
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Cómic
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80 Chs

The Empire of The Multiverse

Chapter 52 - The Pantheon of the Gods, 

The atmosphere in Imperium Primus, the grand capital city of Genesis Prime, was nothing short of electrifying as Perthramar Fireheart, the Lord of Iron, made his triumphant return. The city itself was a marvel, a testament to the harmony between urban development and nature. Despite its colossal size, the city was adorned with lush greenery and trees, a living embodiment of coexistence.

As Perthramar's personal Battleship descended upon the port of Imperium Primus, it was greeted by a sea of people from various races, all bearing the divine heritage of the Honkai in their DNA. This divine connection had enabled the evolution of countless species, just as humans had become Divine Humans under the guidance of the God Emperor and his sons.

The cheers and jubilation of the people filled the air, echoing through the streets and plazas of the city. Perthramar, standing tall with the Astra Nexus in hand, proudly displayed the captured visage of Thalass'Val for all to see. Cameras zoomed in on the imprisoned deity, broadcasting his image to the entire populace.

The cheers grew louder and more fervent, as the people celebrated not only Perthramar's victory but also the indomitable spirit of the Imperium Dominus. It was a moment of unity, a reflection of the unwavering faith and belief in the God Emperor and his divine sons.

In Imperium Primus, the Lord of Iron had returned as a hero, and his triumph against the Ocean God would be etched into the history and hearts of all who witnessed it. The Imperium stood strong, and its people rejoiced in the glory of their Primarch.

In the grand halls of the Throne Room, where the Golden Throne stood as a symbol of power and authority, Perthramar Fireheart, the Lord of Iron, stood before his father, Fafnir Augustus Aurelius, the God-Emperor of the Imperium Dominus. The room radiated with an aura of majesty and significance.

As Perthramar presented the Astra Nexus containing the imprisoned Thalass'Val, the atmosphere grew even more charged with anticipation. He raised the device high and floated it toward his father, who was seated on the Golden Throne—an imposing and intricate structure that signified the embodiment of the God-Emperor's might.

Fafnir, with his ageless gaze and regal presence, extended his hand to accept the Astra Nexus. His eyes bore the wisdom of centuries and the weight of ruling an empire spanning the stars.

"You have done well, Perthramar," Fafnir's voice resonated throughout the chamber, filled with pride for his son's accomplishments. "I couldn't be any more proud of my son achieving victory on the battlefield and capturing a deity as well. You have not only earned glory for yourself but have also brought another allied race into the fold of the Imperium Dominus."

Perthramar felt a swell of pride and reverence for his father. To receive such praise from the God-Emperor himself was a testament to the significance of his achievement. The Imperium's power and influence continued to grow, and Perthramar had played a pivotal role in furthering its reach.

Fafnir, the God-Emperor of the Imperium Dominus, held the Astra Nexus aloft, and with a casual wave of his hand, he manipulated the very fabric of reality itself. The once-intimate throne room expanded suddenly, stretching the perception of those present. His officials, who had been standing nearby, now perceived themselves to be almost a mile away, yet they were still within the confines of the throne room. The Golden Throne remained visible in the distance, a testament to the God-Emperor's mastery over space and reality.

Perthramar watched this display with a mixture of admiration and familiarity. His father's ability to manipulate concepts like space and reality had always been awe-inspiring. Despite the power he held, Fafnir often maintained a leisurely demeanor, especially in his interactions with his grown children.

"Still as powerful as ever, Father," Perthramar remarked, his voice tinged with respect.

Fafnir chuckled, a warm and familiar sound that resonated through the vast expanse of the altered space. "Well, you know, I'm usually leisurely these days. With you children leading armies, conquering worlds, and handling the Imperium's affairs, I've had more time for other pursuits. Like practicing with the Custodes, for instance."

Perthramar couldn't help but roll his eyes at his father's nonchalant reference to training with the Custodes, the Imperium's elite guardians. Fafnir's next comment, however, caught him off guard.

"Or," Fafnir continued with a mischievous glint in his eye, "Doing your mother."

Perthramar's face flushed with embarrassment, and he sputtered, "Damn it, Dad, you don't have to talk about that!" The God-Emperor's sense of humor remained as sharp as ever, much to his children's chagrin.

Perthramar was curious about his mother's whereabouts, a topic that shifted the conversation away from his father's playful banter. "Speaking of Mother, where is she right now?" he inquired.

Fafnir pondered for a moment before offering his best guess. "Probably in the lower realms of the Imperium, perhaps in sector 2. Some planets there are covered in ice. Your mother does enjoy conquest, after all."

Perthramar nodded in agreement. Esdeath, his mother, had always been known for her fierce determination and love of battle.

But the conversation quickly returned to the matter at hand. Fafnir decided to release Thalass'Val from the Astra Nexus. The colossal Aetherian deity emerged within the throne room, his immense form filling the space. However, the very divinity of the God-Emperor washed over him, and Thalass'Val's body began to atomize. It seemed that the Honkai, a fundamental force in the Imperium, was hostile to non-Honkai deities.

"Dad, you don't think he's going to die?" Perthramar voiced his concern as he watched Thalass'Val's form disintegrate.

Fafnir, realizing the gravity of the situation, swiftly intervened to stop the Honkai's destructive force. The weakened Thalass'Val was spared from further harm.

As Thalass'Val's massive form dwindled to the size of a bus, he struggled to maintain his defiance in the face of his impending fate. Weakly, he uttered, "You're...not supposed to evolve into...Godhood."

Fafnir, unmoved by the deity's plight, retorted, "Oh, so you were the reason why humanity has problems extending their lives beyond the standard 100."

Thalass'Val, though weakened, continued to resist. "Honkai... shouldn't exist in this Universe."

Fafnir responded with a hint of amusement, "Oh, it does. You were just asleep when it did exist."

With authority, Fafnir demanded, "Tell me the names of all the Aetherian Gods."

Thalass'Val, maintaining his rebellious spirit, replied, "Make me, inferior species."

Fafnir, however, wasn't one to be trifled with. He seized Thalass'Val's head and initiated a powerful intrusion into the deity's divine soul and mind. Thalass'Val screamed in agony, unable to withstand the assault on his very essence.

Fafnir pressed on, explaining a chilling revelation. "An interesting fact I realized when I became the God of the Honkai is that the Honkai is inherently destructive and chaotic, able to corrupt everything, even deities, At my Command"

Thalass'Val's expression shifted to one of horror as he comprehended the dire implications. Fafnir continued with a grim tone, "Yes, corruption. Your soul and divinity will be enslaved to the Honkai."

Then, Fafnir dropped a truly unsettling revelation. "The only reason I'm not doing that is that I prefer to be Lawful Good. However, I can choose to be Chaotic Evil and end the universe, destroying everything in my way."

Perthramar, overhearing this, couldn't help but break into a cold sweat. The idea that his father, Fafnir, had the power and willingness to become a force of evil capable of ending the entire universe was a chilling thought, casting a dark shadow over the room.

Fafnir, despite the dire circumstances, maintained a sense of detachment from the situation. "But don't you think destruction and oblivion are kind of mundane and boring? That's why I prefer to build and raise life because life is beautiful. But I digress. Tell me the information I want; otherwise, Valorath might see your walking corpse unleashed upon them."

Thalass'Val, his determination unwavering, responded, "I shall never betray my people."

Fafnir, unswayed by Thalass'Val's resolve, said, "Have it your way." With that, he unleashed the Honkai Corruption upon the deity. Blue and gold Honkai energy began to atomize Thalass'Val's body, consuming him. After the atomization process, his form transformed into an Emperor-Class Honkai Beast. Thalass'Val's screams of pain and despair filled the room as the corruption continued to warp his essence.

Perthramar, witnessing the gruesome transformation, couldn't help but question his father's approach. "Father, don't you think your approach is cruel?"

Fafnir turned his gaze toward Perthramar, his eyes filled with a solemn wisdom. "Cruelty is a necessity when dealing with Gods. Hostile Gods will commit genocide against their own creations and races. Without a doubt, if the tables are turned, the same fate will usually befall them. That is why you can be merciful to mortal races, to their creations, but never show mercy to Gods. Hostile Gods will, without a doubt, be merciless against hostile Gods." Fafnir's explanation carried a weight of experience and a sense of unyielding resolve.

Fafnir's words hung heavily in the air as he addressed his cabinet. The knowledge of the Aetherian Pantheon, the Old Ones, and the awakening of Thalass'Val had left them with a newfound understanding of the challenges that lay ahead.

As Fafnir held the divine soul of Thalass'Val in his palm, he delved deep into the memories of the corrupted deity. The knowledge extracted was ancient, spanning millions of years, revealing the history and nature of the Old Ones. Fafnir shared this invaluable information with Perthramar and the officials nearby, shedding light on the formidable foes they had encountered.

"The Old Ones are very old and very powerful," Fafnir began. "Luckily, during the early stages of the Wars, we managed to seize hold of their technology. At that time, we already possessed the Honkai Pylons; otherwise, we would have suffered mass casualties from their reality-warping abilities alone."

As the throne room slowly returned to normal, Fafnir continued, providing insights into Valorath's Pantheon and its hierarchy:

- **Main God:** Valorath, the God of Magic and King of the Gods.

- **Upper Gods:** Thalass'Val, God of the Cosmic Oceans; Val'Mortis, God of Death; Val'arian, God of Life.

- **Middle Gods:** Val'Orth, God of War; Val'Noria, Goddess of Nature; Val'Caelum, God of the Skies; Val'Pyros, God of Fire; Val'Anima, God of Souls.

- **Lower Gods:** Val'Selene, Goddess of the Moon; Val'Solare, God of the Sun; Val'Umbralis, God of Shadows; Val'Aquarius, God of Water; Val'Terra, God of Earth; Val'Harmonia, Goddess of Harmony.

The wealth of knowledge about the Aetherian Pantheon and the Old Ones would prove invaluable in the ongoing conflict and future interactions with these powerful entities.

"I have no way of knowing whether all these Gods have awakened or what has transpired during Thalass'Val's millennia-long imprisonment," Fafnir continued, his tone measured and solemn. "But we must remain vigilant and ever-ready. The Imperium's strength lies in its preparedness."

The Cabinet members nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. They knew that the universe was in a state of flux, and the emergence of powerful deities and races could alter the balance of power.

Meanwhile, in the center of the universe, Valorath, the God of Magic, sensed the extinguishing divine fire of Thalass'Val. Anger and frustration welled within him as he realized another god had fallen to the might of the Imperium.

"Another god has fallen," Valorath muttered, his voice dripping with disdain. "Damn Imperium, damn monkeys."

He continued to channel immense magical energy to awaken his subjects, knowing that the conflict between the Imperium and the Aetherians was far from over.

Fafnir's voice resonated through the grand throne room as he wove a tale of ancient history, a narrative spanning millions of years, from the humble beginnings of the Aetherians to their ascent as cosmic beings. His words painted vivid images of a bygone era.

"The Aetherians began life as humble frogs," Fafnir began, his eyes filled with the weight of millennia from the memories of Thalass'Val. "In the span of a mere 5,000 years, their evolution was accelerated by their unwavering belief and their innate affinity for magic."

As he spoke, the assembled officials listened intently, their minds transported back in time to an age when the universe was young and filled with boundless potential.

"Over the next 5,000 years," Fafnir continued, "the Aetherians worshipped many gods, but it was Valorath, the God of Magic, who would rise as the King of the Gods. Their devotion and magical prowess gave birth to a new era."

In the minds of those gathered, the Golden Age of the Aetherians came to life—a time when magic flowed freely, and the cosmos bowed to their whims.

"With the powers gifted by their deities and their inherent mastery of magic," Fafnir recounted, "they embarked on a grand journey across the stars. They seeded life on countless planets, bending space and time to traverse the universe with ease."

His words brought forth visions of celestial voyages and the creation of life, from the birth of early beings like the humans to the vast tapestry of existence woven by the Aetherians.

"But the next millennia would see them clash with the Star Gods," Fafnir continued, his voice tinged with solemnity. "These beings, the true gods of the physical realm, could shape stars, create black holes, and warp reality on a colossal scale."

The room seemed to tremble with the cosmic battles he described, where the Aetherians faced the awe-inspiring might of the Star Gods.

"As the war raged on," Fafnir narrated, "the numbers of both sides dwindled. From a hundred Star Gods, only twenty remained. The Aetherians had won, but at a terrible cost. Despite their valiant efforts, they couldn't eliminate the very mechanisms of the universe that birthed the Star Gods."

His words echoed with the solemnity of a war that had shaped the destiny of a race and the universe itself.

"Thus," Fafnir concluded, "the war ended in a stalemate, and the Aetherians, scarred by catastrophic losses, chose to slumber through the eons that followed."

52.2 The 9 Kings of the Aetherians

In the heart of the Aetherian realm, the nine kings convened in a gathering of cosmic significance. Each king bore a title and role that defined their essence and purpose within the Aetherian hierarchy. They discussed the pressing matter that weighed heavily on their minds—the rise of the Imperium Dominus and the imprisonment of two of their gods.

**King Azurian - The Head of the Nine Kings and Lord of Val'Dorath** spoke first, his voice resonating with an air of authority. "My fellow kings, we find ourselves in challenging times. The Imperium Dominus has proven to be a formidable force, and their conquests continue unchecked."

**King Vael'tor - The Master of Arcane** nodded in agreement. "Indeed, their mastery over the Honkai and their evolution into Biological Gods have given them an unprecedented advantage. We underestimated their capabilities."

**King Zal'Tharian - The Eternal Scholar** leaned forward, his eyes filled with contemplation. "Our decision to remain on the defensive has cost us dearly. We've lost two gods from our Pantheon, and the Imperium continues to expand."

**King Mal'dor - The Custodian of the Cosmos** added, "It is clear that our current approach is insufficient. We must reconsider our strategy if we are to regain the upper hand."

**King Uldrex - The Enigmatic Seer** remained silent for a moment, his gaze distant as if peering into the fabric of time itself. "I have glimpsed a future where the Universe is in turmoil, consumed by the fires of our conflict with the Imperium. The Primarchs, too, are formidable adversaries, making it challenging to subdue them."

**King El'syra - The Astral Artisan** interjected, "Yet we possess great potential. Many of our brethren remain in stasis, awaiting the call to action. When the time is right, we shall unleash their power."

**King Yar'Zoth - The Keeper of Wisdom** added, "Patience has always been our virtue. We have withstood the test of time and faced formidable adversaries in the past. We will adapt, grow stronger, and bide our time."

**King Drak'mar - The High Sage of the Aether** spoke with a tone of reassurance, "Our knowledge is vast, and our ancient wisdom is a weapon in itself. We shall seek new avenues, develop new strategies, and wait for the opportune moment."

**King Thessarian - The Supreme General and Champion of Val'Dorath** concluded, "In the face of adversity, we must evolve and persevere. The Universe may burn, but we shall rise from its ashes stronger than ever."

King Thessarian's words resonated in the midst of the cosmic council, his wisdom cutting through the tension that hung in the air. The other eight kings of the Aetherians sat in contemplative silence, considering the implications of his analysis.

"The Imperium," King Thessarian continued, "is a complex tapestry of worlds, cultures, and races, all held together by their unwavering belief in the God-Emperor and his divine lineage, the primarchs. This belief is the very foundation upon which the Imperium stands."

He paused, his gaze sweeping across the assembly of kings, each one representing a facet of the Aetherian race.

"Without the presence of the God-Emperor and Empress," King Thessarian stated, "the Imperium would be plunged into chaos. The unity, the order, and the harmony we see today would crumble, replaced by a chaotic struggle for dominance."

His words hung heavily in the air, a stark reminder of the delicate balance upon which the Imperium rested.

"I have had the privilege of witnessing the diversity of cultures and races under the Imperium's banner," King Thessarian continued. "Even races with historical enmities coexist peacefully, all because of their shared faith in the God-Emperor."

The council of kings absorbed his words, recognizing the truth in them. The Imperium was a vast and intricate tapestry, woven together by belief and held in place by the divine presence of the God-Emperor.

"In our pursuit to confront the Imperium," King Thessarian concluded, "we must consider this fragile balance. To undermine their faith in the God-Emperor is to strike at the heart of the Imperium itself. It is a task not to be taken lightly."