
The Duke And I {(Sweet duchess in my house)}

Bethany Debrrieve a Baron Daughter Her only dream is to have a family full of love and happiness. But when Bethany start to think that her life will change, Something big incident will happen, her twin brother will need her help!. Bethany has no choice but to ask help from the duke of west, Duke Willbert Lawrence The black dragon of west, fighting and protecting the west territory of Kingdom of Grindol. Brethany has a vision it was a Man and his aide conversing. “You’re highness, the Senior’s is doing this to pressure you to produce an heir” “It’s irritating, they only know how to whine!” ……….. a year later Bethany almost forgot that odd vision, Bethany can’t believe that this odd vision is a key for her to receive a help from the terrifying Duke! First day “Duke i can help you to produce an heir” “Get lost” Second day “Duke i will produce an heir for you! I just need one help” This scene happen up to the eleventh day! “Fine! Sign this contract!” Bethany read the words written in the contract “Marriage with no divorce” Bethany look at the duke with her big amber eyes, while griping the pen tightly she lowered her hand and start writing her name, While sitting opposite her, the duke of west look at Bethany and smiled wickedly. ‘there is no turning back’ ……….. A/N : Hello My Dears! There will be no Major Misunderstanding No rape, (oh i really hate that) This story is bubbly and warm, Hope you enjoy my dears!

Jwrayt2424 · Historia
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20 Chs

Chapter Sixteen : Year end celebration (7)

An hour ago..

"Baron Dobrrieve! How are you?" Marquis Balton asked, then he glance at the young man standing beside the baron.

"Is this your son?" The other old man asked the Baron,

Alfred Dobrrieve, smiled at the group of nobleman, he replied proudly, "yes, this is Brett, my step son, introduce your self son"

Brett complied to his fathers order

"Hello good evening my lords, I'm Brett Dobrrieve, nice to meet you all" he slightly bow his head,

"This is your son who owns the popular fabric store right?" Marquis Balton asked again

"I think he owned also the antique store from the east side of town?"

Hearing this, the Baron felt proud, he laugh and said

"Yes yes. This son of mine is making me proud!, he is good managing kn business"

"He is good, are you planning to pass your title to this young man?" Count nelson asked

"But if you pass your title to him, how about your other son?" This time its marquis Den.

"Tch, that boy? I dont even know what is he doing in the academy, how i will pass my title to him?" The Baron's mood started to get sour, Brett standing on his father side, keep his silent, like he is not one of their topic,

Marquis Den, scoff after he heard the Baron's reply

'What a stupid man, i can't believe brenda marry him'

Marquis turn around and leave the group.

The other Nobleman who learned the news about Anthony Dobrrieve, hide their smile, while the father and son keep their smile, and drink happily, without knowing what awaits them later.



Nobles gave way, seperate in two side, the royal family walked on the red carpet, they continued until they reach the platform,

The emperor held the empress hand and walk up, Emperor Lewis stand in the middle and give his speech

"Tonight, again we are all here, to celebrate our Kingdom Year End celebration, every year is very meaningful to us, I appreciate our citizens, mostly our beloved Nobles for helping our great kingdom to prosper! We watch this year to end, and now we will look forward to our Next year prosperity,!"

"Tonight there will be two big event i want to address, but Ofcourse our night still long, and i want you all to enjoy the night first!"

The Emperor finished his speech and seat on his golden chair, the Empress followed, the Emperor wave his hand an action to call an aide, in a second the aide came.

"Bring me my stubborn nephew"

The aide bow his head and left.

In a minute the Duke Willbert come to the emperor.

"What do you want?" Willbert asked the emperor without ounce of respect.

Instead of getting angry, the emperor laughed loud

"Hahahaha!… Son, when you will get married? I release an order to bring all the single noble young ladies to attend tonight ball, did you find some one interesting?"

"I dont have time for this nonsense" willbert coldly replied.

"Crown prince" the emperor call the crown prince who is standing just below the platform, The crown prince came up immediately.

"Yes Father" the Emperor look back and forth from the two man standing before him, Again he laugh loud, this time its louder than before, nobles down are now staring at the royal Family.

"Well, you two are really alike! You can't say your not related, one is look like my lovely sist.."

"DONT!" Willbert snarled and did not allow the emperor to finish his word.

"Alright! No need to get angry tonight, well you two, there will be alot of young beautiful ladies there, i hope you can find someone you like,"

the emperor said and he glance at Willbert and continued

"especially you, son! I know what your planning with little head of yours, but i need you to produce an heir, and continue your Family household."

Willbert did not answer, turn around and left.

Crown prince Michael, glance at the Emperor, and left.

"Did you see that my Empress? They are really alike"

The Empress, "hhm" look at his son longingly.


The lively atmosphere inside the Ballroom continued,

When Bethany walk out from her carriage, at the same time Anthony jump down from his own.

"Master! Wait for me!" Eric, Anthony's secretary, called him loudly

Bethany hear her brother's name and look back,

There is two young man standing outside the brown carriage, one has a red hair that she remembered, this is exactly one of the three man she just saw from her previous vision, Infront of him has a pinkish hair, same like her, exactly identical to her!

"Bro - brother Anthony?" She called out

The two men bickering surprised by the sudden voice.

Anthony head snap towards the voice direction, his eye are now wide like a saucer,

"SISTER!" He dashed towards Bethany, and hugged her tightly, but immediately removed her from his embrace.

"Anthony, i can't breathe"

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm just excited" Anthony study his sister appearance, as always she looked beautiful,

"Is this mother's dress?" Anthony asked.

"Yeah, I altered little, how is it?

"Why are you asking that? You looked beautiful like always"

Bethany hear the word 'Beautiful' she can't help but furrowed her perfectly shaped brows.

"Anyway sister! Let's go, i have a surprise later"

Anthony grabbed her hand, but before that he saw his sister exposed empty neck.

"Sister, you don't wear any accessories?" Before his sister can answer,he instruct his secretary to bring the some of accessories he bought, Anthony already knows the reason why her sister are nit wearing any, for sure that Mellisa took it all! Anyway he have too much time now, slowly he will take it all back.

Anthony took a pair of earrings and necklace,

Its a heart shaped blue topaz stone, surrounded of white diamonds, its perfect to her blue dress.

"Where did you get this?" Bethany asked her brother

"Later i will tell you, but now we are running late sister"

The twins walk towards the entrance door, and let the announcer, to announce their arrival.




My dears! Three chapters for today! Hope you like the story so far!