
chapter 1

Chapter II

The many conversations in the throne room was unbearable to the young princess's ears. She was not used to so many people talking at the same time, especially about such a boring subject as politics and war. However, looking ahead and seeing General Qiang Mao so focused arguing with the minister of treasure, Mifu, it made him want to know more about such serious matters for his hollow head. His father, King Kong Naran II, seemed tired, afflicted and above all, prepared to listen to each person present there.

As much as Mei Yang did not like to think that in the future, she would have to sit on the throne and discuss wars with evil men who thought they owned the truth. When she saw her father sitting on his throne of solid gold. Shining like the sun with three great colored stones, each representing a state and its power and alliance with everyone, she thought she wanted to be like him, she wanted to be firm seated on his throne holding a crown and being fair and faithful to the people of Nara. However, her father was her father, she was of him, and this gave her great fears of what was to come.

Mei Yang left her inert state, sitting on a low chair resting on a small table in the corner of the golden door, and went on alert when Qiang Mao, wearing the majestic robes of a general just arrived from a war, stood up from his seat and addressed the king in an extremely courteous manner by bowing three times.

- Dawang* - Qiang Mao continued with his head down while he was addressing for the king, and everyone stopped the chatter to listen to him - Our state is strong, it has great riches and everyone fears us by military force. However, we cannot underestimate other states, our allies are weak, Naki is totally dependent on us and lives in constant war with Kase for land. The state is still standing because we keep it standing. Honga has riches but no military power. Therefore, it all falls on Naran. Our army is forced to protect the neighboring states against the great kingdoms that hate us. Kase and Yate have united against us, they are both great independent states, they are strong and they stand together because they have the same strength. What we must think about now is Sunri and his military and economic strength, he is a fertile land, he possesses great wisdom, and if we do not bring King Tao Jun to our side I fear that we may lose much power.

- Naran is unbeatable! Do you really think Kase and Yate have power against us? - This time it was the minister of national treasures, Mifu, who spoke openly against the general. - Kase is totally weakened by the popular uprising, the king has raised taxes causing uproar, there is an internal war inside those broken walls. Yate will only go to war if Kase enters, then we are free to reinforce our army. We do not need to make unnecessary agreements with Sunri, a state that betrayed us twenty years ago. Don't you remember that your father, the great and majestic General Arin, died in battle because of the intrigues between Sunri and Kase?

- I will never forget, Minister, but this war happened twenty years ago, both states were fighting for power, just as Naran betrayed Kase generating this malaise among nations, Sunri betrayed us out of fear. It was a scenario of war, and in a war, the best wins. - Qiang Mao faced the figure of the king wearing his red robes with the embroidery of the golden dragon, symbol of the king's supreme and unmatched power, and limited himself to doing another reverence. - Dawang, I ask you to think calmly, Kase is restructuring himself, they are rebuilding the walls and soon they will be strong enough to attack us. The more allies we have, the better!

- How can we trust Sunri, General Qiang Mao? - Amon, who was sitting next to the king with his usual supreme air and with that perverse look, asked with disdain. It was obvious to him that Sunri would betray Naran at the first opportunity.

- I was in battle during those three years, I kept not only the borders of Naran, but also of Naki and Honga, I lived with several people, and had the opportunity to meet the noble king of Sunri during the confrontation against the rebels, on the border between Kase and Naki. King Tao Jun is a just, honorable man, very different from his father who took Sunri to a disgrace twenty years ago. I believe we will make a good alliance. Besides being a formidable fighter, he is a great strategist. Naran needs strong allies to fight against Kase and Yate, and at this moment, I risk only Sunri.

- This is an outrage, how can we trust a king who has just taken a throne? - Mifu seemed totally opposed.

- The same way they believed in King Kong Naran II when he took power. We are not dealing with personal matters, minister; we are dealing with a state, a people.

- Everybody be quiet! - The king shook his hands in the air and closed his countenance as if in an internal battle. Everyone there faced the king's expression with fear. Then, when he lifted his index finger and pointed at the princess who was in the corner of the hall moving her long black hair, lost in her thoughts, it seemed that an answer would finally come out - Princess, you are the future ruler of all Naran, what do you think of all this?

- Me? - Mei Yang felt her whole body tremble and sweat drops sprouting on her face when she saw that everyone stopped focusing on her father figure, to face her waiting for an answer. However, what about would she talk? She knew nothing of war, neither of alliances. In fact, she didn't even pay attention to what was being discussed, because the stunning image of Qiang Mao was shining in her eyes. However, at that moment, she felt like the worst person in the world. She should have paid more attention to Mi Gu's classes on the economics of states, maybe she wouldn't be like that now, lost and not knowing what to do, so she forced her mind into what was being discussed and remembered the words of General Qiang Mao about an alliance with a strong state like Naran. There was something that Mei Yang was good at, speaking poems, after all, she spent hours decorating and reciting to the walls so that maybe one day she would have the chance to speak them all to her beloved Qiang Mao. Mei Yang vaguely remembered the green hills of Tang and smiled at the ministers who faced her waiting for an answer. She cleared her throat and spoke calmly every word. - Why stay in the mountain? Serene peach tree flowing, there is a space outside.

- What do you mean, princess? Recite a poem from the mountain during the council meeting. - The king seemed confused.

- This poem reminds us that there is always a way out. Why limit ourselves to the mountain if we have land outside of here? We will forever be a peach tree that flows according to the wind. We cannot flow with the wind during a possible war; we have to establish a bond on earth so that we can bear fruit. Therefore, I believe that General Qiang Mao's plan is the best option. An alliance with Sunri, as risky as it may be, may be the best option than waiting for a surprise attack from a kingdom that, as everyone said, is growing.

The king faced his youngest daughter and smiled. He seemed proud to see, finally, her follow what he always dreamed for her, a wise ruler.

The ministers remained silent waiting for the king to give his answer, then Kong Naran rose from his throne and went down the five steps that gave access to his place and walked through the middle of the corridors where were four perfect rows of five men each wearing red with the golden belt where they held the seal. Each minister had a seal according to his functions, and wherever they went, they were recognized as members of Naran's council.

Kong Naran stopped facing the princess and smiled at his daughter.

- Mifu, send a letter to the king of Sunri inviting him to a celebration. In one month, it will be the princess's birthday, we will have a big party, it's the perfect moment to tighten the bonds. I heard that the two princes of Sunri are married and the state has no practices of keeping harems, which is a pity, because it would be perfect for us to make an advantageous alliance with no return.

- What do you mean, Dawang? - Mifu asked worried.

- The princess is already in time to get married, and I thought of giving her to one of Sunri's princes, but now it is too late!

- I am not marrying anyone! - Mei Yang hit her fist on the table.

- Your Majesty, Dianxia is only thirteen years old, I do not think it is the ideal time... - Mi Gu dared to make a comment.

- I decide which the ideal moment for her to get married is. It is time for Mei Yang to raise a family, to feel the weight of responsibility. Naran's throne will be hers, in the future, and as queen he should generate many heirs.

- No! - Mei Yang protested firmly by standing up.

- Dawang, the princes of Sunri are all married and already have a family, but there is one person who is as influential as the princes inside the city, the son of Sunri's general, Yan Feng. He is also young like Mei Yang and I believe they will both get along well. And it will be a perfect alliance, since a marriage will unite the two states so that both will see each other within the same fighting territory. - General Qiang Mao spoke with a big smile. - If there is an alliance, through a wedding it will be very advantageous.

The king scratched his thoughtful chin and walked from one side to the other as if he considered the general's indication, but on the other side, he seemed to consider other things in his mind.

- Mei Yang is the future queen of Naran, I have to know very well anyone who will marry her. - Mei Yang seemed extremely upset. After all, she was the future queen of Naran and her opinion had been totally discarded. She is the one who would marry, she is the one who would generate these damned heirs, and how could she not give a simple opinion about her possible marriage? And the general giving indications of suitors, what was all that? He was her suitor, not the general's son of how many! Mei Yang snorted with extreme rudeness, sat on his chair lined with a yellow cloth and supported his hands on his chin facing Qiang Mao, with great hatred, but even after making a scene not very befitting the decor of a princess, almost nobody cared. Except Mi Gu who gave her a light slap in his arms to behave in the royal throne room. - Summon the general and his son to the princess's birthday party. Mifu, send two letters to Sunri, one to the king and the other to the general. As for the wedding, I myself will write to the general about it. The council of war is dismissed.

All present bowed solemnly to the king while he walked to his throne. All the counselors left, but Mei Yang did not seem to be in the mood to leave. She stood up with great fury from her place and pounding her feet hard on the ground, she approached the throne, and without even bowing, she pointed her finger to the king's face.

- Father, how dare you give me in marriage to a stranger? Aren't you afraid to marry a tyrant? Or to marry someone who wants to usurp my throne? - The king fixed his big black eyes already tired of life covered with wrinkles and dark circles and limited himself to smiling. In fact, Mei Yang was a princess who had her blood. She was the only one who had the courage to point those small, rolling fingers at her face to question her about something she did not owe her. She was a woman, and any woman of Naran had to be married to the man chosen by her father.

- Put down that finger, whom do you think you are talking? The marriage of a queen is made according to advantages for her kingdom. How do you think you will get married?

- I intend to marry out of love; a queen has to marry the one she loves.

- Mei Yang, nobody marries for love. Before thinking about it you must think about your duty. While running around the palace like a silly, carefree child, you should focus on your future. Now that is enough of this matter, it is already decided.

- But, Father...

- Mi Gu, hold that princess and teach her manners. - The young tutor, who was facing the door scene, quickly approached the throne and held the princess. - When you are in the throne room, I am not your father. I am your king. Now go out and write a hundred times the ten codes of the virtuous woman, decorate and recite ten times each line. - This will be your punishment!

The king left the throne room and Mei Yang stood there staring at the throne with her mouth open without believing she was engaged to a stranger. All that was supposed to be a nightmare, it had to be! Why should he marry a stranger? Why was a woman born? Why should only men have the right to marry the one they love? Tears wanted to descend on her face, but she swallowed every knot stuck in her throat and ran out of there. She only heard Mi Gu's voice calling her, but she didn't care. She wasn't going to marry a stranger, she wasn't!

Mi Gu tried to reach the princess, but his legs weren't as fast as that tantrum child. Then he stopped halfway, near the first prince's palace, when he saw that majestic figure covered with jewels accompanied by two handmaids, one holding his right arm and the other who was one-step behind and a group of eight guards lined up making his escort. The Tutor did not even need a cold look from the noble consort to bow down; his protective instinct had already warned him before he could think of doing it. Mi Gu then knelt down while she passed by with her haughty air for him without caring about his presence.

So was the Noble Consort, Ayame, mother of the first Prince Amon. She was known within Naran's state as a person, who saw other people's problems with great indifference, was arrogant, and everyone said she did not obey orders from the widowed queen or the mother queen.

Ayame walked slowly to the Qu'r palace and the guards at the entrance bowed with great fear, she entered following to the door where she was received by her son who was already waiting for her.

- We were waiting for her, come in.

Amon closed the palace door and ordered the guards not to go near the entrance gate.

There in the waiting room were some men from the council of war present, including the Prime Minister Mifu and the king's advisor, Soo Won. It was a small group that the first prince had gathered, he didn't fully trust everyone. Mifu had his own plans, he was a viper dressed as a lamb, already Soo Won was a person who didn't show himself totally, was withdrawn and rarely showed his opinions at council meetings, but he came to him to help in his fight. Amon didn't care much who his helpers were, that was all he needed to achieve the glory of his dream, to sit on Naran's throne.

The Noble Consort sat down waiting for the small secret meeting, and asked everyone who accompanied her to leave, leaving only her loyal servant, Nainai.

- I believe that the council meeting was a bad one to call this one at the last minute.

- Yes, the king intends to join Sunri and give Princess Mei Yang in marriage to the general's son, to then unite the two kingdoms. - Amon spoke with irritation. That throne was to be his, the eldest son. All this because of a stupid tradition left by ancestors.

- If the king succeeds in uniting the kingdoms, our chances of ascending to the throne will be null and void. We have to put our plan into practice before this happens. - The Prime Minister made his comment this time - Every day I am more afraid of what might happen to our state. The heir princess is a foolish child, she will put years of work and effort away. Men who died at the edge of a sword protecting our kingdom from the enemies who ravaged us night and day, children's blood... All this will be in vain!

- You don't need a motivating speech, Mifu, everyone here knows your real intention to trip up the king and put my son on the throne. You will never accept being ruled by a woman, especially a child.

- Just like his real intention to trip up the princess and her husband is the hatred, he feels for not having been chosen queen. - The consort was ready to answer when Amon rolled his eyes and shook his hands in the air with irritation.

- Let's not start talking about real intentions; we all have the same goal here. I do not want to take Naran's throne to be a tyrant; I want to be a king that my father never was. Naran's people suffer from hunger while my father worries about increasing his territory seeking wars. I walked through each city of Naran. I saw how it works, I saw how the people hate the king, and if Mei Yang takes over the throne he will be strongly influenced by Qiang Mao and his thirst for battles. It will be more years and years of suffering for the people.

- What do you intend to do? -Soo Won finally asked just by watching the conversation while drinking his tea.

- Our plan is already in place, and soon we will see the first remains. - The consort Ayame smiled as she uttered these words. - Don't worry about the plan, worry about putting Amon on the throne, the rest I'll take care of.

- How do you intend to overthrow the king and the princess? - Mifu was interested; after all, he could not risk his neck in a plan that was not of his knowledge. Mifu was a suspicious and fearful man, being part of a scheme made by his consort was too risky.

- A deer also has his methods to capture a lion. If this meeting was only for the purpose of announcing the probable union of Naran with Sunri, then they lost time. Even before Sunri dreams of allying himself with our state, Amon will already be on the throne. Do not worry about that. - Ayame stood up and arranged her dark blue robes with embroidery made especially for her by the royal embroiderers. Where she entered, her captivating and at the same time intimidating presence was suffocating. Although she was a woman in her fifties, her beauty was well preserved. Her thin and delicate face with few wrinkles around her eyes was just a charm when she smiled contrasting with her brown eyes and her slightly light hair. It was a rare beauty for that place.

The consort went out of the room and everyone bowed goodbye. In addition, just as she arrived, escorted by guards, she left. Minister Mifu made just one mention with his head and went out the back by the Soo Won, both still concerned about the Consort's plan. Whatever she was planning, it was not at all discreet.

- Whatever the Consort is thinking, I hope it works, I am risking my position as minister to help that scoundrel sit on that throne. - Mifu wiped the sweat from his agonized face, and Soo Won joined him.

- Now there is no turning back since we entered the siege of the consort, there is no way out. The problem is after Amon sits on the throne, what will it be like? Princess Mei Yang can still be bent, she is a child, influencing a weak mind without experience is something easy, but Amon is different, he will not bend so easily the suggestions of the council.

- This is another problem. The consort has great power of influence over the son, when Amon becomes king, Naran will be ruled by his mother's tricks.

- What will we do? We are between two valleys, the princess and her foolishness and Amon and his mother. - The two ministers faced each other with fear. Either option would be walking towards the guillotine.

- For now, we will lift Amon, if something gets out of control we can only bring him down. He is a bastard, when he takes over the throne he will have many rivals within the council, especially the minister of works, knows that he is extremely attached to the customs, only the royal lineage can rise to the throne, and only Mei Yang owns that lineage, unfortunately!

- Yes, for now we will let Amon realize his plans, getting him off the throne will be easier than getting that lame princess off. Let us split up, I'll go out the back and you follow the front area. If we both leave Qu'r's palace together, we will leave clues to think of a possible conspiracy.

Mifu went around the courtyard of the first prince's palace and left through the entrance gate. That all had to work out, it was his neck being put on a gallows. And the only thing he could do was believe in his consort.

While walking slowly to the emperor's palace, he didn't realize the presence of a young man behind the trees attentive to everything that was happening. Mi Gu sneaked through the blooming peach trees and reached the lake that gave access to the supreme palace and finally rested his legs. Mifu, Soo Won, the noble consort and Amon in the same room for so long, good thing would not come out of that little secret meeting.

The young man then passed his hands on his hair, lightly messing up bun hairstyle and sighed. The day was so good, but now he should stay alert. Mei Yang was under his care, and she was too foolish to notice a possible conspiracy.

In the end, everything was in her hands, as always!

An abnormal amount of servants started to crowd at the entrance door of the king's palace. Mi Gu stood to see what was happening when he saw the consort pass quickly by the servants who bent to his splendid presence pass by. The queen, Tai'Ner entered soon after accompanied by his servants and some guards when he saw the king's physician leaving inside the palace.

- How is his majesty? - Ayame asked quickly.

- I cannot pass confidential information, noble consort, but his majesty is not well.

- Good heavens! - The queen exclaimed in fear.

The consort looked at the queen with sobriety, who seemed very disconsolate because she could not enter. Ayame called her servants and before turning to leave, she smiled, it was such an imperceptible smile that nobody noticed.

Finally, her plan was in progress.


Dawang: Majesty

Dianxia: Your Highness

Consort: Title given to the wife of the king or emperor, the person who was below the queen.

Poem of the Mount: These were poems written during the Tang dynasty by more than 30 authors, among them Li Yui Bai, Wang Wei, Da Fu. and copilated later during the Qin dynasty.