
In All Ways (Poem)

Everyone sleeps

Everyone is sound

Nature speaks

Nature roams around

Night owls look to the stars in awe

They do not sleep

They explore the second half of His work

The overlooked

The beauty undiscovered

Sunlight heats the Earth

Moonlight designs the sky

Day time prompts for movement

Night time relaxes the mind

He works both ways

He works all of the time

Hours means nothing

No sluggish effort to climb

God masters many


God outlasts the mighty


Oh how frequent the world has been shifting

Shifting, breathing, breaking, and bleeding

Not Him

Never Him

Faster than Flash

Smarter than Einstein

Wiser than Solomon

Scarier than IT

Finer than wine

Sweeter than sugar

Louder than thunder

He is

God is all

God is full

God is everything