


The Duke is acting weird. That morning some maids and servants were invited into their chambers and started taking measurements of Xueling body.

"Another dress?"



"Because I want you to look stunning."

"I don't look stunning enough?" She pouted and frowned.

"That's not it."

His eyes turned heavy at the look of her pouting face. 'Goodness, she is so pretty'. He glared at the servants daring to look at her.


"…" He looked around avoiding her gaze.

Xueling arched her brow finding funny how he was avoiding her question. "Tell me."

"I just wanted you to dress in something beautiful and…"

"And?" She smirked while crossing her arms.

"and…" He smiled mischievously. She knew he was to not good. He got near her with short steps and took her waist while letting his other hand run through her hair. Then he closed the distance to whisper into her ears. "and easy to take off." He gave a little pinch in her hip and ran away.

"You!" She was completely speechless and embarrassed. There were several maids with red faces eyeing the ground. Xueling could only lower her blushing face and turn around.



"Did you hear?"


"The Duke invited the famous jewel designer Suo from the Capital."

"Are you serious?"


"That man is a spirit designer, isn't he?"

"Yes, I bet the Duke wants to arrange a jewel for his beauty."

"Is that true?"

"I also saw a batch of gathering blue stones that arrived yesterday."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, they should have cost a fortune."



"Stop… hah"

He kissed her neck passionately and touched her intensely above her clothes.

"I can't."

The Duke looked at her warmly carefully examining her cute, blushed face. Then he lowered his face and kissed her breathless while she wrapped his neck with her arms.

"Xueling… Xueling"


His mouth navigated through her delicate neck to her soft white shoulder. He untied the ribbon of her nightdress and let the upper part loose.

His hands were touching her magnificent bosom and she began to moan in pleasure while he kissed her long neck and started moving down. He then took the rest of her clothes and she appeared completely naked in his eyes. He was tracing every inch of her skin slowly carving her image in his mind. Xueling felt shy and covered her body tightly with her arms.


"Xueling… you are so beautiful!"

He took her arms away and took her breast with his mouth.

"Don't please."

"Don't be scared, my love."

"But…" She had a scared and nervous look.

"I won't go the whole way I promise."


"Xueling please just a little."

She was scared but at the same time, she wanted him.

"Just a little."

He took his robes and uncovered his chest. She looked at him and was stunned but enchanted. She lifted her little and slender hand and touched him slowly tracing the lines of his muscles with her fingers.

Then he abruptly took her hand and kissed it until he reached her arm, then her shoulder gently traveling lower.

That night he made his main priority to cover her in red loving marks.




"What happened? Xueling are you alright?"


"I am sorry, it wasn't intentional!"

"Get out!"

"But Xueling, the water."

"Fix it and get out now!"

The magic artifact that was providing the water in the shower room had gone crazy and was spilling water like a broken fountain. All the place was a mess, and her clothes and towels were completely soaked. She was completely naked and under the tube. He repaired the artifact quickly, and everything became normal, just… for some reason he slipped into the tube and was totally soaked. Then he looked at her.


"Stop it Xueling, stop moving, or else…"

Her entirely naked body was for him to see when he took her arms to stop her from moving. He gulped.

"Stop… stop staring! Get out!"

"Xue… Xueling I can't get out right now."

"Why not?!"

He looked down and she followed. Her eyes were wide open, and she blushed hard again.


"What… what are you going to do?"

He didn't respond and took her lips while taking out his clothes. They both were naked and inside the tube. He guided her for the rest of her bath.



"What is going on?"

"Miss, the Duke hasn't come out of his study since this morning."

"What? Hasn't he gone out for business?"

The servants looked at each other hesitating. They were a little afraid.

"What is it? Tell me now!"

"Miss, the Duke locked himself in his study since last night and hasn't come out. He hasn't eaten and doesn't answer the door."

"Open the door."

"Miss, we can't disobey his orders. He asked to not be disturbed."

Xueling narrowed her eyes and moved to the door. She knocked loudly but no one responded. She became worried.

"Your Highness, open the door."

"Xueling I am working right now. I will go out later."

"Have you eaten?"



"I am really working, Xueling."

"If you don't open right now, I will never kiss you again."

"You can't!"

The Duke opened the door and pulled her inside, then he closed the door again, leaving the servants in confusion and surprised.

"You! What are you doing?" She looked at the man's face and then at the stain of ink on his chin. "What is this?"

She looked around and found several papers with a drawing inside.

"That's…" She tried to reach one of them but he hugged her and buried his face in her neck.

She looked at him and found his ears red. She noticed the drawings on his desk and found her face, a picture of her face. She smiled brightly and laughed.

"Your Highness? Lift up your face."

He did and she found his slightly blushed face incredibly cute. She kissed his cheek.

"You are an idiot." She whispered in his ears and kissed him on the lips while he was in a daze. Then he embraced her tightly while their lips submerged in a loving battle.



"Did you find anything about that man?"

"No, your highness, we tracked all the people he made contact with, but none of them knew anything?"

"Continue investigating."

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Alright, you can go."

The Duke was inside his quarters looking and caressing a picture of a very beautiful woman.

"Your Highness…"

"What is it?"

"We found several attempts on Miss Han's life."

The Duke raised his eyes and looked at the guard with coldness and a murderous gaze.


"The Minister of Revenue Suo and the Old Madam, but…"


"But Minister Suo was certainly instigated by Minister Luo."

The Duke narrowed his eyes and gripped his fist.

"Find everything and don't let anyone near her, do you understand?"

"Yes, Your Highness!" He bowed and disappeared.

The Duke continued to caress the picture in the paper.