
Same Story, Different Day (Poem)

Twenty twenty two

Its time came in and flew

Twenty twenty two

Cannot stay stuck like glue

Twenty twenty three

Let's count the days, shall we?

Twenty twenty three

There is no change at all, you see

Truth is not a friend

Truth is not a burden

Truth is a powerful ally

No money could ever ring it dry

Seasons may change

The places may change

The people might stay

But make no mistake

Everything will happen

Everything is going to happen

The best of it

The worst of it

The raw, sheer guts of it

All leading up to the end of it

Which He knows

He always knows

He will always know


Will we receive the end of short stick?

As 2022 wraps up, let us remember that even if we live to see 2050, the Word shall never change. The truth is consistent, the Lord is ever present, and we are mercifully given the time right now to form a strong relationship with Him. The opportunity to seek/strive for Him would be right now! Yes, you will struggle. Yes, you will fail. But, the Most High sees all. And so long as you believe/trust in Him, He will help you overcome in righteousness.

May God Bless You All!

- Author

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