
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Cómic
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80 Chs

The Empire of the Multiverse

Chapter 26 - Akashic Records

After a few days of successfully, inviting Lelouch to Imperium Dominus, Fafnir Finds that his knowledge of the Universe and existence has drawing into a bottleneck and the current Imperium Dominus has currently discovered what can be discovered at the moment, and the conquest of The Milky way is already 75% it would've been higher if the Imperium has not encountered a civilization that failed to defeat an Omnic Crisis and thus their entire civilization was wiped and the Omnics took over, this was the first time the Imperium has suffered a loss.

While the loss of Astartes and Mortal Auxiliary Legions is a setback, Fafnir remains resolute in his determination to protect and expand the Imperium.

Fafnir, with his divine knowledge and understanding, analyzes the situation and the loss suffered by the Imperium Dominus. He acknowledges the threat posed by the Omnics and their destructive capabilities.

Fafnir contacts the theater commander and offers his advice. He emphasizes the importance of remaining vigilant and not underestimating the enemy. Fafnir shares his strategic wisdom, suggesting ways to counter the Omnics' destructive methods and exploit their weaknesses. He reminds the commander of the Imperium's strength and the need to adapt and evolve in the face of adversity.

Furthermore, Fafnir assures the commander that the Imperium Dominus stands with them in this battle against the Omnics. He pledges the full support of the Golden Army and the Mortal Auxiliary Legion

As the Imperium Dominus regroups and prepares to face the Omnics once more, Fafnir's presence and counsel serve as a beacon of inspiration and strength. The Imperium remains determined to overcome this challenge and continue its conquest of the Milky Way, as they strive to bring order, justice, and progress to all corners of the galaxy.

25.1 Into the Nasuverse

After dealing with the Omnic Situation,

Fafnir, driven by his thirst for knowledge, seeks to access the Akashic Records within the Nasuverse. He understands that the Nasuverse is protected by the powerful entity known as the Throne of Heroes. Aware of the risks involved in attempting to forcefully enter the Nasuverse, Fafnir contemplates making a deal with the Will of the Nasuverse to gain access.

Fafnir, guided by his divine power, opened a portal that bridged the gap between dimensions, traversing the vast expanse known as the "great void." He ventured through this space, his presence transcending the boundaries of the universes. After an arduous search, Fafnir finally arrived at the Nasuverse, a realm governed by its own unique rules and mythology.

As he stood on the precipice of the Nasuverse, Fafnir could sense the presence of the Will of the Nasuverse. The entity, embodying the collective consciousness of the realm, manifested before him in a shimmering ethereal form. Fafnir, resplendent in his divine aura, approached the Will with a sense of reverence and determination.

The Will of the Nasuverse, a being of immense power and wisdom, expressed its desires to Fafnir. It sought knowledge of the history and workings of Imperium Dominus, eager to comprehend the grand tapestry of events woven by the God Emperor and his empire. Additionally, it requested the creation of an Avatar of Fafnir to serve as a Heroic Spirit, a defender against the looming threat of the Beast, a mortal enemy that threatened the Nasuverse's existence. Furthermore, the Will asked Fafnir to participate as a Heroic Spirit in the 5th Holy Grail War, a momentous event within the Nasuverse.

Fafnir contemplated the requests put forth by the Will of the Nasuverse. He understood the significance of the knowledge he possessed and the potential impact his presence could have in this realm. After careful consideration, he agreed to the terms proposed.

In exchange for access to the Akashic Records and the secrets of the Nasuverse, Fafnir pledged to share the history of Imperium Dominus with the Will. He offered himself as an Avatar, a manifestation of his essence and power, to serve as a Heroic Spirit and aid in defending the Nasuverse from the encroaching threat of the Beast. Lastly, Fafnir consented to participate as a Heroic Spirit in the 5th Holy Grail War, embracing the challenges and opportunities that awaited him.

With their agreement solidified, the Nasuverse and Fafnir forged a pact each taking what they wanted. Fafnir's presence would resonate through the annals of the Nasuverse, his avatar and Heroic Spirit forms standing as a testament to his grandeur and purpose. As the realms converged, the Nasuverse welcomed Fafnir into its fold, and Fafnir, in turn, delved deeper into its mysteries, ready to explore the boundless depths of the Akashic Records, Fafnir immerses himself in a completely different experience compared to his previous life's memories. The information he receives is no longer limited to mere knowledge but becomes a vivid and immersive experience, as if he is truly present at the scene being described.

Meanwhile his avatar.

While his main consciousness is engaged in exploring the vastness of the Akashic Records, Fafnir's avatar resides within the Throne of Heroes, his personal space within the Nasuverse. The Throne of Heroes manifests as a grand Imperial Palace, adorned with a palette of white, gold, and blue. Expansive gardens, flowing rivers, and majestic architecture reach towards the heavens, creating a breathtaking environment for Fafnir's presence.

As Fafnir familiarizes himself with his avatar and surroundings within the Throne of Heroes, he understands that the extent of his powers within this realm depends on the magical energy supplied by his Master. The output of his abilities and skills is directly influenced by the capacity and proficiency of his Master's magic power.

With this understanding, Fafnir prepares himself for his role as an Avatar and a Heroic Spirit within the Nasuverse, awaiting the connection with his future Master and the opportunity to manifest his powers and influence within the context of the Holy Grail War. The Throne of Heroes becomes his sanctuary and source of inspiration, a place where his essence intertwines with the legends and heroes of the Nasuverse.

As Fafnir's consciousness lingers within the Akashic Records and his avatar resides in the Throne of Heroes, he recalls the three potential outcomes of the 5th Holy Grail War and the presence of a mysterious Singularity. Curiosity and anticipation fill his being as he ponders who among the three individuals will emerge as the central figure in this grand narrative.

Within the Throne of Heroes, a serene aura permeates the air, infusing the expansive Imperial Palace with an otherworldly tranquility. Sunlight filters through the opulent stained glass windows, casting vibrant hues of blue, gold, and crimson upon the marble floors. Blossoming cherry trees line the courtyard, their delicate petals dancing in the gentle breeze.

Fafnir gazes out from a grand balcony overlooking the ethereal landscape, his eyes shimmering with a mix of anticipation and intrigue. He knows that within the confines of this realm, the destinies of heroic figures are shaped and determined by the fateful events of the Holy Grail War.

In the distance, he sees three figures emerging from the mist, their presence commanding attention. Shirou Emiya, a young man with unwavering determination, bears the weight of his ideals and the burden of his past. Tohsaka Rin, a brilliant and resourceful magus, exudes a captivating aura of confidence and intelligence. Sakura Matou, a girl shrouded in mystery and darkness, carries a hidden strength and an enigmatic presence.

Each figure carries with them a unique story, intertwined with tragedy, heroism, and the pursuit of their desires. Fafnir observes them, aware that their choices and actions will shape the fate of the Holy Grail War and the world around them.

As Fafnir continues to watch, a singularity emerges, distorting the fabric of the Throne of Heroes. It radiates an ominous energy, drawing the attention of the heroic spirits. Its enigmatic nature raises questions and intrigue, as Fafnir wonders what secrets lie within this anomaly.

The scene within the Throne of Heroes becomes a tableau of anticipation, where the paths of destiny intersect and the future hangs in delicate balance. Fafnir, surrounded by the legends and heroes of the Nasuverse, eagerly awaits the unfolding of the 5th Holy Grail War and the revelation of the chosen protagonist, knowing that their actions will reverberate across time and space.

As Fafnir materializes within the summoning circle, the scene before him fills his heart with empathy and concern. He witnesses the frail form of a young child, her life force diminishing rapidly as she struggles to summon him. The weight of her suffering tugs at his divine essence, urging him to intervene and alleviate her pain.

In a display of both power and gentleness, Fafnir's colossal form begins to diminish, shrinking in size until he stands at a more humanly proportioned height of six feet. His majestic aura permeates the room as he approaches the child, his eyes filled with compassion and determination.

With careful and deliberate movements, Fafnir lifts the child into his arms, cradling her fragile body against his chest. As he does so, his touch radiates a soothing warmth that seems to penetrate deep into her being, easing her pain and revitalizing her fading life force.

Drawing upon the vast reservoirs of power within his main body, Fafnir taps into the wellspring of healing energy. Divine light bathes the room, casting a serene glow that illuminates the child's features. The sensation of his power permeates her very essence, infusing her with renewed vitality and strength.

With each passing moment, the child's condition stabilizes, her pain subsides, and her life force begins to replenish. Fafnir's presence serves as a conduit, channeling his divine essence to mend her ailing body and restore her spirit.

As the healing process continues, Fafnir remains by the child's side, ensuring that every ounce of his power is dedicated to her well-being. His unwavering commitment to her recovery is evident in his focused gaze and the tender care with which he cradles her.

Time seems to stand still as Fafnir's healing energies weave their intricate magic, gradually restoring the child to a state of health and vitality. With each passing moment, the child's strength returns, and the pain and suffering that once plagued her begin to fade into a distant memory.

When the process is complete, the child's once pallid face is now radiant with renewed life. She stirs in Fafnir's arms, her eyes opening to reveal a gaze filled with awe and gratitude. Fafnir smiles, his presence emanating a sense of reassurance and protection, assuring her that she is safe and cared for.

With the child now healed and her pain alleviated, Fafnir gently sets her down, allowing her to stand on her own two feet. He watches with a sense of fulfillment as she takes her first tentative steps, a testament to the power of his healing touch.

As Fafnir stands tall, his divine presence lingering in the room, he knows that he has made a difference in this child's life. The bond between them, forged through a shared moment of healing, will forever be etched in their hearts.

With a newfound determination, Fafnir's eyes narrow with resolve as he realizes the identity of the summoner. Illyasviel von Einzbern, the young girl with the white hair, stands before him as the one who called upon his heroic spirit. He remembers the tragic fates that awaited her in different timelines, and now he sees an opportunity to alter her destiny.

Fafnir gently lifts Illya onto his shoulder, positioning her securely as he did with his own children in the past. His touch radiates warmth and protection, a symbol of his unwavering dedication to safeguarding her well-being.

In the depths of his being, Fafnir's divine power stirs, a wellspring of strength and guidance ready to be unleashed. He embraces his role as Illya's guardian, determined to steer her away from the dark paths that threatened her in other timelines.

With each step he takes, Fafnir moves with purpose, traversing the manor and leaving a trail of assurance and security in his wake. The weight of his presence brings comfort to Illya, as she feels the power and conviction radiating from her newfound protector.

As they make their way through the manor, Fafnir's divine senses extend, enveloping the surroundings with heightened awareness. He delves into the memories and whispers that swirl around Illya, understanding the complex web of her lineage and the name that keeps resonating within the manor—Einzbern.

Fafnir's mind races with possibilities and strategies, contemplating the best course of action to reshape Illya's fate. He envisions a future where she can escape the tragic endings that once plagued her, where she can find happiness and fulfillment.

Guided by his divine knowledge and instinct, Fafnir sets his sights on rewriting the story of Illyasviel von Einzbern. His determination burns bright as he faces the challenges that lie ahead, prepared to navigate the twists and turns of the Fifth Holy Grail War and beyond.

As Fafnir carries Illya upon his shoulder, their bond strengthens with each passing moment. In his presence, she finds solace, protection, and a newfound sense of hope. Together, they embark on a journey that will redefine her destiny and shape the course of their shared future.

Fafnir's divine powers, honed through countless battles and trials, become a beacon of strength for Illya. His knowledge, strategies, and unwavering commitment are at her disposal, guiding her toward a path that transcends tragedy and embraces a brighter tomorrow.

With the weight of their shared destiny upon them, they stride forward, prepared to face the challenges that await, and to carve a new fate amidst the trials of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

Note: I really hated how she kept dying so I'll change it, I'll try my best to keep it consistent with the story, I'll probably follow the Unlimited Blade Works since that was the most saddest timeline for her.

In the midst of the snow-covered forest, Fafnir's towering figure dominates the landscape. His 15-foot-tall body, brimming with divine power, cuts through the blizzard with ease. Despite the harsh conditions, Illya is shielded from the biting cold, carried safely upon Fafnir's shoulder. His magical aura envelops her, providing warmth and protection against the elements.

With each step, Fafnir plows through a horde of enemies. Failed homunculi, possessed corpses, and fierce wolves attempt to impede their progress, but they are no match for the might of the divine servant. Fafnir's halberd, The Eviscerator, gleams with a brilliant light as it cleaves through their ranks, effortlessly decimating any foe in his path.

His movements are swift and precise, his skill with the halberd unmatched. Each swing of his weapon delivers devastating blows, shattering the bodies of their assailants. His armor, adorned with intricate engravings, protects him from any harm that may come his way. It gleams with an ethereal glow, a testament to the divine power that courses through his veins.

Despite facing a seemingly endless onslaught, Fafnir remains unwavering, his gaze fixed on their objective. His senses, honed through countless battles, allow him to anticipate and react with uncanny speed. He shields Illya from harm, deflecting any attacks that come too close. His presence is both a shield and a weapon, an impenetrable fortress against their foes.

As they press forward, Fafnir's divine energy radiates, casting a brilliant light in the dark forest. His footsteps leave a trail of power and authority, a testament to his indomitable strength. The enemies, sensing his might, falter in their attempts to halt their advance. Fear and awe fill the air as they witness the unstoppable force that is Fafnir, the divine servant of the Einzbern family.

After hours of battle, the snow-covered forest gives way to the familiar sight of the Einzbern castle. Fafnir's unwavering determination has prevailed, leading them safely back to their stronghold. The enemies lie defeated in their wake, a testament to Fafnir's unparalleled prowess.

As Fafnir lowers Illya gently to the ground, a sense of accomplishment fills the air. They have returned triumphant, having overcome the trials of the forest. Fafnir's gaze, filled with pride and protectiveness, rests upon Illya. The bond between servant and master grows stronger with each battle fought, and their shared journey in altering fate takes another step forward.

In the peaceful setting of Shinto Park, Fafnir sits with Illya perched comfortably on his shoulder. The tranquility of the park contrasts with the weight of their conversation, as Fafnir expresses his concerns for Illya's well-being. She swings her feet lightly, her innocent smile reflecting her trust in her servant.

As the sun begins its descent, casting a warm glow upon the park, Fafnir turns his gaze towards Illya. His eyes, a fiery red, hold a mix of seriousness and protectiveness. He asks her a question that carries great significance, seeking to understand her true intentions.

"Illya, as your servant, I am most concerned about your family's treatment towards you. I believe that they may betray you over the course of the Holy Grail War," Fafnir begins, his voice filled with a sense of caution.

Illya's eyes meet Fafnir's, unwavering and full of trust. She responds with a serene determination, her voice carrying a hint of innocence. "I'm not worried, Berserker. I have you," she says, her faith in their bond unshaken.

A smile spreads across Fafnir's face, a blend of reassurance and confidence. He understands the weight of Illya's words and the trust she places in him. The setting sun casts a gentle glow upon them, illuminating their resolute figures.

Leaning in closer to Illya, Fafnir poses a question that delves into her desires and ambitions. "If you were to win the Holy Grail, what would you do with its power? As your servant, I must know your intentions so that I may wield my halberd accordingly," he says, his voice filled with curiosity.

Illya's response is filled with a touch of playfulness, mirroring her youthful spirit. "Let's focus on winning first," she replies, her voice carrying an air of determination and excitement.

Fafnir's smirk widens, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. He understands the wisdom in Illya's words, knowing that victory must be their primary goal. The bond between servant and master grows stronger as they stand united in their quest for the Holy Grail.

In the dusky evening, as Illya walks through the streets, she spots Shirou with blood staining his chest. Concerned for her half-brother's safety, she delivers a chilling message, warning him of the impending danger if he doesn't summon a servant quickly. With those words lingering in the air, she continues on her way, leaving Shirou puzzled by her cryptic statement.

Observing the interaction, Fafnir materializes beside Illya, his towering presence providing her comfort and protection. Placing her gently on his shoulder, he walks beside her, offering his guidance and support.

Curiosity piqued, Fafnir questions Illya about her choice of words towards her half-brother. He seeks to understand the depth of her emotions and motivations, aware that their complicated family ties may shape her perspective.

Illya's response carries a sense of detachment, reflecting her inner turmoil. "If my half-brother dies, then let him," she states with a hint of bitterness.

Fafnir, ever perceptive, recognizes the pain underlying Illya's words. He takes a moment to share a profound revelation with her, speaking of her late father's desperate efforts to reach her. His voice, fading away in his final moments, was filled with thoughts of Illya. The weight of this revelation brings forth a tear from Illya's eye, a mixture of grief and longing.

Understanding the depth of Illya's emotions, Fafnir wraps his arms around her, providing solace and comfort. He carries her on his shoulder, holding her close as they make their way back to the Einzbern Castle. His presence and support serve as a source of strength, calming her troubled emotions.

In this tender moment, amidst the darkness and uncertainty, Fafnir becomes a pillar of support for Illya.As they return to the castle, their bond deepens, fortified by shared experiences and understanding. Fafnir's embrace offers a sense of security, reminding Illya that she is not alone in her journey.

A Night later when Illya and Fafnir were looking for Enemy Masters they stumbled upon Rin and Shiro.

The cold night air hangs heavily around the group, casting an eerie atmosphere over the dimly lit street. Fafnir's red eyes gleam with an intense light, their gaze piercing through the darkness and locking onto Saber, the servant standing behind Shirou. Fafnir senses Archer's presence on the rooftop nearby, his anticipation building as the tension thickens.

Meanwhile, Illya, standing beside Fafnir, exudes a mixture of nervousness and excitement. Her heart beats rapidly, her small hand gripping Fafnir's trench coat as a sense of anticipation fills her entire being. She glances at Rin, her red eyes reflecting determination and a hint of mischief.

Name: Berserker

True Name: Fafnir Augustus Aurelius


- Strength: A++ (Exceptional physical strength, capable of overwhelming opponents with sheer force)

- Endurance: A++ (Incredibly high endurance, able to withstand fatal wounds and continue fighting)

- Agility: A++ (Exceptional agility and speed, allowing for swift and precise movements)

- Mana: C (Average magical energy capacity)

- Luck: C (Moderate luck influencing outcomes)

- Noble Phantasm: EX (Possesses an extraordinary number of powerful Noble Phantasms)

Faction: Heaven


1. Mad Enhancement: A (Excessive Pride) - Fafnir's Berserker rage is fueled by his excessive pride and unyielding desire for dominance. This skill amplifies his physical parameters to extraordinary levels, granting him immense strength, agility, and endurance. While his personality becomes more arrogant and battle-driven, his ability to make strategic judgments and employ tactics remains intact.

2. Battle Continuation: A - Fafnir possesses an indomitable will and unyielding determination that allows him to continue fighting even in the face of fatal wounds. This skill grants him the ability to survive and persist in battle, refusing to be defeated.

3. Eye of the Mind (True): B - Fafnir possesses keen instincts and a sharp analytical mind, allowing him to perceive and analyze his opponents' movements and tactics with great accuracy. This skill enhances his combat prowess and enables him to make strategic decisions even in the midst of his berserker state.

4. Gourmet: B - Fafnir has a deep appreciation for fine food and is an exceptional baker and chef, finding solace and satisfaction in culinary pursuits.

5. Light in Darkness: Manifestation of Twisted Justice B - When not engaged in battle, Fafnir embodies kindness, compassion, and justice. However, the moment he enters combat, his twisted personality emerges, a dark reflection of justice warped by cruelty and brutality, and dirty tactics.

6. Charisma: EX - a testament to his natural charisma and leadership skills. His mere presence exuded an aura of authority and inspiration, instilling unwavering loyalty and dedication in those who served under him. With a single word or gesture, he could sway the hearts and minds of both allies and adversaries, rallying them to his cause.

7. Golden Rule: EX - representing his unmatched wealth and abundance. The treasures of Imperium Dominus flowed in abundance under his rule, granting him access to vast resources and material wealth. His empire thrived under his guidance, and the riches he commanded were beyond measure. This allowed him to fund ambitious projects, support his armies, and provide for the well-being of his subjects. also symbolized his ability to bring prosperity and abundance to those under his dominion.

Noble Phantasms:

1. Eviscerator: The Unyielding Causal Blade - Fafnir wields the Eviscerator, a fearsome blade of unparalleled brutality. This causal weapon strikes with unerring accuracy, effortlessly slicing through any defense or protection. It effortlessly severs the threads of fate, inflicting devastating wounds upon his foes.

2. Corruption of Dominion (Passive): Honkai Devastation - Fafnir channels the power of Honkai Energy, corrupting and eroding his enemies with every strike. The corruption spreads through their being, weakening their attributes and reducing their defenses, leaving them in a state of despair and hopelessness.

3. Invincible Tyrant's Armor (Passive): The Immutable Dominator - Fafnir is clad in impenetrable armor, becoming an unstoppable force on the battlefield. All types of damage, regardless of their power or nature, are reduced to a mere fraction of their original strength when they strike him. This invincible armor instills fear and despair in those who dare to challenge his iron rule.

4. Arcantheon Lumina: The Annihilation Enclave of the God-Tyrant - Fafnir summons an array of forbidden armaments, representing the dread-filled reign of the God-Tyrant. These weapons exude an aura of despair and unleash relentless barrages of destruction upon his enemies.

5. Chronos Phalanx: Desolation's Impenetrable Bastion - Fafnir conjures a shield of despair, an impenetrable bastion that renders attacks feeble against its indomitable defense. It creates a fleeting moment of despair for his enemies, where their efforts crumble to dust.

Origin: Fafnir Augustus Aurelius originates from a parallel future where the God Emperor Fafnir's vision of an enlightened Imperium Dominus veered off course. In this timeline, the pursuit of power and excessive pride led to a brutal and iron-fisted empire. Fafnir's unyielding desire for dominance and his ruthless rule cast a shadow over his once-noble ideals. He serves as a cautionary tale, embodying the potential dangers and consequences of unchecked power and the erosion of justice.

Appearance: Fafnir stands tall and imposing, his muscular physique exuding raw power. He is clad in black armor adorned with intricate red and gold accents, giving him an aura of both regality and menace. His eyes, glowing with a piercing red hue, flicker with an unsettling intensity beneath the futuristic helmet that conceals most of his face. Fafnir's presence commands attention and instills a sense of unease, a true embodiment of the God-Tyrant he has become.

Rin, her initial nerves now amplified by the sight of Fafnir's terrifying parameters and the mention of his Berserker class, tries to maintain her composure. She quickly sizes up the situation, her mind racing with thoughts of potential strategies and countermeasures. The weight of responsibility presses upon her as she realizes the formidable opponents standing before her.

As Fafnir's eyes meet Rin's, a silent exchange of understanding passes between them. He recognizes the cautious expression on her face, acknowledging the challenge that lies ahead. Fafnir's smirk reveals a confidence borne from his experiences and unparalleled power. His presence alone exudes an aura of dominance, his towering form casting a long shadow over the darkened street.

Illya, in her aristocratic manner, gracefully bows to Rin, her voice carrying a subtle note of amusement. "Hello, Rin Tohsaka. I am Illyasviel von Einzbern, the name Einzbern should ring a few bells." Her words hold a mixture of innocence and mischief, hinting at the legacy and significance of her lineage.

Rin's gaze flickers from Fafnir to Illya, her mind racing to analyze the situation. The formidable parameters of Fafnir's Berserker class and Illya's connection to the Einzbern family unsettle her, causing her to reconsider her initial expectations. Her nervousness mounts as she contemplates the challenges they pose, forcing her to adapt her strategies on the spot.

Unbeknownst to the group, Archer observes from his vantage point on the rooftop, a sense of unease settling within him. He senses the immense power and unpredictable nature emanating from Fafnir. A hint of uncertainty taints his normally confident demeanor as he prepares for the unfolding battle.

The battlefield crackles with intense energy as the clash between Saber, Archer, and Fafnir begins. Illya's command echoes in the air, leaving the fate of the battle in the hands of her formidable Berserker, Fafnir. With a nod of understanding, Fafnir disappears from sight, launching a surprise attack aimed at Shirou's life.

However, Archer, ever vigilant, reacts swiftly. His bowstring releases, sending an arrow hurtling through the air. It strikes Fafnir's halberd with pinpoint accuracy, altering its trajectory and saving Shirou from the brink of death. The clash of metal rings out, a testament to Archer's skill and precision.

Saber, drawing her noble sword with determined resolve, engages Fafnir in a fierce duel. But Fafnir's overwhelming strength and speed prove to be a formidable challenge, pushing Saber to her limits. Every swing of Fafnir's halberd creates deep cracks in the ground, threatening to shatter her defenses.

Meanwhile, Archer unleashes a relentless barrage of arrows, strafing Fafnir from a distance. The arrows rain down upon him, exploiting any opening in his relentless assault. But Fafnir, ever vigilant, soon identifies Archer's position amidst the chaos of battle.

In a daring move, Fafnir hurls his deadly Eviscerator towards Archer. As it flies through the air, Archer quickly recognizes its nature as a causal weapon, a force that defies conventional means. To counter this, he channels his formidable defensive Noble Phantasm, Rho Aias.

"I am the Bone of My Sword...Rho Aias!"

Six of the seven petals of Rho Aias intercept the incoming Eviscerator, stopping its advance. However, the relentless force of the Eviscerator leaves a lasting impact, damaging the defensive barrier and exerting pressure on Archer's defenses.

As the battle between Saber and Fafnir intensifies, their clash of blades shakes the very foundation of the battlefield. Fafnir skillfully wields his newly materialized sword, countering Saber's strikes with brutal force. With a powerful backhand strike, he redirects the course of Saber's sword, leaving her momentarily off balance.

In a display of immense strength, Fafnir delivers a powerful punch to Saber's abdomen, forcing her to cough up bile as she is sent flying towards a nearby building. The impact is bone-jarring, leaving her momentarily stunned and nursing her injuries.

Fafnir's attention now turns to Archer, who has been defending against his Throw. With a sudden burst of speed that seems almost teleportation-like, Fafnir disappears from sight. His halberd materializes once more in his hand, poised for a deadly throw.

Archer, anticipating the attack, uses his dual swords to defend against the incoming halberd the swords shattered, And with Fafnir's skillful maneuvering allows the halberd to graze Archer's side, inflicting a painful wound. Before Archer can fully recover, Fafnir reappears behind him with lightning speed.

Sensing Fafnir's presence, Archer summons two swords to counter the impending assault. However, Fafnir's strength and momentum are overwhelming. With a skillful twist, he uses his halberd to drag Archer closer and then hurls him towards Saber with tremendous force.

As Archer hurtles through the air, Fafnir materializes a bolt pistol in his hand. With uncanny precision, he fires at both Saber and Archer, the bullets finding their mark despite their attempts to defend. Saber manages to deflect the bullets with her sword, sustaining minor injuries, while Archer, in his weakened state, struggles to parry each bullet, sustaining moderate damage.

The battle rages on, In the outskirts of the city, a fierce confrontation between Rin and Illya unfolds, the tension thick in the air. Rin, ever the cunning strategist, attempts a sneak attack on Illya as she walks. However, Illya's familiars, ever watchful, detect the impending assault and swiftly thwart Rin's attempt.

With a calm and collected demeanor, Illya remarks, "Sneaking attack, Rin. Just like a beast, or is this the Tohsaka fighting style?" Her words drip with a hint of amusement, ready to face the challenge head-on. Rin retorts, her voice laced with confidence, "Heh... you're the one who started this fight. If a fight begins, it does not matter the techniques used. Or would you rather introduce yourself?"

Illya's eyes narrow, her expression turning colder. "I would introduce myself if it was the half-brother of mine. But why should I introduce myself to someone who is dead?" Her words cut through the air, their weight carrying a sense of finality.

Rin unleashes a barrage of spells, each one aimed at Illya. However, Illya's familiars intercept the spells with deftness, their automatic tracking abilities proving to be a formidable defense. Rin realizes the extravagance with which Illya wields her magical powers, utilizing her familiars to fight on her behalf.

Quick on her feet, Rin decides to employ a shield spell, hastily throwing it up to block the incoming attacks. Two familiars are obliterated upon impact, but in a sudden twist, Illya's familiars transform from birds into swords, slicing through the shield with ease. The tip of a sword closes in on Rin, threatening to strike, but before it can make contact, Archer's interception arrows streak through the distance, deflecting the lethal blow.

Sensing an opportunity, Rin seizes the moment and swiftly retreats, taking advantage of Illya's momentary distraction. Illya's familiars, relentless in their pursuit, continue to fire spells in Rin's direction, each one narrowly missing its mark. Rin's heart races as she pushes herself to the limit, desperately evading the relentless assault.

Meanwhile, by Archer's side, he suffers a slanted slash across his torso as he sacrifices himself to protect Rin. The pain sears through him, but his determination remains unwavering. Fafnir, observing the turn of events with amusement, comments, "Quite daring to be distracted in a fight, Emiya." The mention of his name sends a jolt of shock through Archer, his resolve solidifying.

"I'm not Emiya anymore," Archer declares, his voice filled with conviction. He retaliates with a flurry of arrows, each one aimed at Fafnir with deadly precision. Fafnir, ever the formidable opponent, deflects the arrows effortlessly, using his gauntlet to backhand a few and twirling his halberd to deflect the majority.

The battle rages on, each combatant giving their all in this clash of powerful forces. Rin, determined and resourceful, strategizes her next move, seeking an opportunity to turn the tide. Illya, with her powerful familiars and extravagant magic, remains a force to be reckoned with. And Archer, wounded yet resolute, continues to fight against Fafnir, The clash of steel echoed through the night, reverberating with the intensity of their battle.

"Hold him back for one minute, Saber! Then run!" Archer shouted, his voice tinged with urgency and determination.

Saber, her resolve unyielding, nodded in acknowledgment as she interposed herself between Archer and the relentless onslaught of Fafnir's halberd. She parried each strike with skill and grace, her movements a fluid dance of swordplay. Yet, for all her efforts, Fafnir's uncanny perception, sharpened by his Eye of the Mind, allowed him to anticipate her every move.

Fafnir, his confidence unwavering, taunted his opponents. "Ho... strategizing? What can you fools do to me?" His voice rang out, laced with arrogance and superiority, as he continued his assault with unwavering determination.

Saber fought valiantly, her blade clashing against Fafnir's halberd. Each strike held her utmost strength and resolve, but she found herself constantly outmaneuvered by Fafnir's keen insight. Every exchange, every movement, Fafnir absorbed and analyzed, a testament to his Eye of the Mind.

Meanwhile, Archer, having retreated to a safe distance, formed a lance-like arrow on his bow, charging his attack. His eyes narrowed, a glint of determination flickering within them. He knew that time was running out, and he had to seize this opportunity.

One minute passed in a flash, and as Archer anticipated, Saber disengaged from Fafnir's relentless assault and swiftly retreated, running to safety. She spared a fleeting glance at Archer, their eyes locking for a brief moment, conveying their unspoken determination.

Fafnir, sensing Saber's escape, turned his attention to Archer. A twisted smile graced his lips as he stretched out his hand, preparing to catch the incoming projectile. The tension in the air was palpable as Archer released the arrow, hurtling towards Fafnir with lethal intent.

With impeccable timing, Fafnir's hand closed around the speeding arrow, crushing it with a surge of force. A tremendous explosion erupted, engulfing him in a cloud of smoke and debris. The shockwave swept across the cemetery, scattering tombstones and unsettling the stillness of the night.

As the smoke settled, Archer and Saber watched in awe and disbelief. There stood Fafnir, his form unmoved, still poised in the exact position he had caught the arrow. His armor bore only the faintest scratches, a testament to its invincibility.

"Impossible," Archer muttered, his voice laced with a mix of awe and frustration. "An attack with an equivalent of an A-class noble phantasm barely did any damage... or perhaps none at all."

Illya's voice resonated through the air, carrying a hint of amusement. "Interesting, Rin. I had planned to finish both of you here, but I'll spare your lives for now. Perhaps you'll have the opportunity to take down other masters for me. Berserker, let's go." With those words, Illya turned away, stepping forward confidently.

Fafnir, his gaze lingering on Saber and Archer, offered them a knowing smile. "It seems the fight will have to halt for now." With graceful strides, he caught up to Illya, effortlessly lifting her onto his shoulder. As they vanished into the shadows, their forms gradually fading from sight, the weight of their presence lingered, a reminder of the formidable power that awaited them in the battles to come.

The night enveloped the cemetery once more, its tranquility shattered by the echoes of their clash and the lingering sense of foreboding. The war had only just begun, and the participants were left to contemplate the daunting challenges that lay ahead.

As they approached the grand Einzbern Castle, Fafnir and Illya were greeted by Illya's loyal maids Leyritt and Sella, who bowed respectfully at their arrival. The castle stood tall, its elegant architecture and imposing presence befitting the prestigious Einzbern family.

Inside the castle, Fafnir and Illya found themselves in a spacious dining hall, adorned with opulent decorations and a long, polished dining table. Fafnir took it upon himself to prepare a lavish meal for Illya, showcasing his culinary skills honed over the years. The aroma of exquisite dishes filled the air, tantalizing the senses and whetting their appetites.

As Illya sat at the table, swinging her legs in anticipation, Fafnir regaled her with stories about his past and his role as the God-Emperor of Imperium Dominus. He shared tales of his powerful wife, Esdeath Aurelius, and their three children who now led the Imperium to conquer other worlds. His voice carried a sense of pride and warmth, displaying his love and admiration for his family.

Illya listened intently, her eyes filled with curiosity and admiration for the being beside her. She was fascinated by Fafnir's diverse capabilities, his strength and speed surpassing even the Berserker class. His choice to take on the title of God-Tyrant to fit the Berserker class intrigued her, as he possessed immense power without the drawbacks of Mad Enhancement.

Their conversation continued as they enjoyed the sumptuous feast laid before them. Fafnir's cooking skills were exemplary, the flavors melding harmoniously and satisfying their palates. The maids attended to their duties with grace and efficiency, ensuring that every need was met with utmost care.

As the meal drew to a close, Fafnir prepared to depart, but Illya gently held his hand, requesting his presence to remain nearby. Fafnir reassured her with a warm smile, assuring her that he would always be by her side. With a gentle touch and a nod, he disappeared into a shimmering cloud of magic dust, his presence lingering in Illya's heart and mind.

In the tranquil ambiance of the Einzbern Castle, the bond between Fafnir and Illya grew stronger with each passing moment. Their connection, built on trust and support, became an unbreakable pillar of strength in the midst of the Holy Grail War's challenges. As the evening waned, the castle stood as a symbol of their shared determination and the path they would walk together.

In the quiet embrace of the castle's walls, Fafnir's presence resonated, reminding Illya that she was not alone in her journey. With renewed strength and determination, she prepared herself for the battles ahead, knowing that she had the unwavering support of her loyal Berserker servant.

The evening concluded with a sense of tranquility and a flicker of hope, as Illya prepared to face the Holy Grail War with Fafnir by her side.

Night came and went fast as Dawn ushered in.

The morning sun bathed the balcony in a gentle glow as a soft breeze caressed the air, carrying with it the scent of blooming flowers. Illya's eyes lit up with delight as she glanced at the balcony, spotting Fafnir enjoying his morning coffee amidst the peaceful ambiance.

With a tray in her hands, Illya approached the balcony, setting it down on the table beside Fafnir. The tray held a delectable breakfast, complete with eggs, bacon, toast, and a glass of milk. The food was still warm, inviting her to indulge in its comforting flavors.

"Good morning, Illya," Fafnir greeted her with a gentle smile, his presence exuding warmth and tranquility.

"Good morning, Berserker," Illya replied, her smile mirroring the radiance of a sunrise. She gracefully settled into a chair and began to enjoy her breakfast, savoring each bite with a sense of contentment.

As they sat together, basking in the soothing morning atmosphere, Illya posed a question to Fafnir, curious about their plans for the day. Fafnir's response emphasized the importance of rest and rejuvenation, reminding Illya of the battles that lay ahead. He expressed his intention to teach her basic tactics and strategy, preparing her for the challenges that awaited them.

"But first, take a relaxing bath," Fafnir suggested, his caring gaze fixed upon Illya. He knew that a refreshing bath could soothe both the body and mind, promoting relaxation and focus.

Illya nodded cutely, her determination shining through her innocent eyes. She stood up, now slightly taller than the day before, entering the threshold of adolescence. The transformation she had undergone since the day Fafnir was summoned by her side had been profound, shaping her journey and granting her newfound strength.

The scene exuded a sense of comfort and serenity, as the gentle sounds of nature blended harmoniously with the quiet conversations between Illya and Fafnir. Time seemed to slow down, allowing them to savor the present moment.

As the day unfolded, Illya would embrace the teachings of Fafnir, honing her skills and broadening her understanding of tactics and strategy. And amidst it all, the warmth of their relationship would continue to blossom, strengthening their resolve and bringing Illya closer to Fafnir.

Night fell, casting a blanket of darkness over the world, as the stars twinkled in the night sky, their ethereal glow illuminating the tranquil surroundings. Inside the cozy living room of the Einzbern Castle, a soft light emanated from the warm glow of the fireplace, casting a gentle flickering light upon the room.

The crackling sound of the fire provided a comforting ambiance, creating an atmosphere of serenity and focus. Fafnir stood in front of a blackboard, his broad shoulders and imposing presence accentuated by the warm hues of the fire. With chalk in hand, he carefully drew intricate diagrams and symbols, explaining theories and strategies to Illya.

Illya, seated on a plush armchair, held a book in her hands, her brows furrowed in concentration. She immersed herself in the pages, absorbing the knowledge and insights contained within. The flickering light of the fireplace danced upon her face, casting a soft glow on her youthful features.

The room was adorned with shelves filled with books, each representing a world of knowledge waiting to be explored. The air carried a faint scent of aged paper and ink, a testament to the wisdom contained within the countless volumes.

As Fafnir continued to explain, his voice carried a gentle authority, commanding attention and respect. His vast experience and battle knowledge were invaluable to young Illya, who listened intently, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and determination.

The room was adorned with maps and diagrams, showcasing various battle formations and strategies. They served as visual aids to help Illya grasp the concepts more clearly. The sound of chalk against the blackboard echoed through the room, accompanied by occasional pauses as Fafnir provided additional insights and explanations.

The atmosphere was filled with a sense of purpose and growth, as the flickering fire and the quiet rustling of pages intertwined with the exchange of knowledge. The room seemed to come alive with the shared pursuit of wisdom and the dedication to honing one's skills.

Outside the windows, the moonlight bathed the surrounding landscape in a soft glow, casting long shadows upon the grounds of the castle. It was a reminder of the world beyond, waiting to be explored and conquered.

In this moment of learning and growth, Illya's determination shone brightly, fueled by the guidance and mentorship of Fafnir.

As the night slowly gave way to the arrival of morning, the fire continued to burn, casting its warm glow upon the room. Fafnir and Illya would continue their journey, their minds filled with newfound knowledge and their hearts brimming with the anticipation of what lay ahead.

The sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky, casting a warm and radiant glow upon the world below. It was a perfect day for adventure and exploration. Fafnir and Illya ventured out into the world, their footsteps filled with anticipation and joy.

Their first stop was an amusement park, alive with the sounds of laughter and excitement. The air was filled with the sweet scent of cotton candy and the distant melodies of carousel music. Illya's eyes widened with wonder as she marveled at the colorful rides and attractions. Fafnir, guided her through the park, ensuring her safety while sharing in her delight.

Next, they visited a water park, where the refreshing spray of water and the laughter of children created an atmosphere of pure joy. Illya eagerly took to the waterslides, her laughter echoing through the air as she splashed into the cool pools below. Fafnir watched on, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips, relishing in the simple happiness that radiated from Illya's youthful spirit.

As the days went by, they found themselves at the beach, the golden sand stretching out before them and the gentle waves lapping against the shore. Illya skipped along the water's edge, her feet leaving imprints in the wet sand, while Fafnir walked beside her, his gaze fixed on the horizon. They built sandcastles, their hands covered in grains of sand, and chased seagulls, their laughter carried away by the ocean breeze.

Throughout their adventures, Illya blossomed into a young adult, her form growing taller and more graceful. She now stood at Fafnir's human sized shoulder, an indication to the passage of time and the bond they shared. Fafnir, in his towering form, watched over her with a protective gaze, a sense of paternal warmth radiating from him.

In the midst of the Holy Grail War, where tension and conflict filled the air, Fafnir and Illya remained an oasis of tranquility and calm.

In the quiet moments between battles, Fafnir and Illya would share stories, their voices carrying on the gentle breeze. Fafnir would impart his wisdom, recounting tales of battles won and lost, while Illya listened attentively, her eyes filled with admiration and a thirst for knowledge.

Through their adventures and shared experiences, Illya found comfort in Fafnir's presence. He filled the void that had been left by her absent father, providing guidance, protection, and unconditional love. They forged a bond that transcended the boundaries of servant and master, embracing the essence of family and the unwavering support that comes with it.

And as the days of blissful play and camaraderie unfolded, Illya felt a sense of belonging she had never experienced before. Fafnir, with his towering presence and gentle demeanor, became the father figure she had longed for, his unwavering support and care filling her heart with a profound sense of love and security.

But all good times must come to an end.

A day later Illya is using her orb to monitor Rin and Shiro coming to Einzbern Castle, she giggles as Rin steps on a trap and electrifying her.

Leyritt and Sella her loyal maids stood beside her as they offered her choices on what to do with Shiro and Rin.

She tells them to arrest Rin and Shiro and bring them over.

As they leave the hall, Fafnir Materializes in front of Illya.

"Illya a rather strong guest has come prepare for battle"

Meanwhile outside the Castle,

Shinji Matou falls from the sky, Sella and Leyritt confronts him threatening to kill him, but their attention was attracted to Gilgamesh.

And on the rooftop Gilgamesh appears, "If you leave now, you can live" He says

Seyritt and Sella refused as their Duty was to defend Illya.

Fafnir then appears, by the door of the castle.

"Seyritt, Sella go and accompany Illya" Fafnir's red eyes gazed at Gilgamesh and said "I'll deal with this Clown".

Hearing the word clown Gilgamesh frowned.

"You speak of clowns, yet you are the very embodiment of foolishness. It's almost endearing, the way you strive for relevance." Gilgamesh replied

"Relevance? Why do you think I need to be relevant to someone who's death is near? Hm?" Fafnir Said Nonchalantly

"Death is near, you say? How amusing. The fact that you're on the brink of your own demise only reinforces your insignificance. It is not your impending death that renders me irrelevant; it is your pitiful existence that holds no weight in the grand scheme of things. I am the King of Heroes, timeless and eternal. Your feeble attempts to undermine my relevance only expose your own desperation and irrelevance in comparison. Gilgamesh replied sharply

"It's rather comical, isn't it? The so-called King of Heroes reduced to nothing more than a spoiled child, throwing a tantrum when someone dares to challenge their fragile ego."Fafnir Sharply replies nonchalantly

"Foolish creature, you know nothing of true greatness. My power and authority far surpass your feeble understanding. I am not throwing a tantrum; I simply find it amusing to entertain the delusions of lesser beings like yourself. Bow before me, and perhaps I shall spare you from my divine laughter." Gilgamesh replied Sharply

"Gilgamesh, your words are as empty as your treasury. Your grandiose claims hold no substance, and your attempts to assert your dominance are nothing more than the desperate cries of a ruler who knows his reign is coming to an end." Fafnir Sharply replied.

"Foolish creature, your words reek of desperation. It is amusing how you grasp at insults to mask your own insignificance. My treasury may be vast, but it holds treasures beyond your feeble comprehension. As for my reign, it knows no end. I am the eternal ruler, while you are nothing more than a fleeting speck in history." Gilgamesh replied.

"Feeble mind, you speak of vast treasures, but my empire consumes galaxies themselves. Your limited comprehension cannot fathom the scope of my dominion. I am known as the God-Emperor, revered and loved by my people, far above the status of a mere ruler of a single planet. While your reign may be eternal in your own deluded mind, its insignificance pales in comparison to the legacy of my empire."

"Galactic empire? God-Emperor? Such pitiful delusions. Your desperate attempts to match my supremacy are laughable. Your grandiose claims hold no substance, mere fabrications of an inflated ego. While you may have conquered galaxies, it is I who possess the treasures of countless civilizations, the true essence of greatness. Your empire, like your words, shall crumble before the weight of my undeniable reign. Remember, false ruler, you are nothing but a passing shadow in the face of my eternal legacy." Gilgamesh says

"Foolish Gilgamesh, your arrogance blinds you to the truth. Your civilization was mired in the Bronze era, stuck in the depths of history while my dominion expands across galaxies. I am a living, breathing God, revered and worshipped by countless beings throughout the cosmos. Your claim of eternity is nothing more than a facade, for even the mightiest rulers meet their end. But I, as a true God-Emperor, transcend the limitations of time and space. My power and influence extend far beyond your feeble understanding. You are but a relic of the past, while I am the embodiment of a boundless future." Fafnir says

"Living God? Dominion over galaxies? How amusing that you cling to such fantasies. Your inflated ego blinds you to the truth. I, Gilgamesh, am the pinnacle of greatness, the King of Heroes whose legend spans across time and civilizations. Your supposed godhood is nothing more than a feeble attempt to rival my true majesty. Your dominion may reach galaxies, but it is I who possess the treasures of the entire world, collected throughout the ages. Remember, false deity, your transient power will crumble before the enduring legacy of my reign. Your claim to godhood is but a passing whim in the face of my timeless glory."Gilgamesh says

With a disdainful laugh, Fafnir embraces his twisted personality as the God-Tyrant and responds to Gilgamesh's remark:

"Hahaha! How quaint, King of a small land. You dare to challenge the might of the Future itself? Prepare to witness the true power that transcends time and space. Your treasures and your arrogance will crumble before the unstoppable force of my dominion. Behold the despair that awaits you, for I am the harbinger of a new era, where your antiquated reign will be nothing but a fading memory. The future bows before me, and you, Gilgamesh, shall kneel before the might of a true God-Tyrant!" Fafnir says

As Fafnir's twisted personality fully emerges, his Halberd and Armor undergo a transformative revelation, unveiling their true form in a striking display of power and futuristic design.

Fafnir's Halberd, once a seemingly ordinary weapon, now emanates a radiant aura infused with divine energy. Its sleek, obsidian-black shaft is adorned with intricate red markings that pulsate with an otherworldly glow. The blade itself, gleaming with a metallic sheen, possesses a futuristic design, its sharp edges reflecting the light in a mesmerizing display. Embedded within the Halberd, pulsing like a heart of pure energy, is a core of divine power, radiating an aura of majesty and destruction.

His Armor, once concealed by a more subdued appearance, undergoes a metamorphosis, morphing into a formidable power Armor of black and red. The armor plates, molded with futuristic precision, fit Fafnir's form perfectly, encasing him in a suit of technological grandeur. Embedded within the armor's surface are pulsating red lights, like the life force of a futuristic entity, giving an impression of raw power and boundless energy.

Together, Fafnir's Halberd and Armor exude an aura that blends the divine with the futuristic. They embody a fusion of celestial might and advanced technology, a manifestation of Fafnir's twisted personality as the God-Tyrant. The combination of the Halberd's divine radiance and the Armor's sleek, otherworldly design speaks to Fafnir's claim of wielding a power that surpasses the boundaries of time and space. It is a sight that commands awe and dread, foretelling the devastation and despair that is about to be unleashed upon the battlefield.

"Prove your worth in the crucible of battle!" Fafnir points his halberd at Gilgamesh.

As he utters his challenge, a futuristic helmet materializes, encasing Fafnir's head. The helmet is a marvel of advanced technology, crafted with sleek lines and a visor that conceals his face, leaving only the gleaming red glow of his helmet's eye visible. The eye glimmers with an intense and ominous light, a stark contrast against the darkness of his black armor.

The helmet's design reflects a fusion of elegance and intimidation. Its surface is adorned with intricate engravings that seem to dance with pulses of energy, symbolizing Fafnir's connection to both the divine and the futuristic. The red glow emanating from his helmet's eye carries an air of power and purpose, hinting at the depths of his determination and the magnitude of the forces he commands.

In this transformed state, Fafnir stands as an imposing figure, his black armor radiating an aura of dominance and his helmet evoking a sense of enigmatic authority. The combination of his formidable armor, the radiant Halberd, and the enigmatic glow of his helmet's eye solidifies Fafnir's claim to the power that transcends time and space. It is an embodiment of his twisted personality as the God-Tyrant, ready to unleash his futuristic might upon Gilgamesh.

"Let's recreate it here, The Battle Of Legends!" Gilgamesh says as the Gate Of Babylon Manifests.

Fafnir chants his Noble Phantasm, he looked at Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon filling the skies.

"From the depths of darkness, I invoke the Arcantheon Lumina,

An accursed enclave of untold power and dread.

By its malevolent aura, chaos and despair shall unfurl,

Unleashing relentless barrages upon those who oppose.

Witness now the might of the God-Tyrant's reign,

As I sow chaos and despair in my wake!"

As Fafnir chants the incantation for Arcantheon Lumina, the sky becomes filled with legions of drones, each brimming with futuristic weaponry. With every weapon that emerges from Gilgamesh's Gates of Babylon, Arcantheon Lumina's drones swiftly intercept and obliterate them with a display of overwhelming power.

Photon cannons unleash beams of concentrated energy, disintegrating any divine treasures in their path. Lasers slice through the air with precision, reducing even the most formidable weapons to mere fragments. Missiles streak through the sky, homing in on their targets with deadly accuracy, exploding with cataclysmic force. Ballistic weapons unleash a barrage of projectiles, each strike leaving devastation in its wake.

As the strength of the divine treasures emanating from the Gates of Babylon increases, so does the power and destructiveness of Arcantheon Lumina's weaponry. The drones adapt and evolve, unleashing even greater firepower to intercept and overpower each incoming weapon. The clash between the divine treasures and the futuristic might of Arcantheon Lumina becomes a spectacle of cataclysmic forces, each vying for dominance in the battlefield.

Fafnir's proclamation of the power of the Herrscher of Reason, fueled by humanity's imagination and desire for progress, becomes evident in the overwhelming display of futuristic technology. The audacity of humans challenging gods is met with divine weapons of their own creation, demonstrating the sheer determination and ingenuity of mankind.

The clash between Arcantheon Lumina and the Gates of Babylon becomes a battleground of titanic proportions, a testament to the boundless potential of humanity's dreams and their relentless pursuit of advancement.

As Gilgamesh locked eyes with Fafnir's formidable Arcantheon Lumina, a glimmer of curiosity and determination flickered in his gaze. He acknowledged the power of Fafnir's Noble Phantasm, recognizing the advantage it held over his own arsenal.

However, before Gilgamesh could fully contemplate the implications, he suddenly found Fafnir vanished from his sight. A brief moment of surprise registered on Gilgamesh's face before his instinctual reflexes kicked in. In a swift motion, he reached into the Gates of Babylon and grasped a gleaming sword, readying himself for the incoming assault.

Just as he expected, Fafnir's Halberd came hurtling towards him with immense speed and force. Gilgamesh swiftly moved to defend himself, raising his own sword to meet the attack. The clash between the two weapons sent sparks flying, and for a brief instant, their powers seemed evenly matched.

But Fafnir's strength and speed proved to be superior, overwhelming even the King of Heroes. Despite Gilgamesh's best efforts, he could not completely evade the Halberd's onslaught. A sharp, searing pain lanced across Gilgamesh's cheek as the Halberd grazed him, drawing a thin trail of blood.

"Hoh... King of heroes is bleeding," Fafnir chuckled, his twisted satisfaction evident in his voice. Fafnir continued his relentless assault, his strength and speed pushing Gilgamesh to his limits. Each strike from the Halberd threatened to breach Gilgamesh's defenses, testing the limits of his legendary pride.

Yet, even in the face of this relentless onslaught, Gilgamesh's resolve remained unbroken. His pride fueled his determination, refusing to be overwhelmed by Fafnir's superior might. With every parry and counterattack, Gilgamesh fought back with unmatched precision and skill, utilizing his vast array of weapons to their fullest potential.

As the fierce battle between Gilgamesh and Fafnir raged on, the explosions in the sky intensified, lighting up the battlefield in a chaotic symphony of destruction. Determined to break the stalemate, Gilgamesh unleashed even stronger weapons from his Gates of Babylon, each one more formidable than the last. These divine treasures were designed to overpower any opponent, but to his dismay, Fafnir's Arcantheon Lumina continued to match and overwhelm his onslaught.

Gilgamesh's weapons clashed with Fafnir's Arcantheon Lumina, creating a spectacle of explosive impacts and resounding shockwaves. Yet, despite the sheer power of his arsenal, Fafnir's defense proved impenetrable. Arcantheon Lumina's drones intercepted and neutralized each of Gilgamesh's projectiles, defusing their destructive potential with advanced countermeasures.

To make matters worse for Gilgamesh, Fafnir's drones retaliated, launching their own projectiles towards his location. Explosions erupted around Gilgamesh, forcing him to swiftly dodge and weave through the chaos, all while continuing to defend against Fafnir's relentless assaults. The battlefield became a treacherous and volatile space, as the air was filled with the trails of energy blasts and the thunderous echoes of detonations.

Gilgamesh's frustration grew with each unsuccessful attempt to gain an advantage over Fafnir. The realization that his once invincible arsenal was being matched and overwhelmed shook his pride to its core. However, true to his nature, Gilgamesh refused to yield. With a renewed sense of determination, he adjusted his tactics, strategizing to find a weakness in Fafnir's impenetrable defense.

As Gilgamesh distanced himself from Fafnir, nursing his bruised cheek, anger burned within him. He couldn't tolerate being struck by Fafnir's backhand. Fuelled by his wrath, Gilgamesh unleashed the formidable Chains of Heaven, aiming to ensnare Fafnir and bring him to his knees.

Fafnir stood defiantly, allowing the Chains of Heaven to wrap around him. A smirk adorned his face, hidden beneath the visage of his futuristic helmet. However, Illya, who had suddenly emerged from upstairs, grew worried about the escalating battle. She attempted to intervene, commanding Berserker to retreat.

Gilgamesh, consumed by his hubris, scoffed at Illya's attempt. "It is useless, Doll of the Holy Grail. Heavenly beings bound by the Chains of Heaven cannot escape its grasp," he declared with unwavering confidence. In that moment, he opened another portal from the Gate of Babylon, intending to target Illya. Yet, Arcantheon Lumina once again intercepted the attack, shielding Illya from harm.

Fafnir, sensing Shiro and Rin's presence upstairs and knowing their intentions were not to harm Illya, urged her to go with them. He understood that her presence was holding him back, hindering his full potential. Illya, trusting Fafnir's judgment, nodded and hastily ran towards Shiro and Rin, seeking their safety.

Gilgamesh, filled with disdain, retorted to Fafnir's words, "Not feeling so good, Gil?" he taunted, implying a deeper meaning. In response, Gilgamesh looked at Fafnir with disdain and replied, "Feel what? Feel your despair?"

However, as Gilgamesh attempted to dismiss Fafnir's words, he suddenly felt a subtle weakening within himself. Upon closer introspection, he discovered a strange energy sapping his strength, albeit slowly. Fafnir noticed Gilgamesh's slight movements and couldn't help but laugh, taunting him further. "You can feel it, don't you? Your strength whittling away slowly," Fafnir sneered.

"My 2nd Noble Phantasm:Honkai Devastation, feel it taking your strength ever second" Fafnir declared

As Gilgamesh confidently approached Fafnir, his steps deliberate and unhurried, a triumphant smirk graced his face. He reveled in the perceived victory at hand, relishing the moment as he closed in on the God-Tyrant who now found himself bound by the Chains of Heaven.

Gilgamesh took a Divine sword from his Arsenal intending to stab Fafnir now bound.

With each step, Gilgamesh's taunting words rang out, aimed to provoke a reaction from Fafnir. "The Mighty God-Tyrant now bound by chains like a dog," he jeered, his voice dripping with superiority. The King of Heroes couldn't help but revel in the perceived irony, finding satisfaction in the sight of Fafnir, who had once displayed such dominance, now seemingly helpless and restricted.

Gilgamesh's taunt carried a deeper connotation, a challenge to Fafnir's grand claims of power and dominion. It was a direct assault on the God-Tyrant's ego, designed to undermine his sense of superiority and induce feelings of frustration and helplessness. Gilgamesh wanted to see how Fafnir, known for his excessive pride, would react to this blatant display of his subjugation.

Ah, the King of Heroes, reduced to nothing but a puppet master, desperately clinging to his chains as if they hold any sway over me. Your feeble attempt to confine the God-Tyrant is laughable."

He chuckles softly, his eyes gleaming with defiance and an unyielding spirit. "Do you truly believe these chains can hold one such as I? They are mere playthings, insignificant bindings that serve only to amuse me. It is your arrogance that blinds you, King of a forgotten era. You think you can suppress the might of both Man and God? How foolish."

"These Chains of Heaven are not mere playthings, but the embodiment of divine authority. They bind even the mightiest of beings, bridling their arrogance and quelling their futile resistance. You, the so-called God-Tyrant, are no exception." Gilgamesh said

Gilgamesh's confidence radiates as he speaks, his regal demeanor unyielding. "Break them if you can, but know this: the Chains of Heaven are forged by the hands of the gods themselves, and their strength exceeds the limitations of your mortal ambitions. Your arrogance will be your downfall, for even as you proclaim your status as man and god, you are bound by the very chains that hold you captive."

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Gilgamesh adds, "But go ahead, make your futile attempt. I shall relish the sight of your futile struggle against the inevitable. Your grandiose words and empty threats cannot change the reality of your situation."

As Fafnir hears Gilgamesh's confident words, his twisted smile widens, and his eyes gleam with a mixture of amusement and determination. Without hesitation, he pulls his arm with immense force, causing the Chains of Heaven to shatter with a resounding crack.

The broken remnants of the chains fall away, scattering like shattered dreams. Fafnir stands unbound, his triumphant laughter echoing through the air. "Behold, King of Fools! Your precious Chains of Heaven mean nothing before the might of the God-Tyrant!"

His arrogance reaches new heights as he takes a step forward, radiating an aura of raw power and dominion. "I am the convergence of man and god, an unstoppable force that transcends your feeble restraints. These chains were but a mere inconvenience, a temporary obstacle that I shattered with ease."

Fafnir's confidence remains unshaken, his defiance burning brightly. "I am the embodiment of limitless power, unrestrained by the shackles of your rules and limitations. Your arrogance has blinded you, King of a forgotten era. Witness now the true extent of my strength, for I am the one who shall shatter the illusions of your grandeur!"

Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes, gazes upon Fafnir's shattered chains with a mix of surprise and annoyance. His eyes narrow as he processes the sight before him, his usual composed demeanor momentarily disrupted by this unexpected turn of events.

A flicker of frustration crosses Gilgamesh's features, quickly replaced by a wry smile. "Impressive," he concedes, his voice tinged with a hint of admiration. "To think you possess the strength to break the Chains of Heaven. You have managed to momentarily surprise me."

However, Gilgamesh's confidence remains unyielding, his pride refusing to be overshadowed. "But do not mistake this temporary victory as a sign of true superiority," he counters, his tone laced with a touch of arrogance. "Even without those chains, you are still naught but a God-Tyrant, bound by your own limitations."

Fafnir and Gilgamesh continued fighting, a few more exchanges as Gilgamesh noticed a flaw.

In that critical moment, Gilgamesh seized upon a flaw in Fafnir's defenses. With swift and decisive action, he engaged Fafnir head-on, attacking with his sword with all his might. At the same time, he opened a Gate of Babylon, unleashing a projectile aimed at Fafnir's vulnerable back. The clash was swift, and to Gilgamesh's astonishment, his sword only managed to penetrate Fafnir's armor to a slight extent.

As Fafnir's armor withstood the assault, he revealed the nature of his defense. "The Immutable Dominator, my fourth Noble Phantasm," Fafnir declared with a measured tone. "All damage, regardless of type, will only deal a mere fraction of its true power when striking me."

Fafnir's revelation aimed to instill despair within Gilgamesh. It was a demonstration of his immense defensive capabilities, designed to undermine the King of Heroes and diminish any hope of overcoming his relentless assault. Fafnir's twisted satisfaction was evident, as he sought to exploit the momentary advantage and shatter Gilgamesh's confidence.

Yet, Gilgamesh's resolve remained unbroken. Though surprised by Fafnir's resilience, he refused to succumb to despair. His pride burned brightly, fueling his determination to find a way to overcome this seemingly insurmountable obstacle. While Fafnir's Immutable Dominator posed a significant challenge, Gilgamesh knew that his vast arsenal still held countless treasures waiting to be unleashed.

As the battle continued, Gilgamesh's mind raced, searching for a strategy that could penetrate Fafnir's defenses and turn the tide in his favor.

As the battle between Gilgamesh and Fafnir reached a critical point, Gilgamesh identified a flaw in Fafnir's excessive pride. He deduced that Fafnir would never attempt to dodge an attack he believed he could withstand, an observation that provided a glimmer of hope for Gilgamesh. With his magic power running low and the need to retreat and strategize, Gilgamesh decided to employ his most powerful Noble Phantasm, Enuma Elish, as a means of both retreat and a formidable attack.

In a calculated move, Gilgamesh deliberately allowed Fafnir's Halberd to strike him in the blunt part, sustaining a bruise. With unwavering resolve, Gilgamesh swiftly unsheathed the Sword of Rapture, EA, radiating with a brilliant and ominous aura. He aimed to deliver a powerful blow that would test Fafnir's claim of strength.

"If you truly are as strong as you say you are, God-Tyrant!, catch this!" Gilgamesh proclaimed, his voice laced with a mix of confidence and anticipation. Fafnir recognized the Sword in Gilgamesh's hand and prepared to unleash his own Noble Phantasm, bracing for the impact.

With commanding presence, Gilgamesh began the incantation of Enuma Elish, his voice resounding with ancient power.

"I will tell you of the beginning. Heaven and Earth split, nothingness congratulated creation, my Sword of Rapture cleaved the world!"

"Mortar of the stars, heaven's hell is the eve of creation's celebration. Now you shall die and be silent..."

"Enuma Elish!"

Space itself trembled in response, acknowledging the might of the King of Heroes. Fafnir, even with the protection of his Immutable Dominator, could sense the impending doom, realizing that both he and the world would meet their end in the face of Enuma Elish.

In a retaliatory chant, Fafnir sought to bolster his defense, summoning the Chronos Phalanx. "Behold the harbinger of futility!" Fafnir declared with unwavering conviction. "In this merciless interstice, your might is but a feeble wisp against my indomitable fortress. Witness the futility of your endeavors, for all your grand endeavors shatter against the unyielding shield of despair! Chronos Phalanx!"

As Gilgamesh unleashed Enuma Elish, the sword of annihilation, it soared forth with unmatched brilliance. Its radiance resembled a blinding morning star, captivating all who gazed upon it. The destructive power of Enuma Elish surged toward Fafnir, threatening to engulf him and everything in its path. But at the very last moment, Fafnir's Chronos Phalanx intercepted the attack, nullifying the devastating impact.

The clash between Enuma Elish and Chronos Phalanx created a breathtaking spectacle. The forces of destruction and defense collided, unleashing shockwaves that rippled through the battlefield. The world trembled under the titanic clash of these opposing powers, as both Gilgamesh and Fafnir stood firm in their resolve.

Despite the immense destruction and the blinding light, Fafnir's defense held strong. The indomitable shield of Chronos Phalanx absorbed the overwhelming force of Enuma Elish, nullifying its destructive potential. Fafnir, though aware of the close call, maintained a defiant smile, his twisted satisfaction evident in his eyes.

The battlefield fell into a temporary calm, the tension hanging thick in the air. Gilgamesh, now aware of the power he faced, retreated, his mind racing with newfound knowledge and strategies. Fafnir, his Immutable Dominator intact and his pride untarnished, remained ready for the next clash, the battle between the God-Tyrant and the King of Heroes far from over.

Tell me if I did their Powers Justice, I would like your opinion as this is the first few times I've done this type of fight scenes

Shiro_Kusanagi_69creators' thoughts