
Chapter Four:Moving day We’ve been moving for about a week but I think this is the last day of packing,goodbye San Francisco. Time:2:30 PM Date: May 17th,2016

Eli grabbed a Box labeled "Fragile." and Jade helped him put it into a U-Haul truck.

"Can you please just make sure you're careful with all the plates please Eli?" Jade asked as she walked back into the house.

Jai grabs both PlayStations and puts them into a box,he then picks up all the games that came with the console and puts them in the same box. "You're almost done here?" Jade asked as she walked in and grabbed the box that Jai already taped up.

"Yeah I just need to put the pictures in a separate box and then carry them downstairs." Jai says in a raspy tone. "You don't wanna leave,do you." Jade said in an upset tone.

"No…no not really,it's just I've made so many friends and I don't wanna let it go." Jai says as he begins to pack the pictures,splitting his attempt between her and packing.

"Well I don't wanna invade your emotions but ironically you said the same thing when we lived in Manhattan a couple years back and I also thought the same thing when I moved from Denver to New York." Jade says as she helped him lightly place the pictures which were in frames with golden rims on a separate side of the box.

"I honestly forgot we moved from New York in the first place that was ages ago." Jai said as he picked up the duct tape.


Eli comes back outside with a glass of water ,the sun shined on the growing bushes in their lawn,it felt great because of the mix of breeze and heat and the sounds of the birds chirping.

He put down the glass and then walked towards the driveway to the boxes and picked two small ones up to place on top of the bigger ones.

Once he finished placing them he jumped from the back of the truck onto the concrete,Rai stood there smiling in his face.

He jumped back and then held his heart,he then pulled out his inhaler and quickly took a quick couple of breaths.

"Are you ok!?" She exclaims as she looks at the inhaler.

"Yeah I'm uh,I'm fine just don't scare me like that man." Eli says as he picks up the glass of water and takes multiple sips out of it.

Jade and Jai both carry a heavy box outside and then place it in the truck,Jai sides-eyes Rai and then quickly walks into the house. Rai attempts to walk towards him but Jade walks in front of her.

"Who are you?" Jade asked as she looked down at Rai.

"Oh I'm a friend I just wanted to say hi before you guys moved away." She said as she smiled brightly. Eli smacked his teeth and then continued to load up the boxes.

"Oh well Jai's in there collecting furniture from the basement,you can go if you'd like." Jade says. Rai runs into the house and then looks around frantically trying to find the basement.

She sees a closed door and then opens it revealing the downstairs,she eagerly walks down the steps and then once she reaches the bottom Jai stares at her.

"Oh god." Jai whispered under his breath as he grabbed two chairs. "How has the experience with the powers been?" She said as she got up all in his face.

"You are so annoying." He says as he walks up the stairs. "Look I proved you wrong about the entire elemental situation so I think I at least deserve an apology for how mean you were to me." Rai responded as Rai took a chair from him and carried upstairs with him.

"I'm giving you an apology because you ruined my damn life!?" He exclaims as they carry the chairs and throw them into the van.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a bit?" Rai said as she looked at Eli and Jai's mom.

"Yeah sure honey just go inside and gimme a second to sort this problem with my email out." Jade said as she looked at her phone.

Rai walked into their house and then patiently waited in the living room,Jade walked in and closed the door behind her.

Jade and Rai both sat down and then stared at each other for a couple seconds. "So what did you want to talk to me about?" Jade asked as she looked at Rai.

"Truth be told I have nowhere to go and both my mom and my dad aren't even in this country." She says while her eyes begin to water.

"That's horrible,how have you been living all by yourself?" Jade asked as she stood up and then sat next to her on the couch.

"Well…my parents are currently fighting in a war which means they provide me money for rent and food from wherever they are but they haven't sent money since last month." Rai said as she looked up at Jade.

"I guess If it doesn't concern your parents you can move with us to Harlem for the time being." Jade said as she got up and looked at a painting of the Egyptian sun god ra.

"You know about Egyptian mythology?" Rai asked as she stared up at the painting with her.

"I'm half Egyptian myself." Jade said as she laughed.

"You're a fire manipulator aren't you?" She said as she looked down at Rai.

Rai began to sweat profusely as she looked around "what is a…how do you know about stuff like that!" She examined as she pointed one of her fingers in Jade's face.

"I'll tell you one day but I need you to promise me you'll keep your abilities secret for the time being." Jade said as they began to make their way to the door.

"I think it's something you should know about your son." Rai said as she opened the door.


Once everything was packed they called their uncle to come over and drive the truck.

Once their uncle began to drive Jai,Eli and Jade all got into the Audi Q5 Jade bought a while ago.Rai slid into the car and placed her Sonic the hedgehog pack back on the floor.

"What the fuckkk." Eli said as he looked over at her. Jai sighed and then looked out of the car window.

"We have to talk once we get to Harlem." Jade says as she looks at Jai from the rear view mirror.

"Ok" he says confused as he looks at Rai.

They drive past the Golden Gate Bridge and both Eli and Jai bunch up at the left window,they both gaze in awe as Jade continues to drive past it.


Location:Harlem,New York

Time:6:22 PM

Jai,Eli and Rai all get out of the car and then begin to stretch as their uncle Carries their suitcases to them

"Have fun in New York." Eli and Jai's uncle says as he opens the u haul truck and then calls a taxi to pick him up.


They all spend hours putting the furniture into the apartment and then putting the paintings up,the rest of the house is fairly empty and all the CD's and smaller items are put inside trash bags.

Jade places two planets down for the time being so they have a place to sleep for the night.

"Jai, can you come into my room quickly please?" Jade asked as she placed her phone on the charger.

"Take off your shirt." Jade said with a straight face.

"Uhhh ok." Jai said awkwardly as he did,a thunder tattoo popped out of his shoulder. He looked at it confused and Jade's eyes popped out.

"things…things just got outta hand." Jade says

Chapter end.