
The Earth is Online

⚠️ I don't own this work, I only translate it. Author: Mo Chen Huan Six months ago, tens of thousands of black ghost towers appeared all over the world, floating above cities. Chemists, physicists, clerics... there was nothing they could do. Six months later, people got usedės to the towers and no longer paid them any attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of through it. The next day, a clear, high-pitched child's voice issued an announcement for all humans. "Ding dong November 15, 2017. Earth is online." The three golden rules of the black tower: - 1. everything is explained by the black tower. - 2. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is game time. - 3. all players are invited to strive to attack the tower.

SUISEI · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
245 Chs

Chapter 100 - Enchanting collision of souls

An Chu and Lu Xing were good players, both of whom made it past the first level of The black tower. They came to join Xiao Jitong and naturally joined the newly born Nanjing group as a team member. Xiao Jitong's words were reasonable and Fu Wensheng didn't argue with them, so he went north with Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo and left Nanjing.

This leaves more than 30 members of the new Nanjing group, plus those from the Raiders.

When the members of the Nanjing team found out who Fu Wenduo was, they didn't react as much as Fu Wensheng had expected. They were all laughing at the youngest teammate who was about to leave, but underneath the smiles was a tiredness that was hard to conceal.

A sudden game of Battle Royale consumed all their energy.

"Is a stowaway always a bad person?" Xiao Jitong looked at his cousin with a smile and he pointed to the woman in black standing next to him and laughed, "Ningning is also a stowaway, but she didn't become one by killing people. She's not a bad person. But what you guys said about, well ... Mr. Fu and Mr. Tang screwing you over? I'd like to hear what's going on."

Xiao Jitong has just put in a good word for Fu Wenduo, and then he digs a hole for Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo. He looks at Tang Mo with a smile. Tang Mo raises an eyebrow and tells the story of the strange circus. He had wanted to talk about it, and now he was going along with it.

After listening to Tang Mo's explanation, An Chu and Lu Xing came to their senses.

Lu Xing cursed, "And this? Let us players fight the players themselves?" How could The black tower do such a thing?

Xiao Jitong is more interested in another thing: "The black tower allows players to become bosses, fighting against other players. Twenty-one players on the first level of The black tower, and two players on the second level of The black tower. At first glance, you're at a disadvantage, but Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo have had the monster cage since the beginning, and you don't even know what the monster is. They are backed by the Circus of the Weird, the mysterious circus master. Can I borrow the power of The black tower world ..."

Tang Mo gave Xiao Jitong a quick glance.

Smart people see things differently than others. After the circus game Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo had a private discussion about how they would have contacted the circus people if their plan hadn't worked. Using the power of the circus to save the big earthworm and finish the game.

After the misunderstanding is resolved, Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo leave with Fu Wensheng, while An Chu and Lu Xing join the Nanjing group to listen to Xiao Jitong's next plan. The misunderstanding was resolved, but Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo did get the better of An Chu in the circus game. Lu Xing's face is squirming, his eyes darting back and forth between Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo's bodies, still sulking. An Chu's eyes were on Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo's tightly held hands.

Hold it for a minute now.

Five minutes?

... is half an hour old!

With more than 30 players standing close together, it would have been difficult to notice Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo holding hands if they weren't paying attention, they just thought they were standing close together. But An Chu noticed. It was like finding a brown grain of wheat in white rice.

Two girls holding hands may be good feelings, two big men holding hands ... this is not good feelings, this is getting laid ah!

It's not like you're joking around at all.

An Chu's mind was filled with all sorts of bizarre thoughts before she finally breathed a sigh of relief and looked meaningfully at Tang Mo.

Tang Mo notices her gaze and looks at her strangely.

An Chu: ... Go for it, gender is not an issue.

Tang Mo: Still mad about the circus?

The two men smiled at each other and nodded in unison, thinking in unison: it seemed that the other man understood what he meant.

Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo are planning to leave tomorrow and Fu Wensheng has gone back to his room to pack his things. He doesn't have much to take with him, just a few props and a few essential items. Tang Mo saw a few bottles of Nongfu Shanquan in his room, the same as the one Xiao Jitong always uses. Last night Xiao Jitong used it to treat a cut on his face at the insistence of Chai Rong and Ningning. Ningning felt it was too unsightly and looked awkward, while Chai Rong didn't want the scar to remain on Xiao Jitong's face as a constant reminder of the rubbish clean-up game that had passed.

Xiao Jitong wanted to stay a few more days, but the members of the Nanjing group were unanimously against it. He had to follow the majority and get his scars healed.

Looking at the bottles, Tang Mo said, "Do you have a lot of this mineral water in the Nanjing group?"

Fu Wensheng: "Yeah, there's a lot of them, I think there's about 100 bottles left. Nanjing players can exchange props and information with us for this."

Tang Mo thought for a moment, "Can we also trade for information?"

The earthworm's tears are more useful, but they only have one chance to be used. Since its launch on Earth, Tang Mo has relied on its own physical strength to heal its wounds. The Nong Fu Quan can speed up the recovery of wounds, but it is not as effective as the Tears of the Earthworm, but it is still a very good item.

At his words, however, the friend's face turned odd. Fu Wensheng looked at Tang Mo, and only after half a day said, "Why do you want to trade information for this?"

Tang Mo: "We don't have the right healing props." He and Fu Wenduo had just passed through a few days ago, and most of the props they had been given were killing tools, with very few supporting ones. But Fu Wensheng could also have meant ...

Tang Mo: "Can you just take a few bottles?" They are not close to Xiao Jitong, but Fu Wensheng is a member of the Nanjing group. It makes sense that he could take a few bottles with him.

The next thing I knew, Fu Wensheng was rightfully saying, "It's my power."

Tang Mo: "So it's your powers, then we can indeed take away ..." The voice stopped abruptly and Tang Mo looked at the little friend in dismay, "Your powers?!"

Fu Wensheng nods his head. The child raises his right hand and he takes a plastic basin out from under the bed and hangs it, palm up, above the plastic bottle. Slowly, a clear stream of spring water gushes out from his palm. The water flowed continuously and soon filled the basin. Then Fu Wensheng took another large funnel from under the bed and several bottles of Nongfu Shanquan mineral water, and without blinking, he filled five bottles of Nongfu Shanquan.

He hands it to Tang Mo: "Here, it's ready."

Tang Mo: "..."

God damn your psychic powers!

Fu Wenduo gave a low laugh.

Tang Mo and Fu Wensheng both turned their heads to look at him.

Fu Wenduo said lightly, "It's a bit useful."

Fu Wensheng wanted to defend himself, he was not a bit useful, he was very useful. Xiao said that his powers were very powerful, and if his powers could be enhanced like those of Chai and Ningning, he might be able to create mineral water that could bring flesh to life. But once he saw his big brother's introspective smile, Fu Wensheng's mouth opened and closed.

In the midst of his anger, a small glimmer of delight and a little bit of triumph welled up in the child's heart. At least this was the first time his big brother had complimented him.

Fu Wensheng packed up his things and put a cotton mattress on the floor for Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo, a kind of bed. The three of them were not leaving until tomorrow and would be staying in Nanjing for another night. Tang Mo was not ready to let a child make his own bed, so he stepped forward to help. Before he could move, however, Fu Wenduo let go of his hand and walked over, his voice calm: "Make more of that mineral water and sell it to them before you leave."

Fu Wensheng didn't respond for a moment: "Huh?"

"Sold to Chai Rong and Xiao Jitong." After a pause, Fu Wenduo said as he laid out the mattress, "How much mineral water did you make for them for nothing?"

Fu Wensheng replied honestly: "A few hundred bottles? Probably just this bottle of Nongfu Shanquan, a few hundred bottles."

"Oh, move child labour."

Fu Wensheng cautiously cautions, "Brother, they're my teammates."

Fu Wenduo: "So forget the old ones, they're not teammates now. You make new ones, sell them a bit more for information."

I want to be teammates with the Chai team more than you, okay! Fu Wensheng dares not speak out, glaring in depression as he meekly gets up to make a new peasant.

Tang Mo could not help but raise the corners of his lips at this scene. His right hand twitched slightly.

... The hot temperature seemed to linger between his fingers.

Fu Wenduo's release is sudden and decisive, but Tang Mo is not surprised. In the dim light, the tall man moves neatly to lay down a thin layer of mattress, smoothing every edge and neatly. He was quick, as if he had done this a million times before.

In fact, given Tang Mo's and Fu Wenduo's physical condition, they didn't need to sleep, it was just one night and it would soon pass. But when the children did so, Fu Wenduo did not object. It was a good intention of the children.

In some ways, Fu Wenduo was a good brother and an even better person.

Tang Mo's statement to Xiao Jitong that "Fu Wenduo was a good man" was not entirely an excuse or perfunctory statement, and he recognised this fact. Whether in terms of morality or outlook on life, his attitude to life and death, or even his temperament, Tang Mo felt that Fu Wenduo was a good man, perhaps even better than he was. At least Fu Wenduo would not have been so angry that he wanted to kick The black tower twice after he had been punked by The black tower.

Thinking about this, Tang Mo remembered that she was leaving Nanjing tomorrow and they would be passing through Xinjiekou.

Hmmm, passing by The black tower and kicking it twice then?

Between being good-tempered and venting her anger, Tang Mo doesn't think she's good-tempered at all.

"Trying to sleep?" A low voice rang out.

Tang Mo suddenly came back to his senses. Fu Wenduo was crouching beside the mattress, his dark eyes raised, staring at him steadily.

Tang Mo realised that he had just accidentally stared at the other man for too long and had actually started to stare. His face was bashful, but he was very calm on the surface. He shook his head, "It's just a few nights without sleep, it's nothing. We just pulled another couple of hours together and I still couldn't detect your powers. There are two reasons for this, the first is that when I copy someone else's psychic ability, it will be less effective and more limited than the original, and it may take more time to get the other person's psychic ability. Secondly, it should be that your psychic ability is very powerful for me to take more time."

Fu Wenduo: "There's no rush, it will take about three days to get to Beijing, it's just physical contact, you can keep holding hands on the way."

Tang Mo thought to himself, "You don't even know that it's the intimate parts that work better", and sighed, "Okay."

"Take Fu Wensheng tomorrow and do an experiment first."

The child who was hard at work making mineral water in the next room suddenly heard his name and said in horror, "Brother, an experiment? What experiment?!"

Fu Wenduo's face didn't change: "The experiment that sold you out."

Fu Wensheng: "..."

There is a limit to the amount of mineral water a child can make, and by the end of the night, he had only made thirty bottles. Lying in bed at night, Fu Wensheng soon falls asleep. Tang Mo feels a little sleepy after a brutal game of Battle Royale. He closes his eyes and sleeps with Fu Wenduo not far from him.

The sound of a clock ticking in a silent room.

After a long time, Fu Wenduo whispered, "It would be better to change your name. My name is known to all China players, yours is known to very few, but those who know the name 'MOMO' are the best of the best."

Tang Mo wasn't asleep, he opened his eyes and thought for a moment, "Well, that makes sense. Your name is Fu Wenxian?" Tang Mo himself laughed when he said the name.

This is even more than the word Fu Wenduo, and only the members of the Nanjing group can accept that someone called Fu Wenxian has nothing to do with Fu Wenduo, after first accepting the name "Fu Wensheng".

"The new name overlaps with your own name, it's more acceptable and not as easily worn out. Your name is Donji. Fu Wensheng can't be called by that name either, it's changed. His name is ..." The voice stopped and Fu Wenduo pondered for a long time before making a solemn decision: "His name is Da Qiao. My name is Viktor."

Time suddenly stood still and Tang Mo's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't help but look up at the man next to him. In the darkness he could only vaguely make out a disembodied shadow, and he stared at Fu Wenduo in awe, his own heart beating strongly in his ears.

... Why Viktor?

Tang Mo opened his mouth and was about to speak when a clear child's voice rang out from the bed, "Brother, why do I have to be called Big Joe, what kind of name is that?"

The child was so aggrieved that he pressed on and screamed.

Fu Wenduo: "You didn't sleep?"

Fu Wensheng wouldn't let him digress, "No, brother, why would I call it that, it's a girl's name." Don't think he hasn't read The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

"Isn't your best friend's name Little Qiao?"

Fu Wensheng was stunned. He soon came back to his senses: "That's George Edward! Not Little Qiao, Little Qiao is the nickname Xiao gave him. He didn't know anything about Little Qiao, he didn't know that it was a girl's name, so he agreed with Xiao to call him that. If he knew that, he wouldn't let people call him that."

"Oh, you don't call him that, too."

"..." Fu Wensheng is dumbfounded.

Fu Wenduo: "And I remember your neighbourhood, the one on the third ring road in Beijing, called Tongqitai?"

The bronze sparrow in spring locks up two Qiao.

Fu Wensheng: "..." is well-reasoned and convincing.

Tang Mo was finally amused by the two brothers.

When he smiled, Fu Wenduo and Fu Wensheng both turned their heads to look at him. Tang Mo said with a straight face, "I'm called Donji because my surname is Tang, sort of like that. What's your name Viktor?" These three words came out of his mouth, and Tang Mo clearly felt his nerves buzz and tremble gently.

It seems so far away that the Earth is online, but in fact only four months have passed.

But these four months have been like years, and some very deep memories of people have been tucked away in the depths, making it hard to remember. When I think about it, those emotions come back like a tidal wave.

Tang Mo can't say why he fell in love with Viktor in the first place. He didn't know his age, his face, his profession, or even where he lived. But he fell in love with the strangest and most familiar of people. When they play bridge together, you trust him unconditionally. The soul-crushing, spiritually charged encounter is like a woman's most beautiful seduction, and Tang Mo is overwhelmed by it.

But all this pales in comparison to the five months of brutal The black tower game. Tang Mo is more concerned with his own survival than finding someone who is nowhere to be found, thinking about him and worrying about him. Tang Mo's heart grew heavy.

... Viktor could be dead and he's still alive, and he's going to keep on living.

"Not like that?"

Tang Mo's thoughts were snapped back by the sound and he said, "Hmm?"

In the darkness, Fu Wenduo looked at him quietly: " Wenduo, Viktor, read fast, don't you?"

Tang Mo froze for a moment, suddenly feeling a little amused at some thought that had just flashed through his head. He read it out of his mouth a few times, "It's kinda like that."

Fu Wensheng was lying on his back when he heard the conversation between the two men under the bed and wanted to say, "Isn't that your English name, big brother? But he had just been bullied by Fu Wenduo, so he didn't want to say anything, so he closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

Tang Mo didn't dwell on the issue any longer, but he didn't notice that Fu Wenduo was watching him silently for a long time. Without waiting for Tang Mo's next words, Fu Wenduo's brow furrowed a little and he turned away again, looking at the ceiling.

A sleepless night.

The next morning, Tang Mo and his team left. As they were leaving, Fu Wenduo suddenly said that he had something to do and asked Fu Wensheng to sell the 30 bottles of Nongfu Mountain Spring by himself in exchange for some useful information. The boy froze and ran off with the mineral water in his arms. When he came back, Fu Wenduo looked at him with a raised eyebrow: "What information did you sell?"

Fu Wensheng speaks eloquently.

Tang Mo watched the two brothers from the sidelines, the corners of his mouth curling up without revealing them.

So in fact this teammate of his is probably better tempered and gentler than he is.

Tang Mo thought about kicking The black tower when he passed by, but with Fu Wenduo and Fu Wensheng around, he hesitated and decided to protect his image. With Fu Wenduo in front of him, he also had to look good in front of his brother. While Tang Mo strides away from The black tower, Fu Wenduo stops and looks up at the huge, imposing tower. His eyes soon drift down and Fu Wenduo sees a young woman standing in the distance, also gazing at The black tower.

Tang Mo also notices the other man and stops to look at Ningning from a distance, nodding his head gently.

After greeting the three Tang Mo's, Ningning doesn't speak again. She sits on a dusty stone, clutching her silver crossbow, and quietly looks up at The black tower. She looks at it tirelessly, who knows how long she has seen it and how many times she has seen it.

Tang Mo takes one last look at the strange female stowaway and leaves Nanjing.

They found a jeep, followed the map and entered the highway. After a short drive, Fu Wensheng sat in the back of the car, looking out of the window with curiosity and nervousness in his eyes. He had been in Nanjing since Earth came online and had never been outside, so this time he was scared and a bit excited to leave.

After half a day of driving, we finally saw The black tower in the next city.

Tang Mo looked at the map, "That would be The black tower in Yangzhou." After a pause, he turned his head to look at the children and asked, " Ningning always liked to see The black tower?"

Fu Wensheng nods, but then quickly shakes his head: "Not really. It was only after the Christmas copy three months ago that Ningning used to go and watch. After she failed to pass the game, Ningning often went to The black tower to watch. She probably thought that she was just taking part in a long game of tower attack and hadn't returned yet. And Ningning has mixed feelings about The black tower, unlike us, The black tower saved her life."

Tang Mo was amazed, "Saved her life?"

Fu Wenduo also lifted his eyes with interest and looked at Fu Wensheng in the rear view mirror.

Fu Wensheng said, "Well. Sister Ningning is a stowaway. A stowaway is a person who has killed someone in those three days to become a stowaway. I guessed this when The black tower announced the identity of Big Brother to the world. But Sister Ningning is different, she didn't kill anyone."

Tang Mo asks rhetorically, "So how come she's a stowaway?"

Fu Wensheng: "It's true that she didn't kill anyone, but if you must say so, she actually did. Over the course of three days ... she killed herself."


The author has something to say.

Tangtang: Every time I play poker, I feel like I'm being seduced√

Mr. Fu: Every time I play poker, I feel like I'm being seduced +1√