
The Elf Princess

Cynthia_Daggett · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Chapter 5: Going home/Pet for Leo

"Oh my sweet Rose. Thank you. Your mothers name was Rose. Here I have a picture of her with me." He took the picture out of his pocket. "Oh she was beautiful. Father. I look just like her." "Yes you and your sister both do." I cried in dad's arms again. Silently and when I calmed down I wiped my tears. "You ok now Rhylie?" said Liam. "Yes. Sorry about all that everyone." "Oh and sorry for shooting an arrow at you Rhylie." "Yes Father what the hell is that all about?!" I playfully hit him in the arm. "Haha ok ok. I knew your brother could help or else I wouldn't have done it. I was trying to get you off my tail. I wanted to keep myself hidden as long as possible." "Sorry father." "Its ok now Rhylie." "Hey Liam? Can I take dad and my siblings through the garden? I know we just did but I want to go with father this time." "Yeah sure. I have things I need to do. Have fun before we go back tomorrow." "Yay. Ok lets go everyone." I dragged dad and my older sister with me and Sage followed.

As we were walking through the garden I was telling him about how my life was and what I could do. "Wow you've had an interesting life. Rhylie." "Hehe. Yeah I can't wait to get home tomorrow and see Sparkles and my family again. Also my friends. Even though I was picked on, there were a few I would hang out with. I mostly just hang out in the forest with my animal friends. Oh before we go, I know its dangerous to go in this forest for awhile but I want to sing for you father. I also want Liam's family to hear it as well." "That would be up to the king." "Lets finish walking and spending time then we can ask. Hey father?" "Yes Rhylie?" "Do….Do you know who Nina Is? Her mom was an evil elf and now its just her and she has a black pegasas with purple wings and hair. Also her hoofs are purple and her eyes." "Yes I have heard of them I have never seen them. I'm sorry you had to live a life not being able to sing." "Its ok dad. I will be living here in a few years after I get married to Liam."

After awhile I wanted to get back to the palace to talk to the king and queen about what I wanted to do. "Your majesties and highnesses. I would like to ask a favor of you. I would like to go into the forest and sing. I have a special power when I sing things happen. I would like to know if your majesties and Highness' would like to hear as well." The king and queen talked it over and the queen said, "That would be a lovely treat. Liam could bring his trumpet and play with you." "Thank you your majesty. I would like to go sooner than later so It doesn't get too dark." "Yes we will go get our son. Girls, Cyrus go join the princess in the forest. We will be there shortly." "OK stepmother." Said Cyrus.

I found father and my siblings waiting for me on the stairs. "Ok ready everyone? Lets go." I said. So we headed to the forest and not far behind was Prince Liam and his parents. We finally got to the forest.

"Ok here is the forest. Now lets hear you sing." Said Sage. "Hey patience." Said father. "Ok as I told you before. When I sing things happen. Animals may come and things happen. I will sing the song I will belong again. I like that song. The wind blows and sun comes out just listen to the song you will see." Then I sang the song again and this time Liam had his trumpet.

Once I was done singing, everyone clapped. I bowed and when I got up I thought I saw something. "Huh? What was that?" I said. 'No one heard me so I kept quiet. Maybe I will check it out later tonight. ' I thought. Her father had a worried look. He saw she was in a daze. "Rhylie are you ok?" Said Dad. "Rhylie? Rhylie. Rhylie!" said Liam. "Oh huh? What was that?" I said. "Sorry. Just seeing things. I'm ok." "That is a special gift there Rhylie." Said Father. "Be careful where you sing. You don't want Nina coming back for you." "Yes father." I was getting tired. "I'm tired. I'm ready for bed. I don't need to eat tonight." "You 5 go ahead. We will be in, in awhile." "Ok don't stay to late ok?" "Yeah." So Liam and her father along with her siblings stayed with her. "Hmm. I really am tired. I can't keep my eyes open for some reason. I have never felt this tired when I sang before. What is happening dad. I'm scared." "Dammit! That Nina girl must have put some sort of spell on you." "No dad. I don't think it was her. I didn't say anything but, after I sang I saw something. I don't exactly know what it was. Hmm." Then she fell asleep. "Uh sir. What do we do now?" "(sigh) Take her to her room. Put a barrier on her room and window so only those she trusts can go in." "Yes sir. What are you going to do?" "I have business in the forest. I will be back to check on her later." Then Liam left with Rhylie.

"OK you can come out now." Said Rhylie's father Calder. "Hello sir. Sorry I had something to report. I didn't think she would see me. I had to put her to sleep. Also for protection. Every time she wants to sing, I made it to where she gets too tired. Nina is in the area now." Said Prince. Who was a Centaur. "Really? Just when she is going home tomorrow. Damn! Where is she now?" "That is what I have come to report sir. She should be here in two days. Tomorrow morning, she should go straight home. No detours." "I hope not. I have business here to protect the king and queen. I wish I could go back with her. (sigh)" "I have an idea sir. I know I should help you but I can have my brother help you out and I can keep an eye on your daughter secretly." "Ha really? She saw you. You were careless." "Yeah well it was an emergency." "All right. She might sneak our tonight. After she saw you she might come out looking for you." "I know what to do sir. Keep an eye out. If she sees me its ok right?" "Yes but let her see you. Don't just pop out and scare her ok?" "Yes sir." He left to tell his brother the news then went to hide.

"Hmm. Its dark out already? Oh yeah It was dark before I left. I want to go find out what that strange thing I saw. I wish I grew up in an enchanted area like this one. (sigh)" I snuck out the window and headed to the enchanted forest. 'Luckily, I have some animal friends who can help when needed here as well.' I thought.

I brought a sweater to keep me warm. "Ah I just love forests. Now where did I see the creature." I said out loud to myself. I looked around and I ended up at the enchanted lake again. (Sigh) "How do I always end up at the lakes in forests? Maybe it's a calling for something." I giggled to myself. I looked for my forest friends. Then I spotted one. "Oh, hello Anella." Who was an owl. "Were you out here when I was singing? It was getting dark by then." "Yes, I was your voice never ceases to amaze me." "Thanks. Do you remember seeing anybody or creature here when after I sang?" "Well yes I did. He told me not to tell you about him. You have to find out yourself." "Aww that sucks" I said. "Hehe don't worry. You'll be fine. Well, I better be off hunting for my baby sisters." "thank you." She flew off. I was getting tired, so I sat down near the water when I know I shouldn't have. "Hmm. Why do I like forests and rivers so much? What is the deal? I mean I like animals too but not as much as rivers and the forests themselves. (Sigh) will I ever know." As she was thinking, she didn't realize how close to the lake she was. He feet were submerged in the water. Then she heard a sound. "Hello? Is someone there?" Then she heard the sound again and started to get scared. My half wolf and half something that flies saw me. "What are you doing here Princess?" He said. "Well I sang yesterday. Then after I sang I saw a creature. I could have sword it was a person but not a person." "Well this is an enchanted forest strange creatures to live here. You best stay away from this lake. We don't want a repeat of what happened last time." "Oh you were there? Sorry to worry you." "Don't worry about it. Now lets get you back to the palace before you get sick." "But Bane." "No buts princess. You know us forest animals protect the people here. Not just the Royalty." "Fine."

Just as she was about to leave she saw the creature again. "There it is again! Who are you?" I said in a sweet tone. "Its ok I won't hurt you." Then a little Centaur boy came out. "Oh how cute. A centaur kid. What's your name?" The little boy was scared for a moment. "Its ok I won't hurt you." Then she heard someone call the Centaur boy's name. "Ezra. Ez!" "That's my uncle calling. Now you know my name. I hope to see you again Princess." "You too." Then a Centaur came out and said, "Thank you Princess for finding my Nephew. My name is Prince. I work with your dad. I have been keeping you safe in the forest since that accident of yours in the lake." "Yeah, sorry about that." "Hey its fine. Have a safe trip home tomorrow, ok? Oh, and we got some news that Nina is close by. Be careful, ok? No detours." "Thank you. Wait. You are the one I saw, weren't you?" "Yes, it was me. I made you tired. Until this Nina business is finished, I put a spell on you so if you try to sing, you can't. You will be too tired." "Aww. Not fair." "Sorry princess. Its for protection." "I know thank you. Thank you for letting me meet you." "Its cool now go inside so you don't get sick, ok?" "Bane take her home." "Yes sir." "Thanks."

We finally got back to where my room was, Bane flew me back up to my window. "Thanks Bane. Sorry for the trouble." "Don't worry about it. I'm used to it remember?" "haha. Yeah. See you again soon." "I hope so princess goodnight." "Goodnight Bane." I went to bed and got to sleep.

The next morning it was time to head home. "Well by father. I will see you again next time I visit." I went to hug my father and he hugged me back. "I'll miss you too Rhylie." "Bye sage and Lily." I hugged them each and they hugged me back. "Maybe next time I come back I can meet your kids sage." "Yeah they are a handful but I hope you do." "I will miss everyone." I said in tears. "Lets go Rhylie." I looked back one more time and went with Liam. We got in the carriage and headed out.

"Liam. I know dad told me to stay away from the flower castle but I want to go over to it. I was born there and I want to see what I did to it." "I want to see too Rhylie but I don't think it's a good idea." "Liam. Even if we don't go now I will sneak out on Sparkles to do it." "I know you will and that Scares me. I'm sorry I Can't go with you. I have some business to take care of at home. Lets get you home first. Just promise me you won't get yourself killed ok?" "Hehe I won't. I can't promise I won't get hurt, but I can promise I won't die." "(Sigh) I just wish you will overthink this." "Wouldn't you want to find out where you were born if you were taken In?" "Yes and I think I would do the same thing you are. I am not in that position so I can't do it." "Yeah I know." Then we finally got home. "Bye Liam. Hope to see you soon." We gave eachother a hug and kiss on the lips and I went inside my house.

"Father I'm home. Hmm….why is it dark?" "SURPRISE!" "Welcome home sister." Said Tyson and Leo. "Oh thank you guys. Come here boys." They ran over to me and I gave them a group hug. "I missed you both so much." I gave them a big squeeze. "Sister we can't breathe." Said Tyson. "Oh sorry. I just missed you both so much." I loosened my grip. I ruffled both of their hair. "Sister!" They both said in unison. "Hehe. Mom. Dad. I have something to tell you privately." "After I'm done Leo, I want to take you somewhere at night ok?" "Oh really? Cool. Its ok mom. Its only in the forest. Don't worry I can't sing if I wanted too a good friend put a spell on me to keep me safe." "Ok just be careful when you do go out." "Yes mom." So, I went with my parents in the office.

I told my mom and dad what happened at the palace and that my father and siblings were alive and I met them. "Wow you must have had fun." Said Father. "Yes, I did. I still missed you guys a lot. No matter what you are still my family. No one can ever change that. If I ever turn on you just remember that ok? If I say otherwise its because something happened or I am upset about something. If I do I apologize ahead of time." "Oh Rhylie. We know you love us. We won't think anything less just don't get into that situation." "I'll try not to. Oh, I forgot to ask you. Have you seen those cat-like creatures by the river?" "Oh, you mean the Nyx. The cat like creature with a fin on the tail?" "Yeah, have you seen them recently? I want to take Leo over he might want one. He doesn't have pet yet." "Well, that is a good idea. Just be careful out there tonight, ok?" "Yes mother." So, I went out to find the boys to play for a bit. "Hey Tyson. Hey Ash and Leo." "Oh good to see you Rhylie." Said Ash. "Oh I have an idea. Why don't I go get Sparkles and go for a run?" "Yeah that sounds cool." Said the boys. All of them followed me to the stables so I could get Sparkles. "Sparkles! I missed you." "Oh Rhylie. About time you showed up. I was getting bored." "We are going for a run with Ash and the boys." "Finally. I need some exercise." I opened her stall, she walked with me to the entrance of the forest. "Ok Leo want to ride with me?" "Yeah Rhylie." He hopped on behind me and held my stomach. "OK everyone ready to run?" "Why did I sign up for this." Said Ash. "Oh Ash its not that bad is it?" (Sigh) "These boys are a handful." "Hehe." "What did he say Rhylie?" "Oh he just said you boys are a handful." "Haha yeah that's what mom and dad say too." "Ok lets run." I said. So we started running around the forest.

"Oh Leo. I want to show you where I am going to take you tonight." We headed towards the river. We made it to the river and I said, "Here we are. Have you heard of the cat like creatures that should live here?" "Yeah I have heard of them never seen. Them. I've always wanted one as a pet. Maybe that's why I haven't found the right one." "I thought so." "If you want to come too Tyson your welcome too. Bring Ash with you." "I'll think about it." "Ok well I plan on leaving after dinner tonight." "Yeah, maybe I will." "Ok." "We won't be able to stay long because I have some business I the forest." "OK sis just be careful, ok?" said Tyson. "You know me. I'm always careful." It was silent for a second then we burst out laughing. We got off our animals and had fun splashing each other and running around.

It was starting to get dark. "OK boys lets get onto our animals and head home!" I said. "Ok Rhylie." Said Leo. He hopped onto Sparkles with me and Tyson hopped on Ash. We ran home.

"Hey mom and dad! Were home!" "Oh good just in time. Dinner is done. Go in the dining room." "Yes mother." I said. So all of us went in the dining room to eat. "About an hour or 2 after we eat I am taking the boys out to the forest." I said. "Ok Rhylie. Just be careful ok? Have some of your forest friends come with you to be safe." "Yes father." So we finished our dinner and about 2 hours later we headed into the forest.

"Hello battress" Who is a bat. "My father wanted me to get a few friends just to be safe. We are going to the lake." "Oh really? I haven't been able too go lately. Maybe after I'm done hunting I'll join you. Also I will get some others that are better at protecting you that I am." "Hehe ok thanks." So we headed towards the lake.

"Ok everyone be very quiet and we may see one." I said to the boys and pets. They all nodded and stayed quiet. We got of our animals then we sat and waited. Then a few of the Nyx came out. "Hello Nyx." I said. "Oh Princess. What are you doing here?" said the father Nyx. "Oh my brothers and our pets are here today. My brother Leo here. Come here its ok Leo. He wanted to have on of you like a pet. "I know just the one. Does he want a boy or a girl?" "I told him what the Nyx said. "He wants to know if it matters a boy or girl." "No it doesn't matter." "OK Tasha go get him." "Yes father." "My daughter is going to go get him. His name is Fynx." "Leo his name is Fynx." "Oh cool name." "He has been picked on his whole life. I thought that maybe if he was someone's pet he would have a better life." "I know how that feels." I said. "Yes I know you do." Tasha came by with a beautiful Nyx. It had a green feather in the middle of its forhead. It was a white with green blue and purple designs on his back. His fin was blue. "Why was he getting made fun of?" "Its because he has too many colors. As you see he have two colors on us." "Yes I see." "Ok Fynx this is your new family." He looked up and immediately liked him. Fynx hopped into Leo's arms. "I like this kid for some reason." "Hehe yeah they are likeable boys." I said. "Ok Fynx try not to give them a hard time ok?" "Yeah sorry for giving you a hard time and putting up with me." "Hey it was fine. Have fun in your new home. Don't forget to visit." "Yes sir." "Well Mr. Nyx. I have to get going. I have some important business in the forest tonight." "Tonight? Isn't it a little late?" "Yeah well I have to meet in secret." "Well just be careful oK? Don't get yourself killed and try not to get hurt." "You know me too well." "OK lets go." So we headed towards home.

"Ok boys be good ok? Oh and Leo you will need to put a big bowl of luke warm water by your bed for Fynx." "Yes sister." "Oh as for food he will eat anything you give him. No need for special food. Other than that you should be fine. Oh and he needs to be in the water every 1 or 2 hours or he will get sick." "Thank's Rhylie. Be careful out there." "I will do my best." The boys went in and went to bed.