
Chat 110: The Jin de Dragon Empire

" ' Lady Czarina, its almost time now for lunch at the Great Chamber, Emperor Ghero called every family members of House Jīnzi Lóng to have lunch there so would you attend?'( Golish )" I was holding Mzarino my son with Amaris in my arms and my woman-in-waiting wearing a armor made of metal plates together with Hanfu beneath on it with its black & gold colors along with her sword & whip on her waist.

" ' You asked another nonsense question, I repeat, you asked another nonsense question of course I will attend its the emperor's order even if I'm the same as the emperor my father, he still had the throne & the crown also the empire never ask again like that, its my order.'( Golish )" I look to her face with a silent expression as she bow her head together with her hands on a fist & palm salute above her *sighs* its been months now since Eclorst returned another month and the war will be continue against the Acun still Amaris didn't visit I Knew his busy but...ohh what is this...a small chest with markings or designs of dragons 12 dragons in their golden scales forming a wave together as their heads pointed at the keyhole.

" ' Who brought this thing here? and how is this wonderful chest, good darkening also its lightening its a great chest.'( Golish )" When I wipe it with my finger it can change from dark to light and the dragons will kind of sways from light to dark the dragons will sways at the opposite as before.

" ' I beg your pardon but even I just notice it for the first time Lady Czarina, and only you was been entering this room no one else its your order along with Emperor Ghero we're just following your commands.'( Golish )" So no one know who give this thing but I felt something familiar here or maybe I brought it by myself and forgotten or let it be for now...

" ' I'm glad your such a good subject and tell the others they had been good subjects as always, now you may go I can handle myself to the Great Chamber with my son.'( Golish )" I said and she bows her head once again taking her leave after now I open the chest inside is a orb like a communication orb together with a instruction this is from Amaris , also I believe this thing is a new advance technology of communication now let us try.

" ' Empress Amaris Herean, the father of Mzarino Jīnzi Lóng.'( Polish )" I said with a confident tone I don't know if this thing can understand my language as I tap on it once and speak like that nothing happended maybe...ohhh its working wait what is this sound...a music, a opera, a band, I can hear instruments from all cultures maybe its unified and wonderful I stare at it then...

" ' How are you Lady Czarina? and how are you our son Mzarino?'( Golish )" A hologram came out I can see Amaris face here he smile when he look to our son in my arm s and I notice my son raising his hands up to him wow I can see his face truly like we're just close distance as in.

" ' I'm alright and our son received such very good benefits from the Eclorthian Invasion, we already confirmed his mindset now is for 7 years old after that 7 months experience at Eclorthian Invasion, like father like son.'( Golish )" I am very glad our son would be a genius on the future I truly knew it from the beginning a little more years of growing of your physics body you can fully use your mindset our son Czarino.

" ' Thank goodness both of you are alright and Mzarino sorry but father can't meet you persobally right now, but someday we will meet each other I promise no matter what happen I will meet my Mzarino.'( Golish )" Amaris with his big smile a along with his hand hologram and our son is trying to put his too so I put him closer to the hologram as their hands met at least in this way both of them smile & laughs, I'm Happy.

" ' Amaris I need to go now and I will try to call sometimes or maybe you I be busy and you would be busy too, I have a lunch with the entire family and you knew now Father will say.'( Golish )" I said and Amaris look to my eyes and nods his head as he wave his hand at Mzarino then...

" ' Fùqīn, Fùqīn, Wǒ de fùqīn Amaris '( Golish )" Mzarino spoken some words and I can see Amaris face amazed nodding his head at our son also Mzarino was clapping his hands with a smile on his father.

" ' Yes yes I am your father, Mzarino and Nǐ shì wǒ de érzi Mzarino good bye.'( Golish )" Amaris waving his hands again as our called ended and Mzarino look to my face with his cute smile you had already seen your father.

" ' Wǒ de mǔqīn Czarina.'( Golish )" Ohhh I kiss my Mzarino at his forehead and cheeks and nose all of his face!

" ' Yes I am your mother my Mzarino, now we should change we gonna eat.'( Golish )" I put him in the bed and both of us change our clothes a tiny Hanfu for my son and a big one for me both of them are adorned with gold with taint of black, gray, and white together with the fabric with its proportional color of yin & yang along with 12 Jin de Dragons from the sides and reaching to the center, I wear a a headpieces forming into a small gray crown and I get him to my arm as we leave our chamber as I step on the back of my Jin de Dragon as we fly slowly to observe the Great Palace we all Jīnzi Lóng lives in.

Above here I can see servants wearing qipao walking around the corridors, socializing throws the balconies & windows gathering at the fountains and eavesdropping at the warriors on the training grounds where can be found on 12 different direction of the Great Palace built in different atmosphere or terrain, I can also see warriors wearing an special armor made of thin leather and metal plates with a banner in their back as they hold double-edged straight sword called Jians at their hands, some are riding their beasts wearing armored suits with ribbons together with a cape along with helmets like a head of Jin de Dragon holding a halberd & a daos a single-edged straight sword they're soldiers of the Jin de Dragon Empire patrolling at the Great Palace where House of Jīnzi Lóng lives.

Pavilions was always famous in our empire together with sculpture of dragons 9n the roofs, on the corner, or let us say a gigantic statue at the gates of a Jin de Dragon, as I we flying at the sky slowly I kept observing a the minsiters passing by at each other wearing a robe or jacket and a skirt together with several accessories like headwear, footwear, belts, jade pendants, and handheld fans talking to each other and some are accompanied by their own servants holding books and more things.

Plants, Pines, and Bamboos everywhere at the palace and even outside of this place the entire empire have lots of it together with numerous kinds of tree our empire still devasted on the chaos left behind by the Eclorthians so not much to see for now, as we reach at the Great Chamber the servants open the sliding door as I enter holding my son and everyone's already here sitting around from the round tables filled with plates and handless teacup and servants at the corner chopsticks at their hands its seems the lunch is starting already, I sit at the chair next to the Emperor my father and he wave his hand with his chopsticks to Mzarino so many people concubines, princes & princesses , all family I forgot so thats why so many.

" ' Now the Lady Czarina is here I want to announce to everybody, Mzarino Jīnzi Lóng is her son together with Empress Amaris, Herean, this is a secret for now and don't be afraid cause Amaris put a curse on us if even a single one threaten his son like a illegitimate child or black sheep of the family, I knew some of you wouldn't believed but the Great Dragon, I, and Czarina witness and found out that one of the Founders of House Herean is the First Dragonslayer of Easteria.'( Golish )" Father stated and everyone was chuckling earlier but they go to silent thats the first thing to know but let me say the second one.

" ' Also we found out that the First Dragonslayer was A Dragon with its wings cut who murdered Dragons endlessly, her power is enough and even the Great Dragon knew how to fear her I was protected by that woman for 7 months when Amaris was in slumber and I assure you all the Curse is one thing but her is another thing to be afraid of.'( Golish )" Now I can see many faces totally changes into horror even the Jin de Dragons are trembling too when the Great Dragon tell it to then all.

" ' Now that everyone understand, Mzarino is part of our family he had a blood of Herean & a blood of Jīnzi Lóng also he took a very good benefit during Eclorthian Invasion for 7 months, his genius and gonna be greater than we can ever be so as a family we should act as family right.'( Golish )" Father arising from his seat and stepping his foot in the table holding a cup on his hand filled with dark golden wine everyone immediately raised their cups then cheers as loud as everyone can.

" ' Do you hear that Mzarino, you are part of our family and will always be.'( Golish )" I kissed Mzarino again to his cheek and starts to dine with everyone.

This is how the future of The Jin de Dragon Empire been decided.