
C: 2 - The First Monsters

When Kohl 'awoke' he was pleasantly surprised to find that quite a bit of the plants inside his dungeon grew much further than what it expected.

It seemed each and every plant grew quite fast, at least compared to how long it would normally take naturally growing.

Most of the grass was fully grown excluding the long grass, the Trees were small saplings, and the ferns and shrubbery were about a fourth of the way done growing.

So, Kohl seeing that his mana was full once again, started pumping its mana into the ground, water, and plants.

-100 Mana

-100 Mana

Eventually, all 1,000 Units of Mana were once again emptied from its core, and as Kohl expected, the plants after absorbing the mana began to grow at a much faster rate.

The plants must be absorbing the mana Kohl pumped into the ground, water, and air, hastening their growth.

Once again setting its mental clock, Kohl couldn't wait to see how far the plants would grow after all of the mana he pumped into them, and Kohl went to sleep.

When Kohl awoke he was in for a pleasant surprise!

Apparently, imbuing so much mana into the environment led to a few natural monsters spawning within its dungeon.

Among them, there were four Plant Monsters called 'Spirit Trees', three monsters called 'Wood Sprites,' and what interested Kohl most of all, an 'Earth Elemental'.

Based on the stories in his mind, Kohl has some idea of what each of his new monsters was.

Spirit Trees were Trees that awoke a Spirit, basically becoming slightly conscious of their surroundings, the older a Spirit Tree got, the more intelligent and wise it became.

Some Trees evolved and obtained defensive and offensive abilities to protect themselves, and some just grew to become massive trees that towered over their world, their roots running throughout their entire planet. Some were even written to be able to house entire worlds on their branches, making them similar to world trees that connected multiple worlds together through their roots.

From what Kohl remembered, Sprites were tiny creatures the size of insects that were playful and mischievous, acting like rebellious and playful children, they loved to sing and play with the trees and anything else they encountered even if they didn't play back, and when Winter arose, the Sprites would stay with the trees, singing to them, helping them survive through winter and the loneliness that arose after all the birds and other animals would leave them due to the harsh cold.

The Sprites have beautiful and glistening membranous wings with their bodies taking the shape of humanoids. Most of their bodies were covered with green leaves, and their skin was snow white. Their eyes, however, were completely black, void of any features that would indicate where they were looking and make the looker feel as if they are looking into an abyss. Their hair could range from something as simple as black hair, to as exotic as pink and purple.

And these Sprites were young, basically children.


Name: Unnamed

Race: Young Tree Sprite

Level: 1/5

EXP: 0%

[A/N: ^ Saving me the trouble of having to do a lot of math, more than I already have to]

Health: 15/15 (2.5 per hour)

Mana 3/3 (1.25 per hour)

Stamina: 15/15 (5.0 Per Hour)

[Phyiscal Stats]

Strength: 1

Agility: 15

Endurance: 5

Vitality: 5

Preception: 5

Reaction: 30

[Mental Stats]

Intelligence: 1

Wisdom: 1

Willpower: 1

Resistance: 5

Control: 5

Focus: 1

General Skills: None

Racial Skills: [Flight], [Nature's Communication], [Nature's Bond], [Fae Language]

Resistances: [Nature Magic Lvl 30]

Level Up Rewards: +0.5 HP, +1 Stamina, +1 MP, +1 Free Stat Points]


All it would take is a slap from a Modern Human to cripple and nearly kill one of the Sprites, they were that weak, but they had one advantage, they could react and fly faster than a Human could move and react, and the Sprites have quite the sharp teeth.

As for the Spirit Tree, its stats were abysmal, with it only having any stats in Endurance, Vitality, Wisdom, and Intelligence, and even then for its mental stats they were at 1, they were less intelligent than even animals, simply feeling emotions and living simple lives.

As for the Earth Elemental, it was a true combat entity, Elementals from what Kohl remembered could become living natural disasters if given enough time, or even stronger.

Kohl reminisced in memory of a beautiful woman coated in ash and flames fighting one on one with a Lighting Elemental, their blows capable of causing a normal human to disintegrate, both so strong that they'd be walking army killers and city destroyers with the sheer might they could bring forth.

The Earth Elemental was weak right now, barely the size of a human hand, floating mindlessly across the forest without a care.

As for the plants, the only things left to finish maturing were the trees, many of the shrubs have even begun bearing berries that the Sprites have been eating.

Kohl made sure to save the new monsters into its entity list, so if he needed to he could create more or revive the ones currently living.

To create Spirit Trees, it would cost 50 Mana, and Sprites cost 10 Mana a piece, while the Earth Elemental cost 150 Mana to create.

And while Kohl would normally just dump all of its mana into summoning Entites and Monsters, he frankly did not need them right now and could use the mana elsewhere.

Kohl suspects that the forest will soon be finished growing in a few days, as he can still feel that some of its mana lingered in the soil, still increasing the plants' rate of growth.

The question is, what should he use his mana on?

He could expand his mana capacity by enlarging his core, he could try to experiment and try to find other ways to increase his mana capacity or find ways to increase his mana generation, or he could even begin searching for his first dimension to attach to.

He had many things to do, he just had to decide what came first.

It took him only moments before deciding on finding ways to increase his passive mana generation.

The question was, how?

Then, Kohl had an idea.

What if Kohl managed to create something that drew the void energy from the void and converted the energy into Dungeon Mana?

It should be possible, Kohl needed to only figure out how to do it.

In the meantime, Kohl pumped 50% of its mana into his core, increasing his core's size, and capacity depending on the amount of mana he used.

-500 Units Mana


Kohl did the math, 20 Units of its mana for a single point increase in its capacity.

As for its size, it only noticed an increase of 1/5th of an inch in its diameter.

Moving on, Kohl began experimenting.

He first created a large stone disc that lay within the dirt and soil of his dungeon.

He needed to learn how to enchant.

Which, would have been near impossible for Kohl if he was any regular dungeon, but he is not.

The stories in his mind would greatly help, he just had to choose which enchanting system to use.

He could go Tamrielic Enchantments(Elder Scrolls), Azeroth Enchanting (World of Warcraft), Minecraftian Enchantments, the Outsider's Enchantments(Dishonored), and so much more.

Eventually, Kohl made his decision.

Tamrielic Enchantments were fueled by souls and mana. The Enchanted items would be imbued with magical effects or 'spells' that a mage was familiar with.

In the world of Tamriel, to learn enchantments, students, and mages were taught to destroy the item and its enchantment and absorb the energy left behind, gaining knowledge of how to cast that enchantment themselves.

The Enchantments were limited to the senses and limbs of the user and their knowledge.

[A/N: Following is copied from wiki]

According to the mages of Tamriel, once enchanted, an item will not enchant again.

This is called the Law of Firsts. The first enchantment is the only one that takes.

However, a mage named Brarilu Theran discovered the secrets of imbuing an item with two enchantments. According to the mage, a Dragon shared the secret that a skillful enchanter can weave two enchantments simultaneously into an item.

For men and elves, the limit is two. The dragon said that men and elves have two arms, two legs, two eyes, and two ears. When asked why that mattered, the Dragon simply laughed.

The enchanter must weave one enchantment with the left hand while weaving the other with the right. The eyes must focus on one and only one enchantment, while the ears only pay attention to the other. When asked about legs, the Dragon laughed again. Brarilu spent two years mastering the technique and managed to make a sword with both fire and fear enchantments.

Kohl would not be limited by mortal senses and limbs, basically allowing him to possibly enchant a single item with however many enchantments he wished, and even then, the item would only be limited by material, the skill of the creator, and the soul gem used to set the charge of the item.

Let's say an item, particularly a steel sword that was created by the best blacksmith in the entire world and enchanted with extreme durability, unbelievable sharpness, the ability to set targets aflame, drain the target's vitality with each slash, and even an enchantment that would paralyze the target after being hit, but the sword and enchantments were only charged with a Petty Soul gem.

After just a single slash, if even that, the enchantments would run out of charge, and fail, making the steel sword just that, a steel sword.

However, if the enchantments were fueled by a Grand Soul Gem or even a Black Soul Gem? The enchantments could last dozens if not hundreds of attacks before needing to be recharged depending on the skill and efficiency of the enchanter.

So, what Kohl was planning, was stacking an absurd amount of enchantments on a single item, and having the enchantments work in a specific sequence.

The Enchantment Kohl was thinking of would draw in the void energy, the second enchantment would safely store the energy, the third enchantment would slowly drain the stored energy, the fourth enchantment would slowly convert the energy into mana, while however many other enchantments would be used to reinforce the item's durability, mana attraction, and other traits to make the item self-efficient and capable of running on a very small amount of soul energy and mana, but generate much more than it consumed.

There's just one problem with this plan, Kohl didn't have the exact 'knowledge' that the Mages of Tamriel managed to obtain after countless years of study ad experimentation.

Kohl would have to start from scratch and relearn all of the enchantments himself, which would take a 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 long time, especially with the knowledge and memories of the worlds and stories had being mostly from an observation point of view.