

Before this. I was a nobody. I was a normal woman. With hopes and dreams, with pain and sorrow. Lately mostly the later. I had a financé and a home. I had a job. That night I lost all of that, not by choice, but by fear. That night my life change, I became a somebody. I became a fugitive! I finally stood up too my abusive financé. I killed him, and I dont know how!

Chapter 1. NOW

I got dressed and put some cloths in a backpack. I looked down on his lifeless body on the floor. He looked dead. I didnt dare to bend down too check his pulse. He had too be dead.

We had a normal fight over bullshit, he was incredible possessive and jealuse so every time I even spoke a mans name he flew in to a rage. He was choking me a little harder this time. Not letting go when i started passing out. Suddenly he let go and grabed his troath as to get something of of it. He got red in his face as if he could'nt breath. He gasped for air but it didnt help. He graspt for me to help him but i didnt know what to do. Suddenly he fell to the ground, lifeless. I dont know what happend. When he choked me i was so scared and angry and I wished for him too feel the same way I did. Then this happend. How is this possible. Did I kill him?

I dont know. I only knew I had too go. I had too run away. Noone would believe me.

I rushed out the house. Left both my wallet and phone behind. Only took with some cash from the savings jar.

I ran for the neerest busstop. luckily the bus did go often in the evening here so it came almost right after. I paid my ticket and sat in the back. The bus stoped at the trainstation and I got of. I vent inside and took the train that was leaving first and longest. Inside the train I sat down and could finally take a breath. I looked outside as the train past by the cityline and all the city lights was replaced by darkness and trees. I was alone in my cart. After an hour or so I woke up when the train came to a stop. I had fallen a sleep. When the train began to move again I noticed a man sitting a few rows in front of me. I hadnt noticed him before. He must have got on when I was asleep.

He had long black hair. He was tall, taller then anyone I have seen before. He sat completely still and motionless. He gave me a weired feeling. Not fear or suspition. But something familiar and eary