
Right Words (Poem)

There are none

They're not one

They're...scatter shot

Millions of letters in a boiling pot

They rattle

They prattle

Sometimes you wish they would skedaddle!

When can you breathe?

Talk and not be judged for the way you feel

The way to try

The way you cry

Why does care finally show when you're begging to die?

Right words don't always come

Right words don't always come

Can't be explained

Can't be contained

Too many can be a drain

And they can be the biggest pain

But, He knows

He knows before we know

He understands

He has His plans

If no one will get it, fret not

He can

God is aware of everything. The words we say do not shock Him and He understands us better than we do ourselves. Therefore, He is the best to look to when words are all we have. As humans, we worry of what to say. With God, it's nothing new, and that's what keeps us tame :)

- Author

Sava_254creators' thoughts