
Chapter 4 king, empero or god

Nora was at a lost for word, She remembered Rolen as a silent boy, stayed by himself, He didn't strive to achieve high grades or please anyone.

This Rolen is way different, His presence, is aloof and free, he looks taller and his face way better than it use too, to the point that someone can call it godly. Not to mention he, not only killed some type of fire monster, which never existed on earth, but also opened a portal.

'Is this really the same Rolen" Nora thought as she saw Rolen walked to the throne and took a seat, not Long the large hall door behind them opened.

Nora saw a young man who looked like he was in his 20's walked in,he had an all black suit on, his hair was short, and he carried himself elegantly.

He Smiled as he walked up the the throne, he didn't look at Nora even once, when he finally arrived a few inches at the throne he stopped, and bowed with a face full of happiness.

"Welcom back master" He greeted rolen as he bowed.

"I knew you would be the first to greet me, igami" Rolen replied as he laid his head on his hand.

"Ofcourse I would master, just seeing you is my honor" The young man whose name seems to be igami said, as he slowly stood straight.

"What's the status of Chaos?" Rolen asked

"Well master, since we're almost finished, the Plan 0013, in no time the rest on this obniverse will be in your control master" Igami said as a small glass appeared in his left hand, in his right hand a golden flask appeared.

He lifted the flask over the cup, as golden liquid came out of it.

"Here Master your favorite drink, blood of a star beast" Igami said as he handed the glass cup to Rolen.

"Thank you" Rolen thanked Igami after that he drank all the content of the cup.

Nora just looked at the scene bewildered l by the second, what amazed her was that she couldn't understand what they were saying.

from her point of view, they are talking in some ancient language she never heard before.

The glass cup disappeared from Rolen's hand, at the same time the flask in Miami's hand also disappeared.

"Also Master, there has been a traitor recently" Igami smiled dissapeared, what was left was a slightly angry expression.

"ohh" Rolen responded in a surprised tone, "Who is it" he said with a curious expression.

"it was, fallen, he ignored your commands and spared 5 universes, even though you gave the order for him to eliminate every useless universe" igami said, you could hear disgust and anger in his tone.

hearing who it was, Rolen looked no longer curious "Looks like his morals finally got the best of him" He said.

"How should we deal with him master" igami

To Igami, anyone who disobeys, Rolens orders, are to be eliminated, in a perfect empire, disloyalty is something that can't exist.

"Capture all his family, bring him and everyone he loves to me" Rolen said with a serious expression.

"Will do master" Igami

"and also" Rolen thought of something as he looked at Nora.


Being looked at by, Rolen's handsome face made her blush, so she looked around the room.

"Greet our guest, from now on she, will be a guest of Chaos" Rolen point at Nora as he said that.

'What's he saying and why is he pointing at me' Nora couldn't understand what they were saying but due to the fact that, Rolen was pointing and looked at her, so it was obviously apparent they, are talking about her.

"Master, please excuse my words but, why let that disgusting thing set foot, in your great chaos empire?" Igami asked doubtingly.

he didn't know, why his master let an ent like existence, from a way too low level planet, to The Chaos Empire.

Suddenly, igami felt a pressure appeared on him as he also got the feeling of death, as Rolen looked at him.

"Igami! Are you question me?"

Sweat appeared on Miami's forehead, he knew his master hated being questioned, but he did it anyway.

He quickly knelt down " Please forgive me master" he begged.

"What's going on"

Nora was shocked by the change in events. They was just conversating like old friend but asoon as her name was brought up, things went left.

Rolen sighed before finally releasing the pressure he had on Igami.

igami apologized, as he turn and made his way to Nora's. He smiled at her, it looked like a very genuine smile, but Nora felt like it was forced for some reason.

"Hello my name is Igami, I am Master Rolen's personal butler" Igami walked up and said to Nora.

"Hi my name is Nora, Rolens friend" Nora said with a smile.

"Well miss Nora, since you are staying here for the time being, I hope you have a great stay" Igami responded, he then bowed to Rolen, before he proceeded to walk off.

When he was finally out the door, he couldn't help but have an angry expression.

'Dammit that pathetic human, dears call the great Chaos emperor by his name' Igami, aura started accumulating as the anger in his face became more apparent.

Suddenly a feminine voice came out from ahead of him.

"Igami, is that a look if anger on your face, mean your going to rebel" The voice said with contempt.

Hearing the voice, Igami looked angered expression dissapeared, as the aura of death dissapeared.

"I will never betray, our master" He said as he looked at the source of the voice

It was an incredibly beautiful woman, she had a red and white dress on, her golden hair, and her perfect skin made her look like a goddess, not to mention, her chest was an h cup size.

If one didn't know any better, they would say she is the most beautiful woman in the world. But this is not her true appearance.

she had her arms folded with a cold expression, as she looked, at Igami.

"Then why are you so angry, you know what forget it, I have better things too do" she replied as she headed for the door. One couldn't see it but deep in her cold eyes excitment could be seen.