
The Eminence - In Taimanin's Shadows

Uh, (possibly) dumb idea go! "What the hell, this Eroge Visual Novel plot is.... Wonderful! Let me enjoy being here, as the Eminence in Shadows! Alright, let the spotlight shine!" - Shadow/Cid Kagenou ~~~~~~~~~~ I have a dream. To make this fanfiction No. 1 That's it? Yeah, I guess. Here I'll explain Taimanin Multiverse Lore (and explore it in secret) while making a story about a Chunnibyo who just wants to look cool and badass while living his dreams. (crossposted on AO3, WTPAD, and FFNet under similar author accounts.)

CaveSquirrel · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs

Chaos Arena Arc - EP2

[ ~•~ Chapter • START!!! ~•~ ]

Another week had passed, and barely any clue of Cid's current whereabouts was found even in the underground of Tokyo.

Which made the three of them almost think of giving up on finding him, considering Cid missing in action or killed in action.

They knew he was fighting as he was captured somewhere, preventing information leakage and other sorts of things.

But one just couldn't give up on looking for him.

Yukikaze, who was, by the course of time, could barely sleep, talk, and eat, constantly worrying over Cid every single day.

Tatsurou could barely do anything for her even at these moments.

At one time, when they encountered several demons in the underground, Yukikaze spared no moment to let their enemies breathe and decided to straight up eradicate most of them without another thought, then decided to interrogate one of the demons.

Having no important information other than finding out that he was probably imprisoned in the "Chaos Arena" hidden somewhere in Tokyo, Yukikaze executed the demon.

To Rinko, it was worrying; Yukikaze looked more like a demon than a Taimanin in unhesitatingly murdering them.

To Tatsurou, she became quite scary, yet made up his mind that he would not run away or shake in fear, as he believed she was still Yukikaze at heart, a friend, simple as.

"Should we contact Sir Yamamoto and Sir Asai?" Tatsurou asked Yukikaze, who glanced his way.

"Umu... Maybe later...."


Yukikaze almost fell to the floor, but Rinko swiftly reacted and grabbed her before carrying the tanned Taimanin up.

"Phew, Yukikaze.... You haven't rested well for days...." Rinko said, hearing the tanned girl sleep on her shoulder.

Soon, they returned to the hotel to rest and have Yukikaze recover before preparing to contact their higher-ups with equipment given for this very moment.

After receiving the report that Cid had been kidnapped, the two were surprised that someone on their side was taken by enemies.

Just as the two suspected.

"Tatsurou, you seem to have changed completely; the last time I saw you, you were as shy as a cat..." Asai commented with his lighthearted smile, causing Tatsurou to chuckle and scratch his nape.

"Ehehe.... I've just contemplated my life, sir. Cid made me change my ways, now I'm trying my best to become stronger." Tatsurou replied, even though he knew he was still a bit of a wimp.

"Good! Then we can proceed to the next part." Asai said, clearing his throat. "Do you know of the Dark Net?"

This vague question sparked the mind of Yukikaze, whose eyes were widened.

"That's.... That's a dangerous place, only accessible through certain browsers, which means...?" Her mind was racing for many clues and possible events.

Her speculations were further reinforced by Asai, who nodded sternly.

"If I am right in guessing what you think, then it should be simple to disclose that your boyfriend is in the Dark Web." He spoke with an increase in seriousness.

"Here is the sensitive video I am going to show you for proof."

Soon, another screen was broadcasted through a floating screen in front of the three, and they were not feeling great just viewing the footage.

In the broadcasted footage, Cid in his Taimanin suit was fighting against a masked, muscular woman in a white leotard, and it seemed like she was having fun while Cid was in a boxing stance.

{"Hey, Kid! Come here and give me your best shot!"} The muscular woman said with a grin, taunting him with a gesture.

Cid, in response, ran towards her with a shout, cocking his fist before launching it towards her.

When it made contact with her cheek, her head was lightly pushed to the side, yet it did not take away her grin.

{"You serious? That all you got, with an audience right around us? How annoying...!"} The woman told Cid, before giving him a punch of her own that he tried to block, only to be thrown away by the sheer force of the hit.

Cid groaned in pain as he landed on the floor of the ring, grasping his arm as it looked like it was bruised.

Then, the muscle woman ran towards him, and with a hop, she kicked his face with both her boots, making him fly towards the edge of the ring that bounced him back to her.

{"This! Is how! You punch someone!"}

With another harsh punch, the back of Cid's head harshly slid onto the floor of the ring, and his blood was on the floor.....

Several minutes passed as the three had different reactions as the fight went on.

The muscular woman was wrestling him using several different moves she knew would damage his body, stretching his muscles and even bringing him incredible amounts of pain.

All while the audience roared, calling Cid names and other derogatory ones.

Rinko looked stone-faced, yet she couldn't bear to see her student suffer like this.

Tatsurou was rubbing his arms, eyes away from the screen, imagining what it would be like if he was there instead of Cid.

But Yukikaze?

She was seething in fury. Yukikaze could never bear to see Cid suffer like this; it was pure torture for her.

Yukikaze was shaking her head as sparks of lightning were appearing around her body. She didn't want to hear and see whatever was presented on her.

'Calm down.... Must calm down...!!!'

She tried to regulate her emotions by breathing deeply, and using Taima Particles to regulate them, even if she found it hard.

Asai swiftly removed the footage with the press of a few buttons before further trouble could occur through a bad mental state that will affect the operation.

"Okay now calm down. You don't want to destroy your very important private communications device while we have important things to discuss, right?" He spoke, sighing.

"Y-yes, sir..."

Now Yukikaze felt rather down for acting this way.

"I feel like not stating the obvious, but he is, as you can see, in the Chaos Arena. So, this is a new mission for you, though you will need huge help from your fellows for this." He explained, tapping his toe on the floor.

"Your mission is to infiltrate and destroy the Chaos Arena situated at these coordinates. And, to recover your fellow squadmate, Cid Kagenou."

With a snap of his fingers. A digital map of Tokyo appeared beside him, where a red flashing dot was on a certain building.

Yamamoto cut in, feeling like it was the best time to do so.

"I'm sending Yatsu Murasaki and Yatsu Kuro as your support. Asagi still has a lot of side work to do here, and she's been spending hours daily on the simulation rooms training. She's not going in any missions sooner." He stated calmly, in which this statement gave the three hope.

The Immortal Taimanin and the Blind Taimanin are joining them? Then this mission was a hard one, indeed.

"Do expect them to come to your room tomorrow."

"Thank you, old friend. This mission starts at next midnight, please be prepared. Over." After Asai said it, he pressed a button that made the devices used to contact the Prime Minister and Section Three's leader destroyed, soon becoming recyclable material.

Soon silence engulfed the area, and the Akiyama brother and sister stared at Yukikaze with awe.

"Yukikaze, did you fully awaken your Ninja Arts?" Rinko asked her.

"No." She replied, glancing at her palms. "But I feel like I am steps closer to fully awakening it."

'But with this.... I'll save you, Cid. I don't want you to be gone. Like mother.'

Taking another deep breath, a smile appeared on her face. Her eyes gained a new flame, sparked by hope and mostly by Cid's actions with her.

"Woah! That's cool!" Tatsurou said.

Then they rested the day and night off.

[ ~•~ Line Break ~•~ ]

Somewhere in the Chaos Arena's "training rooms", Kaliya was sitting right beside the bed where Cid was sleeping on.

She was merely treating his wounds, taking care of him as she showed genuine care to the boy, leading him to believe and trust her during the time passed.

"Hmph.... For a Taimanin, you're not really strong enough to fight the elite Fighter one on one.... But you're.... Durable." She muttered with a gentle smile, which slowly became more cruel and possessive.

"I wonder why.... I wonder why your life force tastes so addicting, so addicting in fact, that the mere taste of it immediately gives me ecstasy~"

Arching her back, her face went down to one of the wounds Cid had obtained from his latest fight against one of the best fighters of the Chaos Arena...

..... And gave a slow, long lick on that wound.

"Mhmm~ I feel like my original divine power is being returned to me...."

'He is mine.... He is mine.... He is mine.... He is mine.... He is mine.... He is mine.... This boy should become my consort.... Fufufufu~~!!!'

Someday, her delusions will become real.

She will become a true goddess, once more.

Or at least. That was what she thought.

Her possessiveness over Cid is growing more and more, to the point that she is going to be considered a Yandere.


'Hey what the hell are you even talking about, Miss Main Antagonist?! Did I just become a plot device?! Oh, boy.... Seems like I'm in deep trouble if this goes on....

If I won't become Shadow, of course!'

[ ~•~ To = Be = Continued ~•~ ]

End Note: Cid will become OOC at times, bear with it.