
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Cómic
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80 Chs

The Empire of the Multiverse

Chapter 27 - The Holy Grail

In the dead of night, Fafnir's keen senses alerted him to an immense surge of magical power above the Einzbern castle. Reacting swiftly, he materialized beside Illya, his expression serious and determined. The voice of an unknown presence resonated through the sky, faintly audible as it called forth a familiar chant, "Enuma Elish!"

The voice grew louder, and the words of the chant reverberated through the air:

"Behold the harbinger of futility!

In this merciless interstice,

Your might is but a feeble wisp against my indomitable fortress.

Witness the futility of your endeavors,

For all your grand endeavors shatter against the unyielding shield of despair!

Chronos Phalanx!"

Enuma Elish clashed with Chronos Phalanx once again, creating a blinding explosion of light that illuminated the entire forest. Illya awoke in the midst of the brilliance, her eyes widening as she saw Fafnir by her side, his gaze focused on the sky.

Fafnir spoke aloud, his voice filled with both confidence and challenge. "A loser came to surprise attack us, little Illya... Isn't that right, Gilgamesh?" His words rang out with authority, challenging the King of Heroes directly.

In response to Fafnir's taunting, Gilgamesh's voice resounded, a mixture of annoyance and disdain present in his tone. "Hmph! Surprising, indeed. To think someone as insignificant as you would dare call me a loser," he retorted, his arrogance palpable.

Fafnir's voice carried a hint of amusement as he responded to Gilgamesh's arrogance. "Oh, I see how it is. You are indeed a loser, King of Heroes. Let us not forget that you were defeated by me just a day earlier," Fafnir retorted, his words laced with unwavering confidence.

Mockery dripped from Fafnir's words as he continued, his voice filled with a taunting edge. "And now you resort to sneaking attacks? How pitiful. Is this the extent of your supposed greatness? I expected more from the so-called King of Heroes." Fafnir's smile widened, his confidence unshaken.

However, in this moment, Fafnir's twisted personality, the God-Tyrant, fully emerged. His armor and halberd revealed their true forms, futuristic and divine, while his face became enclosed in a helmet once again. The red-colored eyes of his helmet glowed ominously in the darkness, reflecting his corrupted power.

As the drones filled the sky and the Gates of Babylon came alive with fireworks, Arcantheon Lumina and The Gates of Babylon faced each other once more in a clash of divine weaponry.

Fafnir raised his halberd, pointing it directly at Gilgamesh. His voice resounded with a mixture of amusement and challenge. "A rematch, then, from the loser," Fafnir chuckled, his defiance clear.

As Fafnir soared through the air, engaging in a fierce battle with Gilgamesh, Sella and Seyritt stood at the ready, their eyes fixed on Illya, their duty to protect her paramount. Meanwhile, the clash of divine powers reverberated around them.

In the midst of their intense combat, Fafnir's voice rang out, laced with a mixture of amusement and taunting. "It amazes me, King of Heroes, how you have fought me for so long and yet have not been able to collect a single one of my Noble Phantasms... Oh wait, that's right, you haven't defeated me yet!" Fafnir's laughter echoed through the battlefield, slowly but surely getting under Gilgamesh's skin.

Gilgamesh's expression hardened, his pride wounded by Fafnir's words. He matched Fafnir blow for blow, his weapons clashing with the God-Tyrant's halberd in a display of strength and skill. The air crackled with the intensity of their conflict, each combatant pushing their limits to gain the upper hand.

The irritation in Gilgamesh's eyes grew with every exchange, fueling his determination to overcome this formidable opponent. Fafnir's laughter continued to needle at him, a constant reminder of his failure to defeat the God-Tyrant and claim his treasures.

The battle raged on, their clash escalating to new heights. Each strike, each parry, reverberated with the weight of their respective pride and power. Fafnir reveled in the fight, his twisted personality shining through, while Gilgamesh sought to prove his dominance as the King of Heroes.

Fafnir and Gilgamesh engaged in an intense battle, their clash lighting up the dark night skies. Their weapons clashed, creating sparks that illuminated the surrounding forest. With every exchange, their attacks reverberated through the air, shaking the very ground beneath them.

Fafnir, fueled by his determination and unyielding pride, launched himself forward, closing the distance between him and Gilgamesh. In a swift and powerful motion, he unleashed a devastating uppercut strike, sending Gilgamesh hurtling through the air.

"Gilgamesh, catch this!" Fafnir called out, his voice echoing with unwavering confidence. He gripped his halberd tightly, channeling his resolve and the power of the Eviscerator.

"By the Eviscerator, I sunder existence itself," Fafnir chanted, his words carrying an air of certainty. The atmosphere around him seemed to shift, as if responding to his command. The Eviscerator, a weapon of unparalleled brutality, gleamed with a malevolent aura.

"No armor, shield, or protection can withstand its relentless assault," Fafnir continued, his voice growing stronger. With each word, his conviction deepened, as if he was invoking a force beyond comprehension.

"Threads of fate severed, despair left in my wake!" Fafnir's voice rang out, carrying the weight of his declaration. The power of the Eviscerator surged forth, radiating an aura of destruction. The very fabric of existence seemed to tremble in response to its unleashed might.

As Fafnir completed his chant, a surge of energy coursed through him, imbuing his strike with an unstoppable force. With a resounding impact, the full force of the Eviscerator crashed upon Gilgamesh, leaving destruction and despair in its wake.

The night sky bore witness to their fierce battle, as Fafnir's proclamation and the Eviscerator's unleashed power reverberated throughout the surroundings.

Eviscerator streaked through the sky with a trail of red and black, hurtling towards Gilgamesh with unstoppable force. In a swift motion, Gilgamesh opened the Gate of Babylon, summoning the Shield of the Gods to intercept the incoming power of the Eviscerator.

The clash between the two noble phantasms was a sight to behold. The Shield of the Gods radiated with divine brilliance, a formidable barrier against the destructive force of the Eviscerator. The collision created a resounding impact, shaking the very foundation of their battlefield.

As the clash subsided, Fafnir materialized right behind Gilgamesh, his halberd poised to strike with unwavering determination. Sensing the imminent danger, Gilgamesh swiftly opened another Gate of Babylon, projecting the Shield of the Gods behind him as a defensive measure.

Despite the shield intercepting Fafnir's strike, the sheer force behind the attack sent Gilgamesh hurtling down, colliding with the ground with a resounding thud. Dust and debris billowed around him as the impact reverberated through his body, leaving him momentarily stunned.

As Fafnir and Gilgamesh clashed, their battle intensified with each passing moment. Explosions erupted like fireworks, illuminating the night sky as the Gates of Babylon and Arcantheon Lumina continued their relentless clash.

From the Gate of Babylon, Gilgamesh summoned forth a seemingly endless array of divine treasures. Each weapon that emerged from the gate carried with it immense power, ready to strike down Fafnir. The projectiles soared through the air, trailing a cascade of dazzling lights, as they aimed to pierce through Fafnir's defenses.

In response, Fafnir's Arcantheon Lumina unleashed its forbidden armaments, an embodiment of the dread-filled reign of the God-Tyrant. The weapons exuded an aura of despair and chaos as they clashed with the projectiles from the Gates of Babylon. Explosions erupted in brilliant displays of light and force, shaking the very fabric of their surroundings.

The clash of their noble phantasms painted the night sky with a tapestry of destruction and resilience. Each detonation carried the weight of their master's will, an unyielding determination to prove their superiority. The earth trembled beneath the magnitude of their power, and the echoes of their clash reverberated through the air.

As the battle raged on between Gilgamesh and Fafnir, the King of Heroes saw an opportunity to sway Fafnir to his side. Amidst the clash of their weapons, Gilgamesh attempted to persuade Fafnir to join forces and achieve victory in the Holy Grail War.

"Enough of this futile resistance, Fafnir," Gilgamesh declared, his voice carrying a tone of superiority. "Together, we can claim the Holy Grail and shape the world to our desires. With Illya's cooperation, we can make it descend. It is the only way to fulfill your ambitions."

"Cooperation? Such nonsense!" Fafnir spat, his voice dripping with contempt. "Do you truly believe I would subject Illya to the perils of the Holy Grail? She is not a tool to be used and discarded. The Grail's descent would only bring her demise, and I will not allow that."

Gilgamesh, undeterred by Fafnir's defiance, responded to his words with a calm and resolute tone. "Then so be it," he declared, his voice carrying an air of unyielding determination. "If you insist on standing in my way, I will show you the true extent of my power."

With those words, Gilgamesh unleashed a devastating barrage of Noble Phantasms from the Gate of Babylon. The sky became filled with a multitude of divine weapons, raining down upon Fafnir with relentless force. Spears, swords, and projectiles of unimaginable power sought to overwhelm the God-Tyrant.

Fafnir's voice reverberated through the battlefield, infused with a dark resolve. "True power? Do you really think that you're the only one who has power to spare?" he challenged, his words cutting through the air like a blade.

From the depths of darkness, I invoke the Arcantheon Lumina,

An accursed enclave of untold power and dread.

By its malevolent aura, chaos and despair shall unfurl,

Unleashing relentless barrages upon those who oppose.

Witness now the might of the God-Tyrant's reign,

As I sow chaos and despair in my wake!"

Drones, more numerous and menacing than before, filled the sky like an endless swarm. They hovered and soared with calculated precision, their presence instilling a sense of dread and foreboding. Gleaming with malevolent energy, they awaited their master's command.

The ocean of drones formed a dark tapestry in the sky, their collective power like a storm on the horizon. In perfect synchronization, they launched relentless barrages of destruction, their attacks aimed at overwhelming Gilgamesh. Beams of destructive energy, missiles, and dark projectiles surged forth, raining down upon the King of Heroes with unyielding fury.

Gilgamesh, ever confident, called forth the might of the Gate of Babylon to defend himself. Noble Phantasms clashed against the drone onslaught, creating dazzling displays of light and power in the sky. Each strike from Arcantheon Lumina was met with a countermeasure from the King's treasury, as the clash between their formidable powers intensified.

The battlefield became a spectacle of power and chaos, with Fafnir's Arcantheon Lumina and Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon locked in a fierce struggle. The destructive force of the drones clashed against the divine weapons of Gilgamesh, resulting in cataclysmic explosions and shockwaves that shook the very foundation of the battlefield.

Fafnir seized the momentary opportunity, he swiftly swept Gilgamesh's front feet, causing the King of Heroes to lose his balance. In that split second, Fafnir capitalized on the opening, his weapon finding its mark and piercing through Gilgamesh's chest.

Gilgamesh, realizing his mistake, desperately tried to retaliate, attempting to stab Fafnir in a last-ditch effort. But his movements were sluggish, his balance compromised by Fafnir's swift maneuver. The blade grazed Fafnir's side, but it was too late to change the outcome.

A surge of Honkai Devastation flowed through Fafnir's body, emanating from his second Noble Phantasm. The corrupting energy engulfed Gilgamesh, sapping his strength and weakening him from within. The once-mighty King of Heroes found himself impaled upon the mountain, his body pinned and his power waning.

Gilgamesh lay on the ground, impaled by Fafnir's halberd, his regal demeanor undeterred even in the face of defeat. Blood trickled down his lips, but his pride remained unyielding as he locked eyes with Fafnir, the God-Tyrant who had bested him.

In a voice weakened by the damage inflicted upon him, Gilgamesh spoke with a mixture of curiosity and acknowledgment. "Tell me your full name, Legendary Hero. I recognize in you a level of power akin to that of Enkidu," he said, his gaze unwavering.

Fafnir, standing tall and victorious, met Gilgamesh's gaze with an air of superiority. His voice resonated with authority as he revealed his true name. "Remember my name, Gilgamesh. I am Fafnir Augustus Aurelius, the God Emperor," he declared with a hint of pride.

Gilgamesh, even in his final moments, had an air of respect. The corners of his mouth twitched into a faint smile as he absorbed Fafnir's name, committing it to memory. "Fafnir Augustus Aurelius," he repeated softly. "I shall remember your name, and in the next Holy Grail War, our paths shall cross once more."

With those words, Gilgamesh's proud spirit faded, and his body dissolved into a shimmering cascade of magical dust.

The battlefield fell into a heavy silence as Fafnir stood over the remnants of his fallen opponent. The morning sun rose, casting its gentle glow upon the scene of their fateful encounter. Fafnir, the God-Tyrant, stood as the victor, his triumph over the King of Heroes solidifying his place as a formidable force within the Holy Grail War.

Fafnir's gaze turned towards the sky. His eyes followed the dissipating magic dust where Gilgamesh's body once was, now nothing more than remnants carried away by the wind. A sense of contemplation washed over Fafnir, as he reflected on the encounter with the King of Heroes.

In his past life memories Gilgamesh, he had known him as the strongest Servant, an imposing antagonist whose arrogance was backed by his unmatched power. But now, standing on the battlefield after their clash, Fafnir couldn't help but acknowledge that there was more to Gilgamesh than meets the eye.

Gilgamesh's arrogance, though still apparent, was not without merit. It was not simply baseless boasting, but a reflection of his true power and authority. Fafnir had witnessed firsthand the formidable arsenal contained within the Gates of Babylon, the strength of Enuma Elish, and the tactical prowess that had pushed Fafnir to his limits.

The encounter had revealed to Fafnir the complexity of Gilgamesh's character. Beyond his antagonistic nature, there was a depth to the King of Heroes that demanded recognition. Fafnir couldn't deny that, despite his arrogance, Gilgamesh possessed the strength and stature to support his claims.

Lost in thought, Fafnir pondered the significance of their battle. He realized that the clash with Gilgamesh had challenged his preconceived notions and forced him to reassess the King of Heroes. The encounter had shed light on the complexities of power, pride, and the intricacies of the human spirit, even in the context of heroic spirits and divine beings.

With the rising sun as a witness, Fafnir's contemplation continued, his mind filled with newfound insights. The battle may have ended for now, but the impact of his encounter with Gilgamesh would linger, shaping his understanding of strength, arrogance, and the multifaceted nature of heroes.

Illya approached Fafnir with a skip in her step. Her once frail and modified body had undergone a miraculous transformation, fully integrating with the divine power that Fafnir possessed. She stood before him, now a complete embodiment of an 18-year-old, radiating with newfound vitality and strength.

"Berserker, I knew you could do it!" Illya exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine admiration and gratitude. She gazed up at Fafnir with eyes sparkling with appreciation for his unwavering strength and determination. The bond between them had deepened through the trials they faced together, and Illya's trust in her heroic protector had only grown stronger.

Fafnir returned her smile, a warmth shining in his eyes as he witnessed Illya's transformation. "Yes, there are four more heroic spirits left," he acknowledged, his voice carrying a sense of anticipation. The path ahead was not without challenges, but with each victory, their resolve grew stronger, and their hope burned brighter.

A day later, Fafnir and Illya made the decision to move forward, their sights set on the remaining Masters and Servants in the Holy Grail War. With the formidable threat of Gilgamesh eliminated, they could now direct their attention to the other adversaries who stood in their way.

As Illya and Fafnir made their way to the Ryuudou Temple, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. The once bustling streets of Fuyuki City now felt eerily quiet, as if the city itself held its breath in anticipation of the final battle. The temple stood tall and imposing, its ancient walls emanating an aura of mystery and power.

Fafnir's eyes narrowed with a confident smirk, his mind racing with thoughts of the upcoming confrontation. He wondered which of the remaining Masters awaited him within the sacred grounds of the temple. The weight of their imminent clash added an extra spark to his already burning determination.

As they stepped onto the temple grounds, the atmosphere grew thick with tension. The surroundings seemed to reflect the gravity of the moment, with shadows dancing across the temple walls as if whispering secrets of ancient battles. The air crackled with an energy both foreboding and electrifying.

Illya, standing by Fafnir's side, exuded a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Her gaze shifted from the temple's entrance to Fafnir, a silent understanding passing between them. They both knew that the outcome of this final battle would determine who would claim the Holy Grail and shape the destiny of Fuyuki City.

The Ryuudou Temple, now the stage for their ultimate clash, symbolized the culmination of their journey. It held the potential to be the arena where dreams were shattered or realized, where heroes would be tested to their limits.

The Ryuudou Temple stood as the final battleground, a place where destinies intertwined and the pursuit of the Holy Grail reached its climax. Within its hallowed halls, the fate of Fuyuki City would be decided, and the victor would emerge to claim their prize.

With hearts racing and spirits ablaze, Fafnir and Illya prepared to face their final adversaries, their determination unyielding. The stage was set, and the final act of this grand conflict was about to unfold. The outcome of this fateful battle would shape the future of all those involved, their stories forever etched in the annals of legend.

As the stage was set for the final battle, Rin, Shiro, Saber, and Archer stood opposite Illya and Fafnir, a tense standoff between the remaining participants of the 5th Holy Grail War. The air crackled with anticipation, each side ready to unleash their full power in this climactic clash.

Illya, brimming with confidence, addressed Rin and Shiro with determination in her voice. "Hello, Rin and Shiro. I told you that Berserker and I would be your final opponents. Are you ready?" Her words carried both a challenge and a hint of excitement, embodying her readiness for the ultimate confrontation.

Rin and Shiro stood their ground, a mixture of determination and wariness etched on their faces. They knew that this battle would test their mettle to the utmost, that every decision and action would determine their fate and the future of Fuyuki City.

Fafnir, standing tall and imposing, directed his attention to Archer, who had chosen to spare his younger self, Shiro. Fafnir's curiosity piqued as he addressed Archer directly. "Emiya, I'm surprised you didn't kill your younger self. Did anything change your mind?" His question carried a genuine curiosity, as he sought to understand the reasoning behind Archer's choice.

Archer's response was resolute, a reflection of the growth and transformation he had undergone. "He convinced me. He will become the hero of justice he wants to be. I will let him see for himself if he can make a difference," Archer replied, his voice carrying a hint of both resignation and hope.

Fafnir's attention then shifted to Saber, whom he recognized as Artoria Pendragon. With a knowing smile, Fafnir remarked, "Saber, or should I say, Artoria Pendragon. No need to hide your sword. I know it's Excalibur." His words acknowledged the legendary weapon that rested in Saber's hands.

With a powerful slam of his halberd onto the ground, Fafnir's transformation into the God-Tyrant was complete. The full might of his halberd and armor revealed itself, an awe-inspiring sight that signaled the gravity of the final battle. Fafnir's helmet enclosed his face, leaving only the intense red glow of his eyes visible.

"NOW, LET THE FINAL BATTLE BEGIN!" Fafnir's voice boomed with authority, echoing across the battlefield.

As the battle erupted, Fafnir faced Saber head-on, their blades clashing with a resounding impact. Fafnir's halberd, fueled by his immense strength, met Saber's Excalibur, the clash of their weapons sending sparks flying in all directions.

Meanwhile, Archer swiftly moved through the chaos, his keen eyes scanning the battlefield for the best opportunities to strike. He unleashed a barrage of arrows, shooting down drones with uncanny precision, while gracefully dodging the incoming projectiles aimed at him. His movements were a testament to his agility and archery skills, as he skillfully weaved through the chaos, leaving his enemies in awe.

However, amidst the flurry of combat, lasers, missiles, and photon cannons fired relentlessly from Arcantheon Lumina. The combined firepower assaulted both Archer and Saber, testing their reflexes and defensive abilities to their limits.

Saber, drawing upon her legendary swordsmanship and her powerful Noble Phantasm Avalon, deflected the majority of the attacks. She moved with grace and precision, parrying the lasers and missiles with her sword while using Avalon's healing abilities to mend any injuries she sustained. Each strike and counterstrike showcased her mastery of combat and her unwavering determination to protect her Masters.

Archer, on the other hand, relied on his agility and sharpshooting skills to avoid the incoming attacks. He swiftly moved through the battlefield, his arrows finding their marks as he targeted the drones, shooting them down one by one. His strategic mind and quick reflexes allowed him to navigate the chaos and engage in a deadly dance of ranged combat.

As the battle unfolded, another party entered the fray. Lancer charged into the scene, his spear poised to strike. With a swift and powerful thrust, he aimed for Fafnir, seeking to catch him off guard.

Fafnir, occupied by his duel with Saber, sensed Lancer's presence and swiftly reacted. He deflected Saber's strike with his halberd and used the momentum to hook her with his weapon, sending her flying towards Lancer. As Saber soared through the air, Arcantheon Lumina unleashed a relentless barrage of firepower upon both her and Lancer, seeking to overwhelm them with sheer force.

In the midst of the chaos, Illya found herself confronted by Shiro and Rin, their spells clashing with explosive force. The battlefield crackled with the exchange of magical energy as Illya, empowered by her bond with Fafnir, unleashed her own formidable spells in response. The three engaged in a fierce magical duel, each displaying their skill and determination to come out victorious.

But the surprises didn't end there. Kirei Kotomine, who was believed to be killed by Caster, revealed himself as Lancer's Master. His calm face and composed demeanor sent a shockwave through Rin and Shiro, who had thought they had dealt with him. Kirei, without hesitation, joined the battle, attacking Illya with calculated precision, his movements reflecting his years of experience as a skilled combatant and manipulator of events.

The battlefield became a chaotic spectacle, with Fafnir, Saber, Lancer, Archer, Illya, Shiro, Rin, and Kirei locked in intense combat. The clash of weapons, the exchange of spells, and the maneuvers to gain the upper hand painted a vivid and explosive scene, each participant fighting for their own objectives and with their own motivations driving them forward.

As the battle erupted, Fafnir faced Saber head-on, their blades clashing with a resounding impact. Fafnir's halberd, fueled by his immense strength, met Saber's Excalibur, the clash of their weapons sending sparks flying in all directions.

Meanwhile, Archer swiftly moved through the chaos, his keen eyes scanning the battlefield for the best opportunities to strike. He unleashed a barrage of arrows, shooting down drones with uncanny precision, while gracefully dodging the incoming projectiles aimed at him. His movements were a testament to his agility and archery skills, as he skillfully weaved through the chaos, leaving his enemies in awe.

However, amidst the flurry of combat, lasers, missiles, and photon cannons fired relentlessly from Arcantheon Lumina. The combined firepower assaulted both Archer and Saber, testing their reflexes and defensive abilities to their limits.

Saber, drawing upon her legendary swordsmanship and her powerful Noble Phantasm Avalon, deflected the majority of the attacks. She moved with grace and precision, parrying the lasers and missiles with her sword while using Avalon's healing abilities to mend any injuries she sustained. Each strike and counterstrike showcased her mastery of combat and her unwavering determination to protect her Masters.

Archer, on the other hand, relied on his agility and sharpshooting skills to avoid the incoming attacks. He swiftly moved through the battlefield, his arrows finding their marks as he targeted the drones, shooting them down one by one. His strategic mind and quick reflexes allowed him to navigate the chaos and engage in a deadly dance of ranged combat.

As the battle unfolded, another party entered the fray. Lancer charged into the scene, his spear poised to strike. With a swift and powerful thrust, he aimed for Fafnir, seeking to catch him off guard.

Fafnir, occupied by his duel with Saber, sensed Lancer's presence and swiftly reacted. He deflected Saber's strike with his halberd and used the momentum to hook her with his weapon, sending her flying towards Lancer. As Saber soared through the air, Arcantheon Lumina unleashed a relentless barrage of firepower upon both her and Lancer, seeking to overwhelm them with sheer force.

In the midst of the chaos, Illya found herself confronted by Shiro and Rin, their spells clashing with explosive force. The battlefield crackled with the exchange of magical energy as Illya, empowered by her bond with Fafnir, unleashed her own formidable spells in response. The three engaged in a fierce magical duel, each displaying their skill and determination to come out victorious.

But the surprises didn't end there. Kirei Kotomine, who was believed to be killed by Caster, revealed himself as Lancer's Master. His calm face and composed demeanor sent a shockwave through Rin and Shiro, who had thought he was dead . Kirei, without hesitation, joined the battle, attacking Illya with calculated precision, his movements reflecting his years of experience as a skilled combatant and manipulator of events.

The battlefield became a chaotic spectacle, with Fafnir, Saber, Lancer, Archer, Illya, Shiro, Rin, and Kirei locked in intense combat. The clash of weapons, the exchange of spells, and the maneuvers to gain the upper hand painted a vivid and explosive scene, each participant fighting for their own objectives and with their own motivations driving them forward.

As the battle raged on, Fafnir found himself besieged by Archer, Lancer, and Saber, the three Heroic Spirits relentless in their pursuit to defeat him. Each of them posed a significant challenge, and Fafnir had to carefully navigate the battlefield, constantly evading their attacks while dealing with their combined onslaught.

Despite the overwhelming odds, Fafnir's skill and power allowed him to hold his own against the three adversaries. With his formidable halberd and the divine armor of Arcantheon Lumina, he parried their strikes and countered with precise and devastating attacks. His movements were swift and calculated, his strikes carrying the weight of his immense strength.

However, Fafnir soon realized the difficulty of taking down any one of the Heroic Spirits individually. Whenever he focused his attention on Archer, Lancer and Saber would seize the opportunity to strike. Their coordination and teamwork made it challenging for Fafnir to gain a decisive advantage. They fought like a pack of mad dogs, each protecting the others and exploiting any opening Fafnir created.

Fafnir's armor, though capable of mitigating a significant portion of the damage inflicted upon him, bore countless scars and marks from the relentless assaults. Each blow took its toll, wearing down his stamina and testing the limits of his endurance. Yet, his determination remained unyielding, his eyes focused on the goal of protecting Illya at all costs.

Recognizing the need to ensure Illya's safety, Fafnir made a strategic decision. He assigned a hundred shields from Arcantheon Lumina to protect her, creating an additional layer of defense against the onslaught of enemies. These shields, infused with the divine power of the God-Tyrant, acted as a formidable barrier, making it a headache for Kirei, Rin, and Shiro to breach.

The shields surrounding Illya shimmered with a radiant energy, absorbing and dispersing the attacks directed towards her. They formed an impenetrable wall that effectively shielded her from harm, allowing Fafnir to focus his attention on the three Heroic Spirits.

Though Fafnir's enemies fought fiercely, their efforts were continually thwarted by the barrier of shields surrounding Illya. Kirei, Rin, and Shiro found themselves unable to land a significant blow, their attacks deflected or absorbed by the divine protection.

With Illya's safety ensured, Fafnir could fight with greater focus and intensity. He targeted each Heroic Spirit individually, exploiting their vulnerabilities and striking with precision. His attacks were powerful and relentless, each blow carrying the weight of his determination and the accumulated strength of his previous battles.

The battlefield became a whirlwind of clashes and evasions as Fafnir engaged his adversaries with unmatched skill and ferocity. His halberd struck with unrivaled force, sending shockwaves through the air, while his divine armor shielded him from the majority of the damage he received.

The Heroic Spirits, sensing the threat Fafnir posed, redoubled their efforts, fighting with unwavering resolve. They coordinated their attacks, attempting to overwhelm Fafnir with their combined strength. But Fafnir's strategic prowess and combat prowess allowed him to fend off their assaults, his movements becoming a blur of precision and power.

As the battle raged on, Fafnir's determination burned brighter than ever. The scars on his armor multiplied, testaments to the relentless attacks he endured. But he pressed forward, unwavering in his resolve to protect Illya and emerge victorious in this climactic battle.

In a stunning display of skill and power, Fafnir faced Saber, Lancer, and Archer simultaneously, taking on the role of the final boss in this epic battle. The clash between their weapons was a symphony of steel, each strike carrying the weight of their respective legends.

Fafnir's halberd clashed with Saber's sword, the collision of their weapons sending sparks flying in all directions. With a deft maneuver, Fafnir skillfully parried Saber's sword, causing it to collide with Lancer's spear. The force of the impact momentarily disoriented the two Heroic Spirits, creating an opportunity for Fafnir to seize the upper hand.

Taking advantage of Archer's temporary distraction, Fafnir swiftly hurled the Eviscerator at him, forcing Archer to divert his attention from Fafnir and focus on defending himself. Archer summoned Rho Aias, a divine shield, to protect himself from the onslaught of the Eviscerator. The clash of the thrown weapon and the divine shield created a resounding impact, momentarily halting Archer's barrage of arrows.

Meanwhile, two swords materialized in Fafnir's hands, one to defend and one to attack. With his expert footwork and immense strength, Fafnir skillfully maneuvered against both Saber and Lancer. Whenever Saber tried to gain an advantage, Fafnir deftly adjusted his movements, forcing Lancer to move his spear in response, disrupting their coordination.

Engaging Saber head-on, Fafnir exchanged powerful blows with the legendary knight. Their weapons clashed with a resounding impact, each strike carrying the weight of their determination and prowess. Fafnir's Dual Swords, guided by his immense strength and skill, proved to be a formidable match for Saber's sword.

Seizing an opportunity, Fafnir saw Lancer lunging towards him. With lightning-fast reflexes, he caught hold of Lancer's spear, leveraging his immense strength to forcefully throw Lancer along with his own weapon. The spear-wielding Heroic Spirit hurtled through the air, colliding with Saber and causing both of them to momentarily lose their balance.

With the Eviscerator once again in his grasp, Fafnir unleashed it towards the two disoriented opponents. The weapon streaked through the air, a manifestation of unyielding power and destruction. Meanwhile, Arcantheon Lumina unleashed a barrage of firepower upon Archer, bombarding him with overwhelming force.

The battlefield erupted in a spectacle of chaos and power as Fafnir's attacks found their mark. The clash of weapons, the explosive impact of the Eviscerator, and the onslaught of divine armaments from Arcantheon Lumina painted a scene of utter devastation and awe.

Though the battle was far from over, Fafnir's display of skill and strategic prowess had momentarily shifted the momentum in his favor. He pressed his advantage, capitalizing on the disarray of his opponents, and continued his relentless assault.

Lancer anticipated the trajectory of the Eviscerator and swiftly hurled Gae Bolg at the incoming weapon. The two causal weapons clashed in mid-air, canceling each other out, leaving both Lancer and Saber unscathed for the moment. Gae Bolg returned to Lancer's hand, ready to be wielded once more.

Saber, her injuries healed by the regenerative power of Avalon, charged at Fafnir once again. Her sword gleamed with determination as she sought to overcome the formidable opponent before her. Fafnir met her charge head-on, their weapons clashing with resounding force.

Meanwhile, Archer, though injured by the onslaught of Arcantheon Lumina, found a moment of respite to unleash another barrage of arrows upon Fafnir. The arrows pierced through the air, aiming to find any weakness in Fafnir's defenses. However, Fafnir's armor proved to be impenetrable, with the arrows bouncing harmlessly off his sturdy protection.

Undeterred by Archer's arrows, Fafnir focused his attention on Saber once again. Her footwork and swordsmanship proved to be formidable, as she skillfully dodged and parried Fafnir's strikes, countering with her own precise attacks. The clash between the two warriors intensified, their movements a blur of speed and precision.

Just as the battle reached a fever pitch, Lancer lunged at Fafnir once more, wielding Gae Bolg with deadly intent. The spear struck Fafnir's armor, but the tip barely penetrated its formidable defense. In response, Fafnir's halberd swung with immense force, meeting Lancer's desperate block with Gae Bolg. The impact sent Lancer hurtling inwards, crashing towards the shrine with a resounding thud.

Seizing the momentary advantage, Fafnir swiftly retrieved the Eviscerator and hurled it towards Archer once again. The weapon streaked through the air, its destructive force aimed at the wounded Archer. As the Eviscerator flew towards its target, Fafnir shifted his fighting style seamlessly, now wielding a greatsword with masterful skill.

Saber, caught off guard by the sudden change in Fafnir's fighting style, momentarily faltered. The transition from halberd to greatsword allowed Fafnir to exploit the opening, launching a series of powerful strikes against Saber. His mastery of different weapons proved to be a formidable advantage, catching Saber off guard and forcing her to defend against the onslaught.

The battlefield became a whirlwind of clashes and strikes as Fafnir engaged both Saber and Archer simultaneously. His movements were fluid and precise, his strength and skill showcased with each swing of his greatsword. The clash of weapons, the resounding impacts, and the intensity of the battle reached new heights.

As the battle reached its white-hot stage, Fafnir prepared to unleash his Noble Phantasm, the Eviscerator. His voice resounded with determination as he chanted the incantation:

"By the Eviscerator, I sunder the very fabric of existence.

No armor, no shield, no protection can withstand its relentless assault.

In the blink of an eye, I sever the threads of fate,

Leaving only despair in my wake!"

The Eviscerator, guided by Fafnir's will, flew towards the injured Archer, ready to unleash its destructive force. Archer, realizing the imminent danger, chanted his own incantation to summon Rho Aias, the legendary shield:

"I am the Bone of my Sword. RHO AIAS!"

As Archer desperately invoked Rho Aias, pouring all his remaining magical power into the shield, he hoped to withstand the devastating assault of the Eviscerator. However, to his dismay, the unstoppable force of Fafnir's Noble Phantasm pierced through Rho Aias and impaled Archer, pinning him to the shrine walls. The legendary Heroic Spirit, who had fought valiantly until now, met his end at the hands of the God-Tyrant.

With Archer defeated, Fafnir's focus shifted back to the lone Saber who struggled to keep up with his relentless onslaught. Their blades clashed in a flurry of strikes and parries, each combatant pushing their limits. Despite her skill and determination, Saber found herself outmatched by Fafnir's increased strength and relentless attacks.

In a few swift exchanges, Fafnir managed to pierce Saber's defense, impaling her through the chest with his sword. With a powerful kick, he sent her flying away, temporarily incapacitating her. Sensing Lancer's imminent attack from behind, Fafnir swiftly pivoted and unleashed a devastating slash, cutting through Lancer's back with precision.

As the intense battle raged on, the attention of Illya, Rin, Shiro, and Kire was drawn to the overwhelming display of power by Fafnir. They witnessed the swift defeat of Archer and the relentless assault on Saber and Lancer. It became clear to them that Fafnir's victory was within reach.

With their sights set on Illya, the remaining opponents—Rin, Shiro, and Kire—strengthened their attacks, targeting the shields that protected her. Blow after blow landed on the shields, gradually wearing them down and diminishing their protective strength.

Illya understood that time was of the essence. She needed to buy as much time as possible for Berserker to reinforce her and turn the tide in their favor. Despite the mounting pressure, she stood her ground, determined to endure the onslaught and protect herself until Berserker could join the fray.

As spells clashed and weapons clashed, Illya skillfully evaded and deflected their attacks, relying on her agility and magical prowess. Her resolve burned bright, fueled by the knowledge that Berserker's arrival would tip the scales in their favor.

The combined efforts of Rin, Shiro, and Kire intensified, their attacks becoming more relentless and focused. Illya's shields continued to weaken under the onslaught, but she remained steadfast, channeling her magical energy to maintain their defense.

Saber, injured and struggling to heal herself, mustered her remaining strength and raised Excalibur high, unleashing a brilliant pillar of light aimed at Fafnir. The sheer power and radiance of Excalibur filled the battlefield, engulfing Fafnir's vision as he swiftly evaded the attack.

In the midst of his evasion, Fafnir sensed Lancer's presence charging his Noble Phantasm, Gae Bolg. The air crackled with anticipation as Fafnir turned his attention to the incoming attack.

"Gae Bolg!" Lancer shouted, his weapon finding its mark as it pierced through Fafnir's heart. Despite the reduced effect of Gae Bolg due to Fafnir's Immutable Dominator, the blow took its toll, causing Fafnir to cough up blood. The God-Tyrant, for the first time since the battle began, had been wounded.

With Saber defeated and turned to magical dust, only Lancer remained. Fafnir, with blood staining his lips, turned his gaze towards Lancer, a mix of admiration and respect in his eyes.

"A great fight, Chu Chulainn," Fafnir acknowledged, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. As Lancer lunged towards him, Fafnir met the attack head-on, using his halberd to deliver a fatal blow. The clash of their weapons reverberated through the air, and Lancer fell, defeated.

The battlefield fell into an eerie silence as Fafnir stood amidst the remnants of his fallen opponents. He took a moment to catch his breath, his body adorned with wounds and bloodstains, a testament to the ferocity of the battle. The God-Tyrant had emerged victorious, but not without paying a heavy price.

As the dust settled, Fafnir's gaze shifted towards Illya, Rin, Shiro, and Kirei, who had been watching the battle unfold. The weight of his triumph settled upon him as he contemplated the challenges that lay ahead.

The Holy Grail, now corrupted and transformed into the Black Grail by the influence of Angra Mainyu, loomed before Fafnir and Illya on the Fuyuki City bridge. Its malevolent presence sent shivers down their spines, and they knew that it posed a grave threat to humanity.

"What do we do now?" Illya asked, her voice filled with uncertainty and concern.

Fafnir, his eyes hardened with determination, replied, "It has become Evil, Illya. And everything Evil can only be Eradicated by Light and Justice. Use all of your command seals, I need a certain Noble Phantasm to purify this unholy relic."

Illya nodded, her trust in Fafnir unwavering. Though her initial objective had been to win the Holy Grail, she had come to understand the importance of using its power for good, under Fafnir's guidance.

Fafnir reached out, his hand bearing a small Halberd, a Dragon Insignia, and a Crown, all crafted from stone and infused with his divine powers. He handed them to Illya, his expression filled with paternal love and pride.

"Illya, my child, I am glad that you summoned me. It enabled me to save you from your future demise," Fafnir said, his voice filled with warmth. "Consider this a parting gift. These artifacts will enable you to summon me again, and even if you do not use them, my divine power still flows through them. Hold them in your hand to amplify your spells."

Illya's eyes shimmered with gratitude as she accepted the gifts. "Thank you... Dad," she whispered

With their resolve renewed, Illya raised her fist, showcasing the Command Seals emblazoned upon her flesh.

"Berserker, I order you," she commanded, her voice resolute. "Break free from the restraints and purify the Holy Grail!"

As the words left Illya's lips, the restraints that had bound Fafnir's true power were shattered. He emerged from the Berserker template, his once-black armor transforming into resplendent gold and blue, his halberd turning pure white and gold. His very presence radiated Justice and Order.

Fafnir Held his Halberd upright with both hands.

Fafnir began his chant, his voice resonating with power and divine authority. "Darkness quivers in its blinding light. With power immense, the universe at stake. Vaporize and purify, all falsehoods break. Divine and pure, unleash your radiance, let darkness endure no more. With a single word, let worlds be undone. Reset the cosmos, a new era begun."

The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as Fafnir continued, his voice growing stronger and more commanding. "Burn away the impure, with resplendent fire. Cleanse the tainted, with righteous ire. In your brilliance, all illusions fade. So chant this name, with hearts alight, bring forth the sacred light. 'Lumina Divina!'"

With Fafnir's final proclamation, a beam of intense light descended from the heavens, piercing through the darkened skies and striking the Black Grail. The evil relic shrieked in agony as the radiant light forcibly purged its corrupting influence.

The ground trembled, and the air crackled with energy as the battle between light and darkness unfolded. The bridge became a stage for a celestial spectacle, as the forces of purity clashed with the taint of Evil.

As Fafnir's presence gradually dissipated into magical dust, a bittersweet smile graced his lips. "Illya, my dear, see you next time," he whispered, his voice filled with a mixture of fondness and a hint of melancholy. It was a farewell for now, knowing that his essence had been spent in unleashing the power of Lumina Divina, the embodiment of his divine might.

Gazing at the purified Holy Grail, now restored to its true form, Illya felt a surge of hope and determination.

As Illya held the pure Holy Grail in her hands, a surge of power and purpose coursed through her veins. With a resolute conviction, she flung the weight of the Einzbern family's desires behind her. It was a power that surged through her veins, a power that surpassed any mere mortal. The strength of her resolve had grown immeasurable, capable of withstanding even the combined might of her own lineage.

Glimpses of Fafnir's Lumina Divina and the twisted visage of the corrupted Grail flashed before Illya's eyes, a reminder of the trials she had faced and the darkness that threatened to consume the world. But she was no longer a helpless child; she had grown strong, both in power and in spirit.

Her voice resonated with determination and conviction as she spoke her wish, each word carrying the weight of her resolve. "O holy Grail, listen as I pray. I wish for a balanced world, where the forces of great evil are met with an equally potent manifestation of justice. Grant me this wish, and let harmony and equilibrium reign."

The Holy Grail shimmered in response, its ethereal glow intensifying as it absorbed the essence of Illya's wish. In that moment, the very fabric of the planet seemed to shift, as if responding to the immense power that had been unleashed. The skies darkened, and an air of anticipation filled the atmosphere.

The world held its breath, unaware of the monumental changes that were about to take place. Unbeknownst to its inhabitants, the very foundations of reality were being reshaped to align with Illya's plea for balance and justice.

The forces of good and evil, light and darkness, clashed and melded in a cataclysmic dance. The balance between them became a delicate equilibrium, where neither side held absolute dominance. A new order was born, where the world would forever be challenged by darkness but met with an unwavering force of light and justice.

In the midst of this profound transformation, Illya stood as a beacon of hope, her presence radiating with the power of her wish fulfilled. She knew that the path ahead would still be fraught with challenges, but she had set in motion a destiny that would forever alter the course of history.

And so, the world awakened to a renewed existence, a realm where the forces of good and evil were in a perpetual dance, a cosmic struggle that would shape the destiny of humanity. The echoes of Fafnir's Lumina Divina and the resonance of Illya's wish reverberated throughout the universe, forever etching their mark upon the tapestry of creation.

As the dramatic scene unfolded, the world stood witness to the birth of a new era, where darkness and light would forever contend, ensuring that neither side would ever hold unchallenged dominion. And at the heart of it all stood Illya, the inheritor of Fafnir's legacy and the catalyst for this grand transformation, ready to face the unknown with unwavering resolve and the strength of her newfound power.