
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Cómic
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80 Chs

The Empire of the Multiverse

Chapter 34 - Miral

2nd Tyrannic War, Sotha has Fallen, The Death World Miral

The Last of the Scythes, holding their ground, in the Giant's Coffin.

With Their Chapter Master Dead, Captain Thrasius took Command.

Amidst the devastation and despair, a glimmer of hope emerged on the horizon for the Scythes of the Emperor. As the remaining Scythes hunkered down in their final stronghold on the death world of Miral, an unexpected sight unfolded before their eyes. A series of portals opened in the imaginary space of Fafnir, and a fleet of massive battleships emerged, bearing the emblem of a previously unknown faction - Imperium Dominus.

The Scythes watched in awe as pods rained down from the skies, each containing legions of Mortal Auxiliary numbering over 500,000, along with the Ultramarines of Imperium Dominus, donning their swift and formidable Combat Skins. As the new arrivals landed on Miral, their presence alone caused the Tyranids to momentarily falter in their relentless assault.

The Mortal Auxiliary legions wasted no time, unleashing their weapons and deploying their tanks and aircraft specifically designed to counter the Tyranids. With thunderous explosions and deadly precision, the mighty bioforms of the Tyranids turned to blue dust when concentrated flayers hit them. Waves upon waves of Tyranids charged, only to be obliterated in a torrent of Honkai-infused firepower.

The Helios Ignition Cannons mounted on the battleships were unleashed, firing salvos of unimaginable heat, reaching temperatures of 15 million degrees Celsius. The hive fleets, once a terrifying force, were now reduced to mere playthings as they were vaporized into nothingness, leaving behind only trails of scorching remnants in their wake. The Helios Cannons' power was so immense that even adaptive traits of the Tyranids proved futile in the face of such overwhelming destruction.

At the forefront of the battle, the Ultramarines of Imperium Dominus moved with a grace and speed beyond comprehension. Their Combat Skins allowed them to move at the speed of light, swiftly countering the emergence of any Hive Tyrant or Synapse creature with devastating precision. These formidable warriors turned the tide of the battle, cutting through the Tyranids with unrivaled skill.

The Scythes of the Emperor, battered and weary, saw a renewed glimmer of hope. They recognized the distinctive flayers, similar to those wielded by the Necrons, but these were different, far more potent and deadly. The combined might of Imperium Dominus and the Scythes surged forward, united in their determination to survive and overcome the Tyranid onslaught.

In the heart of the battle, Chapter Master Thrasius, leading his Scythes with unyielding resolve, met the gaze of the Ultramarine Captain, a nod of understanding passing between them. They fought side by side, their combined forces wreaking havoc upon the Tyranid horde.

As the battle raged on, the Honkai Disruptor Beacons scattered across the battlefield sent out their disruptive signals, cutting off the Tyranids from their hivemind and rendering them lost and disoriented. Without their coordination and purpose, the Tyranids became headless and disorganized, falling prey to the relentless onslaught of the Imperium's forces.

As the battle reached its climax, the Scythes and their newfound allies stood triumphant amidst the fading echoes of destruction. The Tyranid threat had been vanquished, reduced to mere blue dust scattered across the desolate landscape.

With the Tyranid hive fleet annihilated and the danger averted, the Ultramarines and the Mortal Auxiliary legions of Imperium Dominus nodded at Captain Thrasius, their mission fulfilled. Just as suddenly as they had appeared, they vanished through their portals, leaving behind the name of Imperium Dominus ringing in the ears of the Scythes.

In the aftermath, the Scythes of the Emperor stood together, awestruck by the power and valor of their newfound allies. The Mortal Auxiliary Legions clad in their advanced Power Armor and the Ultramarines equipped with their swift Combat Skins had proven to be an unstoppable force, turning the tide of battle in the darkest of moments.

Chapter Master Thrasius approached the surviving Scythes, his voice filled with gratitude and respect. "Brothers, we owe our survival to the valor and strength of Imperium Dominus. Let us remember this day, the day hope was brought to us, the day we fought side by side against the darkness. We shall rebuild, and we shall rise stronger than ever before."

34.2 Cadia

13 Black Crusade, Cadia

As the forces of Imperium Dominus, including the Blood Angels and the 400,000 soldiers of the Mortal Auxiliary Legion, emerge from the imaginary space of Fafnir, chaos rains down upon the enemy forces. Pods carrying the Mortal Auxiliary legions drop like a relentless storm, engaging the Chaos forces on the ground, while the mighty Battleships of Imperium Dominus confront and unleash devastating salvos upon the Chaos Battleships in space.

The Blood Angels, equipped with the advanced Combat Skins capable of flight, soar through the skies, their literal light wings reminiscent of their Primarch, Calista Solaris. They swoop down upon the enemy with deadly precision, striking fear into the hearts of the Chaos forces.

In the midst of the battle, the Blood Angels deploy the Honkai-Based Pylons, creating localized fields that strip away any non-Honkai energy powers within their range. The Chaos psykers find themselves powerless and vulnerable, their psychic abilities nullified by the Honkai energy.

During the campaign, the Blood Angels encounter the vile Lucius the Eternal, but they are well-prepared. Using the Astra Nexus, a device capable of imprisoning even powerful beings like star gods, they manage to capture Lucius without triggering his curse. The Blood Angels choose the most unfeeling among them to wield the Astra Nexus, ensuring that Lucius's dark power does not taint any of them.

Meanwhile, the Chrono-Vortex Projectors come into play. Deployed by the Blood Angels, these highly advanced devices generate temporal disruptions, causing chaotic fluctuations in space-time. The fabric of reality itself bends and shifts, disorienting and destabilizing the Chaos forces. The battlefield becomes a nightmarish realm, where enemies phase in and out of existence erratically, their coordination shattered and their morale broken.

With the combined might of the Blood Angels, the Mortal Auxiliary Legion, and the devastating technology of Imperium Dominus, the Chaos forces are overwhelmed. The defenders of Cadia rally around the Blood Angels and the new allies from Imperium Dominus, united in their determination to push back the traitorous invaders.

Across the theater of war, Space Marine reinforcements from various Chapters, including the Dark Angels, the Imperial Fists, and the Grey Knights, arrive to aid in the defense of Cadia and the surrounding sectors. The unity and strength of the Space Marines give the Imperium a real chance of turning back Abaddon's Thirteenth Black Crusade.

But as the Warp storms intensify and inter-system travel becomes impossible, the Imperium finds itself cut off from further reinforcements. The Death Guard, under Typhus's command, unleash their full strength upon the Agripinaa Sector, reducing it to ruins. The Planet Killer slowly encroaches upon Cadia, threatening to devastate the fortress world.

To make matters worse, xenos forces add to the chaos. A Tyranid splinter of Hive Fleet Leviathan assaults Belis Corona, while Ork warbands ravage the Scarus Sector in a Green Krusade.

As the years pass, Cadia stands alone, besieged by vast Chaos forces. The Cadian High Command relocates to the far side of the planet, awaiting the final push by the Forces of Chaos. The Agripinaa Sector remains in Imperial hands but is under massive attack, with its populace risking starvation due to the loss of vital Agri Worlds.

Despite the dire situation, the Blood Angels, the Mortal Auxiliary Legion, and the combined might of the Space Marines continue to fight valiantly. Rumors persist among Imperial sources that the Daemon Primarchs have returned, and the Imperium braces itself for what may be the coming of the End Times.

By the end of the 41st Millennium, Abaddon began a fresh attack on Cadia's last remaining major bastion: Kasr Kraf

As the final battle raged on Cadia, and the forces of Chaos led by Abaddon pushed forward, the Blood Angels and their Imperium Dominus fleet arrived just in time to turn the tide. The Blood Angels, led by their Captain, launched a daring assault on Abaddon's flagship, the Vengeful Spirit, engaging in a fierce space battle to buy time for the rest of the Imperial forces.

The Imperium Dominus battleships, equipped with the devastating Helios Ignition Cannon, targeted the Blackstone Fortress Will of Eternity. With precise and overwhelming firepower, they managed to destroy the fortress before it could devastate Cadia further. The Blood Angels, with their combat skins of Imperium Dominus, provided crucial air support, clearing the way for the Imperial Navy to maintain the planetary shields and prevent the Chaos fleet from unleashing more destruction.

Meanwhile, on the ground, the combined forces of the Cadian Shock Troops, the Space Wolves, the Dark Angels, the Black Templars, the Sisters of Battle, and various other surviving formations fought bravely to defend Kasr Kraf and the last bastion of Cadia. In a pivotal moment, Celestine and her Sisters of Battle reinforcements arrived, bolstering the Imperial defense and engaging in fierce combat against the Daemon Prince Urkanthos.

The battle was brutal and intense, and both sides suffered heavy losses. Just as it seemed Abaddon would have the upper hand and the Chaos forces might overcome the defenders, Trazyn the Infinite and Belisarius Cawl's intervention played a crucial role. Trazyn's release of his priceless collections and Cawl's modifications to the Pylons turned the tide, nullifying the powers of Daemons and Psykers and shrinking the Eye of Terror itself.

In the midst of the chaos, the Blood Angels Captain took a pivotal role, leading a daring boarding action against Abaddon's flagship, the Vengeful Spirit. The bloodthirsty Chaos Warmaster was forced to contend with the furious assault of the Blood Angels, giving the Imperial forces on the ground a much-needed reprieve.

With the activation of the Pylons, the forces of Chaos were left powerless, while the Imperials regained their strength. Creed, despite losing an arm, bravely confronted Abaddon himself, assisted by the combined might of Cadian and Vostroyan troops and the Blood Angels.

In a desperate attempt to destroy Cadia, Abaddon resorted to a spiteful act, directing the fragments of the destroyed Will of Eternity into the planet. As Cadia began to implode, the Blood Angels, together with the Imperium Dominus fleet, focused the Helios Ignition Cannons on the falling debris. And the Imperium Dominus obliterated the fragments, preventing even more devastation and allowing more Cadians to be saved.

As the battle reached its climax, the Blood Angels, alongside Celestine and other heroic defenders, managed to drive Abaddon and the forces of Chaos back, forcing them to retreat from the Cadian system. However, Cadia itself was beyond saving, and the Imperials made a mass evacuation as the planet was drawn into the Warp.

During the evacuation, the Imperials were guided into the Webway by Eldar forces, led by Eldrad Ulthran. Despite the loss of Cadia, the Blood Angels and their allies managed to save countless lives, giving hope to the people of the grimdark universe.

Ultimately, despite the loss of Cadia, the Imperial forces succeed in saving many lives, thanks to the efforts of the Blood Angels, the Space Wolves, Saint Celestine, and the combined might of the Imperium Dominus Space Ships. As the battle rages on, the Imperium holds firm, knowing that the Grimdark Universe may end with the projection of power by their God Emperor Fafnir across the Great Expanse. For now, legions of Astartes and mortal auxiliaries fight to save lives and give hope to the people in the 40k verse.

As the Blood Angels and the Mortal Auxiliary Legions of Imperium Dominus complete their heroic efforts to save as many lives as possible on Cadia, they fulfill their mission by evacuating the surviving units to safe planets. With their duty done, the Blood Angels and the Mortal Auxiliary Legions vanish from the 40k Verse just as mysteriously as they appeared.

Their departure leaves a sense of awe and gratitude among the survivors, who witnessed the valiant actions of these otherworldly saviors. The tale of their arrival and sacrifice will become a legendary story, inspiring hope and courage among the people of the Imperium.

As they return to their own realm, the Blood Angels and the Imperium Dominus Mortal Auxiliary Legions continue their never-ending struggle against the forces of Chaos, defending the Imperium and spreading the light of the God Emperor Fafnir across the galaxy.

Their actions on Cadia will forever be remembered and cherished as a shining moment of heroism and sacrifice in the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium. The survivors, now settled on their new planets, will carry the memory of their saviors with them, standing tall and united against the horrors of the Warhammer 40k universe.

As the Blood Angels and the Mortal Auxiliary Legions of Imperium Dominus return to their home realm, they are greeted with a profound sense of relief and awe. Their fallen comrades and the brave souls who lost their lives during the harrowing battles on Cadia are not lost forever. The God Emperor Fafnir, in his infinite power and compassion, resurrects the fallen warriors and grants them a second chance at life.

With a divine touch, Fafnir revitalizes the fallen, their bodies mended and their souls rekindled. The heroes of Cadia find themselves once again among their brethren, ready to stand united in the service of their God Emperor.

Yet, Fafnir is not only a bringer of life but also a harbinger of peace and solace. For those who choose not to return to the mortal realm, he offers a path to paradise, a realm of eternal rest where the souls of the departed can find solace and tranquility. Here, they can find eternal peace, free from the burdens of war and strife.

Moreover, for those souls that Fafnir deems worthy of reincarnation, he guides them with his divine wisdom, placing them in bodies that are befitting of their valor and loyalty. Thus, even in death, their spirits continue to serve the Imperium, ensuring that their sacrifice was not in vain.

With their God Emperor's guidance and protection, the warriors of Imperium Dominus continue their eternal struggle against the forces of darkness, steadfast in their faith and unwavering in their resolve. And as they face the countless challenges of the Warhammer 40k universe, they do so with the knowledge that their God Emperor watches over them, granting them strength and purpose in the darkest of times. Their unwavering faith in Fafnir sustains them, and they know that in the end, they shall prevail.

Tell me If I screwed something over as remembering stuff isn't exactly my Forte, as sometimes I might mix up information.

I hope I did well.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69creators' thoughts