
The Eminence of a True Monarch of the Shadows

What happened when an actor/assassin reincarnates as Minoru (Cid's previous incarnation) and then later gets reincarnated once again as Cid Kagenou aka Shadow with the powers of The Shadow Monarch, read and find out.

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · Cómic
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202 Chs

Chapter 60

[Third Person's PoV]

Both Alexia and Iris clashed their swords, their movements so swift they traversed the entire campus and its surroundings.

Their steps shattered the ground, swirling dust marked their lightning-fast maneuvers, and the clash of metal echoed, captivating the spectators.

Whispers among onlookers arose, questioning the spectacle before them.

"What's happening?" asked one. "I saw Princess Iris thrown through the wall, and the fight began outside," remarked another.

"Any idea why they're fighting?"

"Rumors say it involves someone Princess Alexia loves, blaming Princess Iris," hushed the first speaker. "Best not delve into it; talking about royalty can land us in trouble."

Alexia maintained a piercing stare at Iris, who returned it with evident irritation. "Stop this farce, Alexia. You're my sister; I don't want to hurt you," pleaded Iris.

Refusing to divert her gaze, Alexia replied, "I no longer have a sister until you apologize for what you've done. You're dead to me."

Alexia intensified her enhancements as Iris's jaw tensed. Gripping her sword tighter, Iris retorted, "I have nothing to apologize for. I won't apologize for something I didn't do."

As Iris also enhanced herself, she warned with narrowed eyes, "Don't blame me if you get hurt. It's your own stubbornness."

Both charged at each other, their swords meeting with a resounding clang. The ground collapsed, and an explosive cloud of dust erupted.

Amidst the chaos, they remained locked in the middle, pressing against each other with immense force, each determined to emerge victorious in their confrontation.

As their swings intensified, their speed became too much for the onlookers to follow.

Maintaining unbroken eye contact, Alexia and Iris continued their swordplay, captivating the spectators. "I knew Princess Iris was strong, but Princess Alexia's power is astonishing," whispered someone in awe.

"Indeed, their strength is remarkable," agreed another. "We're fortunate to have two equally powerful Princesses; it ensures our safety."

With every swing, cuts and marks appeared on their clothes and skin, testament to the intensity of their confrontation.

Meanwhile, overseeing the spectacle from a rooftop, Cid ran his fingers through his hair while leaning on the railing. "Sigh, is this the curse of being so attractive? Close relationships shattered because of my looks. I wouldn't be surprised if this kingdom collapses due to internal strife caused by my appearance."

Cid sighed once more before smirking and rubbing his chin. "Am I now a 'Kingdom-toppling beauty,' or is that title reserved only for females?" he pondered aloud.

Observing the escalating aggression between the two girls, Cid sighed for the third time, realizing, "I better put an end to this. We wouldn't want them to kill each other."

As their aggression peaked, both combatants simultaneously leaped back and began channeling immense power into their swords, the concentration of magic materializing around them.

Alexia's sword radiated a golden hue, while Iris's glowed crimson, their energies intensifying.

The ground quaked as they charged towards each other, pouring all their strength and magic into their swords, which clashed in the center with a blinding impact.

A sudden white flash overwhelmed the onlookers' vision. When their sight returned, they witnessed Cid standing amidst the clash, effortlessly holding both swords between his index and middle fingers, arms crossed.

"Enough," Cid declared apathetically, addressing the two princesses. "You're both princesses; start acting like it."

Releasing a fraction of his Conquerors Haki, Cid then turned towards the spectators. "Leave," he commanded, his voice carrying an authoritative weight that instilled fear, prompting them to swiftly depart. Cid's presence wielded an authority akin to a divine mandate, compelling obedience from all who heard him.

Cid then released his hold on their swords, causing them to lower them and start panting due to their fatigue and the amount of magic they used.

Alexia didn't hesitate; she dropped her sword and lifted Cid's shirt. While holding it up, she started examining every single part of Cid's body, inspecting his back by running her hand along it.

While holding up his shirt, Alexia started tracing her fingers everywhere. Her fingers then turned into a hand as she started to touch his abs in a trance.

Cid looked at her with a raised brow and asked, "What are you doing?"

This brought Iris out of her shock. She quickly grabbed Cid's shirt from Alexia's hand and lowered it back down, covering Cid's body once again.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Iris exclaimed with a red and embarrassed face.

Alexia glanced at her and replied without an ounce of shame, "I was checking to see if he had any scars or injuries..."

Cid shook his head and playfully bonked her on the head. "Pervert."

This caused Alexia to become red with embarrassment. She then lowered her head in a sad manner and muttered, "I wanted to see if you were still hurt... I'm sorry. Because of me, you were hurt and had to go through unnecessary pain. I... I understand if you don't ever want to see me again."

Alexia said while gripping her skirt as tears unwillingly fell from her eyes.

"Wait. What is going on? Why are yo—" Iris didn't manage to finish as Cid shook his head. "It's better if you leave for now."

"I'm not leaving; she's my sister an—" Once again, Iris was cut off.

This time, Cid looked at her coldly and with an authoritative low voice said, "Leave."

"AND I'M TELLING YOU I'M NOT—" Iris was once again cut off for the third time.

"I don't think you understand... I'm not asking you; it was a command. I won't repeat myself a third time," Cid said in a voice full of coldness and apathy.

Iris's fists clenched, and through gritted teeth, she said, "Fine! We'll talk later, Alexia. You still need to explain yourself." Iris then spun on her heels and walked away in an angry manner.

Once Iris was gone, Cid sighed, which broke the thin string holding Alexia together.

"Waaaaahhhh, I'm so so so sorry *sob*. It's all my fault; you got hurt because of me *sob*. All you showed me was kindness, and due to my own selfishness of wanting more, you got hurt and paid the price *sobs harder*. I'm soooorrryyyy."

Alexia then gripped Cid's shirt and continued to cry her heart out. "*Sob* I know I said I understand if you don't ever want to see me *sob*, but I don't want that. I don't want not to see you. If I don't see you, I think it'll break me *sob* I'm so sorry..."

Lowering her head while still clutching Cid's shirt, Alexia whispered, "Please... Please don't hate me."

She then said through sniffling, "Please don't leave me..."