They arrived at the estate. Mrs. Hung was waiting to take SooYun in hand and prepare her for the evening. LiYul went up to his room to shower and change clothes. He went into his office and was immediately assaulted by a telephone call from Chairman Chu.
"You embarrassed my daughter by bringing your American to a charity benefit?" Chairman Chu growled. "I will not let this pass! The photographers have plastered you and the woman all over the place!"
LiYul frowned. "Chairman, we have nothing further to discuss, goodnight!" he hung up and tossed the phone on his desk. He leaned back in his chair and tried to quiet the sudden pain that radiated along the lightning scars.
SooYun had the jewelry box in hand when she went up to the office door. She peered in and saw LiYul leaning back in his office chair. She knocked lightly.
He sat up and looked over to the door. He was not expecting SooYun so soon, but he was glad to see her! "Come in, SooYun."
"I didn't want to disturb you," She said coming in and standing at the door, feeling awkward. "I have the jewelry to return. Mrs. Hung cleaned it for me and it's ready to put away."
He rose from behind his desk, and she walked in to hand him the box. As she held it box out to him and he reached to take it, their fingers touched. He felt ice race along his spine, and he lowered his head to allow a different kind of ache to traverse along his body. "You're not all right!" SooYun declared. "Has something happened?"
LiYul grasped her wrist in his hand, took the jewelry case from her, and left it on the edge of his desk. "Will you stay with me, SooYun?"
She froze and he stepped toward her, his arm encircling her and drawing her to him. He draped her hand he held along his shoulder, and he held her close. He felt her heart racing against his chest, and he held her closer. "What's happened, LiYul?" SooYun asked, her voice muffled against his chest. She eased back to look up into his face and his mouth found hers. Everything she would have said flew from her mind and she melted into him. His fingers threaded into her golden strands of hair as he continued to plunder her mouth. "Stay with me, SooYun! Stay with me!" he whispered over and over, and she clung to him. Not knowing where to put her hands for fear of causing pain, she wrapped her fingers into his shirt and held on. He was intently focused on making her a part of him, holding her against his body, relishing whole new feelings of a growing passion he had never experienced in his life!
When she heard a moan break from LiYul she began to panic and tried to step back away from him. He raised his head and gazed down into her eyes, "What is wrong, SooYun?"
"Have I hurt you?" she asked trying to catch her breath, "Am I hurting you?"
He did not answer, he took her firmly by the wrist and headed to his room. Once they were behind closed doors he faced her once again. "Will you stay with me, SooYun?"
"Yes!" she declared.
He took her hands in his and pulled her to him, his mouth claiming hers once again. One arm held her against him and the other pulled the tie of her robe at her waist. As the satin fell open his fingers slid in to brush against her throat and collarbone. His mouth followed.
SooYun's fingers traced along his cheekbones and into the black fringe of hair that fell over his forehead. He raised his head and their eyes met. "You are beautiful!" she whispered.
LiYul smiled. "I am not beautiful," he murmured pushing the material of her robe and the straps of her gown off her shoulders, "Handsome perhaps, but not beautiful!"
Before her whole body was revealed to him, SooYun stepped back away from LiYul, and he froze. "What is it, SooYun?"
"There is something you should know about me," SooYun said. Her expression was suddenly strained. LiYul frowned in sudden concern. "I've never been with --," her words dried up in her throat.
His dark fierce gaze turned to quicksilver! He made no move and she let her robe and gown slide off her body and puddle at her feet. LiYul stepped back to admire the woman standing bare in a puddle of rose-colored satin. He pulled his shirt off and SooYun saw for the first time the lightning scars. They were raised welted burn scars that ran in a jagged pattern from his left shoulder across his back to his right side. The scar disappeared at the waistband of his pants. "It continues down along the outside of my leg to my ankle." He told her.
She came close and he pulled her against him. "This is my first time too, be patient my beautiful white lotus!" his voice hoarse with desire. Her skin was cool against his nearly feverish body. All he could think of was holding her to him and making her his! "I cannot wait any longer SooYun!" He whispered against her throat as he kissed a hot trail across her collarbone. He gazed down at her. "I am being tortured!"
They tumbled backward onto his bed, and he covered her with his body. As he found her most intimate place he did his best to please her, but in the end, as he found release, he lost himself in the sensations of her!
SooYun was lost in the throes of her release, and LiYul raised himself to gaze in fascination as her whole body enveloped him. He whispered her name against her mouth and skin. He tasted salty tears, but he was not sure if they were hers or his, and it did not matter.
Breathlessly they lay nestled against each other. LiYul noticed the flush of dawn and he smiled over at the golden-haired woman he had waited so long for. She smiled back and brushed his hair away from his brow. He pressed his lips to hers and pulled her against his side, "Close your eyes for a while, SooYun."
"I might not be able to," she murmured, "I don't want you to disappear."
He gathered her close and silenced whatever else she was going to say. "I have made you mine!" he told her, the fierce dark gaze returning. "I am yours, SooYun!"
LiYul studied every detail of the woman sleeping in his bed. Even after an entire night of lovemaking, he still ached for her! He had been startled by her passionate exploration of his body. He had never experienced anything like it and when he took her again she had met his ardor in equal measure! Now she lay asleep with a satisfied smile on her lips. He grinned smugly, he was responsible for that smile on her face!
It had grown chilly, and she moved closer to his warmth, he drew her against him and closed his eyes to drift off to sleep. He was not sure how long he had slept but he was instantly awake when he heard the door between his bedroom and SooYun's open. He lifted his head and met Mrs. Hung's look. She took in the scene and smiled, closing the door quietly. LiYul grinned and looked down at SooYun. Her blue-grey eyes were still soft and sleepy, but she smiled and stretched languidly against him. "What's wrong?" she murmured.
"Mrs. Hung was checking in on us." He replied.
SooYun gasped and before she could move, LiYul tightened his arms around her and pinned her under his body. She looked up into his face and became mesmerized by the intensity of his gaze. Then she sighed with pleasure as he made his intentions known. He laughed softly and passionately claimed her!
I apologize for not continuing with my story. I've been attending to personal issues. I am catching up with my story of LiYul and SooYun. They have found one another and SooYun has confessed her love. Will their happiness be short-lived? I hope you continue to read my story and if you like it suggest it to others. Thank you!