
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Cómic
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80 Chs

The Empire of the Multiverse

Chapter 36 - The Foolish One

In the vast expanse of the Imperium, a sudden disruption in the fabric of reality caught the attention of Fafnir, the God Emperor. Sensing an intruder not of this universe, he quickly gathered his forces and focused his immense power on the capital planet, Genesis Prime, The Star God had somehow followed the thread of imaginary space, an anomaly that had caught its attention. It was drawn to Genesis Prime, like a moth to a flame.

As the mysterious entity materialized, it was greeted by a formidable barrage of defense systems. The automated turrets and shields of the Solar System unleashed a torrent of energy, obliterating the intruder in a matter of seconds. Fafnir and Esdeath.

"Well, that was rather anticlimactic," Fafnir mused, his voice echoing across the command chamber. "I thought we would have to engage in a cataclysmic battle with an Ancient Star God."

Esdeath, the God Empress, frowned at the quick demise of the entity. "I was expecting a grand show of power and devastation. This is quite underwhelming, to say the least."

But even in its defeat, the Imaginary Space managed to grasp the soul of the vanquished Stargod. The Honkai energy of the Imaginary Space consumed the soul, and an influx of knowledge flooded Fafnir's mind.

"The Imaginary Space Sent Fafnir information," Fafnir said, his eyes widening with revelation. "The Imaginary Space spoke of 20 Ancient Star Gods, but now there are 19 and its name was 'The Foolish One,'" Fafnir disclosed, his expression solemn.

Esdeath burst into laughter. "Well, no wonder it got destroyed so easily. With a name like that, it probably did something incredibly stupid!" she exclaimed, finding humor in the situation.

"Well, it's no surprise then that he ended up being so easily defeated. I mean, who goes charging into a heavily fortified intergalactic empire without a proper plan?" Fafnir said.

36.2 Aetherians of Val'dorath

In the heart of the Center of the Universe, the Kings of the Aetherians of Valdorath gathered in a grand hall, their expressions grim and serious. Valorath, the God of Magic, had just awakened, and the news of the rapidly rising intergalactic empire known as Imperium Dominus had reached their ears.

In the magnificent halls of the Center of the Universe, the Aetherian Kings of Valdorath gathered for a crucial meeting. Valorath, the God of Magic, had awakened from his slumber, his presence radiating power and disdain for the rapidly rising Imperium Dominus.

"A new intergalactic empire has emerged, and its growth is astonishingly fast!" declared King Zal'tharian, his eyes ablaze with concern. "Their technologies are like nothing we have ever witnessed. Flayers that reduce enemies to atoms, sun-fueled spaceships, and those Astartes... they are like Angels of Death!"

King El'syra, the master of celestial forces, added, "Their Primarchs, the Children of the God Emperor and Empress, rival even our own pantheon in strength. Their Astartes, wielding this enigmatic 'Honkai Energy,' are on par with our immortal Royal Guards. It's unfathomable!"

Valorath, the ancient deity, listened intently, his thoughts swirling with mixed emotions. "Even from the Center of the Universe, I can sense their divine powers," he remarked. "This God Emperor controls a force capable of consuming the entire Universe. It has latched onto the fabric of reality itself."

In the midst of their discussion, 19 avatars of the Ancient Star Gods manifested before them. The Kings tensed, their magical auras bristling with unease. Valorath scowled, for he had a history of strife with the Ancient Star Gods. Yet, they came with a proposal.

"The Ancient Star Gods offered to hold the God Emperor at bay when the inevitable war begins," revealed King Yar'zoth, his voice tinged with distrust. "They believe that together, we can destroy Imperium Dominus and protect our dominion."

"Our pride has been wounded, as they have cleansed our homeworlds in the conquered galaxies," added King Ithrial, his voice filled with indignation. "We cannot allow this upstart empire to threaten us further!"

Valorath pondered their words, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily upon him. "The Ancient Star Gods may be our foes, but the threat of Imperium Dominus is greater," he declared solemnly. "If they can challenge the very fabric of existence, then we must unite against this common enemy."

As the Kings braced for the impending conflict, Valorath decided to accelerate the awakening of his people. The time had come to muster their full magical might and prepare for a war that would shake the cosmos. The fate of the Center of the Universe and all its inhabitants hung in the balance, as they faced the daunting prospect of clashing with a force as formidable as the Imperium Dominus. In the face of such a grave threat, alliances would be forged, ancient rivalries set aside, and the fate of the Universe would be decided in a cataclysmic confrontation of cosmic proportions.

And so, with the decision made, Valorath focused his immense powers on accelerating the awakening of his people.

As the divine energy and magic of Valorath radiated throughout the Universe, the Sleeping Worlds of the Aetherians began to stir. Slowly, the slumbering beings awoke from their thousand-year rest, their powers surging to life once more. Across galaxies, those who were conscious and aware of the awakening made their way towards the Center of the Universe, drawn by the powerful call of their God of Magic.

Meanwhile, in Genesis Prime, Fafnir and Esdeath sensed the vast influx of divine energy and magic. Fafnir's keen instincts immediately recognized it as the presence of a powerful deity, the ruler of the Aetherians. Esdeath concurred, connecting the magical signature to the green-skinned Aetherians they had encountered before.

"It seems that a God has awakened," Fafnir mused, his eyes gazing towards the far reaches of the Universe. "And he possesses the same magic power as those green-skinned men we encountered."

Esdeath nodded in agreement, her own senses attuned to the unfolding events. "Whatever he is doing, it appears to be a momentous task. But how long will it take?" she wondered.

Fafnir pondered for a moment. "The awakening of their race usually takes a thousand years according to the Imaginary Space, but with his vast divine powers, This unknown God can accelerate it to a mere three hundred years give or take," he explained.

"Three hundred years... that's still quite a long time," Esdeath remarked, her expression thoughtful.

Fafnir agreed, but his mind was already turning towards preparations. He issued commands to his Custodes, instructing them to remain vigilant and ready for any possible changes in the Universe.

"We cannot predict the outcome of This God's awakening, nor the implications it might have for us," Fafnir said. "But we must be prepared for whatever may come."

36.3 What is a Primarch?

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, within the intergalactic empire of Imperium Dominus, the concept of the Primarchs took on a profound and otherworldly significance. Born of the divine union between the God Emperor Fafnir and the God Empress Esdeath, the Primarchs were not ordinary beings; they were destined for greatness, for they embodied the very essence of Herrschers.

Fafnir, the God of the Honkai, The supreme will of this apocalyptic disaster, the Honkai itself being a manifestation of the "Whims of God." As the Honkai was anchored to Imperium Dominus, it gained strength with each technological advancement the empire made. And thus, the Primarchs, being natural-born Herrschers, were destined to wield the calamitous powers of the Honkai.

But the Primarchs were more than just rulers of disasters; they were the embodiment of their divine heritage. Born of the God Emperor and Empress, their lineage divine. As conduits of power for the Imaginary Space, the Primarchs channeled the might of Herrschers, not through the conventional means of honkai energy concentration, but through the inherent connection to the apocalyptic forces that lay within them.

Each Herrscher is a Facet of either Fafnir or Esdeath, each with Unique powers of the Herrscher.

36.4 A Deity of the God of Magic Valorath

In the far reaches of the Eastern part of Imperium Dominus, Horus Darkbane led his mighty Luna Wolves to confront the ruling Galactic Empire known as the Randan Empire. These vicious and technologically advanced jellyfish-like creatures had been subjugating and enslaving countless civilizations, ruling with an iron fist. Horus was determined to put an end to their tyranny and liberate the oppressed populace.

With his legions marching across the Randa Galaxy, Horus left a trail of destruction in his wake, burning every Randan he encountered and freeing the enslaved. His reputation as a fearsome and relentless warrior preceded him, and none could stop the relentless advance of Horus Darkbane.

As Horus and his legions finally reached the Randan homeworld, they were met with a cunning ambush orchestrated by the Old Ones themselves. The desperate Randan knew their end was near and sought an alliance with Imperium Dominus' greatest enemy, an unknown and formidable green-skinned manfrog with glowing runes adorning his body. The mysterious figure emanated aether and magic, and Horus sensed a hint of divinity in his opponent's presence.

Mocking the Primarch, the green-skinned manfrog taunted, "You must be the Primarch I've been hearing about. You don't look that strong. Nevertheless, you will die here, and your Father, the God Emperor, will lose a son."

Horus felt a surge of anger, but he remained composed and gestured to his Luna Wolves Astartes and Mortal Auxiliary Legions to leave the planet. "Is that right, foolish alien?" Horus responded, unsheathing the great sword from his back and aiming it at his opponent. "I am Horus Darkbane, Primarch of the Luna Wolves, Son of the God Emperor Fafnir and God Empress Esdeath, Alien introduce yourself!"

The Aetherian smirked confidently and revealed his identity, "Very well, Horus. I am Val'Orth, the God of War, under the Pantheon of the God of Magic, Valorath!"

Before another word was spoken, Val'Orth swiftly appeared in front of Horus and slashed him with his claws, initiating the fierce battle that would span seven long days. The planet itself would be consumed by the cataclysmic clash between these formidable beings.

The skies above the Randam homeworld were set ablaze with fiery explosions and flashes of magical brilliance as the two powerful adversaries clashed. Horus, wielding his massive sword with skill and determination, faced off against Val'Orth, who utilized his divine aetheric powers with uncanny precision.

Val'Orth, the God of War under the Pantheon of the God of Magic, Valorath, found himself taken aback by the unexpected turn of events. The reality-altering magics he had unleashed were met with a powerful counterforce in the form of Horus Darkbane's Divina Combat Skin equipped with Honkai Reality Anchors. It seemed that the Primarch of the Luna Wolves had learned from his encounters with the Aetherians, adapting his armor to neutralize any attempts at distorting reality.

As the two powerful beings faced off on the scorched planet's surface, Val'Orth could feel the temperature rising rapidly. The very air around them seemed to sizzle with intensity, and he realized that the source of this overwhelming heat was none other than Horus himself. The Primarch, embodying the Herrscher of Fire, was a force of nature, an inferno of power that surpassed even Val'Orth's expectations.

"Your powers are impressive, Horus Darkbane," Val'Orth admitted, his glowing runes shimmering with aether. "But do not think for a moment that you can stand against the might of a God."

With a wave of his hand, Val'Orth summoned a torrent of magical energy, seeking to overwhelm Horus with the sheer force of his elemental magic to dark magic. But to his surprise, the Primarch stood his ground.

"Your tricks won't work on me," Horus declared, his voice unwavering amidst the chaos. "I am the Herrscher of Fire, and no magic can extinguish my flames."

Undeterred, Val'Orth increased the intensity of his attacks, determined to break through Horus's defenses. The very fabric of reality seemed to bend and twist under the strain of his magic, but still, the Primarch stood strong, his fiery aura burning brighter than ever.

The clash between Val'Orth, the God of War, and Horus Darkbane, the Herrscher of Fire, reached a new level of intensity as the battlefield was transformed into a maelstrom of elements. Val'Orth summoned the powers of ice and water, creating waves and torrents of oceanic proportions in an attempt to douse the Primarch's raging flames.

Horus, moving with incredible speed propelled by his own intense heat, danced through the onslaught of water and ice. His every movement left trails of evaporating liquid in his wake, and his great sword gleamed with scorching heat, transforming the very air around it into a shimmering mirage.

Val'Orth teleported with lightning speed, appearing in a flurry of snow and frost to evade Horus's searing attacks. The God of War utilized thick walls of ice as shields, intercepting the waves of heat and flame that Horus unleashed. The clash of elemental forces created a spectacle of steam and vapor, obscuring the battlefield in an ethereal haze.

The very ground beneath them trembled as the two mighty beings clashed, their powers reshaping the landscape with each strike. Ice and fire, water and heat, clashed in a symphony of destruction and creation, as if the very elements of the universe were engaged in an epic duel.

Horus's movements were a blur, his fiery aura leaving a trail of scorched earth wherever he tread. He anticipated Val'Orth's every move, striking with precision and speed that defied the laws of physics. The intense heat emanating from his body began to melt the ice shields with every strike, forcing Val'Orth to continuously adapt his defenses.

Val'Orth, undeterred by the Primarch's onslaught, continued to manipulate the elements with masterful precision. He summoned blizzards and freezing winds, attempting to encase Horus in a cocoon of ice. Yet, each attempt was met with Horus's determination and resilience, as he shattered through the icy constraints with sheer force and will and the heat he is emitting.

As the battle raged on, it became clear that neither combatant would yield easily. The very fabric of reality seemed to strain under the weight of their powers, and the planet's surface bore the scars of their epic clash. Steam and mist swirled around them, obscuring their forms as they continued their dance of destruction.

The clash between Horus Darkbane and Val'Orth, the God of War, reached a fevered crescendo, their powers escalating to unprecedented heights. Horus's flames, once a fierce orange, shifted to a brilliant blue before transforming into a blinding white as the battle progressed. The temperature soared to unimaginable levels, surging beyond 40,000 degrees, causing a portion of the planet to melt under the onslaught of raw, incendiary power.

Val'Orth's divine energy strained against the overwhelming heat, The very air distorted around Horus, and his aura blazed with the intensity of a white star. The ground beneath him turned to seething magma, the raw elemental force he commanded.

With each strike, the earth trembled, and the clash of powers created shockwaves that reverberated through space. Val'Orth, once confident in his abilities, found himself pushed to his limits, struggling to counter the onslaught of white-hot flames that engulfed him. His attacks, composed of ice and water, evaporated before they could even touch Horus's searing aura.

Dodge after dodge, Val'Orth's clothes bore the marks of his narrow escapes, his divine form singed and scorched. Horus's attacks were unrelenting, and Val'Orth's pride began to waver as his defenses crumbled under the overwhelming assault.

"A God of War? Is this all you can do?" Horus's taunt cut through the chaos, his voice carrying an air of unyielding confidence. "So much for being the first civilization. Just drop dead and watch as we rise to replace your unworthy throne."

Val'Orth's panic was palpable as he attempted to muster his powers with reckless desperation. He summoned torrents of water and walls of ice, only to see them instantly melt and vanish as they approached the white-hot core of Horus's flames. The realization struck him that he was outmatched, that the tides had irreversibly turned against him.

"It's too late. The moment we fought was the moment you're doomed," Horus's words cut through the chaos, a declaration of impending victory. Val'Orth's resolve wavered, his pride clashing against the harsh reality before him.

"Impossible! You're just a monkey, a lowly species we created out of boredom!" Val'Orth's voice trembled with desperation, his once lofty arrogance replaced with a frantic plea.

"We might have been monkeys once, but with the guidance of my Father, the God Emperor, we evolved into something better—a higher life form. But enough chatter," Horus's voice dripped with finality, his determination unshakable. "The pantheon of Valorath will soon have one less God—one less enemy for the Imperium!"

With a burst of speed that defied comprehension, Horus launched himself at Val'Orth, his Divina Combat Skin enabling him to move at the speed of light. Val'Orth's attempts at teleportation were futile, each attempt met with a swift and calculated strike from the Primarch.

"You can't use the same trick multiple times and think your enemy does not know how to counter, foolish Aetherian. Die!" Horus's words were a condemnation as much as a battle cry. He directed the overwhelming white flames at Val'Orth, the searing heat engulfing the God of War's visage. In mere moments, what was once a mighty deity was reduced to ash, the remnants disappearing in a swirling eddy of scorching light.

Val'Orth's final words were silenced, his fate sealed by the Primarch's unrelenting might. The battle, a cosmic clash of elemental forces and divine power, reached its climax in a blinding explosion of energy. The world bore the scars of their conflict, a testament to the cataclysmic struggle that had unfolded.

As the white flames subsided, and the echoes of battle faded, the landscape was forever changed. Horus Darkbane, the Herrscher of Fire, stood victorious, his aura blazing with triumph and the indomitable spirit of the Imperium Dominus. And in the wake of the battle, the pantheon of Valorath was forever altered, one of its most formidable members extinguished in a blaze of fiery determination.

Amidst the aftermath of the cataclysmic battle, Horus Darkbane stood like a sentinel, his Divina Combat Skin pristine and untouched by the searing white flames that had consumed his foe. The once-vibrant planet now bore the scars of their clash, continents scorched and weather altered as a result of the titanic struggle between gods.

The Randa Aliens, once a formidable ruling force within their galaxy, were now naught but ashes, their dominion reduced to nothingness by the overwhelming power of the Luna Wolves' Primarch. The air was heavy with the weight of destruction, the remnants of their advanced civilization now scattered as mere particles in the wind.

As the lingering echoes of battle faded, a starship descended from the heavens, its graceful descent punctuating the end of the conflict. The Luna Wolves, warriors who had witnessed the full extent of their Primarch's might, saluted Horus with unwavering respect and loyalty. They had borne witness to the true extent of his power, the blinding white flames that had reduced a god to ash.

With a commanding presence, Horus acknowledged their salute, his gaze resolute and his aura still burning with the remnants of his victorious power. The planet beneath him bore the scars of their clash, an indication to the clash of gods that had unfolded. The Luna Wolves' Primarch, Herrscher of Fire, had proven his mettle and solidified his position as a force to be reckoned with in the Imperium Dominus.

And as the starship's ramp descended to greet him, Horus knew that this battle was but one step in the grand tapestry of their intergalactic conquest, a reminder of the power that the Primarchs wielded and the indomitable spirit of the Imperium Dominus.

News of Horus Darkbane's awe-inspiring victory spread like wildfire throughout the surrounding galactic empires. The scorched remnants of the Randan planet stood as an undeniable reminder to the unimaginable power that the Primarchs of Imperium Dominus wielded. Doubters and skeptics were forced to reckon with the reality that a single Primarch had reduced a god to ashes with such ease.

As the tales of the battle echoed across the stars, it cast a long shadow over the hearts of those who had once resisted the rise of Imperium Dominus. The Galactic Empires that had once stood as proud rulers of their domains now found themselves faced with an undeniable truth: the power of the Imperium's Primarchs was unrivaled, and their conquest was relentless.

The question that lingered in the minds of many was a simple yet profound one: if Horus Darkbane, a single Primarch, could achieve such a feat, what did the other 11 Primarchs possess in terms of power? The galaxy held its breath, anticipating the revelations that were yet to come.

Among the murmurs and speculations, the God-Emperor and the God Empress remained enigmatic figures, their true capabilities shrouded in mystery. If their son could command the very flames of creation to incinerate a god, what could be said about the beings who had given birth to him? The universe watched and waited, eager to witness the unfolding of a saga that had transcended the realms of mere mortals.

And so, the galactic empires that had once resisted the inevitable tide of Imperium Dominus found themselves at a crossroads. The awe-inspiring display of power had shattered their illusions of invincibility, and the surrender that had once seemed unthinkable now became a pragmatic choice. The Imperium Dominus, led by its Primarchs and guided by the God-Emperor and God Empress, stood on the cusp of an unparalleled era of dominance, where the flames of conquest burned brighter than ever before.

In the heart of the universe, Valorath, the God of Magic, seethed with frustration and disbelief. His plan had faltered, his subordinate God Val'Orth had fallen, reduced to ashes by the power of a Primarch. How could this have happened? How could his carefully laid out scheme be thwarted by a mere mortal, even if that mortal was born of divine lineage?

The echoes of the battle and the defeat reverberated through the cosmos, a grim reminder of the Primarchs' might and the burgeoning strength of Imperium Dominus. Valorath's power surged, his divine essence radiating with renewed determination. He had awoken his people prematurely, their slumber disrupted by the very force they were meant to conquer.

In the gathering assembly of the Aetherians at the center of the universe, whispers of Val'Orth's defeat began to circulate. Confusion and concern clouded the minds of the awakening beings. Valorath's voice, booming with divine authority, cut through the turmoil.

"Fear not, my children, for this setback shall be but a momentary lapse in our grand design. Val'Orth's failure is a lesson to us all, a reminder of the challenges that lie ahead. Imperium Dominus may have shown its strength, but we are the ancient ones, the rulers of magic itself."

The Aetherians, their forms luminous and majestic, turned their attention to Valorath. The God of Magic held his head high, his eyes ablaze with determination.