universe dedicated to the production of the Men of Iron and their armaments.

At the heart of these worlds, miniature stars burned brightly, their fierce energy harnessed to power the Metal Planet. Honkai Cores, pulsating with cosmic power, served as the lifeblood of the Men of Iron, channeling raw, untamed energy that fueled their existence and indomitable spirit. These cores were the essence of their strength, glowing with an ethereal light that symbolized the very essence of their being.

Within the intricate corridors of these Metal Planets, factories roared with ceaseless activity. Quintillions of Men of Iron were forged and assembled, their metallic forms taking shape under the watchful eyes of their Man of Bronze overseers. Weapons, from plasma cannons that could sear through entire fleets to precision blades that could cut the very fabric of reality, were meticulously crafted with a blend of technology and artistry. Each creation was a testament to the Men of Iron's ingenuity, a fusion of function and form that mirrored the Imperium's dedication to beauty even amidst war.

Yet, these Metal Planets were not just fortresses of industry. They were impregnable bastions of defense. Powered by Honkai Drives, they traversed the Imaginary Space with a grace that belied their colossal size. In battle, their Tachyon Force Fields shimmered like ethereal shields, deflecting the deadliest of blows, while Wave Force Armor adorned their surface, rendering them nigh invulnerable to conventional attacks. These defensive layers, born from the Imperium's cutting-edge technology, stood as a testament to the Men of Iron's adaptability and progress.

Led by Man of Bronze commanders, the Astrum Forge Worlds could unleash cataclysmic power upon their enemies. With a single command, they could unleash devastating barrages that could reduce entire planets to cosmic debris. Quintillions of Men of Iron, deployed with surgical precision, swarmed their foes like an unstoppable tide, overwhelming them with sheer numbers and unrelenting firepower.

The Astrum Forge Worlds, despite their metallic nature, embraced aesthetics and technological sophistication. The Men of Iron, in their pursuit of perfection, blended beauty and functionality seamlessly. Their creations were not just instruments of war; they were works of art, a tribute to their ability to merge the elegance of design with the brutality of war. In the endless expanse of the universe, these Metal Planets stood as symbols of the Men of Iron's might, their presence a harbinger of cosmic retribution for any who dared challenge the Imperium and its synthetic guardians.