
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Cómic
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80 Chs

The Empire of the Multiverse

Chapter 14 - The Stage is Set

Fafnir stood tall, his imposing figure enhanced by the presence of his loyal Custodes guards towering beside him. Behind him, the magnificent Palace of Blue and Gold served as a regal backdrop, while the emblem of the dragon spreading its wings fluttered proudly on the flags.

The crowd of thirteen legions, composed of soldiers clad in advanced power armor, stood at attention, their eyes fixed on Fafnir. The atmosphere was electric, anticipation hanging in the air as cameras captured every moment of this historic occasion. Massive televisions displayed Fafnir's image, transmitting his speech to every corner of the Empire.

With a commanding presence, Fafnir raised his voice, his words resonating through the hearts of his soldiers and echoing across the land. His voice carried the weight of authority, filled with determination and purpose. The people listened intently, their hopes and aspirations pinned on the man who stood before them.

In his speech, Fafnir spoke of the transformation that had taken place over the past three years. The Duke's Army, once a force of traditional weaponry, had undergone a complete overhaul, embracing the modern era. Guns, now fully integrated into the arsenal, symbolized the Empire's progress and readiness to face any challenge.

Fafnir's gaze swept across the legions, his eyes filled with pride for the soldiers who had trained tirelessly to adapt to the new era of warfare. He acknowledged their dedication, discipline, and unwavering loyalty, emphasizing their role in shaping the future of the Empire.

He touched upon the progress made against the Revolutionary Army, thanks to the relentless efforts of Kenjiro and his pursuit of their activities. Fafnir acknowledged the importance of quelling rebellion and maintaining order, ensuring the stability and prosperity of the Empire.

As he continued his speech, Fafnir spoke of the imminent storming of the Imperial Capital, a moment that would mark the climax of their revolution. With the completion of the Astartes Legion and the Custodes, the Duke's Army had become an unstoppable force, ready to reclaim the Empire from the clutches of corruption.

Fafnir's words carried a sense of urgency and determination, a rallying cry for his soldiers to stand united and march forward to victory. He assured the people that their sacrifices would not be in vain, promising a brighter future where justice and honor would prevail.

Throughout his speech, Fafnir's charisma shone brightly, his words inspiring hope and instilling confidence in the hearts of his soldiers and citizens alike. He concluded with a resounding call to action, urging every loyal subject of the Empire to join the cause and march with him towards a new era of glory.

As the cameras panned across the legions, capturing the unwavering resolve on the faces of the soldiers, Fafnir knew that his words had struck a chord. The time had come to take back what was rightfully theirs, to reshape the destiny of the Empire and usher in a new era under his leadership.

As Fafnir concluded his powerful speech, his words hanging in the air, he raised his hand in a salute. In a synchronized motion, the crowd of soldiers, stretching as far as the eye could see, responded in unison, returning the salute with unwavering loyalty and respect. The sight was awe-inspiring—a sea of soldiers paying homage to their leader, a testament to their unwavering dedication and unwavering belief in the cause they fought for.

The sound of boots hitting the ground echoed through the air as the soldiers held their salutes, their faces reflecting determination and resolve. It was a moment that embodied unity and solidarity, a visual representation of the bond forged between Fafnir and his army.

For a brief moment, time seemed to stand still as the image of thousands of people saluting one man created a powerful tableau, forever etched in the memory of those present. The sight evoked a sense of pride and purpose, a shared commitment to their mission and the unyielding belief that victory was within their grasp.

Fafnir's heart swelled with pride as he surveyed the sea of soldiers, their salute a symbol of their allegiance and trust in his leadership. In that moment, he knew that he was not alone in his quest to reshape the Empire and rid it of corruption. He was surrounded by an army of dedicated individuals who believed in the cause and were willing to fight alongside him until the end.

With renewed determination, Fafnir returned the soldiers' salute, his hand held high, his eyes gleaming with determination and resolve. The bond between leader and army, forged in the crucible of shared sacrifice and common purpose, was unbreakable.

As the salute slowly dissipated, the soldiers stood tall, their spirits lifted, ready to embark on the final phase of their revolution. They knew that the road ahead would be arduous, but with their Duke leading the charge and their unwavering commitment, they were prepared to overcome any obstacle in their path.

The image of thousands of soldiers saluting their leader would forever be etched in the annals of history. It was a testament to the power of unity, the strength of purpose, and the unwavering determination of a people united under a common cause.

this marked a turning point in the Empire's history—a moment where the might of the Duke's Army, coupled with the indomitable spirit of its soldiers, would reshape the destiny of the land. The final battle loomed on the horizon, and as Fafnir stood among his loyal soldiers, he knew that together, they would forge a future built on justice, honor, and the unwavering pursuit of a better world.

14.1 The Mortal Auxiliary Legion

The Mortal Auxiliary Legion, while not equipped with the same level of advanced technology as the Astartes and Custodes, still possesses formidable military power armor that provides significant protection on the battlefield. The design of their power armor bears resemblance to the iconic armor worn by the Spartans from the Halo series, known for its sleek and practical design.

The Mortal Auxiliary power armor is constructed from a durable composite material, reinforced with plating and integrated energy shielding. The armor covers the entire body, offering enhanced protection against ballistic and energy-based attacks, as well as providing augmented strength and mobility to the wearer.

The helmet of the Mortal Auxiliary power armor features a visor with heads-up display (HUD) capabilities, providing tactical information and vital statistics to the wearer. It also includes a built-in communications system, allowing seamless coordination and communication among squad members.

The armor's design incorporates a series of jointed exoskeletal limbs, enhancing the wearer's agility and movement capabilities on the battlefield. It also features integrated thrusters and stabilizers, allowing for limited short-distance flight and enhanced maneuverability in combat situations.

While the Mortal Auxiliary power armor may not possess the same level of advanced technology as the Astartes and Custodes, it is still a formidable asset on the battlefield. Its protective capabilities and enhanced mobility make it an ideal choice for the Mortal Auxiliary Legion, providing them with a significant advantage in combat scenarios and allowing them to contribute effectively to the Duke's army.

With their power armor, the Mortal Auxiliary Legion stands alongside their Astartes and Custodes counterparts,

In addition to their formidable armor design, the power armor worn by the Mortal Auxiliary Legion is also powered by Honkai energy. Honkai energy, known for its potent and versatile properties, serves as a power source for their armor systems, providing them with enhanced capabilities and unique abilities on the battlefield.

The integration of Honkai energy within the power armor allows for advanced energy management and distribution, ensuring optimal functionality and extended operational durations. This energy infusion grants the Mortal Auxiliary Legion augmented strength, speed, and durability, surpassing the limits of conventional power armor technology.

Moreover, the Honkai energy within their armor systems enables the Legion members to tap into its potential, unlocking special abilities and combat techniques. These abilities can vary, ranging from enhanced regeneration and healing to elemental manipulation, depending on the specific configuration and design of the armor.

The utilization of Honkai energy also enhances the defensive capabilities of the power armor, providing additional shielding and resistance against various types of attacks. It can absorb and dissipate incoming energy-based assaults, mitigating damage and ensuring the safety of the wearer.

By harnessing the power of Honkai energy, the Mortal Auxiliary Legion can unleash devastating attacks and maintain a heightened state of combat readiness. The infusion of this unique energy source into their power armor sets them apart from conventional forces and empowers them to face the challenges of the battlefield with greater confidence.

As of the current era in the Empire, the standard weaponry issued to the forces of the Mortal Auxiliary Legion consists of a combination of firearms and melee weapons.

Standard Assault Rifle: The primary firearm used by the Legion is a versatile and reliable assault rifle. Designed for rapid-fire engagements, it provides soldiers with a high rate of fire, accuracy, and effective range. These assault rifles are optimized for various combat scenarios, offering selectable firing modes, such as single-shot, burst, and full-auto, to adapt to different tactical situations.

Desert Eagle: Serving as a secondary sidearm, the Desert Eagle is a powerful semi-automatic handgun known for its exceptional stopping power. With its larger caliber and strong recoil, it is capable of neutralizing threats quickly and effectively at close to medium ranges. The Desert Eagle offers the Legion soldiers a reliable backup weapon for situations where close-quarters combat or stealth may be required.

Machete: For melee engagements and close-quarter combat, the Legion soldiers are equipped with a sturdy and versatile machete. This blade serves as a reliable tool for cutting through obstacles, as well as a weapon for swift and silent takedowns. Its design allows for effective slashing and thrusting maneuvers, ensuring the soldiers are prepared for encounters at close range.

These standard weapons provide the Mortal Auxiliary Legion with a balanced arsenal that covers a range of combat scenarios, from long-range engagements with the assault rifle to close-quarters combat with the machete. The inclusion of a sidearm like the Desert Eagle ensures that soldiers have a reliable backup option when the situation calls for it.

It's important to note that as the Empire progresses into the Stellar Age, their weaponry may evolve and incorporate more advanced technologies and energy-based weapons, reflecting the advancements in the Empire's military capabilities.

(Warning: Information Wall Ahead)

14.2 The Astartes Legion

As of this moment, the Astartes, the elite warriors of the Empire, are a small but powerful force consisting of 3,000 individuals. These demigods are equipped with the most advanced Power Armor, second only to the Custodes, and their armor is powered by the Honkai reactor, a compact yet incredibly potent energy source located behind the Astartes, just below the hip.

Here are the details of their standard weaponry:

Standard 0.75 Caliber Bolt Pistol: The Astartes carry a powerful sidearm known as the Bolt Pistol. This weapon fires explosive bolts that are capable of devastating impact and can pierce through armored targets. It offers high accuracy and stopping power, making it effective in close to medium-range engagements. The 0.75 caliber rounds are specifically designed for the Astartes and deliver devastating kinetic energy Large Blade: For close combat encounters, the Astartes utilize a large blade. This melee weapon is designed for swift and precise strikes, capable of cutting through various materials with ease. It serves as a reliable tool for melee engagements, allowing the Astartes to engage enemies in close quarters effectively.

Standard Bolter: The primary ranged weapon of the Astartes is the Bolter. This weapon combines aspects of a rapid-firing assault rifle with the power of a small grenade launcher. It fires explosive bolts called Bolt Shells, which can cause devastating damage to both infantry and armored targets. The Bolter offers superior firepower, range, and penetration capabilities, making it a versatile weapon on the battlefield.

It is important to note that the Astartes are equipped with the most advanced power armor, providing enhanced protection, strength, and agility. The armor is powered by the Honkai reactor, a powerful energy source that fuels their capabilities and allows them to unleash their full potential. The reactor is located behind the Astartes, just below the hip, supplying the necessary energy to operate their armor and weaponry effectively.

It's worth noting that as the Empire progresses and technology advances, the weaponry and equipment used by the Astartes may undergo further enhancements and modifications to adapt to changing battlefield conditions and emerging threats

14.3 The Custodes

The Custodes, as the elite Royal Guard of Fafnir, possess unique and advanced power armor that is specifically tailored to their immortal nature and their connection to Fafnir's power. Here are the details of their armor and power system:

Advanced Power Armor: The Custodes don a special type of power armor that is distinct from the Astartes' armor. This advanced armor is designed to provide superior protection, agility, and versatility. It incorporates advanced technology and materials to enhance the Custodes' combat capabilities.

Energy Absorption System: The power armor of the Custodes is equipped with a unique energy absorption system. This system allows the armor to directly draw energy from the souls of the Custodes, who are immortal and connected to Fafnir's immense power. This connection enables the armor to harness and utilize the energy from their souls as a power source.

Conduit of Fafnir's Power: The Custodes, through their immortal nature and direct connection to Fafnir, serve as conduits of his immense power. This connection grants them heightened abilities and augments their combat prowess. The power flowing through their souls empowers their armor, enhancing their strength, speed, and resilience in battle.

Immunity to Psychic Control and Mind Control: Due to their strong connection to Fafnir and the protection of their souls, the Custodes are immune to any form of psychic control or mind manipulation. Their souls are shielded within Fafnir's hold, making them impervious to external influence or corruption of their thoughts and actions. This immunity allows them to maintain their loyalty and unwavering dedication to Fafnir's cause.

Immortality and Connection to Fafnir: The Custodes' souls are directly connected to Fafnir, granting them immortality. As long as Fafnir exists, their souls remain protected and uncorrupted. This connection not only ensures their eternal existence but also serves as a source of immense power, enabling them to unleash their full potential on the battlefield.

The Custodes undergo rigorous training in both knowledge and martial arts under the guidance of Fafnir himself. This ensures that they are not only physically formidable but also possess exceptional strategic and tactical skills. They are a small but elite force, numbering 300 members, who serve as the pinnacle of Fafnir's protection and the embodiment of his power.

With their advanced power armor, unique energy absorption system, and their role as conduits of Fafnir's power, the Custodes are an unparalleled force within the Empire.

Their unwavering loyalty and exceptional combat capabilities make them a formidable presence on the battlefield, defending Fafnir and upholding the Empire's might.

The final act of the rotting Empire has arrived, and the stage is set for the downfall of its corrupt regime. Fafnir, the Duke of the North, stands at the forefront, leading his reformed and formidable army. The Astartes, Custodes, and the Mortal Auxiliary Legion, clad in their advanced power armors and armed with cutting-edge weaponry, are ready to bring justice and restore order to a nation plagued by chaos and corruption.