
The Elvish Choice

This is a book about a girl who happens to make her way into an elf town by accident. Or was it? Read the book to find out more

BookWhisperer · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Why Boys!

I stare at him in shock because two days ago I didn't even know elves existed and now he expects me to know all about my 'special' powers. I can't believe this man right now. He's so confusing. His mind is saying on thing but he's voicing another thing. Now, I've had boyfriends like every other girl but I never remember them being this confusing. They think one think but act another way and I don't like it because it's not something I'm used to. And I don't talk to my mom about stuff like this because she never asked and I've always been a kid who hides or doesn't talk about themselves.

"I didn't realize that. I'm sorry. I won't do it again. No need to yell at me." I try to say it in a soothing tone as to calm him down. But it doesn't seem to work. So I try to calm him with my mind instead and that seems to work more than talking to him in a soothing tone.

So then, ignoring what else he says, I try to control more things with my mind. I try to talk to animals and that didn't work. But then I tried to lift a small twig and something happens. I feel drained but am happy I was able to do that. I turn back to find Henry staring at me with a look of confusion and then he grabs my hand and starts running towards the woods.