

Pearl is a member of the Moon Mist bundle and heading to school with joy, waiting for when she turns 1., She will be allowed to finally become her wolf, a  being she could sense from the depth of her soul ever since she was a little child.  She is eager to mate with her boyfriend, Rain, the pack's eventual alpha. That is, till the King of all Lycan packs, arrive at her small village to talk about the conflict tactics to the Alpha. There is an odd sensation that rises at the depths of her belly, a sensation she has never felt before.

Katherineobasi · Fantasía
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9 Chs


I had the burning sensation on my face. The freshly identified duo and I alternated in the attention of others around me.

"Rain! How did you act? As he charged toward his son, Alpha Anwar yelled.

Oh, sh*t. Ashley shouted inaudibly. There is a lot of drama going on here tonight, lama.

"Ash!" With tears rolling down my cheeks, I turned to face her.

"Girl, you literally escaped death here. If that had been you, I'm sorry, but you deserve better than this disaster.

Queen Amelia was utterly offended as King Orsand muttered loudly.I briefly locked eyes with Rich. He appeared alarmed and furious.

He eventually screamed, "Harmony!"

"You're no longer watching this. It's something I won't stand for. Ashley took hold of my hand and tugged me toward the stairs across the ballroom.

She glared at Rain and Harmony as we sped passed them. "You two are f*cking shit for doing that like that."

I turned around to see them standing and kissing each other. Apart from Alpha Anwar, no one else had even ventured to move. No one, not even our horrified parents.

As she dragged me up the stairs and all the way to my bedroom, Ashley firmly gripped my hand. "Okay. You remain. I'll return immediately.

She closed the door behind her, and I nodded. I sobbed and hugged my knees while sitting on the ground.

"Can I come in?" came from a voice that softly knocked on the door.

"Ashley?" When I heard my friend's voice, I sniffled.

Yes, that's me. Can I enter?"

Ashley was able to peek in once I stood up and slightly opened the door.

She said, "Hey there."

I snorted as I turned to face her.

Ashley shook her head in agreement. "I realize it's going to be hard, but I have something that might be helpful. I bought us this bottle of champagne and several glasses by offering the bartender a tip. Would you like to try numbing some of your sorrows?

I extended my hand to accept one of the glasses as she held up the bottle.

Ashley attempted to console me by saying, "Perhaps not everyone saw what happened."

"Everyone noticed!" I sobbed and fell back into the bed. "I find this unbelievable. Why would he act in such a manner in front of others? Ashley, I adored him. Why he would treat me like this is beyond me.

"I realize it's complicated, but the idea of a mate bond in general may be really perplexing. Maybe he was just out of control," Ashley suggested.

"How about Harmony, though? My sister is her. If nothing else, she may have advised him to hold off until the marking ceremony. I said, feeling helpless, "I was so certain he was my match.

Ashley handed me a glass of champagne and replied, "I know. "It stinks that this happened, but maybe you escaped harm by not being with him since he couldn't even wait to mark his mate discreetly. Someone who will treat you with respect and love is what you deserve.

"I know, but it hurts still. Why wasn't he able to wait like a typical wolf? After this, how am I supposed to return to school and face everyone? I questioned, feeling overpowered.

"It's not all that bad."

I chugged the bubbly in my glass while rolling my eyes. It is worse than terrible. It's utterly embarrassing.

That's very horrible, I agree. I doubt that anyone will be interested.

"Ashley, they'll be concerned. They are going to discuss it. The sister of the future alpha's girlfriend was marked. in the open. their birthday celebration. The biggest news to affect the pack in a long time is this.

My shoulders were encircled by her arm as she sat next to me. "Do you want me to physically assault anyone who speaks out? I am capable of doing it.

I chuckled just a little. "No. Please pass me some more champagne.

"I doubt that anyone would hold it against you if you missed a few days of class. Maybe there's a way you could rearrange your entire calendar so that you don't have to attend class, seeing as how we graduate in just a few short months.

"How is that even conceivable?"

"So, as you know, I work in the office as an office aide."

"Yeah," I replied.

"I just so happen to know some rules when it comes to senior wolves and their schedules."

"What kinds of rules?" I inquired.

There is a rule that the wolf with the best grades, who is eighteen and wants to run for local council after graduation, can work closely with the head of the strategy department and miss class.

"I do like strategy," I murmured. Additionally, Council President Andrew is friendly and smart.


"That could work, yes. I am capable of doing it. But I'm definitely delaying returning to that location by around two weeks. I prefer not to see anyone.

The door swung open as we were sitting on the bed. In the entryway, Harmony leapt up and down.

The question "What do you want?" I barked.

God, oh God! Is it really true, Pearl? I mated with the potential alpha!"

I fucking know, yeah. my partner. Get away. I'd rather not see you.

"What? You don't feel happy for me?

"Are you stupid? pleased for you? I'm not delighted for you, no! You made me look bad in front of everyone. Why do you mark each other in front of others? I never want to talk to him or you again! "Leave immediately!"

She stopped smiling and stood there looking at me. But you're my sister, I say.


When the time came for me to become Luna, I was hoping you could assist me.

"Are you completely insane, airheaded, and idiotic? I'm not here to aid you. I'm not helping you in any way! Take off!"

She pouted and kept looking for a while.

"Uh, I believe you heard Pearl?" Ashley glared at my sister and questioned. "Shoo."

"Oh, right,"

She exited after closing the door.

"Was I being too mean?" Staring at the wood, I questioned.

"Too cruel? No way! You're absolutely allowed to be upset.

However, it's not really their fault. They were bound to be mated, after all. Before our birth, that is something that is decided.

"They didn't need to make it so obvious. They may have carried it out in private, as is appropriate. We're wolves, after all; we're not wild animals. Some activities should be carried out in secret.

"I suppose."

I poured more champagne and took longer sips. Even yet, I still felt somewhat guilty for yelling at Harmony.

What will you do with two weeks of idle time?

"I'm not sure. Circumnavigating the packs? Try to live a little."

She prodded me and urged, "Find your mate?"

I grinned a little. "No. Right now, I don't even want to consider that. I believe that simply taking some trips will benefit me. Recently, I've started experiencing this strange sensation. as though something is wrong.

"Okay, that's weird."

There is another thing. She saw the moon and bow tattoo on my forehead as I moved my hair out of my face.

Okay, that's strange. Describe that.

"This is going to sound absolutely ridiculous and crazy. I'm still unsure of whether it's real or whether I'm dreaming. And you must solemnly pledge not to divulge anything to anyone.

"Okay. Pinky swear."

"When I shifted, I entered a pitch-black space. There was the goddess Artemis.

"I apologize...what?"

I'm not done yet. Even so, that isn't the most absurd aspect.

Is there more?

Ashley, "Uh, yeah."

Her eyes were so wide.

She approaches me and informs me that I am her daughter, get this.

"We are all the sons and daughters of Artemis."

No, she's like her legitimate daughter. Her offspring.


I questioned, "Right?"

"How? Harmony and you are twins.

That's why I was perplexed. However, Artemis claimed that it was simple to place me there because mom was carrying Harmony at the time. Being a deity, she was unable to give birth. She warned that horrible things were coming and wished for her child to assist in protecting the packs.

Something negative?

Yes, what if that is all that I have been feeling for the previous few weeks?

And not getting a shift for the first time when you turn 18?

I let out a shoulder shrug. I warned you that it sounded absurd.

Are there any other kids around?

I once more shook my shoulders. "I'm not sure. She omitted the word "were."

She said, "Perhaps there's something in the archives."

"Maybe. Before embarking on my huge excursion, I'll go there.

"I want to go on an adventure."

I said, "Come with me."

She questioned, "What?"

I said, "Come with me."

"I'm not sure. Do you really think I should?

What will we be missing? spending the final couple weeks of school sitting in class doing nothing?"

"The remainder of our exams?"

How many are left now? After completing those, we can depart. I answered, "I can put off taking a few weeks off.

"Okay. Yeah. Yeah! Having fun with it That'll be fantastic. Ashley jumped up and down on my bed, almost dropping her glass of champagne.

Yeah, that's right.

Thoughts like, "Wolves don't travel without their pack though?"

"No, but we're not going away permanently. merely a little.

"Okay. I am capable of doing it. Yes!"

After finishing the champagne, we discussed our upcoming journey. I had hoped it would be only enjoyable, but there was a persistent unease in the pit of my stomach.

The merry sounds of laughter came from below my window as the sun began to rise.

I believe everyone is going.

As everyone filtered out of the house and into their cars, I stood and watched. As he walked away, Harmony could be seen clinging to Rain. As they made their way to his car, she laughed and kissed him.

I'm hoping she just goes.

She gave him a long, passionate kiss before heading back toward the house.

That electricity is back.

It was strange how my body started to tingle. My attention was drawn to the regal line. Prince Louis paused and took a few steps before turning to look up at my window.

My throat suddenly felt extremely dry. As our eyes locked, the sensation grew stronger.

No. It has no value. You're insane.

What or who are you gazing at? While lying in bed, Ashley called.

Oh no one. Just now, everyone left my birthday celebration.

You're having fun! Even so, did you get cake?

I gave a headshake. "I'm not a big fan of red velvet cake. That's Harmony's preferred dish.

"Let's get some sleep so we can carry out these plans!"

It "sounds good."

I chatted with Ashley as we laid there till the sun was at its highest point before finally dozing off.