
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Cómic
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80 Chs

The Empire of the Multiverse

Chapter 51 - The Lord of Iron

The battleground was an otherworldly abyss, a waterless ocean floor several kilometers beneath the surface. Here, the Lord of Iron, Perthramar Fireheart, faced off against the once-imprisoned deity of the Old Ones, Thalass'Val.

Despite the Ocean God's weakened state from millennia of imprisonment, its power was formidable. It surged forward with torrents of water so mighty that they sliced through both the sea and the ocean floor, leaving behind vast, kilometers-long trenches. Tsunamis rose like towering titans, but all these colossal forces of nature seemed powerless to reach the Primarch.

Perthramar, standing confidently on a floating platform constructed of metal, remained untouched by the relentless onslaught. In response, he summoned colossal steel pillars from the ocean floor, impaling Thalass'Val and pinning the deity in place.

However, Thalass'Val was not defeated so easily. Even in its dire predicament, the deity attempted to wield its reality-warping magic. It sought to make the Lord of Iron forget his existence, a power that could erase a being from the fabric of reality itself.

But to the Ocean God's surprise, its reality-warping magic refused to respond. Confusion swept across Thalass'Val as it struggled to understand why its power was failing.

Perthramar, observing this moment of vulnerability, couldn't help but laugh. With a raise of his hand, trillions of nanomachines formed into colossal spears, each one a kilometer in length and a quarter kilometer wide. The sky darkened as these immense spears rained down upon Thalass'Val, further impaling the deity and preventing it from using its magic.

The Honkai-Pylons, powerful devices of the Imperium, acted as a complete counter to magic-wielding foes. They were especially deadly against deities who were not at full strength.

In the midst of their epic battle on the ocean floor, Perthramar Fireheart, the Lord of Iron, showed no sign of relenting. His resolve was unyielding, his determination resolute. The imprisoned Ocean God, Thalass'Val, was in a state of disarray, his immense form impaled by colossal spears of iron.

Perthramar's voice thundered through the water as he addressed the deity, his words laced with both determination and disdain. "I am not even impressed, Thalass'Val. This should not be the height of your power, but our battle and sides dictate that I will never give you a chance to even recover even a bit of your divinity. My brother Horus has slain Val'Orth, the Aetherian God of War, and he received the praise and approval of our parents. I, too, shall do the same—one less God of the Pantheon, one less enemy for the Imperium."

Thalass'Val, despite his dire situation, couldn't hide his shock. "Impossible! Val'Orth is invincible! He is only below the three of us!"

Perthramar's response was as relentless as his attack. "But he was defeated, killed, burnt to nothing—his very soul incinerated. To tell you the truth, your proud people have been losing against the Imperium for centuries. Now, you are on the defensive. The proud Aetherians, the Old Ones, have built a wall for the first time in their aged lives just to survive."

Thalass'Val, unable to move and with nearly every inch of his body impaled by iron spears, seethed with impotent rage. His once-mighty control over water proved useless against the unyielding Lord of Iron.

The Mermen of Thalassopolis watched in a mix of shock and awe as the once-feared Ocean God, Thalass'Val, found himself impaled and helpless against the indomitable Lord of Iron. Millennia of fear and suffering at the hands of this deity were coming to a climactic end.

Prince Aquarion looked at his father, King Thalassor, and spoke with a sense of vindication and hope in his voice. "We bet right, father. The Lord of Iron has easily dealt with the Ocean God. Our race shall prosper under the Imperium."

King Thalassor, though still concerned for the fate of their people, breathed a sigh of relief. He, too, could see the undeniable might of Thalass'Val, the Ocean God who had once unleashed monstrous tsunamis and torrents capable of tearing through the planet's crust. Yet, these formidable displays of power proved futile against the Lord of Iron. Gigantic pillars of iron, seemingly emerging from the very core of the planet, surrounded Perthramar, protecting him with ease. But it was the moment when Perthramar raised his hand and covered the sky with colossal iron spears, hurtling them toward Thalass'Val, that King Thalassor realized they had made the right choice.

"We indeed chose well, my son," King Thalassor said with pride and gratitude. "In fact, you chose well, and I trusted your judgment."

As the impaled Ocean God writhed in agony and helplessness, the Mermen knew that their race had been saved from the ancient terror that had plagued them for eons. Under the protection and alliance of the Imperium Dominus, a new era beckoned for Thalassopolis, one filled with hope, progress, and prosperity.

With the Ocean God, Thalass'Val, captured and frozen within the Astra Nexus, Perthramar couldn't help but ponder the reactions of his divine family and fellow Primarchs when they learned of this remarkable feat. He had captured a living deity of the Aetherians, a being of immense power, and now he held it in his grasp.

"I shall present a complete deity to my parents, the God-Emperor and Empress," he thought to himself. "I wonder how they would react, how my brothers would react when they see me capture a living deity of the Aetherians."

Perthramar opened his palm, revealing a miniature device known as the Astra Nexus. This device was typically used to capture Star Gods, and with its activation, it generated a singularity of Honkai Energy. In mere moments, Thalass'Val's colossal body vanished from the ocean floor, leaving behind only the impaled form within the pyramid-like Astra Nexus.

"It is done," Perthramar declared, a sense of accomplishment and purpose coursing through him. The capture of Thalass'Val marked a significant achievement, one that would undoubtedly have far-reaching implications for both the Mermen of Thalassopolis and the Imperium Dominus.

Perthramar stood before the Mermen, his mission completed, and his heart filled with a sense of duty fulfilled. With the capture of Thalass'Val and the promising alliance forged between the Imperium Dominus and the Mermen of Thalassopolis, he felt a deep satisfaction in the knowledge that their race would now live in peace, free from the looming threat of the Ocean God.

"Your race shall live in peace," Perthramar declared, his voice resonating with authority. "With the Aetherian gone, if you manage to explore the stars, visit the Capital Planet of Genesis Prime. Everyone does pilgrimage there at least once."

The Mermen, grateful and determined, saluted the Primarch in unison. "Thank you, Primarch. We shall make it our goal to reach the stars and embark on that pilgrimage," Prince Aquarion affirmed, his eyes filled with hope for the future.

"Now, my work here is done," Perthramar continued. "Worship my father, the God-Emperor. Everyone does. Who knows, he might suddenly give you a gift. It's in his nature to do random things once in a while—the whims of God, the Honkai."

With those parting words, Perthramar turned and left with his Iron Warrior Astartes, leaving behind a race filled with newfound possibilities, peace, and the knowledge that they were not alone in the vast cosmos.

The news of Perthramar Fireheart's victory over the Ocean God Thalass'Val echoed like thunder throughout the Imperium Dominus and beyond. It was a tale that spread like wildfire across the stars, igniting a mixture of awe, dread, and caution in the hearts of those who heard it.

In the vast cosmos, where powerful beings and ancient deities were revered and feared, the Imperium had shown once again that it stood unyielding against even the gods themselves. The Imperium had not one, but three Primarchs who had proven their mettle against divine entities.

Perthramar Fireheart, the Lord of Iron, had demonstrated his unshakable resolve and unwavering might in the face of Thalass'Val. He had defeated an Aetherian god, showcasing the power of the Imperium Dominus and its Primarchs.

Alongside him, Horus Darkbane, the Primarch of the Luna Wolves, had slain a god from the Pantheon of Valorath. The Lord of Death, Mordecai Ashbringer, had defended the Imperium against an invasion by a foreign god. Three Primarchs, three different battles, all victorious.

The Universe watched in awe and trepidation as the Imperium's Primarchs proved that they could wrestle with gods and emerge victorious. The Imperium had become a force to be reckoned with, an entity that challenged the very foundations of godhood.

In the wake of these epic battles, the surrounding powers, especially the Aetherians, harbored feelings of hatred and resentment. They had witnessed the fall of their divine brethren, and the Imperium's ascent to power filled them with dread.

But for the Imperium and its people, it was a time of celebration and unity. The triumphant Primarchs had not only defended their empire but had also shown the universe that they would not bow before the divine. The Imperium Dominus stood as a beacon of strength and defiance, ready to face any challenge, mortal or divine, that dared to threaten its existence.

The saga of Perthramar Fireheart, Horus Darkbane, and Mordecai Ashbringer had become an epic tale, etched in the annals of history, a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Imperium Dominus.