
Chapter Eighteen: Late Night Chat

 The evening came and Warren stopped by SooYun's flat to show off his suit. She gave him the thumbs up and waved at Brittany and Gustav from the walk. "Have fun!" she cheered up to them. She stepped up to Warren, adjusted the stickpin in his lapel, and patted his shoulder, "You look good Warren, have fun tonight!" 

 He winked at her. "See you in the morning."

 SooYun went back inside and headed to her drawings. She was sorting through the sketches when her watch vibrated against her wrist. She reached over and picked up her phone. It was a text message from the Director.


SooYun: Still working. You?

LiYul: Working. I'm sorry about not getting back to you. There was a bit of trouble with the security at the townhouse.

 SooYun: Mr. Lim told us there had been a security breach and you had to fire a guard. Were you able to recover your item?

 LiYul: Yes, I think everything is secure now. What are you working on now?"

 SooYun: I'm collecting my notes to begin episode five. It looks like it may have to be split into another episode. The B story is beginning to make more of an appearance.

 LiYul: I thought that might happen. Don't worry about time, or the number of episodes, write your story. I may be out of communication for the next few days. But continue to let me know what you are doing. No matter what time of day or night – text me. Promise?

 SooYun: I promise. 

 It was well into the middle of the following week before the Director attended an online conference. He looked pale, but he had worked on Gustav's episode, and they discussed it during the morning conference. All he said to SooYun was that her revisions were waiting for her. 

 SooYun continued with her messages. The only indication that they were being read was from Mr. Lim. He would poke his head in her office and give her a thumbs up. SooYun was in bed with her sketchbooks and pencils when she opened the text app to see if she could get a response.


LiYul: I'm awake. 

SooYun: I will apologize now but I miss you!

LiYul: You need never apologize, SooYun. I miss you too. 

SooYun: You looked so pale today! You haven't been taking care of yourself! I hate seeing you in so much pain! 

LiYul: You make me smile.

SooYun: Mr. Lim tells me I can't even contact Mrs. Hung! I must stay away, and I am doing that! I sound like a teenager!

LiYul: You make me smile! 

SooYun: Will you be in trouble since I contacted you? I don't want to cause more trouble than I already have, but I wanted to know you were okay.

 LiYul: I want to see you.

 SooYun: Mr. Lim says it's not possible right now. That part of the agreement is that you have no contact with me. I can be content with this for now. 

 LiYul: It is easier for me to talk to you this way than face to face. I am very jealous of Jae-Ho! Especially jealous of Mr. Grisham.

 SooYun: You don't need to be jealous of anyone. 

 LiYul: Did Jae-Ho tell you everything?

 SooYun: He told me what he could. It's not any of my business, but I was concerned for you. Aquila Studio is doing so well you don't need the stress I might be causing by being impatient.

 LiYul: I've paid my debts off and am no longer indebted to Chairman Chu. All contractual arrangements between the Chu and Jin families will be finished in eight days.

 SooYun: How will you celebrate?

 LiYul: I am thinking of something. It is getting late, and you have a morning session with the Korean Titan.

 SooYun: You're not ever going to let that go are you?

LiYul: 😊 

SooYun: When we see each other in person, I'd like to try to talk with you the same way we chat here. 

LiYul: I will try. Goodnight SooYun.

SooYun: Yes, I suppose I should try to sleep. Take care and get some rest.

 LiYul: I will.