
The Empire of seven sins: the crystallization of our immortal love

After breaking the seven years of captivity, Astrid is back for revenge... All those who have betrayed her, will have to pay for the torment that went down on her... But, then she ran into him & everything went haywire... "My lady, Are you sure you want to betray your soul and to never have it back" His soft whisper echoed into the air. "Yes..." So, she sold herself, only to never have herself back... And thus, she found the her harbor midst the raging storm that had only just begin. **** -book cover is not mine....

_1_V_S_1_ · Fantasía
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37 Chs


At the end of a transverse labyrinth, in an isolated cell whose walls were covered by obscure and complicated runes.

And if one does not mind the moldy smell, the elegant decoration of the cell was a sarcastic contrast to the desolate situation of its prisoner.

A Soft and hypnotizing cello was echoing in these dark womb of night and the melody took its listeners to another realm of realism, but this ethereal symphony was unexpectedly interrupted by the harsh screeches of metal clanging against the rough floor. As if to announce her existence in most unforgiving way and narrating about the truth behind oh so seemingly peaceful night.

The girl stopped playing the cello, her long and slim fingers gently caressed its curve, as if telling her lover to calm down. The girl had an enchanting beauty in her every movement even though her limbs were bound in heavy iron shackles and she wore a shapeless dress which did not reach her ankles, but her long silver hairs were neatly bound into a long plate.

A dimly lit candle, which was her only source of warmth, illuminated her face outlining her high cheek bones, sharp eyebrows and her soft and full bloodless lips, which complimented her pale translucent complexion. Her long lashes covered her beautiful golden eyes which shone like a jewel in the dark, but they were so deep that it can sink anyone into nothingness.

She smiled and again started to play her cello, but this time with more vigor and speed. As the melody broke out, the surroundings became colder and destitute.

'Creak… creak…'

She smiled even more widely and again sped up the melody.


"Lady Astrid", whispered a gruff male voice

"It looks like it is time for me to go", Astrid said to herself as she looked at the soldier wearing the dark leathers of land of Silfa, kneeling beyond the confinement cold metal bars, her gaze again shifted towards those metal bars and she thought to herself, 'I do not know how long.... I wanted to destroy those b**ches.'

The kneeling soldier mechanically stood up and involuntarily started unlocking the cell.

Then, He strode towards me, but I kept playing my cello, but this time soothingly. I know what I was doing, all these years those people kept me here locked up did not know anything about me, she thought to herself.

They thought these shackles... but they never knew that these were not enough t confine me... these shackles which disables a person magic cannot stop me. What I can do and have been taught has never been limited to the art of magic.

she smirked arrogantly, as the soldier reached toward my shackles and broke them with his ironwood saber.

I immediately drew out a bone dagger, the bones I obtained from a very secret source, which I do not wish to divulge, and I personally sharpened it for years and aimed for his neck.

Blood instantly splattered on me, I should have done this more cleanly, but my body only has limited energy.

"Thank you, but it is better for you to die than to fall into the hands of those evil people", I politely said to his still warm corpse.

I slowly made my way out of the cell and turned back to give it one last view.

"Revenge, wait for me to come back...."


This is my first time writing for Webnovel, I hope that everyone will support my characters in their journey. Please express your views in the comment section, I would like them.

Also, I will try to update my work regularly but as the work is new it might me difficult for me to have a fixed schedule.

Thank you, sweet people.

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