
Chapter 107: Princess Esra Lunarean

The Easoon Delegation is arriving today in the lead of Princess Esra Lunarean together with another royal that both I and Amaris known for around or over a decade now I thought it would be their Crowned Prince, Prince Esthan Lunarean I want to ask him how strong or for exactly how dangerous is a singe Abyell Demon Prince I received a report and of course Amaris give his own report it was more detailed and like connector to all information or news or both it was every time, If gathering information is a contest I will forfeit cause there's no use participating a losing game Amaris is already the winner from the beginning even if we repeat the contest for ten times or hundred times right now he will still win.

But it doesn't mean that I'm a complete loser I still have my advantages and he had his own advantages so its a tie no one win between us in an overall battle we can fight I knew Amaris is being loved by the Lunareans but he and I didn't even meet Princess Esra Lunarean or even the Crowned Prince we just heard things about them and no more, also tsk that Amaris I just asked him to describe Prince Esthan on his own perspective and yeah he describe him very well very well Amaris said how handsome his face together with his wonderful eyes, hair, and wings together with great body also his strong, powerful, and great , for my sake not to be much disgust on you please don't describe a beauty of a man or how's a man you met like you are fantasizing with him yuck is that Amaris always desire for a man...it make me more disgust thinking about the past with him taking a bath together, sleeping together, eating together, and always freaking together!

Let us chill for now I need to focus on how to get a new great diplomatic relationship with the Easoon Empire not in a way of them loving Amaris I want in a way that be done on a formal and political not in a such thing like their love for Amaris I'm not jealous or something it just I'm thinking if the other leaders too of Acun Empire, they might start a turmoil if things goes that way I understand the mindset of the leaders and the people Amaris understand it too so he might think a way too to stop a sudden turmoil by the leaders they may start a rumor or even a fight an actual fight for Amaris getting more higher that will threat to the balance unity of Acun Empire, I still have more time before going to one of the borderlands of Acun between Easoon I should truly find a immediately answer or a freaking solution to stop such imbalance power in my empire shit! who's the freaking one knocking at my door ring now...ahh! Amaris.

" What taking you so long Armaros? everyone are already gathered hundreds of them outside of the capital and I thought you already knew how to use or cravat." He enters the chamber after closing its door moving towards to me as his hands fixing the cravat on my neck and tidying up my coat, my vest, my shirt, and even my hair this is making me disgust Amaris stop right now.

" Don't touch me as you please remember that Amaris I will let this one put aside but never do it again I'm warning you, ahh its freaking disgusting you know that so if you have common sense never do it again." I warned him as I pat my clothes and wiped it with a handkerchief soaked a bit in a warm water I burned it once again then he just stare in my eyes with a serious expression on his face together with a sigh.

"I will still touch you cause we're on a act remember so don't threat me like you don't have benefits on it Armaros just like what you did to that handkerchief you can do it too with your clothes after we welcome the Easoon Delegation for today, also stop glaring at me like you want me dead always or even right now cause if other see you everything we acted for will go to nothing." He said this Amaris why he always talk like that like I am on a freaking pathetic control that I can't even act as I want too for my sake! ahh! I wish you dead!.....wha....what.....have I thought?????

" Forget it now and I'm already done how do I look? don't describe my looks on a disgusting way to my ears okay." I spread my arms a bit in the air and slowly spin around then quite walk a couple of paces forward & backward.

" Geez, your Greatly Handsome and truly have a sense of fashion thats all also your much taller than before, now I'd that enough to your ears, Armaros." I don't know why but I'm kind of irritated or maybe everyone would be irritated...Amaris you change your talking to another way irritating me I told you to describe my looks in not a disgusting way to my ears not describe with a blank or absolutely emotionless face!

"...Thanks for your praises Amaris, and...its truly a shame an absolute shame that you are not born as a woman look at you wearing a dress with a top same as how everyone tell about your hair together with your skirt that seems to be transparent to the moonlight, your truly taking measure of how to me certain people now your like one of the moons turned into a being meeting an Empire that known to be the Moon of the East." I look to his face and you're truly gorgeous a shame your not a woman I walk around of him standing right there from the front to the back your truly gorgeous Amaris its truly a shame you are not Woman.

" Your welcome and I will take everything you said as a compliment no offense Armaros and are you already done we need to go now our people is waiting outside of the capital, true leaders will never let their people wait when they can already go togethet with them." Amaris there's only one thing I loved about you and that's how you act as a leader for our people or everyone's people, he walked towards the doors and before he opens it I hold his hand as I open the door by himself pulling him outside with a smile in my face as he bump to my chest then he looks up to my face together with his warm smile as I give his lips a tender kiss here's another thing I love about you Amaris, you and I are a perfect actors as dozens of people witnessing us right now as they're just walking at the corridor to goes their certain destination both servants, officials, and nobles also royalties my own family.

" I believe I already tell the others to spread my warning that no one should disturb us be it my a noble or my own family, right." I glared glance at them clenching my fist and Amaris holds my other hand rubbing it by his thumb then he turn me around putting his hands at my back.

" My Armaros! we're getting late right now so stop treating our own people, and sorry we didn't mean also My Emperor they didnt disturb us okay they passing by as we left your chamber." Amaris smiling pushing me at the back as he wave his other to them.

" Yeah yeah My Amaris, still they that's a disturbance between me and My Empress so-" Before I even ended what I'm talking about Amaris created a magical cloud outside of the window as he open it was on a shape of a carriage and both of ride on It then travels towards our people waiting for us outside of the capital.

As we arrived outside of the capital our people hundred of them well-armed and we immediately starts to march towards the borderland to meet the Easoon Delegation it would took hours to reach their so we march for hours traveling from the capital to the borderland at the south, Amaris & I are riding my Sun Lion King together with my Phoenix King flying above us the two of us already started to talk about how we gonna deal with them Amaris you truly think about the balalnce of the Acun I'm glad still, we don't how this Princess Esra Lunarean talk & act I don't want to use ' that ' princess to take advantages of her sister for the sake of this diplomacy.

After hours of marching we already arrived and just in time the Easoon Delegation had just arrived thousand of them warriors wearing armors coveting all, half, and some of their body with their dark metallic armor together with their silky coats, capes, and robes also for their mages wearing a mask together with a long robe, mask together with long shirt & pants with a cape and a chest plate, also wearing a long dress & a scarf holding banners.

Also that girl may be Princess Esra Lunaerean, a woman with a pale skin wearing an armor with a cloak together with those wonderful eyes like the moons and night sky hair like Amaris but without those shining stars she was riding a Nyx Alpha, behind her was ' that ' Princess...